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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3968287 No.3968287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so I was trying to reproduce these very tasty potato skin but I am stuck on finding the cheese suitable for them. Most cheddar I found - either block, shred or slice doesn't pull any "strings"and their flavor is too strong. are the restaurants using a mixture of mozzarella cheese and cheddar to reach the string pulling yet have enough flavor? Please advise me which cheese brand or what kind of cheese is the best to reproduce these tasty snacks.

>> No.3968290

It's shredded cheddar, dude.

>> No.3968292

The texture of the cheese, the 'stringiness' has less to do with the actual cheese and more to do with the temperature it's brought to, and the length of time it's cooked.

>> No.3968301

so I might have over cooked them. Does that mean I can just use cheddar only for potato skin recipe?

>> No.3968306


STFU, you pretentious shitposting tripfag.

the key here is to use young, mild cheddar and heat it until you start to see the top of the cheese bubbling and get a little color.

>> No.3968307

Why are you on this board, you fucking know nothing dick?

>> No.3968314

or use basically any other non-crumbling cheese and heat it until you see the same signs

>> No.3968317

>fry the potato skins
>add shredded cheddar
>broil until melted
>top with bacon and green onion

You mentioned the flavor you were getting was too strong, so why not use a mild cheddar? i.e., don't buy sharp cheddar

>> No.3968324

mild cheddar, got it! thanks.

>> No.3968325


SHITPOSTER....get out. no one want to hear your cooking fallacies or your idiotic ideas. These are potato skins and OP asked for classic restaurant style, which could mean nothing other than cheddar and bacon, NAO fuck off.

>> No.3968328

You're a loud moron, but you're still a moron.

There is no single 'restaurant' way to cook potato skins. While cheddar is popular, Monterey Jack, Mozzarella, and even Pepper Jack work just fine.

>> No.3968330

You don't know shit, you fucking fag.

>> No.3968334

you're clearly new here, so I'll give you a bit of a 'gimme' - I only really reply to people who post about food. Since none of the words in your last post really had anything to do with food, at all, it would have been disqualified from a reply altogether.

But it's the morning and I'm being lazy, and like I said, you're obviously new here. So, I'll take a moment and spell it out for ya.

Thanks for staying on topic!
Captcha: oasily knowledge

>> No.3968338


>While cheddar
>Monterey Jack
>Pepper Jack

NONE of these are acceptable shitposter; have you even been to merica? Every low tier restaurant, dive bar, diner and merican' food joint sells, potato mother fucking skins with bacon and cheddar.

>> No.3968340

I've never seen you help anyone about food. Just a bunch of nonsense that most people on this board know is wrong.
enjoy your delusions though.

>> No.3968345

that would be because?

Hint: The right answer starts with D and ends at the bottom line.

Eat at more expensive restaurants, and you see other cheeses.

>> No.3968351

Dude, you're shitting up this thread more than the Tripfag you keep calling out. Just filter him if it bothers you so much.

>> No.3968359


YOU shit posting racist, your going to make fun of my country, my culture and my socioeconomic status...why don't you get off your damn high horse, bigot. This is exactly what I'm talking about shitposter, none of your insults or bigotry have anything to do with the real potato skins that have been a classic merican' staple for generations.

>> No.3968362

Someone else is getting annoyed by your antics.
I've decided you aren't worth any more replies. Bye.

>> No.3968383


why do you receive so much hate in this thread? is it just one jerk or are you a troll? your advice seems pretty decent to me.

>> No.3968392

/ck/ has a bipolar community consisting of food enthusiasts and bored people.

The food enthusiasts happily swap recipes, relate stories, discuss possibilities, and give each other advice.

The bored people?
Only do one of those 4
>Cool story bro

So they fill the void with trolling.
You do get used to it... The people who are serious, thank you =) So while jerks like that chase you around spitting acid, the guy with stomach pains says thank you for a decent egg drop soup recipe, and the world keeps turning.

>> No.3968400


You forgot the third category:

Ego-stroking tripfags.

>> No.3968402

Jesus christ you may be worse than skeak

>> No.3968414


why do you say that? RF360 seems to know a lot about cooking, and is not a shitposter.

and, by using a nametag, we can identify the quality posts in a thread.

>> No.3968418



>> No.3968417

Don't forget to turn your trips back on, fag.

>> No.3968424


why the hate?

i am new to 4chan and i like the nametags that, as i said, help to identify established leaders of the community.

you are clearly a troll and should be removed from this message board.

>> No.3968433

"Nametags" don't designate "established leaders of the community."
I've been here longer than this kid, probably know more, and don't need the recognition of having a name.
That being said, a lot of restaurants use American cheese

>> No.3968438

Those are indeed shit tier places if they use american "cheese"

>> No.3968439
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>> No.3968450

Find me any good restaurant that serves potato skins. It's fucking bar food man. Get off your high horse.

>> No.3968454


darryle's in raleigh and durham nc used to be an excellent restaurant with potato skins that were incredibly good.

>> No.3968456

No, I agree with him. Most places find mild cheddar affordable enough, and 'american' is pretty foul as far as cheese goes.

If Cheddar is the bottom line, american is below the belt.

>> No.3968458

Keep exposing your ignorance about food, nitwit.

>> No.3968460

Find me a place that uses American instead of Cheddar, pig fucker.

Cheddar > American for potato skins any day.

>> No.3968462
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>help to identify established leaders of the community.

BAWWHAHAAAAA....that might be the most idiotic statement in 4chin history

>> No.3968463

If you want American cheese taste without being an Amerifat piece of shit, get some Butterkase.

>> No.3968467

Yeah I agree with that. I for one post anon most of the time, but when I'm in a slightly trolltastic mood I'll put this name on the posts to flame butthurt tards.

>> No.3968472


you wouldn't recognize a troll if he were wearing lavender tights and riding a llama down main street while singing the marseilles and eating cheesy poofs.

>> No.3968479


wait...when did trolls start ridding llamas?

>> No.3968487


You may need to lurk a bit more, guy
Well, take your time with it, and thanks for the vote .. I think

>> No.3968490
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Stand back fellas. I am here to lead us to VICTORY.

>> No.3968501


it was supposed to be so ridiculous as to be an obvious joke post.

i will go back to lurking now...

>> No.3968518
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to post in this thread, everyone must now choose a tip

>> No.3968538

Quality leaders of the community on par with yeastbeast and rf360

>> No.3968539

Fuck yeah