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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 588x441, nadia-theatrical-blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3962929 No.3962929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /ck/, work 3rd shift, other night channel surfing i stumbled on nadia g bitchen kitchen halloween special, oh god i want her to have my babies. am i only one?

>> No.3962940
File: 55 KB, 616x462, CCBKN302_Nadia-makes-adult-pbj_s4x3_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even close

>> No.3962942

Probably. She just pisses me off. She's hot but I can't stand her or her kitschy tasteless style. I'd bang her spitefully and make damn sure that she didn't have my babies.

>> No.3962945
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>> No.3962960

I would plow her, but it would be in a spiteful manner as indicated by anon (>>3962942).

If she derived any pleasure it would be accidental on my part. Her ass would be stretched beyond capacity by a delicious double penetration using my fat greasy cock and a massive coil of kielbasa.

If she dared to use that terrible fake accent I would dig deep in her dark chocolate hole and proceed to go ass-to-mouth in an effort to shut her up with her own stink on my dick.

>> No.3962962

She is Guy Ferry for women.

>> No.3962964

I find her 4/10 but shes a zero in my book because she has such a try hard air around her

>> No.3962967
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>I would dig deep in her dark chocolate hole and proceed to go ass-to-mouth in an effort to shut her up with her own stink on my dick.
>YFW typing that.

>> No.3962970

Basically this.

>> No.3962971

not 100% getting this, you saying shes a stupid mouthpiece for the network?

>> No.3962977

He is saying she is incredibly annoying, a big try-hard, and a fucking idiot. On top of what you said.

>> No.3962981
File: 46 KB, 400x300, mitt-romney-newt-gingrich from west orlando news online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geez you guys sound like you hang out with these dudes.

>> No.3962992

Why does Food Network have to hire a bunch of hosts who are annoying as hell? Can't they just have some normal person who doesn't have an obnoxious personality or seem like some piece of shit who acts like their life is perfect? I enjoy the cooking shows that PBS airs more than this .

>> No.3963044


TV chefs will never be the same after Julia Child.
She was perfection.

>> No.3963067

She cooked bland boring food by today's standards.

>> No.3963079

Nope. Would marry Nadia Giosia in a fucking heartbeat

>> No.3963081

Who cares about today's standards? Not I. I like what tastes good and her food tasted good.

But I was mostly talking about personality.

>> No.3963083
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>> No.3963089

Considering you faggots think that everything has to have bacon, cheese and as much fat as possible, I guess you would think it was bland.
Pleb palates are for plebs. In other words, enjoy your trashy lifestyle.

>> No.3963095

She is Canadian.

>> No.3963098

She's an Italian born in Canada. What's your point?

>> No.3963103

No, I can eat Vietnamese, Korean, Thai, Indian, Sri Lankan, Hakka, Malaysian, Jamaican, Turkish, Ethiopian, Lebanese, Rwandan, Portugese, Chinese, Japanese, Hungarian, etc. foods where I live.

French food is fucking boring. Maybe when prime rib was the apex of culinary creations and something to dream about, I can see her shit being exciting.

But in modern times? Fuck no.

>> No.3963105

>thinks her accent is real


>> No.3963111

Well, y'know. I've met her, and spoken to her. So yeah, it's real.
She was also on an episode of Bizarre Foods, spoke the same way.

>> No.3963112

A T.V. personality maintaining their persona on another show???

>> No.3963115

Do you have any proof that it's a fake accent? No? Didn't think so.

>> No.3963126

My ears.

>> No.3963138

Might want to get those checked.
Look, I'll admit that during her show she'll exaggerate it once in a while, but other than that it's how she talks. I don't see how that's such a hard thing to believe.

>> No.3963143

>born in Montreal to Italian parents
>somehow talk like that

Sorry bro, I am Canadian and that isn't how it works. Second generation Canadians don't have this.

>> No.3963151

To me she sounds like anyone from Montréal

>> No.3963157

>marrying a woman with tattoos

raise your standards.

>> No.3963218

you lost, get over it.

>> No.3963231

wasn't even the same guy, but whatevs. congrats on winning your internet argument.
You're still wrong though.

>> No.3963238
File: 17 KB, 440x310, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, another one!

>> No.3963264

itt: retards who have never heard of a quebecois accent

>> No.3963651

1. Hans
2. Panos
3. Nadia

9001. The Spice Agent

90001. Panos' Wife

>> No.3963654

btw, seriously, this is only the second cooking show that could ever be considered watchable
the first being 'food party'

>> No.3963751

I live in Quebec, people do not talk with bad Jersey accents. I know you want to believe that (and it would be funny if this was true), but that isn't reality.

>> No.3963749

>To me she sounds like anyone from Montréal
You can use an accent aigu to try and fabricate street cred, but your claim is laughable.

>> No.3963779
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whatever her accent is, it's totally shpak

>> No.3963785
File: 41 KB, 400x267, 6a00d8341c630a53ef0133ecfe5395970b-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MYY NEGRO!! food party IS THE SHIT

>> No.3963875
File: 98 KB, 260x285, 1341940073129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in New Jersey, and I'm pretty sure you have no idea what a Jersey accent is.
Jersey accent =/= italian/american accent

>> No.3963910

She's like the Andrew Dice Clay of women cooks.

>> No.3963938

YO, you two. you guys are the fucking shit. Never met anyone that's ever seen the show but me.

>> No.3963950

I'll be you watch MTV...

>> No.3963951

I post Food Party in "best tv chefs" threads all the time. Bitch cooked for Beyoncé and Jay Z: can Jamie Oliver make the same claim? Fuck no he can't.

>> No.3963961

solid reasoning, bro

>> No.3965833


>> No.3965835


>makes a comparison to Jamie Oliver as a basis for "best TV chef"
>implies cooking for famous food aficionados (talentless niggers) Jay Z and Beyonce displays culinary expertise

>> No.3965855

Racists confirmed for watching Nigella Lawson