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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3961620 No.3961620 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any other faggots here who dream of going to the USA and binging on the abundance of greasy crap they have?

I think for my next holiday I'll travel to North America, by myself, and return as some grotesque dough ball.

>> No.3961623
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>> No.3961622
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Captcha: uberUSA meal

>> No.3961625
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>> No.3961626
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>> No.3961627
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>> No.3961629
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>> No.3961630

> irony

>> No.3961632
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>> No.3961635
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And you don't think it is?

>> No.3961638
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>> No.3961640
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Yeah you guys are missing out. The abundance of fried, greasy, heart-attack inducing food is astounding.

>> No.3961660


The picture in question was overwhelmingly British.

>> No.3961664

NW American here i like carne asada fries but probably couldn't get them in mexico haha

>> No.3961667


Where do you get them around here? It's not standard taco truck fare in my experience.

>> No.3961671

This is a breakfast with a crumpet and beans, nobody in America would eat that for breakfast. We just use ENGLISH MUFFINs for egg sandwiches.

>> No.3961673

there's a taco shop in my town of Dallas, Oregon that has a giant plate for $5.50

imagine you could ask for them if they have fries, beef, avocado, sour cream, cheese maybe they'll put it on the menu

>> No.3961677

I am Canadian but I went to Texas and was very excited to try out the eats. I didn't really eat greasy shit, I went to good restaurants but fuck I got some good food down there

>> No.3961691

Oooo, did some,one touch a nerve? Is that why you're getting so worked up over the obvious?

>> No.3961696
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Hit Canada for the poutine. Murrica has nothing on artery clogging

>> No.3961718

Eww squigdy curds

>> No.3961723

me me me

roscoe's chicken and waffles
quadruple bypass burger at the heart attack grill
chilli cheese everything

>> No.3961725

And certainly no fucking onion rings and beer. And how many restaurants u see that run their fryer at the same shift they cook breakfast?

>> No.3961737

It's probably a brunch at an english themed bar.

>> No.3962080
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, HolyshitIamsogungry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be hungry as fuck crazing greasy high calorie foods
>go on /ck/
>see this thread
Sweet jesus.

>> No.3962087
File: 556 KB, 797x366, picrelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't even a fucking crumpet in the picture you plebeian.

Pic fucking related.

>> No.3962098

Is food in Europe really not greasy at all? I mean, it's not like every meal we eat or every vendor that sells food has those absurd deep-fired everything piles of grease foods that one might see in pictures.

And why come here? Don't you people have deep-fryers? Why not just make disgusting foods where you live?

>> No.3962104

Upon reading this post after making it I realized it sounds really condescending. It wasn't meant to.

>> No.3962120

the nature and the unhealthy food are the only reasons why i ever would want to visit the usa

>> No.3962126

>be wrestler trying to cut ~15lbs
>go on /ck/
>see this thread
Why do I do this to myself?

>> No.3962127


The answer is stop eating at trucks, you faggot.

>> No.3962134

when i drove down to usa, i went to the taco bell which we dont have here, anyways, it wasnt that good, we had a taco bell here, but they closed it, it was good. also i wanted to try papa johns pizza so i tried that and it was mediocre the coca cola tasted a little bit better then the stuff we have up here. anyway pizza pizza they opened here is the worst pizza ever

they opened up another five guys here, but there menu is stupid small. hot dog or hamburger, cheese or bacon, its boring. fries and drink.

>> No.3962138
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>Is food in Europe really not greasy at all? I mean, it's not like every meal we eat or every vendor that sells food has those absurd deep-fired everything piles of grease foods that one might see in pictures.

In all honesty America is healthy eating tier when you compare it to some European nations.

I'm talking about you Scotland.

>> No.3962168

I know your pain.
Just went through extensive jaw surgery. Can't open my mouth.
I haven't eaten anything in days. I've been living on yoghurt, milk and juice.
Not a single dump was taken since last Thursday.

>> No.3962175

There are lots of greasy food in Euope, but I guess we just eat less of it?

some of my favourite foods are things like salami, cheese, paté, fatty cuts of meat, gravies, I love using rendered fat in cooking because, to quote my great grandmama, the fat is where the flavour is.

I put butter on everything, went to america and they served me pig disgusting "I can't believe it's not butter"

But I have never been served AS MUCH food as I have in america. And food in america generally seems a lot sweeter, maybe you guys eat more sugar than we do, moreso than fat?

>> No.3962183

>But I have never been served AS MUCH food as I have in america

Have to agree with this. The portion sizes in America are two or three times what they are in Europe.

>> No.3962186

No one eats fried mars bars here. I think the problem is the portion sizes in the america. They are just huge compared to anything in the uk.

>> No.3962204

I've been. The south of USA is the best by far. I went to northern Florida:

Awesome tacos, awesome burritos, awesome diners (best french fries and meatloaf sandwich I have EVER had), awesome truckstop eateries (I'm looking at you waffle house), pulled pork BBQ sandwiches with a gazillion different BBQ sauces, tex mex, fried chicken, massive burgers, massive steaks, giant deep fried onions, delicious produce, etc. etc. etc.

I'm married to an american, when I go I pretty much just go to eat fast / junk food every day and eat tons of candy and snacks.

>> No.3962215

wtf I didn't think you could even get internet way out there. Damn. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.3962278

I live in California, and I'm warning you now, if you do happen to come to the U.S. in hopes of binge eating unhealthy greasy foods, do not come to California.
The food is no less unhealthy or greasy, but the flavor quality is much worse than the South or Midwest.
The only places that would be worth it in California are chain restaurants.
Though I do recommend going to West Yellowstone, Wyoming. It's right next to the park, and they have some of the best bison burgers I've ever tasted.

>> No.3962283

That's not always true. Seafood portions in France and the UK are a lot bigger than the ones you would be given in America. That's one of the things I look forward to the most when I travel to Europe, because I get so little here.

>> No.3962289

OP I'd suggest you go to Texas or Louisiana for your God-food sojourn. Texas for the BBQ and Mexican food, Louisiana for the cajun, creole and soul food. Houston and New Orleans are the two best food cities I've been to, somebody correct me if I'm way off here.

>> No.3962308

The only problem with that is you actually have to be in the south to eat the food their. Obviously not worth it.

>> No.3962312

The south isn't really that bad like some make it out to be. Just stick to the larger sized cities and avoid the sketchy looking towns with population 500.

>> No.3962328


I was in DC for a bit and found the Old Ebbit Grill did half priced seafood at the end of the day. I'd go drinking in the evenings and stumble in for a platter of oysters for about £10 before heading back to my hotel.

>> No.3962501


After Katrina, a shitload of southerners moved up to the Northwest, because we don't get hurricanes or tornadoes ever. Now, we have delicious southern food all over the place! Good deal.

>> No.3962510

Trust me, most Americans don't want your smelly, non shaven, tabacco smoke stench clothed, bad breathe having, crooked tooth bearing ass in our country either.

>> No.3962516

I lived in Texas for 19 years after I got out of the Army. I visited LA more times than I can remember - both New Orleans and Baton Rouge to enjoy both Cajun and Creole foods. And I know everyone has their pride about their state's bbq but I must hand the winning title to Texas. I've tried Q from all over - NC, TN, KS, MO, MS, GA, AL - some great places to enjoy great food but Texas takes the prize.

>> No.3962515

theres a burger in my local diner called a heart attack, i think it takes off like a 10 minutes off your life if you eat it. i tried it before i felt like crap for weeks, would do again.

>> No.3962517

NYC for fucking food

>> No.3962524
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It's funny how nothing you said can be tied to the poster you're bashing.

I personally love conversing with people from other parts of the world. Stay shut in, buttmad fag.

>> No.3962539

I've traveled the world twice and seen it once. There is no place on Earth that is as great as the USA. I've been there and done that. I fucking despise foreign visitors. They are useles humps. Every time one of them asks me for directions, I always point them the opposite way.

>> No.3962536

Dude, I live in Houston. You MUST come here for food OP. You could literally walk down Westheimer and eat at a different restaurant everyday and still be on that street for weeks. The food here is super diverse and delicious.

>> No.3962542

I hear ya, you have already enough of those.

>> No.3962568

We could reduce it by 99% if we closed the borders.

>> No.3962575

If that was truly your experience, it is very likely that you have had bad experiences because you are genuinely a bad person. Many people seem to not realize that the quality of their relationships and encounters with other people are more affected by the type of person YOU are yourself, rather than them.

I've traveled to other countries as well. I have met wonderful people and had great experiences. It's a pity you are too bitter to have enjoyed your travels and times.

>> No.3962578

if you don't eat lot of greasy foods, take it easy when you get here. If you overdo it, you
will regret it.

>> No.3962594

I live like two blocks from that stretch of Westheimer in Montrose with all the good restaurants. There are a lot of awesome ones there but my favorite thing is finding delicious and unassuming dives in the more obscure neighborhoods. Third ward, east end, etc. The city is so big and there are so many awesome places to eat that its overwhelming. If you like eating out at ethnic restaurants and you don't mind driving this place is like a promise-land for foodies and fat fucks like me.

>> No.3962609

OP, you may have heard this, but if you get the chance, you must try In n Out.
Whenever I go there I get a double double (Double cheeseburger) animal style, with animal style fries. (They have processed cheese, caramelized onions, and Thousand Island dressing on them)
I don't go often but I love it whenever I do

>> No.3962610

That burger is ridiculous. Can't even be held or bitten into without making even more of a mess than it already is. Side dishes are called as such for a reason. Fucking keep it on the side, damn.

>> No.3962615

I'd agree to an extent. I like me a big burger full of weird toppings but you've gotta draw the line somewhere. If its too big and stuffed to be able to hold and eat without it falling apart then its a shitty burger no matter how good it tastes.

>> No.3962618


>tfw living in Houston and trying not to get fatter

You guys like the Grand Lux Cafe?

>> No.3962638
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I've never been, I pass it all the time though. Is it good? And have you hit up Kenny & Ziggy's on Post Oak? Some of those sandwiches are nothing to fuck with, pic related. They need to do a Man vs Food Houston, I'd like to see him eat one of these things. Thats just half the sandwich.

>> No.3962642

Why does every country think we only eat cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, fried food, and wash it all down with nothing but soda. I haven't had a cheeseburger since June, and I made that myself at a cookout I was having.

This reminds me of this german kid I went to college with in Providence, Rhode Island. He wouldn't stop complaining about how shitty our food was and how bad the beer is. You know where he would go to eat? McDonalds, Wendy's, Papa Gino's, KFC. The beer he was drinking? Bud light, Busch, Keystone. Anyone who knows RI knows it has some great restaurants, especially on Federal Hill. The kid wouldn't even go to a grocery store, he went to 7-11 like that was our grocery store. Then RI isn't the craft beer capital of the USA, but Providence had many bars you could get some real great beer at, and a lot of restaurants to get craft brews at. Then there was Nikki's Liquor to buy your own craft beer.

>> No.3962647

I live at Alabama and Montrose. Tell me where you live and we can meet up and feed each other Niko Niko's and be silly together.

>> No.3962664

Not far from there. Not saying where though, there are some weird fuckers that live in Montrose. And there are also some weird fuckers that hang out on 4chan. And I don't like being silly.

>> No.3962670

Good call, anon. Be smart. Don't trust people on the internet.

>> No.3962690
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What exactly am I looking at here

>> No.3962702
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>home of the munchie box
>talking about portion

>> No.3962705

Talk about edgy.

>> No.3962715


>> No.3962717

Not really representative of our appetites friend. You get munchie boxes in a select few areas of Edinburgh and Glasgow for around £10. They mainly cater for extremely stoned and/or drunk students. I doubt anyone has ever actually finished one, but they're alright for sharing if you're baked.

>> No.3962721


Looks like carne asada fries.

>> No.3962727

American here. That looks focking delicious, what is it

>> No.3962732

I would gladly treat any eurofriend to a healthy (and that's where it gets funny, cause it's not actually healthy) amount of delicious, disgusting southernfood/amerifat food. I think it wold be awesome to vicariously experience my own culture through the eyes of a newbie. sounds great.

>> No.3962736

When I was at uni in Glasgow a munchie box usually contained chicken, vegetable and mushroom pakora, onion bhajis, potato fritters, chips, doner meat (lamb), naan bread and chilli sauce. Usually about £10 which is around $16. They're kinda disgusting but irresistible if you're really high.

>> No.3962739

Munchy box bro, looks like donor beef, fries, onion rings, and naan bread there, which is pretty typical.


>> No.3962780

You generally get one for sharing between 2-3 people. And you are usually drunk.

>> No.3963090
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>> No.3963291
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Fuck yes. I'm a pretty slim guy. But I dream of one day going to New York on a food vacation or something.

>1 week
>3 meals each day
>Eat at a different place for each meal.

It will probably be expensive, but I've always wanted to do it.