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File: 129 KB, 400x300, Pottery_bowl_with_m_ms_blog[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3958928 No.3958928 [Reply] [Original]

What are you handing out this 31st? My parents give out a handful of this to the dismay of children and parents.

Yes we're ethnic.

>> No.3958933

Does ethnic mean cheap? if so I am ethnic the little shetboxes get nothing from me. I lock my gate and watch movies with the lights out.

>> No.3958934

We usually give out a fruity candy and a chocolate one. Not sure what exactly yet.

>> No.3958935

I got a few different bags of mixed candy.

>> No.3958954

The cheapest bag of mixed candy at the store.

Also, when I was a kid, my mother always insisted that I throw out candy that was easily tampered with (dumdums, anything wrapped as opposed to sealed), so now I only ever give out sealed candy because I don't want to waste money on something that might just get tossed.

>> No.3958960

I remember when I was small our neighbor gave out hot chocolate and baked goods.
Then the next year everyone was worried about contaminated stuff(I think there was a story on the news?) It was never the same.

>> No.3958968

I hand out full sized candy bars.

Enjoy getting your house egged and TP'ed.

>> No.3958981

bags full of rape

>> No.3958985

I have two different bowls of candy.
One bowl of the good stuff: Snickers, Tootsie pops, Butterfingers etc
And one bowl of cheap ass dollar store candy for the kids/teenagers with shitty "costumes" who put forth ZERO effort.
Last year a whole soccer team came to my door dressed in their uniforms, Cheap dollar store bubble gum for them.
I also had two kids come to my door with no costumes whatsoever, they were young kids too, it was really sad. I wanted to tell them I was sorry they had such shitty ass parents.

I give the older kids letter grades to their faces.

>> No.3958988

I'm thinking of giving out salt/pepper/ketchup/vinegar/hot sauce packets from various fast food places.

I think I will even put them in festive little candy bags to make it less obvious.

>> No.3958991

We hand out full sized candy bars to anyone in a costume, regardless of age. If you're not wearing a costume, but still hold out your old pillowcase or trash bag, you get ramen.

>> No.3958994

I'm not going to be giving out anything, because I'll be out at a party getting wasted and possibly (though probably not) laid.

>> No.3958999


hey, free eggs in the morning.

>> No.3959003

I've never been egged. That's why I give out the ghetto candy. I'd like to refuse the slackers candy but then you're just asking for an egging.
Most of the time I discreetly give the older kids with shitty costumes the ghetto candy, but when they're in a large group containing kids with decent costumes I more openly mock them.

Just because it's the 31st does not give you free candy by rights, it's the trick-or-treaters to amuse/impress/scare me with their costumes, you have a whole year to think about it and I don't give a shit how poor you are you can come up with something.

I take Halloween seriously, damnit.

>> No.3959004

You sound like a massive faggot.

>> No.3959015

I like to put trading cards in a bowl and let them pick out a card.

>> No.3959016

It looks like we found one of the shitbags who never wore a costume on Halloween.

>> No.3959033

what in my post sounds faggy to you? Perhsps you could be more specific.

>> No.3959050

My Mom always made me throw out unwrapped candy, so you are essentially giving out nothing, OP.
In fact, you are making it more difficult because I would have to go out of my way to throw them out. You're a monster.

>> No.3959057
File: 18 KB, 400x300, caramel-onion-apple-start[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kids get the candy from last year.
My friends get delicious caramel coated onions. All the crunch of apples but with that full onion taste.

>> No.3959065

Remember when people used to leave big bowls of candy out, because they didn't want to go to the door?

I was *that kid* who stole the entire bowl. E'ry time.

>> No.3959067

>My Mom always made me throw out unwrapped candy
lol your mom is retarded.

"Oh, it is in a wrapper, those twisted waxed papers are impervious to tampering"

>> No.3959068

I give them an option, they can either get a cup of rice or a cup of pintos. I don't believe all these sugars and artificial colors and flavors are good for the little kids. It makes me feel good to help them out by giving out free nutritious foods with enough energy in them to be a meal.

>> No.3959073

I got two bags from the store, I don't even remember whats in them. Last year I had people with neck beards and teenagers with pimples. I tell them to fuck off, if they're old enough to grow a neck beard they can get a job, this shits for kids.

No eggs, no toilet paper. No pumpkins smashed. And I've lived here for 12 years and said the same thing every year.

>> No.3959074

Nothing, because people have become ridiculous about Halloween, knocking on the door until very late at night (9-10pm), asking to come in the house, asking to use the restrooms, letting their kids piss in the bushes, pushing, shoving and just grabbing, moms trick or treating "for" their 6 month old baby, etc.

>> No.3959093

that stuff just gets thrown away, its a waste of money giving out loose candy, no responsible parent will let their kid eat anything that is not in a wrapper

>> No.3959099

>responsible parent

luckily they're in short supply. candy for all!

>> No.3959104

I'm handing out m&ms, kit kat bars, and cookies and cream Hershey bars. All fun sized because I'm cheap.

I used to have a neighbor that handed out little Halloween pastries. I remember one year I got a white chocolate ghost cupcake. It was great.

>> No.3959124

I am handing out disappointment letters to this generation of Holloween celebrators.
> this is a satanic holiday
> any other religious person participating is stupid to go against their faith this way.
>The amount of candy your kid is expected to consume could cause diabetes which is more expensive than that bag of candy is valued for.
> Here is what is acceptable as a meal for your kids, not fucking chicken nuggets
> teach them temperance, and hating specific foods is bad.
>from your fellow neighborhood watch person.

>> No.3959133
File: 64 KB, 500x417, prosthetic_comparison.s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We get very few kids in this area because its an offshoot of the main street. I give them two choices: the bowl of cheap ass candy, or reach into the hollow prosthetic leg. Its filled with king size versions of the good candy.

Strangely, I'm almost always left with more of the good candy than the bad :(

Pic related, only mine are flesh colored

>> No.3959137


You're a fucking faggot. What if the kid is just too poor to put together a real costume?

>> No.3959138

I do a similar thing with my trench coat.

>> No.3959140

Are you a paraplegic? Honestly I wouldn't want to stick my hand in a used leg. I imagine it can get pretty rank after some hot days ?

>> No.3959142 [DELETED] 

actually holloween is based off the mexican tradition of honoring the dead it's called dia de los muertos(day of the dead) it's not satanic.

>> No.3959146

I am, but its not a leg that I actively use. It was given to me by the state, then my private insurance kicked in and got me a good one. So its never been worn. That'd be fucking gross.

>> No.3959151

You're a moron. Halloween has nothing to do with Dia de los Muertos. Its a -pagan- not satanic, from the Celtic Samhain.

>> No.3959148


You reek of unwarranted self-importance, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3959155


>> No.3959157

Samhain and Walpurgisnacht, look'em up.

>> No.3959161

You should sit on the porch with your art. leg loose and then scare the children when it comes off.

>> No.3959170

pretty much the only recorded cases of tampering with halloween candy has been from the parents to their own children

razors in apples etc is an old wive's tale

>> No.3959184

>too poor.
There's no such thing as too poor to get a costume, you can rip clothes and be a hobo, you can buy a sheet at the thrift store for a dollar and cut some fucking holes in it, you can make a goddamned mask out of paper for christ's sake. There's no such thing as too poor I grew up without a lot of money and i had friends who were dirt fucking poor, but the difference is our parents gave a shit about making good childhood memories regardless of how much money we had. Any halfway decent parent would be fucking mortified to send a kid out with no costume trick-or-treating.
It is you who are the faggot.
the person who claimed it was satanic provided no citation.

>> No.3959188

Jesus, how much of your life did you waste responding to a troll that just called you a faggot? He won.

>> No.3959194

true. last year since medical marijuana is legal in my state there were all these news stories about
>watch out there might be weed in your halloween candy BOOOO!!!!!
at the end of which they quickly stated there were no actual reports of this happening. Why the fuck would anyone give away good pot candy? that shit is expensive I'm not wasting it on fucking kids.
you're dumb. My sister in law made an awesome teapot costume for her kid (the doormouse from alice in wonderland) out of paper miche and wire hangers, shit probably cost $2 tops

>> No.3959196
File: 30 KB, 350x295, 2737579thb[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents are jew (see: chinese) too. They put a few of these in the kids bags.

I honestly felt sorry for the one who said he was allergic AFTER they put it in his bag. They didn't understand the word allergic.

>> No.3959220

>we're ethnic
holy shit only white people describe people as ethnic; thank god those that do are a minority

dear op and everyone else who does this, please stop. when you use that word in that context, it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.3959224
File: 676 KB, 800x800, 1331247416559.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I honestly felt sorry for the one who said he was allergic AFTER they put it in his bag

Tell your parents I love them

>> No.3959231

I'll be handing out cornish game hens.

>> No.3959235


I completely agree. I grew up so fucking poor that Christmas was just a school break. But Halloween... Halloween was MY day. No one could take it away! I made costumes out of paper bags and old clothes. I used my pillowcase and I got my candy every fucking year. I value Halloween over all other holidays. Fuck the stoner teenagers looking for canfy or the punk kids with entitlement issues!

>> No.3959243

True. One year I went as a political message. My mother put me in a trash bag, stuffed it full of newspaper and taped a banner around me reading, "Clean up America." A ratty wig and a dirtied face and I was out the door collecting candy.

>> No.3959252

I usually put together small bags filled with different kind of candy. Reeses, snickers, pixie sticks, ect.

Although honestly I'd like to hand out packets of oatmeal. I love eating oatmeal, but I know if I did something like that on Halloween my house would get wrecked.

>> No.3959279

>Christmas was just a school break

That feel man.

>> No.3959280

I live in a university town so condoms probably

>> No.3959281

No one knocked on our place last year, roommate is deathly afraid of strangers so she told us all to turn our lights off so that it seemed like no one was home.

I was out anyways, so it really didn't matter.

This year I'll be in exams all night so she'll probably do the same thing again.

>> No.3959282

>you screw up and give condoms to a girl
>mother finds out later
>police called
>man soliciting elementary school girls
>sex offenders list permanently

>> No.3959287


Why are there elementary school girls on my university campus?

Clearly they're asking for it!

>> No.3959312

I know a lot of people like that. I work a shit job, which isn't that bad since I'm single, but most of my coworkers have families. Talking to one of them, there is absolutely no extra money. None. Every dollar in the paycheck is spent. If things break at home, they live with it, even if it would cost ten dollars to fix. There is no ten dollars, and there is no christmas or birthdays.

>> No.3959315

If a child looks through your bathroom window and sees you naked, you sex offender now. The law makes absolutely ZERO sense when children are in any way involved.

>> No.3959316

That's not ethnic, that's jewish.

>> No.3959319

Feels bad man. I see the same thing. Sometimes I feel put out and left behind because I don't have a wife and kids, but then I see the shit both the parents and the kids go through and it makes me feel lucky to be poor and single instead of poor and married with children.

>> No.3959320


You seem to be mentally handicapped good sir, I suggest you browse more suitable boards

>> No.3959327


>> No.3959328

Not handing out squat, hardly any kids in the area. Mostly college students.

>> No.3959331

>I live in the United States of Mittens Romney

>> No.3959359

I live right next to a fuckton of college dorms, including freshman dorms. I'm dreading this.

>> No.3959364


Are you fit / sexy?

If yes then seduce biddies

>> No.3959369

I tend to buy the big bag from Costco filled with mini Mars candy bars. Though, I wouldn't mind looking for something healthier. Kids nowadays got the 'beetus due to lazy parents.

>> No.3959371

Hey, I also buy costco candy!


Except I eat it all myself

>> No.3959384
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1346648679891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right on! I eat half the bag before it's even Halloween too.

>> No.3959414

One night in a year of letting them have regular candy isn't going to give them '"beetus'.
If their parents are lazy, they're fucked the other 364 days a year anyhow,

>> No.3959442

That's what I'm doing! I got:

a bag of Snickers (three kinds),
a bag of Twix,
a bag of Haribo Gummy Bears,
and a bag of Starburst and Skittles.

I figured that since I wasn't getting a lot, I could spring for the decent stuff. And if there's some left, it's all good. 'Cause it's the good shit.

>> No.3959455

Probably would have done this if my parents weren't there, ready to beat my ass like a redheaded stepchild.
And I was thinking about leaving the bowl out; thanks for reminding me why that'd be a bad idea.

>> No.3959463

>Not giving out organic flax seeds and wheat bran

>> No.3959467

Leaving the Porch & Front Lights off master race

>> No.3959471

Still better than Smarties/Mary Janes/other candy that NOBODY WANTS.

>> No.3959480

Hundreds of Caramel Apple suckers. Myself nor my parents give a shit about the treats but we like contributing to the community.

>> No.3959482

Snickers, KitKats, JollyRanger Lollipops, Peppermints, Mini-Herseys, M&Ms and Skittles.

I don't kid around.

>> No.3959484

And the children thank you for it.

>> No.3959485

oppa MJ style

>> No.3959490


I imagined an Anon trying to cram live game hens into someone's bag and got a chuckle out of it.

>> No.3959496

I'm at college...my dorm isn't doing shit. But usually my parents give out a little goody bag...a reeses, a hershey bar, and a snickers bar.

>> No.3959519

Your dorm is fucking each other senseless

>> No.3959523

My parent actually make goodies bags and fills them with Snickers, Crunch, Reeses, some bubblegum, a popsicle, and some little throwaway toy. I'm always surprised at the work they put in for these things every Halloween. If its not those things, its some other chocolates but its always individually packed chocolates and candy in goddie bags.

>> No.3959531

Last year my douche neighbor that no one likes started giving out candy and a page of quotes from the bible.

This year, I found out a neighbor on the other side is giving out candy and a page with quotes from the jew bible.

>> No.3959532
File: 80 KB, 300x307, 1337719670574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your neighbors seem like fun people.

>> No.3959533

We're not decorating or handing out candy for Halloween this year. Last year we didn't get anybody come by. Nobody in the neighborhood has kids.

>> No.3959536

Slips of paper with the number for Child Protective Services written on each one, and a list of job search websites for them to give to their parents.

>> No.3959542

>a popsicle
I can't imagine that turns out well.

>> No.3959544

I should hand out PBRs and smokes, since all I'm gonna get are college students.

>> No.3959550

Heard a Trader Joe's radio commercial suggesting to hand out Trader Joe's brand whole peeled tomatoes. Think I'll do that, just for the fun of it.

>> No.3959551


Best. Candy. Ever. Bless you.

>> No.3959579

Dude, I fucking LOVE Mary Janes! Shit, sometimes I'll buy a bag for myself.

>> No.3959582

I like to show people the wonderfully varied flavors food can have, so I usually buy truffles/assorted dessert chocolates for the kiddies. Its the good imported stuff if I'm good on cash, Godiva (favorite national brand) if I'm feeling a bit cheap.
If I'm not feeling lazy (which has been like 2 Halloweens out of my life) I'll make the chocolates myself, and my desserts are loads better then anything else they're gonna eat that night.

>> No.3959587
File: 48 KB, 400x266, DSC_0243[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One time as a kid I got these.

Who does that?

>> No.3959592


With Sandy on our doorstep, we may well be fucking each other senseless

>> No.3959601

>Not handing out full sized Butterfingers
>Not even handing out Butterfingers, regardless of size
>Handing out inferior candy
>Implying you won't be eaten by the Summerween Trickster

>> No.3959606

Based off the story, that guys a faggot, but doesn't deserve to be labeled a sex offender.

>> No.3959608

>letter grades to the face
This is what I imagine:

>child spends all day making a Transformers costume
>basically a cardboard box colored in with sharpie
>has a great time going around pretending to be a transformer
>gets to anon's house
>door opens instantly
>"coloring not consistent, no audible sound effects, too short to be a giant space robot, C+ have some candy corn"
>door shuts again immediately
>child walks home, his Halloween ruined

>> No.3959609


>> No.3959611

Pfft, that's not how you ruin a Halloween.

Back when my friends and I were huge faggots, we use to drive around egging people. We drove by this pretty fat kid in a power rangers costume (he was probably 14ish). I was driving, and my two friends were out the passenger side windows. They both managed to throw and egg and hit him at the same time in the chest and face. It was the highlight of our night of egging.

We're not as huge of faggots now though, we haven't been egging in probably seven or eight years.

>> No.3959612

Kinder eggs. I hope no one comes

>> No.3959616

I'm actually pretty good for halloween. I cycle between friends houses all over the city each year. First, I dress up as a scarecrow. Straw coming out the sleeves, etc. Basically I end up looking like a real scarecrow.

Then we prop me up in a chair so I look inanimate, then we put a plate of cupcakes my wife makes (fucking amazing cupcakes, too), and when the kids walk up I scare the shit out of them.

Only been punched once.

>> No.3959621

I did that one year, but with the "take one" sign in the bowl. Some punk ass kids came up and tried to take the whole bowl and I ended up scaring the crap out of em and one even dropped his candy bag. It was pretty funny when he came back asking for it.

>> No.3959630

Me and my friend are buying a shitload of generic lollipops and some condoms and handing them out to the local kids.

>> No.3959632

I going to give out Caramel apples with razor blades in them.

>> No.3959638

be honest, it was a nigger that punched you.

>> No.3959655

You did well.

>> No.3959674


I'm playing Silent Hill and I am not getting up.

Except to make doodoos.

>> No.3959692

>Turn off lights
>Disable doorbell
>Retreat to back of house
>Hunker down

>> No.3959937
File: 54 KB, 570x330, GhostRider2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're (were) the kind of assholes I like to chase down with my dirtbike and mace.

pick related, its what I've been dress as every holloween since I turned 19.

>> No.3959949

Non-American here.

So what is this? Some people dress up in costumes and throw toilet paper and eggs at your house if you don't give them confectionery?

How is this legal? I thought you guys had stand your ground laws where you could shoot trespassers?

>> No.3959971
File: 8 KB, 231x205, 1248740387367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm baking cinnamon and nutmeg muffins

if kids don't like them, would prefer chocolate chip fuck um

double muffins for home made costumes, fuck that lazy store bought shit, mommy made mine every year and i always looked badass

>> No.3959973

Go away.

>> No.3959976

gooby stahp

>> No.3959981


You're everything wrong with America.

>> No.3959986

tfw you live in a country where you don't have to hand out candy to little shits or get your house vandalized.

Feels good man.

>> No.3959987
File: 386 KB, 1536x2048, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so glad not to live in a neighborhood that is conducive to foot traffic (winding country road, no sidewalks, no streetlights, houses far apart).

plus, my St.Bernard goes absolutely berserk at the sight of any stranger in the yard larger than a little kid - he's been trained to drop to the ground and roll on his back at the sight of a child.

>> No.3959989

if anyone actually did that in the nanny state of the USA, the whole holiday would be banned.

there are tons of towns that only allow trick or treating during daylight now.

>> No.3959996

not american, store bought shit is lazy, home made shows effort and creativity

mfw you say americans should be lazy consumers buying shitty costumes and shitty candy over delicious freshly baked muffins and putting in some elbow grease for their free candy

>> No.3960001

i have some pb snickers and almond joys ready.
I really doubt i'm going to get any kids tho.
I live in an apartment complex, with maybe one set of kids.
Apartments give out shitty candy.

>> No.3960009

What does pb stand for - penguin blackbelt?

>> No.3960010

I want to give out acid, but I like acid. So if I had that much acid, I would share amongst my friends and I. It would be one hell of a Halloween party. Everybody has to wear a costume for the event.

>> No.3960011

The same thing as the PB in PB & J.

>> No.3960020

My family buy like 5kg of random chocolate and even then we have to got to the shops to get more

>> No.3960035

Tfw you live in Britain and have a bottle of tequila and shot glasses ready for trick or treaters and nobody knocks on your door.

>> No.3960038
File: 13 KB, 415x311, PB_Max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps you're too young to remember. That was a line in a PB Max commercial.

>> No.3960040

>So what is this? Some people dress up in costumes and throw toilet paper and eggs at your house if you don't give them confectionery?
Vandalism due to lack of candy isn't all that common. Most vandalism is done by 'edgy' teens who are too old to trick or treat, but too young to go to worthwhile parties.

The door to door in costumes thing is...
You know what, you're on the internet, just look up Halloween on fucking Wikipedia. It'll explain the origins and traditions well enough.

>> No.3960054
File: 22 KB, 350x305, freeze_pop_1_answer_3_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't lived in a neighborhood that sees trick or treaters in a long time, everyone here goes to the gated communities. The favorite houses give out cheap freeze pops and mini water bottles. It's still 90 degrees until 8pm. You can see a trail of plastic trash leading from their lot every year. There's also a lady who puts together a little haunted house and gives out various kind of home made rice krispie treats.

>> No.3960236

I thought those were pixie sticks. I may give those this year. Cheap. Kids love them. Hyper energizes them and parents hate that.

>> No.3960391

>last halloween
>living with girlfriend and roommate
>"oh shit, we forgot candy"
>answer door and appologize
>give the kid $5
>lights off, hide, feels bad man

>> No.3960408
File: 983 KB, 500x281, 1349538341017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought ton of treats in preparation
>good stuff like krispie treats, reeses, swedish fish ect
>realize today that nobody's going to come up to my street because of the hurricane

>> No.3960445

I have 3 dozen eggs I've stored behind the furnace for the last month. If any kids think it's funny to egg my house, they'll find out what it's like to have a well matured egg to the face.

>> No.3960449

Weak. Where I live in northern Pennsylvania, we keep shotguns loaded with rock salt for such occasions.

>> No.3960451

Pretty tame. Here in west africa everywhere i go i also rape.

>> No.3960461

What's that gif from?

Polite sage for off topic.

>> No.3960488
File: 75 KB, 300x300, 1351196223066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

>> No.3960490


>> No.3960579

how did you train him to do that

>> No.3960591
File: 546 KB, 2048x1536, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't, someone else did. he's a rescue pooch.

he sees anyone less than 5 feet tall and he drops and curls his front paws up to his chest. useful, but kind of weird. he's just a big noisy baby anyway who's feelings gets hurt if you raise your voice

>> No.3960684

>not having 2 bowls of candy

>fatties get the one filled with shitty health bars & bags of sliced up veg

>nice thin kids with bad-ass costumes get good shit

come on people, get your shit together

>> No.3960705

9/11 killed trick or treating here in New York


>> No.3960782

I pour chocolate syrup into their bags.

>> No.3960789
File: 161 KB, 800x518, 2011-03-04-Eh-What-Syrup-Doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3960837


Why? Do they jack the prices up for candy in October?

Why just New York? What do the other 9-11 stores around the rest of the country do?

>> No.3960839
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>> No.3960842


Might do some Halloween Roulette with this next year.

>> No.3960853

I'm thinking about giving kids free copies of Plants vs. Zombies, but with some kind of candy along with it of course. just haven't gotten the candy yet.


>> No.3960861


They'll never play it. I assure you.

>> No.3960877

Their parents might though. Makes the trip worth it in my opinion.

>> No.3960880


Good point, had not thought of this.

>> No.3961180
File: 15 KB, 400x323, animaln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you, so that I can get some of that egg-shaped heaven? (I seriously miss these... stupid American law. Your kids are too dumb to choke on the capsule? Doesn't mean we have to suffer!)

>> No.3961182

Our state allows shooting, but I'm not gonna shoot a punk for doing that.
Beat his ass like an old rug, maybe, but shooting's kind of extreme.

>> No.3961197

Nearly 100% of American gun owners are perfectly sensible people. Just because we have the right to kill certain people doesn't mean we always will.

Anti-gunners and foreigners cannot wrap their minds around this blatant fact.

>> No.3961201

Pellet gun, that's what I use.

>> No.3961207

Maybe I should get one of those. Then again, I live in an apartment, so it's probably not wise to fire off any kind of gun, lethal or not. (Especially since my complex is SUPER strict.)
I dunno. I don't really see tiny, second-floor doorway getting egged.

>> No.3961210

how does a kid even choke on something as big as their fist?

And how fast do you have to cram that huge motherfucking egg down your throat to not notice that capsule?

>> No.3961211

It's the toy inside as I recall.

>> No.3961217

Fuck Id love to see the reactions of the kids who got the bags

>> No.3961219
File: 25 KB, 275x301, Business Ethics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do this
>Someones allergic to onions
>Enjoy murdering someone

>> No.3961231

Get the fuck huge ones and give em out

>> No.3961240

I make cookies but I put coffee in them to hype up the kids. We tried some out my nephew and they work a charm. Plus they taste just like ordinary chocolate chip cookies so they'll never be blamed as the source of the hyperactivity.

>> No.3961246

We just get a party mix from the shops and put it inna halloween bowl.

>> No.3961255


Go fuck yourself. I get so sick of hearing people boo-hoo about food allergies these days.

>> No.3961258

If anyone was allergic to onions they'd be fucked. They're in just about any dish that is worth a shit.


>implying anyone today would eat/let their kids eat anything from a stranger that wasn't prepackaged

>> No.3961434

I'm pretty sure he would know if his friends had a deadly onion allergy.

>> No.3961474

England here, if I ever came back with some loose skittles or something my parents would let me them... Why the fuck would someone spike a fucking skittle... Some people have over protective parents

>> No.3961476


I handed out skittles last year

I kissed every single one of them with my dirty hairy anus before doing so.

>> No.3961501

With gravy I hope.

>> No.3961792

I remember as a kid I got a tube of that sugary goo candy. Oh god it was the best thing but now it's disgusting.

>> No.3961810

>dirty hairy
Did that make your day?

>> No.3961833

>only allowing kids to eat wrapped up sweets
The fuck kind of rule is that? How would anyone tamper with an m&m? Rub them in arsenic?

I won't give anything because I don't live in America and it's not big over here. Kids that did used to trick or treat us when I was younger would get the door opened but have the dog run right up to the porch scaring the shit out of them.
Looking back on it it probably seems pretty cruel but funny.

I will be going out and getting drunk in costume because that's what students do.

>> No.3961872

my house is almost a full mile down my gated driveway. I might sit up by the gate for a few hours

>> No.3961885
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>> No.3961902

For the past 10 years, I have kept an overly large bowl filled with wrapped miniatures (Milky way, Kit Kat, Hershey's, etc.) for the majority of kids.

But I also keep a bowl, hidden to the side, with King Size candy bars. The big 3 packs of Peanut Butter cups, king size hershey's and Snickers and Kit Kats.

Whenever someone shows up with a handmade costume that they put work into, that features a not-mainstream character or a character from a non-mainstream show, they get the good stuff.

3 years ago someone came up in a light blue sweatsuit, with dark blue plastic in patterns over it, and several blue SOLO cups, bottoms cut out, attached all over it. He was going as Ace McCloud, from Centurions. Fist bump and a king size.

>> No.3962730

I got trick or treaters TODAY. WHAT THE FUCK.

I told them to come back on the 31st cuz i didnt have anything

>> No.3962745

I guess sunflower seeds from you then.

>> No.3962747

Oh, that reminds me to buy the costco candy. I keep forgetting.

>> No.3962787
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gave these out for 3 years and eventually most of the kids stopped bothering with my house.

>> No.3962847
File: 21 KB, 280x280, white_rabbit_creamy_candies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>years ago when some of these had melamine in them
>mom you know that those have bad chemicals in some of them and are recalled?
>it's ok a little didn't hurt anyone. i didnt buy any we just need to give the rest away

>> No.3962852

I don't get trick or treaters. I live in an apartment in Los Angeles.

muh social justice

>> No.3962928

Trick or treating will never be a 'thing' over here. The drink idea is awesome though, they should make it about that instead.

>> No.3962936

Lots of weirdos in here. If you give away ethnic candy to kids, their parents will probably freak out.

My mom and dad give away the usual variety mix, but I always try to get them to buy those Hershey variety mini-bars. They're addictive - everyone freaking loves them around here.

>> No.3963070

Anyone do fucked up shit as a kid on halloween? idk I was normal other days of the year. I'm not talking about tp'ing.

Like one time when I saw a "Please take one bowl" that was half full, I filled it with piss.

>> No.3963101
File: 10 KB, 400x215, %ED%97%90[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 years ago
>bought 3 bags of candy to give out to children, 1 bag would have about 30 handfuls
>no one came
>had to eat the candy by myself
>next year
>figure no one'll show up this year again
>only buy 1 bag just in case
>suddenly, fucking kids everywhere
>finish giving out candy in 30 minutes

>> No.3963109

probably either weather or rapist story that yr

>> No.3963113


nope. everything was fine

>> No.3963114

I was never that much of a dick.

>> No.3963119

That's really fucked up. I did, however empty the whole fucking bowl and run.

>> No.3963124

I used to do terrible things on Halloween. It was my favorite time of the year.

I would stock up on eggs one month in advance... to get them nice and ripe. I had a method of filling eggs with food coloring using a syringe (my dad is a vet) and sealing the small hole with candle wax. They stained the hell out of lots of homes.

I egged houses and people like mad. I also TP'd, but that wasn't as fun. I remember one house got it particularly bad... we egged the house/cars, threw firecrackers and pumpkins (some with candles inside) at the house, and hurled crosses all over the property (they were from a nearby house as decorations). I stole their bird feeders and put them under their car tires too. The house was fucked up for WEEKS.

And they were Jewish too, so the crosses were pretty funny after the fact.

Good times.

>> No.3963163

i hope you took some candy first

>> No.3963252


You should just give out Chick tracts if you're going to bring religion into it.

We're at the very end of a street way in the back of our neighborhood, you can't even see the house from the crossroad so we barely get any trick-or-treaters. Last year I think we kept the light off. We had a bag of Wonka assorted candies (two flavors of laffy taffy, two flavors of nerds, bottle caps, sweet tarts) but we ate them all haha.

>> No.3963276

Anyone else think Halloween should just be the last Friday or Saturday in October? It sucks for trick or treaters that they cant stay out late because of school in the morning.

>> No.3963296

Wut. They usually trick or treat from 5PM til 10PM. Plenty of time to sleep for tomorrow.

>> No.3963697

Is that fucking E?

...unrelated note, best idea ever.

>> No.3963699

Mouldy sweets

>> No.3963703

Don't change holiday traditions just for your fucking convenience.
Goddamned Spirit Halloween can suck a dick for wanting to make it a floating holiday to increase their profit margin.

>> No.3963721


They're candy hearts, you fucking dingbat.

>> No.3963725

No way, if there's visible effort put into the costume I don't care if it's shitty. And I only mock the older kids (10 and up). You wouldn't believe how many kid show up in regular streeet clothes with just a mask or a mustache drawn on, these kids are lazy as FUCK.
This is a brilliant idea.

>> No.3963745

>I had a method of filling eggs with food coloring using a syringe (my dad is a vet) and sealing the small hole with candle wax. They stained the hell out of lots of homes.

You are a fucking dick.

>> No.3964019

Which war did your dad serve in? Regardless, tell him I said thanks for keeping our country safe.

>> No.3964027

I won't get many, if any trick-or-treaters this year. If one does show up, I'll just give them a handful of candy from one of the bags I have.

>> No.3964030

>Holiday traditions
>hurrdurr don't change the day!!!
It has no traditions anymore. What's autism like?

>> No.3964059

>strep throat
>coughing on individual pieces and wrapping them back up
>handing them out to kids because I don't like people knocking on my door at night

>> No.3964060

Just put a sign up that says no candy, you sick fuck.

>> No.3964260

I'm half tempted to get a vegetable platter with dip and hold it out. Have some veggies kids!

>> No.3964629


>> No.3964663

I lived in a locked apartment block. Fuck them.

>> No.3964670

I'm in Canada, but I assumed the egging/tp thing was pretty rare. Never happens around here.

Kinda sad how expensive a box of fun-sized Nestle chocolate can be $11 though. Think of all the money they're raking in.

Kudos to those who really try to sugar up the children

>> No.3964676

Full size candy bars, erry year.
I live in an apartment complex so we tend to get less traffic, spend about ~30 to 40 dollars on candybars.
80 or so covers the visitors. Just grab 2 of everything and let people take 1 of whatever they want.

>> No.3964962

Same here. Full size bars, grab two of every kind, four of the more popular kinds. I also bought a big bag of mixed fun size bars and some tootsie pops just in case we get bombarded by kids this year. If its an older kid/teenager/.adult who isn't wearing a costume and are just being beggars, they get ramen.

>> No.3964994

You're going to get swarmed by starving college students if you try that ramen thing.

>> No.3964996

On the subject of ramen, ever since I've had the cheddar ramen, I can't eat any of the other flavors. They just taste bad to me know.

>> No.3965067

the cheddar is awful. I just avoid buying the cheddar and everything is a-okay.

On the thread subject, I bought snack sized kitkats, Hershey cookies and cream bars, and m&ms.

>> No.3965073
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>> No.3965829

Let's make Halloween the last Saturday, more people can enjoy it.
We should make trick or treating during the daytime too, safer for kids.
And we shouldn't let them got door to door, so let's just hold it at a community center.
Oh and we should make it more inclusive, so we should call it a Harvest festival, or Fall festival instead of Halloween.

Or, you can let the holiday be the last fucking day in October, call it Halloween, teach kids some traffic safety so they can trick or treat after dark, and stop trying to sanitize everything.

>> No.3965837

This seems familiar...

>> No.3965849
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>> No.3966744

>3 bags of candy
I guess I'll just donate it to the relief food bin

>> No.3968214

Ya because concerned mothers AREN'T going to throw away your muffins because they're most likely poison in their eyes...

>> No.3969144

I found candy from last halloween. Giving that out.

sealed still good

>> No.3969148

I got some cheap Walgreens mixed candy.
It has some mediocre pieces like Tootsie Rolls, Milk Dudes, MiniDots and whoopers.
Should have gotten the more high end mixed candies that had stuff like M&Ms or Resse's.

>> No.3969158

>Have shittons of candy, chips, juiceboxes and chocolates
>Wait patiently
>No one has knocked on my door
>It's now almost 7:00
>Check outside
>It's raining hard

>> No.3969164

Are you me.
I think what's left of that hurricane is passing out over us.

>> No.3969176

It fucking sucks too. I have 100+ goodie bags this year, with Coffee Crisp/Kit Kat/Aero/Smarties, Minute Maid Apple/Orange Juicebox, a piece of Twizzlers/Starburst/Gum/Lollipop, Lays/Ruffles/Doritos/Cheetos, a pack of Thinsations and 2 pieces of those cheap No Frills Caramels.

>> No.3969208

We live in an affluent neighborhood. Last year we gave out $5 bills to white and asian kids and sticks of Big Red to the black and mexican children who were driven to our neighborhood by their parents.

>> No.3969211

Some 5, 10 years later: Suddenly, drive-by shooting.

>> No.3969213
File: 26 KB, 342x260, Halloween-Candy_15944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to get egged and/or TP'd give out this foul shit.

>> No.3969217


Also, there's like no trick-or-treaters here in NY due to it being cold and wet as fuck, so no candy to hand out.

>> No.3969222

My gram dose the exact same thing

>> No.3969223


Amen, brother!
Half off candy from WALMART~, half off candy from WALmart~

>> No.3969226

Try that again but this time use English.

>> No.3969227

Try living on a steep hill

>> No.3969237

I live in an apartment complex. No trick-or-treaters for me, though that would have been adorable the first few times.

>> No.3969274

The first trick-or-treaters that came to my house had a couple people in fursuits in their group...

>> No.3969293

Watchu talm bout, Willis? Halloween was a Christian holiday.

>> No.3969300

I always saw that shit. What flavors are those?

>> No.3969307

Shit flavored.

>> No.3969312

peanut butter- we always threw them at dogs- some would eat it with the paper on.

>> No.3969317
File: 25 KB, 350x275, Br%20Circus%20peanuts%20copy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annual reminder that if you give these to children on Halloween, you are worse than Hitler.

>> No.3969320

Mix of Snickers, Reese's cups, Almond Joy, Reese's Pieces, Almond Joy Pieces, M&Ms, Skittles, and Starburst

>> No.3969322

Nigga you crazy?
Those things are amazing.

>> No.3969325
File: 98 KB, 550x309, circus_peanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fak u those are delicious- never got them for halloween though.

>> No.3969378

5:30pm here. No kids yet. I found some 15 candy fun sized bars from somewhere and I just bought some caramel apple pops.

Given last years track record I probably would've been okay with just htose 15. No rain and flat suburbia too.

>> No.3969382

seconded - I love circus peanut candies.

>> No.3969455

But it did. Chicago here. Before 9/11, a shit ton of houses were giving out candy. Even the people in the four family apartments gave out candy.
Then, after 9/11 BAM!. Only like three houses on each street block gave out candy

>> No.3969490


I'm actually pretty excited. I found a recipe on making homemade butterfingers using chocolate, peanut butter, and candy corn. I'm stocking up on dat chocolate and candy corn!

>> No.3969513
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Wellll, it's 8:23, and I've yet to get any knocks on my door. So I'm just sitting with this huge bowl of candy, already thinking about making Drunken Gummy Bears with what I've got.

>> No.3969604
File: 165 KB, 500x500, 1000374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made plain vanilla cookies with sprinkles. I've been doing for the last 3 years so now my house is the "cookie house". Kids like it because it's the only treat that they are allowed to eat right away.

>> No.3969608

don't they only take half off halloween themed candy?

if not I'm getting like 10 bags of kit kats

>> No.3969946

Terrorists man terrorists. Suspect your neighbors! They're all sleeper cells anyway.

I got 1 pack of kids and they didn't take all the candy when I left it out in a bowl.

>> No.3969949

>Idiot brother labeled a sex offender because he was pissing at a urinal and a kid pissed on him as a joke and he pissed back on the kid
>Children therefore cannot trick or treat at our house anymore

>> No.3969966

Are they just giving it out free? Hell, I've been meaning to get it.


>> No.3970014

your brother is kind of dumb

>> No.3970108

>>implying Halloween is an American holiday

>> No.3970275

>implying it is as commercialized in the rest of the world as it is in N. America
durp durp

I bet you think the Easter bunny is big everywhere else too

>> No.3970276

>Ask what Halloween is and pretend it's only an American holiday
>Get told

>> No.3970300
File: 30 KB, 300x314, Spy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to gut you like a cornish game hen.

>> No.3970303

Someone was giving out very similar candy here this year.

>> No.3970307

That sounds cool. I enjoyed getting freeze pops before too.

>> No.3970312
File: 421 KB, 571x800, smirk star sapphire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make festivals be centered around your children going begging for food door to door
>furiously assault any form of social welfare as communism

>> No.3970316

Mu quit being a racist.

>> No.3970317

No one is forced to participate in Halloween or Trick or Trick or treating.
No one HAS to give out candy, nor take their children door to door.
So, it's not like social welfare or communism at all.

>> No.3970319

I do something similar.
Black kids don't get any good candy regardless. Shitty tootsie rolls for them.

>> No.3970328
File: 193 KB, 850x863, smirk star sapphire1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no concept of social contract or solidarity
>result: widespread purposeful oppression of minorities

>> No.3970338

That's a lovely pile of straw you have there.

>> No.3970352
File: 379 KB, 500x500, haha wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faced with uncomfortable truth
>uh uh uh make excuse fast quick uh uh uh

>> No.3970356

>Reese's Peanut Butter Cups(full-size and mini)
>Mini-bags of Reese's Pieces
>Reese's Fast Breaks
>Peanut Butter Snickers
>Candy sticks that taste like fucking chalk(I figured kids would want them, because they come in little boxes with pictures of the Avengers on them)

>> No.3970360

If you are that one German shitposter on /jp/ that posts Koishi, then I hate you and you need to stop posting.

Regardless, you are a complete shitposter and aren't making an argument, only shoehorning your beliefs into unrelated things while trying to make the opposition look stupid.
Don't shit up my favorite boards.

>> No.3970371
File: 340 KB, 670x1600, star sapphire wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feel buttuncomfortable over people exposing corrupt faux-capitalist system that forces the common to serve the elite while claiming ultimate social freedom
>oh no need to avoid issue what do

>> No.3970380

>Live in rural area, so everyone drives to a small city nearby to trick-or-treat
>Live in a creepy old house on the top of a hill

And that's the story of how I got no trick-or-treaters for the last five years

Discount candy!

>> No.3970385

... man, just the kind of a house I'd love to live in. I love old buildings. Used to work as a night watchman in an old-ass mansion years ago, and I swear I enjoyed every night just because of the atmosphere.

>> No.3970429

I went out trick or treating because free candy, and I'm instantly regretting it. I gorged on all my candy and I feel absolutely sick.

>> No.3970434
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Judge my art. Pizza with hamburger and wurstel

>> No.3970461

that pizza doesnt even look edible dude.

3/10 because i would probably eat it regardless.

>> No.3970487

Enjoy being robbed by midgets while your St. Bernard just lies their on his back.

>> No.3970510

I got 1 group of kids.

That's it, Halloween's dead. Dead holiday general.

>> No.3970549


>> No.3970565

All the members of my household ended up having last minutes Halloween parties. So none of the candy got given to kids.. we have way too much candy now.

>> No.3970576
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Holidays in general these days just aren't the same anymore. It's so...defeating and sad. We had to pry my 12 year old brother out of his gaming chair and away from his Xbox to go out and trick or treat.

>> No.3970582

Just because some people are brainless and unwilling to enjoy holidays shouldn't damper your fun. Fuck 'em then, pass the bottle.

>> No.3970585

*there, lol

>> No.3970596

It's not about it dampering my fun, it's the depressing fact that a lot of kids don't even want to go out and fuckin' trick or treat anymore because they're either just too lazy, or they'd rather stay home and play video games.

Man, when I was a kid I'd count down the damn days until Halloween and Christmas and shit. Bets times ever.

>> No.3970652

All those anti-sugar campaigns too. When I was in school we'd have soda vending machines, chips, and even ice cream sandwiches made out of cookies.

There were hardly any fat kids too, like a handful. What the fuck happened

>> No.3973344


The Media has changed us.
Sorry, but that is poison unwrapped.

>> No.3973564

Laziness happened. That's what it is, it's not that people nowadays eat a whole lot worse than they used to, they might eat a BIT worse but not enough to account for the obesity... it's because instead of running around and doing kid stuff, they just sit and play video games. Sedentary lifestyle man. My mom baked lots too so I honestly never gave much of a fuck about sugar, as long as you eat it in moderation and exercise reasonably you're good.

I know. When I was a kid I'd be so fucking excited for Halloween, but I saw the difference even with my younger brothers, they just don't really care that much.

>> No.3973620
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