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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3957657 No.3957657 [Reply] [Original]

Do we have any coffee fanatics here? What methods do you use to make your coffee? What kind of grinder do you have? Do you own an espresso machine? Got any good roasts that you would recommend?

tl;dr Coffee general thread

>> No.3957659

P.S. Teabros also welcome.

>> No.3957670

I use my french press for the most part but have recently been hooked on vietnamese coffee. I have a bigger french press that I use for my coffee and a smaller press for my vietnamese coffee..

for roasts Have you tried peets or starbucks french roasts? I blend them really fine in my grinder and when I press it I end up with a bunch of really fine coffee silt floating, so good!

>> No.3957672
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I've spent more on my espresso setup than I have on my car

>> No.3957682

>I use my french press for the most part but have recently been hooked on vietnamese coffee. I have a bigger french press that I use for my coffee and a smaller press for my vietnamese coffee..
I heard some good things about eastern coffee, but haven't tried it yet.

>for roasts Have you tried peets or starbucks french roasts? I blend them really fine in my grinder and when I press it I end up with a bunch of really fine coffee silt floating, so good!
I import through some suppliers who deal directly with coffee plantations in South/Central America.

Jesus Christ dude, how is that machine working out for you?

>> No.3958148
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>how is that machine working out for you?

worth every penny

>> No.3958156

I love tea so much.
Green tea, black tea, herbal tea... Letting it steep just the right amount of time so it's strong but not too strong. I love tea during winter time.

>> No.3958207

How much would a decent espresso machine cost?

I'm really not sure where to start in purchasing one. When I took an espresso class I asked the instructor if he knew of any machines for home use that were reasonably priced. He said he tried many and they just weren't the same as a lot of the higher end ones he's tried. Overall, I just want to get some opinions. I love making espresso and nicely foamed milk. Cappuccinos are my favorite.

Over the years I've forgotten the importance of some factors in buying a machine like bars of pressure, etc. What are some other characteristics to look into?

>> No.3958214
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I made the mistake of buying a really cheapass coffee pot, so the little pump or whatever and the lines are already fucked up with lime.
I just tore the lid off and make it manually with boiling water now

>> No.3958217

Forgot to mention, my set up at home isn't so extravagant. Just a french press. I buy a bag of coffee for the week, I prefer Counter Culture brand, and get it ground coarse. Pretty lame but that's about it. Hoping that if this job comes through I can actually get a nice grinder at least and won't have to get it ground for me. When I move into a house I would like an espresso machine, but am curious and want to look.

>> No.3958218

what are you willing to spend?

>> No.3958222

>not sure if trolling with your lackluster tamping attempt

>> No.3958224

$500 and up.

>> No.3958232
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the Rancilio Silvia and Rocky grinder might be an option for you to consider

>> No.3958245

My favorite coffee is the Turkish Coffee.

>> No.3958249

Looking in to it, seems really nice so far.

>> No.3958250

I really want that setup

>> No.3958471
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Drinking this currently. http://my.counterculturecoffee.com/coffee/idido-washed.html

Lightest roast I drink. Reminds me of tea in some ways, and has a very light tart flavor at the end. Pretty delicious. I recommend it having sold it in the shop I worked at.

Are there other places online that people could recommend for coffee or espresso beans?

I checked it out some more on youtube and amazon. I think it may be the espresso machine I settle on. Also reading a lot on temp. surfing, concerning the machine. I've never had to do that before so I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

>> No.3958499
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>places online that people could recommend for coffee or espresso beans?

>> No.3958512
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>> No.3958529
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I like odd flavors here and there so seasonal counts as well. I've been drinking that Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spice coffee. I bet it would taste good with creamer but I prefer coffee black. My boyfriend is a barista for starbucks coffee but I hate that stuff. It's shitty imo. Anyone sle think starbucks coffee tastes like shit?

>> No.3958532

Oops, that was supposed to say "else".

>> No.3958548

Will check it out. Any dark roast you recommend?


I do. I never go there for espresso drinks. Or any other drinks for that matter. But yeah, it's just bad. It tastes so terrible. I know when I'm approaching one in an open area like a mall because it smells like burnt grounds and disinfectant. They don't even pull their own shots anymore. All the barista has to do now is competently foam milk, but sometimes they can't even get that right. I know this is all for consistency across all starbucks but if so why does it still taste so terrible? My bf got a salted caramel latte from there recently. It was so bitter and nasty that he never finished it.

>> No.3958559
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>Instant coffee

Yeah, it tastes like ass. I've got to dive into the world of real coffee sometime.

>> No.3958581

>the world of real coffee

It is delicious my friend. Hell, just getting a french press (mine is Mr. Coffee from the local homegoods for $10) and some coffee from the grocery is fine. It's nice because there are so many types there and you can grind it yourself. It's a good start. Or if there is a shop where you enjoy their coffee, buy a bag and have them grind it for you.

Instant coffee isn't so bad though. It's kind of one note, but it's something I never minded.

>> No.3958620

I always keep some around for baking, but that's it.

>> No.3958623

more high end espresso machine porn, pls

>> No.3958626

Yeah, I'd like that too. I just priced that Vetrano machine, it's well over $1,700. I guess I should work my way up to a machine like that after I purchase a $500 machine and it dies or some shit in a few years. Hoping it won't though. But wow. Very expensive hobby. But one I wouldn't mind being a part of.

>> No.3958669
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>> No.3958672
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>> No.3958674

What are some advantages of pourover coffee compared to other methods? This concept is somewhat new to me and I'm curious about it if anyone does it.

>> No.3958675

aw shit is dat sum v60 pourover!?!

>> No.3958691

>v60 pourover
$8 brew cup from starbucks. a starbucks in a mall. shriek~

simplicity, mostly. it also affords more control than a coffee machine (temp of water introduced, amount of water with the grounds at a given time).

my parents got an induction stove, which can boil a quart of water in about a minute, so i thought it would save time to get a pour-over. i like it. it's fast and simple, and makes great coffee.

>> No.3958696
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pic related. best coffee ever

>> No.3958697

Ah, okay. I use a french press for simplicity as well. Was just wondering if it had an overall taste difference in extraction or something.

>> No.3958702

I haven't used a french press.

Aren't the grounds left in the bottom of the pitcher? Won't that make it really shitty and bitter before it even cools?

>> No.3958713
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Yeah, the grounds sit there but they're separated from the rest of the liquid by that mesh plunger. Mine is small so it fills about two mugs, so once it's steeped about 3-4 minutes and I plunge it, I usually end up pouring my coffee so it doesn't have to sit in the grounds. If it were bigger and sat there I imagine it would definitely be a problem.

>> No.3958717

Also, I was watching this guy's technique today on his pourover and got really curious about it. I like the oils from the coffee when I use a press and was wondering what made each technique so different.


>> No.3958719

french press + chickory coffee = amazing with breakfast

>> No.3958722

What are some of the best things to add to a cup of black coffee. I don't like sugar or milk in it but I want to find something simple that will spice things up.

>> No.3958725

sweet and condensed.

>> No.3958728

i mean sweetened condensed milk

>> No.3958734

I've got to try that, I've heard of it but don't know what it is.

Cinnamon, maybe? Or other spices.

>> No.3958793

pinch of cinnamon before brewing. thank me later.

>> No.3958796

Cardamom and star anise is nice.

>> No.3958807

You have no idea OP. I go to Starbucks so much, they greet me at the door like they know me.