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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3953215 No.3953215 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, I have a seemingly simple query that I can't really answer on my own.

My fiance only likes carry-outs or deliveries when we eat from a restaurant. I only prefer to dine-in at restaurants.

It doesn't make me angry or anything like that, but I do feel like it irks me more than it should whenever eat restaurant food at home.

I own my own restaurant (local, non-franchised) and I lve to cook, but I feel that eating at home is only for home-cooked meals.

How does /ck/ feel on this issue?

>> No.3953242
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>> No.3953250

I'm lost

If you can cook restaurant food, do that

You're still in your "restaurant," she's in the comforts of her home

>> No.3953261


My point is that it's sometimes nice to get out of the house and get served a nice meal. We live in a huge city (One of the biggest cities in the surrounding states, certainly) and we've got a huge selection of 4-5 star restaurants that I have to almost force her to try, as they aren't carry-out delivery.

That isn't to say that she's lazy, she just only likes to eat at home.

>> No.3953266

>coming to 4chan with your relationship problems

You've got a lot more problems than where you eat, OP.

>> No.3953279
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Not saying "solve my relationship problems", or that this is even a relationship problem. Been lurking fr 5-6 years now, and I can say with utmost certainty that this isn't a "relationship problem"

It's more or less "Am I fucking crazy because this is how I feel about it, or am I at least justified in my wanting to not eat at home all the time?"

>> No.3953305
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takeout is fine, not wanting to eat in restaurants at all is fucking weird.

>> No.3953307
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Nah, I agree. Dining out is part food, part experience. Even if that experience is just getting waited on.

It's a shame she's so against it. Has she said, in particular, what she doesn't like? Or is it literally that she just wants to eat at home? Does she do other activities out of the house?

I guess that's edging into relationship territory but I think it's pretty weird!

As an aside, when I moved out of my parents' house, we all realized how much going out to eat was a social thing for us. I realize it's different for a couple opposed to a four person family, but it really was the way we sat down and talked about what was going on in our lives with each other. Going out to eat with her should be just that -- a brief period of relaxation with good food, good service, and good company!

>> No.3953310

Does she flat out refuse or she just prefers not to?

Takeout can be cheaper and theoretically cleaner (especially if you supply your own drinks, even sides, etc). I prefer it.

If it's such a big deal bring it up, or do it for special occasions where you have more say (like your birthday).

>> No.3953315

I can sort of sympathize with her. Does she have anxiety? Does she have agoraphobia? Is she a clean freak? There are a million reasons for a person to not want to eat out. Of course, she may just be more comfortable eating at home; some people don't like the stimulation that comes from eating out and just want to eat in peace.

>> No.3953316

Does she have some other issue, like an anxiety disorder? I have a friend who can't eat in restaurants because it sets off his anxiety disorder (because they are usually loud places and he feels like he can't leave if he needs to). That's the only reason I can think of as to why someone would never want to eat in a restaurant. Getting take out sometimes is fine, but never wanting to eat in the restaurant means there's something else wrong.

>> No.3953342

Sorry for the wait, guys.

Nah, she doesn't have anxiety or anything, she just prefers to eat at home. We've discussed it, and she just kinda sets it to the side, as if it's nothing, and I should be fine with eating at home all the time.

>> No.3953348

bring it up that she should really leave her comfort zone once in a while

Who knows, she might have fun.

>> No.3953349
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Going to get fucking carry-out, be back soon to discuss this in further detail.

>> No.3953358

>We've discussed it, and she just kinda sets it to the side, as if it's nothing, and I should be fine with eating at home all the time.
Red flag. Ditch her.

>> No.3953442

Back, guys. She, her brother, and I went out to get Chinese take-out. I'm more pissed off now that we actually have the take out than I was when it was just a possibility

>> No.3953454


She's literally everything I've ever wanted in a woman, aside from this. Which reminds me...

Inb4 OP is in high school, etc. OP is 28.
Inb4 OP is a fag
Inb4 OP can't inb4.

>> No.3953456

>>3953442 do you realize there is a board here for just your problem? Its called /qq/ and its that way , *points emphatically*

>> No.3953765

Why dont you man up and use some veto power?
Half the time maybe? Chinese take out...le sigh dude

>> No.3953924

That seems like a hasty conclusion. OP does need to apply a reasonable amount of force (the nonphysical variety) in the argument instead of just letting her change the subject. The knowledge of why she's against this might come in handy one way or another. If she refuses to talk about it even then there might be something worth worrying about going on though.

>> No.3953938

I can't believe that no one has mentioned that your food (with the exception of chinese takeout, cause they're everywhere) is never as hot as it was meant to be served.
If nothing else, your meal isn't as good as it would have been eating in the restaurant

>> No.3954508

This is one of my main points.

We had a long talk about it last night, but the most I got out of it was "This is just something that you and I disagree on." When I reiterated that I didn't like take out, she said "I'm not saying that you have to like it, just don't dislike it."

>> No.3954845

I used to hate eating out at restaurants before I lost weight. Eating in front of other people (especially strangers) made me extremely anxious to the point where I stopped doing it all together. Having since lost weight I don't have this issue anymore, but I think it's a common thing for women. Sadly.

>> No.3954884

My boyfriend hates to eat at restaurants, too. He thinks it's a waste of time to go out some place to eat when you can just be at home, eat, and then go about whatever you're doing. The only time I get him in a restaurant is when we're traveling, and even then he'll opt for fast food so he doesn't have to go sit down some place.

It's annoying. Sometimes I'd just like to go out and have a nice dinner with him where I don't have to worry about cleaning up the dishes or whatever afterwards.

>> No.3954893

She is saving 20% on tip.

Otherwise, does she talk to you during dinner at home or does she watch TV? If she watches TV, then your relationship is in trouble since you're only 28.

>> No.3954896

Tell her she doesn't have to "like" restaurants just don't "dislike" them, it should be 50-50 and you two need to learn how to compromise like adults if you don't want to end up divorced.

>> No.3955069

This. Set up a coin flip system or something, it's unreasonable that she gets her way all the time.

And she's also confirmed for dodging at this point, be on the lookout for other points where she might be a bit too controlling.

>> No.3955354


Yeah, we talk all the time during dinner. Actually we pretty much resolved it after I forced her to listen to me today.

this was one of her issues. She's 5'01 and 120 lbs with D cups, but she's self conscious.

This is what we decided upon.