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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 400x400, muffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3950663 No.3950663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have always been skinny and fit but lately have put on some weight. All my pants are too tight and I am def muffin topping.
How unattractive is this really for a guy. I am afraid my friends will mock me if I go on a diet.
I need a stealth diet plan guys.

>> No.3950665

Who cares about your friends. If you want to diet, diet for yourself. Let them stay fat, they're just bringing you down to make themselves feel better.

>> No.3950670

most of my part of the US is fit. None of my friends are overweight . I am not either except for this stupid gut I have developed lately. I guess I am getting skinny fat.

>> No.3950674

then go on a diet without telling anyone

>> No.3950684

I've never liked the term muffin top. That's the best part of the muffin.

Donut Ring is less flattering and it should be.

>> No.3950685

muffin tops on a guy are a pretty huge faux pas, right up there next to a big fat pubic mound and moobs. unfortunately some people just seem to put fat on around that area before anywhere else. i am one of those people.

>> No.3950693

All the muffin tops in that pic are really sexy, so if you look like that I wouldn't worry. Girls with a little weight look healthy and are usually more fun anywho.

>> No.3950694

Then diet and workout. What's the fucking problem?

>> No.3950697
File: 171 KB, 428x510, maybethedingoateyourbaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking work out. Most of my friends are skinny fat because they have a shit diet and don't exercise, but their metabolisms haven't slowed down yet for them to go fully overweight.
>mfw my friends eats shit and his dad is fat as fuck

>> No.3950717

The main reason so many women have muffin tops these days is because trousers are cut too short. Ideally they should hang off the woman's hips but all the fags in fashion have decided to make your behinds look fat and ugly to get all the guys to prefer square male bums... and unfortunately, it's working.

>> No.3950743

Just buy some bigger fucking pants, and then when you lose weight again you can wear the old ones.
Or do you seriously believe you're going to be dropping the necessary 10-20 pounds to squeeze comfortably back into your old pants in a week?

>> No.3950752

Am I the only one who thinks a little bit of a muffin top on a girl is incredibly hot?

>> No.3950773

I hate "low rise" jeans.

>> No.3951017

They are amazing on the 20% of the population that can pull that shit off.
Everyone else looks idiotic.
Also, remember those jeans about ten years ago that squose women's butcheeks together at the bottom? Why did they even????

>> No.3951021


more pudge for the pushin' amirite

>> No.3951036

Meat is for the man,
bone is for dog.

>> No.3951041

>being sexually attracted to women

>> No.3951059

tell your friends your cholestrol is high

>> No.3951063

Haha I don't know any guy that's attracted to muffin tops (including me) but there are always exceptions. Why would people mock you for being on a diet? Shoot diets are good if you need it. I am on one too right now, losing weight is defiantly helping me lose weight. Working out also helps this progress.

>> No.3951076
File: 37 KB, 750x600, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing weight is defiantly helping me lose weight.

What the wtf am I reading ?

>> No.3951078

Derp! Haha I'm running off of 5 hours of sleep. Meant to say the diet is definitely helping me lose weight, which is still pretty obvious I guess.

>> No.3951080
File: 15 KB, 320x242, fatchicks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat chick detected

>> No.3951089
File: 92 KB, 482x642, 1329782574340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women have curves. Fat women just have them in more places. where they shouldn't be.
>pic related

>> No.3951091
File: 49 KB, 491x480, fatgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat fupa

>> No.3951092
File: 42 KB, 400x372, blackman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true dat . when curves become rolls i is out

>> No.3951094

This is so simple OP. The anti-muffin-top diet requires only that you don't eat any muffins, or consider foods that contain the 2 nastiest ingredients in muffins: flour and sugar.

Yea, you say "wut?" this fool is kidding...but I'm not. Stop eating starches and sugars. Eat more meat and veggies.

>> No.3951098


>> No.3951099


>> No.3951108


>> No.3951115

>I have always been skinny
>but lately have put on some weight

>> No.3951142

Honestly, I'd date a butt ugly chick as long as she was skinny and had a sweet ass.

>> No.3951162
File: 45 KB, 502x566, post-26635-0-23696200-1313184478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow this thread really brought out the big girls!

>> No.3951169

This, just start lifting, its not hard.

>> No.3951172


>> No.3952720

I love the word muffin!


>> No.3952722

>muffin topping
>How unattractive is this really for a guy

I find it horrendously unsightly. Super disgusting.

>> No.3952724

The furthest to the right isn't too unsightly but with her shirt it just looks tacky.
The other two girls..... Nokthx

>> No.3952728

>All the muffin tops in that pic are really sexy


>> No.3952732
File: 35 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20120555_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can eat whatever I want, as much as I want and not gain weight
>mfw this is my body when all I do is get high and stuff myself with food all day

you jelly, fat bitches?

>> No.3952734


>> No.3952736
File: 59 KB, 900x675, 1339642372657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so...no one else here on /ck/ has a fat fetish?...


>> No.3952738


There's nothing wrong with any bodytype, as long as you're not extremely unhealthy; like being anorexic or morbidly obese.
The problem is, people need to learn to fucking dress to suit their body types. My Mother worked in retail for awhile and she told me stories of all these rich white ladies trying to fit into size 5s when they were zie 9s. It's sad. Also who told skinny girls it's a great idea to drape themselves in lots of layers? They look homeless.

>> No.3952739


No, I think you're quite beautiful, albeit insecure.

>> No.3952740

you could stand to lose about 5 lbs, take it to /soc/

>> No.3952741

My grandmother was in Auschwitz too :(

>> No.3952742


>> No.3952744

gtfo /soc/

It's a delusion. You mind has decided that since you're so incapable of getting with someone attractive, it must trick itself into finding ugly fat whores attractive so that you can feel you have a chance.

>> No.3952745



>> No.3952746

>landwhale detected

No one will ever love you

>> No.3952747


Or maybe he just has a different concept of beauty than you. Look around the world, you closeminded fuck; different strokes for different folks.
Personally I like asian chicks.

>> No.3952748


no offense, but i find your bones disgusting, gain more weight, skinny

>> No.3952749

No, it's not a different concept. I'm right.

>> No.3952752


If you're the skinny girl, I'll say it again: You're pretty but insecure. Seek therapy.

>> No.3952753


>I'm right

Child detected. An unintelligent child who clearly doesn't know a thing about other cultures or people, and who probably lacks empathy. I bet you tore the wings off of flies as a kid.

>> No.3952755

>Personally I like asian chicks.
now thats just sick!

also, skinny whore who is posting pictures of her belly, shave your vagina

>> No.3952756

There are no bones showing. You're jealous as fuck that she's HOT and you can't keep your weight under control.

>> No.3952758


>jelaous of a skinny as fuck girl

yeah no
i'm from bbw chan, skinny girls don't get me on

>> No.3952759

I like girls with a little meat. muffin topping is great in small doses, when they wear stockings and they pinch into her thighs. That's fucking delicious. When her ass is slapping as you fuck her from behind.

Why would you ever want to have sex with a girl who's some insecure meat bag who can't actually appreciate food when all she can taste is her own stomach acid?

>> No.3952761

skinny girls always have the foulest vaginas. This is a fact

>> No.3952769

I had sex with my first overweight girl two weeks ago. It was fine but her vagina was too cushiony . I like to smack pubic bone not an inch and a half of blubber.

>> No.3952776

I don't think you could offend her even if you wanted to.

>> No.3952778

Come 30, you're gonna blow up. Your youthful metabolism will slow down and you won't know how not to stuff yourself.

>> No.3952779

conversation with my friend
>there is this fat girl at work Im going to sleep with
<ew, fat girls smell terrible
>nah, she looks like she takes pretty good care of herself
<obviously not if shes fat
>...I guess youre right

he did it anyway though, she was a ginger too and a land whale, she was full jabba tier

>> No.3952780


She already seems to be doing a fine job of offending herself, which actually depresses me a bit. Reminds me of my sister too much. Now I want to hug a stranger through the internet.


He's right that some pussies are too bony, though. Also chubby girls sometimes taste really sweet.

>> No.3952781
File: 58 KB, 612x612, 1334433905032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tue dat , when your body is that bullet proof , not much is gonna get you down.

>> No.3952819

>She already seems to be doing a fine job of offending herself

By posting one pic which makes fat people mad? Noope.

>> No.3952835

Well, I don't like flat, tight stomachs. I'll tell you that

>> No.3952846
File: 225 KB, 480x640, IMG_0770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, no. All my aunts are fucking milfs. Thin, nice hair, look like they haven't aged at all, etc.

now I'm not saying that I'm going to grow up just like them, but I most likely am because I'm very similar to my aunts, almost all of my traits. & even if my metabolism did slow down, I'm not gonna let myself get fat. Fat girls are disgusting. You don't just get fat overnight.

It's nice being asian sometimes. & to everyone calling me too skinny, anorexic, need to gain weight, etc. I'm willing to bet money that I eat more than you. I eat more than my dad.

>> No.3952851

Ah, to be 16 again.

>> No.3952856


>I need a stealth diet plan guys
does not provoke
>woo look at my stomak i eet so much smoke weed errday 420 rnt i so gawg lol xD

>> No.3952874

What kind of piece of shit friends do you have that would mock you for trying to improve yourself?

Likewise, what kind of piece of shit insecure garbage are you to give a fuck about people who would get in your way?

>> No.3952900

well, if you're OP then I'm sorry for posting pix of myself to piss off landwhales

one thing I could recommend that almost works for everybody (if you're only willing to diet and not exercise) is cut out all junk food & sodas out of your diet. Drink only water. It's gonna be hard at first but you'll get used to it. I myself would not just diet but also exercise because when you only diet, you lose the weight but you're gonna be flabby. Muscle weighs more than fat. Just go to /fit/ and read the sticky, honestly. It's the best place out of all these boards to ask for info on dieting, lol

>> No.3952905

Just eat less, more lean proteins and lots of veggies.

>> No.3952991


Weird, low rise jeans are the only ones that are comfortable to me.

>> No.3953031

My problem is that with my low rise jeans, my hips to stomach ratio is off, so I get this loose bunch of fabric in the front on jeans that fit for my hip width.

I have less of a problem with mid-rise jeans.

>> No.3953035

>my hips to stomach ratio is off
Is this what people call fat now?

>> No.3953036

Wide hips, flat stomach, thus excess fabric in the front.

>> No.3953045


Hmm strange, I'm pretty thin (25.5 inch waist) but I still have 40 inch hips and I can't stand anything but low rise jeans. What's weird is that I would think that what you're describing wouldn't be an issue with low rise jeans BECAUSE they're low rise. Mine sit on my hips.

>> No.3953076

>traditional asian diet
>your american diet
welcome to fatsville.
Population: YOU

>> No.3953120
File: 404 KB, 500x438, tumblr_litje6dfZO1qf1kxjo1_500 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hmm strange, I'm pretty thin (25.5 inch waist) but I still have 40 inch hips and I can't stand anything but low rise jeans. What's weird is that I would think that what you're describing wouldn't be an issue with low rise jeans BECAUSE they're low rise. Mine sit on my hips.
Flat ass detected.
You need to lay off the noassatol pills

>> No.3953130
File: 7 KB, 260x284, 1229760_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try these

>> No.3954381

>friends mock you for a healthy lifestyle

Get new friends. seriously. If they're not happy for you making a positive change in your lifestyle, then their not true friends to begin with.

>> No.3954394

Those girls look like pathetic trash. Fucking disgusting flabs of shitty fat.

>> No.3954426

Work out you worthless fucking fat shits. Stealth diet? Are you fucking me? if your not doing 25-30 mins cardio 3x a week MINIMUM then have fun with cardiovascular disease and getting denied health insurance in 5 years.


>> No.3954436
File: 47 KB, 403x700, whatwomenthinks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3954465

Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Muscles like in pic #1 are HIDEOUS. Even for men. #2 is right on the money.

>> No.3954483

Lemme help

>> No.3954486

>lemme help you become a gay gorilla

>> No.3954493


Your reading comprehension is atrocious. Are you a woman?

>> No.3954494


Okay, i'll bite

>implying touching a bar bell will turn you into bearmode
>implying i'm not thin, ectomorphic, with single digit BF %

>> No.3954513

You do not get the joke. Can we see you little ectobyoobies?

>> No.3954516



you can never be too sure, I'm always in hate mode on the Internet

(which is much different from my day-to-day IRL temperament)

>> No.3954519


Broscience in da house

>> No.3954524


Somatypes are useful for categorizing and descriptive purposes

I don't adhere to the entire to the entire idea of somatypes, just the convenient parts, heh.

>> No.3954528

Implying somatotyping is not common medical practice.

>> No.3954530

You owe me a coke.

>> No.3954531

and a photo of your ectonibblers

>> No.3954562

Muffin tops are created because you don't wear clother your size, drop the skinny jeans

>> No.3954569


unfortunately fat people don't tend to realise that they need a way bigger waist size than they think they are because it is comparatively loose around their puny legs and it falls down and shit

this is why so few fat people wear belts

>> No.3954606
File: 87 KB, 432x640, 1330220346449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the belt wont go over my gutshelf :(

>> No.3954622


get a bigger belt love.

if there's one thing i respect about my dad, it's the fact that he knows how to dress his size. he wears a lot of tailored stuff. of course if you're fat and poor you may as well kill yourself.

>> No.3954627


it isn't

>> No.3954633
File: 115 KB, 680x1024, 1330220979366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the gutshelf just pushes them down no matter what :( stupid gutshelf will not listen to reason.

>> No.3954636

You just described all children. They all lack empathy.

>> No.3954657

No. And you don't know what you're talking about. Fuck off. Die.

>> No.3954689

Read the /fit/ sticky.

DON'T do some random shit diet you found in a magazine or online. The sticky got solid information that's actually backed up by facts.

>> No.3954734

>fat and overly emotional with a lack of rationality

If you're looking for a diet plan, I'd check out /fit/. We eat good tasting food here, not necessarily healthy food.

>> No.3954778
File: 16 KB, 320x476, pachuco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull pants over gut shelf.

>> No.3954873

I just asked you a question. Don't get emotional on me, baby.

>> No.3955581
File: 91 KB, 500x726, old_man_med.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3955639

This man Speaks the truth

>> No.3955644

More like ham planet

>> No.3955709
File: 225 KB, 922x882, 1350157568940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3950685 those feels bro

>> No.3955804
File: 14 KB, 313x168, 1324407452537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit that girl is hot. like seriously. I'd hit that shit like the fire of a thousand suns.

>> No.3956282
File: 363 KB, 653x592, Walkingdead-bighead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u are fat girl who make of the propaganda to fool the skiny small man.

>> No.3956312

she looks like pearchan

>> No.3956321

There is a pearchan???

>> No.3956349

But the ring is the best part of the.....nevermind, I suck cocks

>> No.3956372
File: 157 KB, 472x632, WLTj0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the goddamn cooking board. What are you doing here? Go to one of the social boards.

To answer your question, since you're here, it varies from person to person. I personally like women who have a little meat (and I'm not saying I'm a fucking chubby chaser so don't get that idea, I just don't like bone thin) and the girls in that pic maybe look a little lazy but otherwise seem fine. I'd have to see more of their bodies, but that area in specific isn't a deal breaker.

This is, of course, just coming from one red blooded guy.

>> No.3956409

no, because you're an egotistical bitch

>> No.3956416

get the fuck out

no one gives a fuck

>> No.3956431

He asked for a diet plan.
Why are you talking about other things?

>> No.3956454
File: 153 KB, 480x400, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muffin top

>> No.3956477

OH hai...

LOOK, a muffin thread...with all these replys there must be some great muffin pic's, tips and recopies in there.






God dammit, you people aren't even talking about muffins.

>> No.3956572
File: 106 KB, 340x264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]