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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 26 KB, 360x300, mushrooms[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3948004 No.3948004 [Reply] [Original]

OP here.

Let's make this thread about mushrooms.

What can I do with them other than sauteing?

Which ones are good? Which are shit-tier?

>inb4 hurrr, shrooms, letz get high guise

>> No.3948005

Grilled mushrooms are awesome.

>> No.3948010

Mushroom Hands

>> No.3948015

obtain mushrooms (about 2" to 4" diameter)
remove stem
remove gills (if desired, but why would you)
fill with tasty stuff (cheese, hummus, spinach dip, etc)

>> No.3948019

I can eat raw mushrooms just fine, either on their own or in salad or whatever but cooked mushrooms make me gag and dry heave every time.

>> No.3948022

4 large flat Portobello mushrooms (approx 250g/ 9oz in total)
2 cloves of garlic
½ fresh red chilli
2 sprigs of fresh flat-leaf parsley
½ lemon
70g (2½oz) mature Cheddar cheese

Lay the mushrooms, stalk side up, on a chopping board. Trim the stalks and place the mushrooms stalk side up in a small earthenware dish that they fit into fairly snugly.

Crush ½ an unpeeled clove of garlic over each mushroom. Finely chop ½ a red chilli and a couple of parsley sprigs, and divide between the mushrooms. Grate over the zest of ½ a lemon, drizzle well with olive oil and season. Cut the Cheddar into four chunks and pop one on each mushroom. Grill on the top shelf for 9 to 10 minutes, or until golden.

>> No.3948026

OP here... that recipe gave me a boner


>> No.3948028

I use to be like this when I was a kid, but now that I'm an adult and have a more sophisticated palate I still hate cooked mushrooms, fuck those horrible things

>> No.3948030
File: 24 KB, 264x198, eekhoorntjesbrood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But what do with some cep (dunno if its the right word)? besides risotto.

>> No.3948032


>> No.3948044

they mean cepes, or porcini

>> No.3948048

Use them as a quesadilla filling.

This is super easy. Basically clean/stem your shrooms and saute the shit out of them. Season heavily with salt and pepper, and continue sauteing until they start to brown. Deglaze with beer (negro modelo works nicely) and mix in some chopped fresh epazote.

When you're making quesadillas, put as much of this mixture as you want in the middle of the tortilla. Let the cheese melt and fold it over.

Simple and tasty as fuck. Oysters and Hen of the Woods/Maitakes work best with this, but any mushroom (maybe a mix of white button and shiitakes?) would be good this way.

>> No.3948052

thanks op. made me realize that i need to cook up some mushrooms that i have in the fridge. thinking about some kind of pasta.

>> No.3948053

what do you mean by "deglaze with beer"

Seems like a waste of beer

>> No.3948064

'Deglaze' is to boil off the stuck, browned bits in the pan with water or beer or wine, but mushrooms being 90% water should never need this

>> No.3948069

get 3 or 4 varieties and make an aawsome mushroom soup.

saute in scant amount of butter and reduce with port or heavy red wine to make an excellent topping for your favorite steak

>> No.3948086

I like mushrooms when they're cooked for me (I don't have much experience with them, let alone cooking them). I would like to go mushroom hunting, but I'm too lazy to look up information on it.

>> No.3948094


Here you go:

>> No.3948103
File: 134 KB, 800x546, mushroom-hunting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. Just set out on my own after listening to this. Pic related. Me in the middle.

>> No.3948111

Porcinis are great in a lot of things. Pasta sauces, pan sauces, demi, au poivre... the list could go on.

I've had some really nice smoked mushroom street tacos. They make a great substitution for pork carnitas.

You're supposed to deglaze with an acidic liquid specifically, and yes, mushrooms need deglazing. If you saute them, you're creating a barrier that keeps that liquid (which is much lower than 90%) inside. They will stick.

>> No.3948124
File: 37 KB, 540x359, tagliatellefunghi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3948132

has some great articles on cultivation and hunting

>> No.3948133

When the bottom of the pan gets all brown and crusty, pour some beer in and scrape those bits off.

It might sound like a waste of beer but you should taste it, the mushrooms absorb the flavor of the beer even after most of it has evaporated.

>> No.3948162

They only stick if you 1) use a shitty pan or 2) are a shitty cook

>> No.3948195

Or if the mushrooms' sponge-like pore suck up oil, which they do. Seriously? Have you ever even made a pan sauce before?

>> No.3948203

If your name is 'Forrest Gump' or rhymes with 'Corky', then your mushrooms stick to the pan.

>> No.3948205

Maybe you should stick to hotpockets or anything in a 'boil-in-bag'