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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3945315 No.3945315 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when I never give a tip to the pizza boy/girl
Why do fags give tips to people? How much money have you faggots wasted on tips?

>> No.3945319

I usually tip because I worry that the next time I order pizza from the same place and don't tip I'll get cum/jizz/piss on my pizza.

Also because it's a nice thing to do for someone doing a shitty job like delivering pizzas.

>> No.3945321

I got a pizza last Friday and the bill was 26.65 but all I had was 26 dollars even and a bunch of hundreds. The faggot pizza boy didn't have change for a hundo' so he had to chip in the 65 cents.

fuck yea -.65 tip....eat it bitchz.

>> No.3945327

What if you're poor like me and can't afford to tip? And nigga don't say "well don't eat out if you cant afford it!" You're gonna fucking say it, arent you.

>> No.3945329

none of you fags tip people when you pick up the pizza in the god damn store, no one jizzes in your god damn pizza. I'd sooner white wash the fucking delivery guys car for being a fucking pretentious self satisfied fuck for making twice as much money as I do working at the same god damn place.

>> No.3945330

well don't eat out if you cant afford it!

>> No.3945331

because gas and cars aren't free and they get payed shit wages just so my lazy fat ass doesn't have to get off the couch and get dressed to go pick it up. also chance of getting in wreck, also chance of being robbed.

i tip drivers pretty well, usually $5. if the weather is awful or my order is more than $50 or so I'll tip more. of course i usually just go pick it up myself because i'm not an unkept lazy drunk asshole who likes to abuse and depend on delivery drivers.

>> No.3945338


>> No.3945344 [DELETED] 
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lol. i was looking through a friend's facebook and and i saw her post this. btw, she's the customer...

>> No.3945345
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Really, guys? Another tipping thread?

>> No.3945352

The delivery fee that pizza hut gave me covered my costs as a driver (Including maintenance)

If they didn't, i wouldn't have been delivering.

>> No.3945362

They make minimum wage because their job is something a monkey could do
They get paid for their fuel and get extra for the maintenance of their vehicles

>> No.3945369

I stop ordering take out because I believe *let me think now* I believe most pizza places charge for delivery and as such I think it's about five dollars including a tip of two to three bucks your wasting an hours minimal wage just to have the pizza brought to your door.

The four closest pizza places around my home are no more than two miles away, so I rather pick up.

As for tipping in general I only tip if I actually get great service and if gratuity is already added just because I have more than two people at my table, I don't give any shit extra in fact I don't give my business and my money to places that charge auto gratuity.

>> No.3945380

Also I have tip caculator card in my wallet. So as not to be a total twat I do tip at resturants but only at what is appropriate.

but yeah, poor fag is gonna poor fag

I actually work at a sandwich shop and I do my job well, but fuck if any ever puts anything in the tip jar, I'll be lucky to get two dollars total the whole night, because college kids are cheap bastards despite getting financial aid.

Yeah I jelly at waiters in Olive Garden, those pricks and cunts some times rake in hundreds in tips. at the end of the night

>> No.3945384


This here the delivery charge is the tip.

>> No.3945385

Also what pisses me off is some college kids put a canadian, or mexican coin in the jar...well I appreciate the fact you tipped me but chirst it will actually cost me more to convert these to American money and all that effort for what will basically be forty cents.

>> No.3945394

Nah, not always. I do deliveries for a place that charges a $3 delivery fee and I get none of it. Their rationale is that they do that so that they can pay the drivers the same wages as everyone else in the store, whereas most places can get away with paying drivers less because they expect them to make it up in tips.

I think its kind of fucked that they charge a delivery fee and don't give it to the drivers but I don't complain too much. I regularly bring home $50 plus in tips while I do less work than everyone else and get payed the same wage hourly.

>> No.3945397

The way I see it, there are only so many jobs out there that pay better wages, and people that desperate have made their choice.

>> No.3945414

What chode.

>> No.3945420 [DELETED] 

> tfw live in the UK where no one tips ever.

Can't miss what you never had

>> No.3945424

Because getting a little extra cash is always nice.
I do an odd job where i help set up and pack up band equipment for this band.
Sometimes they give me a bonus here and there for helping out.
It's really pleasant when they do, it can really make someones night.
So instead of being a cheap fuck who says ,"LOL WELL THEY GET PAID ANYWAYS."
Sometimes showing a bit of gratuity its a nice thing and makes their night.

>> No.3945427

I have oil field money, I can afford to tip

>> No.3945431
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But you're no oil man.

>> No.3945444

I tip because it makes someone else happy and small bills aren't usually going to be missed.

Same reason I give homeless guys money for beer.

>> No.3945449

lol that's great

>> No.3945453

They remember if you tip poorly. This may affect the quality of the food you receive. Alternatively, they can just refuse to delivery to your address.

>> No.3945456

/v/ please leave, you are not welcomed here.

>> No.3945468
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Tip Me!

>> No.3945470
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8/10 to this thread. I'd say 1/10 based on the first post but given the autists responding...

>> No.3945484

>mfw I work in a casino and people leave 20c slot tickets in my tip jar

Bitch please. I don't want to bother cashing this shit in any more than you do.

>> No.3945489

I've worked as a driver for Domino's and a local pizza place here when I was younger, both places have drivers that have done that, and Pizza Hut even had an in-company release about it for the region.

>> No.3945672


No they don't you fucking retard. I used to be a delivery boy back in highschool, we got paid minimum wage, and $1 gas allowance every delivery. Insurance, gas, and maintenance is all on the delivery boy, not to mention a lot of places require you to have delivery insurance on your car. Every other place in town, and in the province, is like this.

>> No.3945698

I tipped once in the middle of a snowstorm. Dude earned it.

>> No.3945701

lmao you dick.

>> No.3948020

I can understand tipping a delivery boy. Youre paying for the convenience. All other tips are fucking retarded.

>> No.3948240

We tip because unlike OP, we have not developed a taste for saliva, snot, floor sweepings, piss nor shit from the dining establishments we frequent

thank you

>> No.3948247

>handing out free money out of fear
stay beta

>> No.3948254

I'm a struggling student putting myself in massive debt and working a minimum wage job through college. I still tip, because my father didn't raise me to be some sort of self-important jackass with no respect for my fellow human beings. And I've actually seen tipping pay off, after a few repeat orders delivery guys know who you are and that you tip, and they appreciate it. I get my pizza hot, and frequently get free breadsticks. Bet OP doesn't.

>> No.3948256


Less beta than swallowing more american semen than the average briton.

>> No.3948299

Yeah, every pizza you've eaten since your first is probably dripping with saliva and boogers. Where I work, we keep a list of non tippers and share between restaurants. No tip=extra toppings.

Understand, we are not entitled little fuckers, we work very hard for very little. Every penny you give us makes our lives bearable, being a dick about it means you deserve everything you get.

>> No.3948338

I always tip. If I have the money to order out pizza, I should damn sure have the money to tip the delivery guy.

>> No.3948339

1. I tip cuz I'm not a poor motherfucker.
2. I tip cuz I'm not a jew or black.
3. I tip cuz I'm not a douche who fucks with ppl who handles my food.
4. Last but not least, I tip cuz I know how it is to have a shitty job with shitty pay.

>> No.3948341

>tfw I don't have to tip pizza guy in europe

>> No.3948345

I live in Japan. They refuse tips because they get paid a living wage here. At least $10 USD/hr for the lowliest of fast food jobs. Get your shit together America.

>> No.3948347

>that feel when I have to hide a tipping thread on /ck/ every other day

>> No.3948355

>that feel when I never order take-out because it's always overpriced and underwhelming as fuck

>> No.3948358

I don't tip Dominos or Pizzahut, I do always tip my local pizza/food delivery guys. Can't remember which one but one of them adds a $8 charge for delivery.. that is twice what I would normally tip why would I pay even more on top of that the Pizza's are more expensive than if you go to the store and get them so they're already milking it. Why the fuck would I pay more?

I have tipped before to really nice drivers but that's rare. My local place that does Pizza, Burgers, Burritos, Tacos, Ribs, amazing salads and heaps more has no delivery fee and the food is quite a bit cheaper and always fresh and way more tasty.. None of that processed rubber tasting meat and the servings are way bigger. That is why I always tip the delivery guy normally $4 but I usually just round up to $10 so if it's $24 he will get $6.

Why is it that Dominos & Pizzahut are charging more in Aus? I remember when I lived in England they were considered the cheapest crap and they were pretty cheap and on top of this they made way better tasting pizzas (pizzahut at least) It may be crap to you English but after tasting Aussie Pizzahut/Dominos you'll know what I mean.

These shit house companies shouldn't be charging more than places that make "gourmet" Pizza's.

>rabble rabble rabble rabble

>> No.3948365

>tfw Australian
>tfw never tip anyone

>> No.3948470

>tfw every normal person does it anyway.
At least 1-2 €

>> No.3948505
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>not giving a tip
enjoy your semen

>> No.3948514
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I've yet to see someone tip in my country aside from foreigners. So no I don't tip even if I travel

>> No.3948520

>being a dick to people who know where you live and have access to your phone number

>> No.3948521

It depends, really. I tip, but not the 15% shit. Yeah, hate me all you want, but 10% is all I can spare for you.

>> No.3948525

>A tumblr where people can bitch about tipping

>> No.3948528
File: 482 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_1042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on with the guy in ops picture. He does all kinds of these generic photo's. I saw his picture as a construction worker in my office for a health and safety poster same goofy face, then I saw this walking to my gym. I'm getting severe baader-meinhof phenomenon from this faggot.

>> No.3948534

Where I work we can manipulate the delivery fee very easily. If I deliver somewhere and get stiffed, I can go into the computer and charge an extra dollar or two for the next delivery to that house.

>> No.3948536

I remember there being a thread with all his different guises and corresponding stories. Funny stuff

>> No.3948539

This is why I just pick up my pizza, or make it myself.

The guy I usually get pizza from (good guy), likes that I pick up my pizza. If everyone picked up their pizza's he wouldn't have to pay some dickweed to go drop them off, and there be a chance of him getting robbed/into an accident/pizza late free charge etc etc.

>> No.3948553

You dont live in Japan. Dont lie.

>> No.3948594

Yea I've seen the part time job ads. High school kids start at 700 en and graduates start at 800. Slightly better than America when you take into account the exchange rate, but most things are more expensive here. They don't accept tips because its not part of the culture for the most part. I guarantee the hotels here that deal with foreigners on a daily basis accept the tips since they know they aren't out of pity

>> No.3948621

Get a better job, there are tonnes of labour jobs that require little to no experience and pay much better.

>> No.3948631

>Understand, we are not entitled little fuckers

yes you are. If you can't find a better job, it's because you're not worth any more

>> No.3950157

I tip because I am a delivery Driver and I appreciate it when someone gives ME a tip.

I have been sort of engrained to never tip poorly, because my dad always tipped well when we went out to eat or got food. Because we have a large family you see.

I do it now for that reason, and because I feel like a large tip/ any tip makes the person feel good.

if the food takes a long time to arrive (longer than promised) I do not tip, and if the person seems not so happy to be doing his job then I don't tip.

I guess I'm a bad person.

>> No.3950164

>If you can't find a better job, it's because you're not worth any more

how is your intro to economics class going

>> No.3950167

>Don't give us extra money.
>Poison and contaminate your food.

The American, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.3950177

>Can't remember which one but one of them adds a $8 charge for delivery
That's Domino's. We see 45 cents of that $8 for every mile we drive.

>> No.3950183

>eating pizza

>> No.3950184

Well, I had the pizza delivered to me during work, so I felt like he should probably get something extra for delivering to an esoteric location.

>> No.3950187

Do you wash windows or something?

>> No.3950188

Good on yah, OP. No need in giving random faggots extra money. They usually don't even deserve the money they get for the job anyway.

>> No.3950189

I'm a manager at a Dominos.

Our drivers get $6/hour, tips, and a 6% 'commission' of each order they take (roughly $1 per run, sometimes more or less). Average order is around $20, so $1.20 in mileage. In my section of town, the average run gives a $4 tip, and a standard rush driver gets about 10 runs in 4 hours, or 2.5 runs per hour, or one every 24 minutes (that's about the average run time).
Let's do the math.
6x4= $24 in hourly.
10x1.2= $12 in mileage.
10x4 = $40 in tips.
The average night for a guy doing a 4-hour shift is $76. That's $19/hour.
If you open or close, you get exclusive runs for the price of doing some cleaning, and you'll make even more.

I can not fucking stand the entitlement.
I get $10/hour to run the store, deal with angry customers, pump out double the pizzas any of the high school insiders do, manage the drivers and insiders, keep track of the money, manage labor and food costs, and clean and close the store every night.
They get an average of $19/hour to fold boxes, do dishes, answer phones, and drive.


>> No.3950192

>paid for gas
>paid for working at the place

>lets give them extra money because murrrrrrrrrrrrrka


>> No.3950193

I dont care if I sound like an a hole, ever since pizza chains added that delivery fee, I just dont like to tip the pizza man

>> No.3950194

Dominos is split into franchises. Your Dominos is not every Dominos.

>> No.3950195

Sounds totally reasonable to me. Anyone who says otherwise is a jackass in the "food industry" and thrives on the extra money they don't deserve.

>> No.3950196
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well, delivery drivers dont exactly get paid with the money you spent on the pizza....that all goes to the store, including the delivery fee. what THEY make is the tips. so youre an asshole basically getting free labor from someone.

>> No.3950199

Working at a Domino's in London was the worst experience in my life.

I hope people wake up and realised that everything they sell is overpriced shit soon and they go out of business.

>> No.3950200


It's not just that they make more than me for less work.

It's that when they only get $1 or $2 or god forbid they get stiffed on a run, I hear about their bitching all damn day. When they get a $10 tip, they act like it was all their doing.

But here's the thing about the ones who don't tip:
Yes, we keep track of addresses, but it's more of a "oh, I recognize this address, he didn't tip last time." or whatever.
If you're a tipper, and the driver goes on a double run with your order and a non-tippers order, you'll get yours first. If you don't tip, you probably won't have anything bad happen to your pizza, it might just take a little longer.
At the end of the day, I don't think that delivery drivers value petty revenge over keeping their jobs.


I realize that. But tell me how the essence of my post was wrong.

>> No.3950202


No one made you be a delivery boy, quit bitching no one gives a shit about you having to do an extra oil change to your pos delivery car

>> No.3950203


Srs. You're not fucking Mr. Pink. You're not Dwight Schrute. Not tipping officially makes you a self righteous asshole. What's an extra dollar or two.

>> No.3950205


Oh, don't get me wrong, I enjoy the work. I like my store. Making pizzas is fun when you have some customers in the lobby getting impressed by your dough-throwing ability and you can walk out at the end of the night with your store having the best numbers in the metro.
I just fucking hate the monkeys I work with.

>> No.3950206

Yeah, I know you guys don't make a lot but they've started adding delivery charges which most people assume pays for the delivery so no tip. I know the company takes most of it so I just eat less pizza and pick it up most of the time.

>> No.3950207

>all drivers are entitled and bitch if they don't get outrageously large tips
I have to deal with getting shafted by a greedy, incompetent manager six days a week. I stay happy and cheerful in the store and while delivering to customers. The best part of my job is that I don't have to share tips.

>> No.3950208

I work(ed) at the Airport.
Trying to explain where exactly he needed to go was very difficult.

>> No.3950211

I didnt hire the pizza guy so no I didnt get free labor from anyone

>> No.3950212

Oh, I also have to deal with lazy asses that cannot manage to keep their address visible. Seriously, it takes less than an hour to stencil your address onto the curb in front of your house or nail some numbers from the local hardware store over the top of your garage.

>> No.3950215

Lol, You probably have never owned a home, neighborhood associations look it up. There are by laws and ordinance against stenciling or putting on hardware store numbers that your neighbor will think are tacky

>> No.3950216

not having gps


>> No.3950217

I tip 'cause they're food service men, not food servant men.

>> No.3950219

If we get caught using them we get trouble and fired if caught again;so sayeth the Manager, wise and just is he.

>> No.3950220


>> No.3950224

Because using an out-of-date map with mislabeled street names helps us learn the area.

>> No.3950225

I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or what...

I used to deliver pizzas, and I would have wanted and benefited greatly from GPS.

>> No.3950226

I am being completely honest.

>> No.3950228

Honest about the POS map, anyways. There was sarcasm in there.

>> No.3950258

I always try to tip but I do not always tip properly (the percentage shit) I try to give a few dollars or whatever I can most of the time.

Do drivers find this insulting or is it fine to do this...I mean they most know some people are poor right? (or jewish)

>> No.3950261

I have never ever in my life had my pizza delivered by a female.

Girls don't take these jobs, do they?

>> No.3950271

If you are poor why are you paying through the nose to have overpriced pizza delivered to your door?

A few do. Most avoid it for obvious reasons.

>> No.3950273

>tfw i live in a civilised country where people are paid a decent minimum wage and don't need tips to survive.

keep voting against your interests because hurrr abortion and gay marriage, poorfag 'murricans

>> No.3950286

I only tip the Chinese takeout guy. I live in a fairly small town, and there's a restaurant run by one old Chinese dude. He takes the order, makes it, and delivers it. When he's delivering, he locks the door to the restaurant and leaves menus outside the door in case someone comes while he's gone.

It's some damn good, cheap Chinese, and I like to tip him because it's just one dude running a whole restaurant.

>> No.3950290

Does he have kids? Usually Chinese parents make the kids work in their restaurant. I don't know how that guy is doing it if he can just leave whenever he wants. Must be a slow restaurant.

>> No.3950292


It's not really busy, and there's no seating inside. There are a lot of pizza places in my town, and a couple Chinese buffets, so his place usually gets skipped over. It's a college town so all the drunk students are all "FUCK YEAH JIMMY JOHNS!!"

The couple times I went inside to order, it was just the one guy I could see, but I could have missed somebody. It could be him and a cook, but I doubt there's more than two people working, this place is tiny.

>> No.3950293

I made $40 tonight in tips, i got stiffed once, if they had tipped, id have made 43

Honestly, if not tipping helps you get your rocks off, thats tip enough because it doesnt really bother me

>> No.3950310

because Gas is almost 5 dollars a gallon and I only have 15 dollars to get food. DUH!


>> No.3950317


There's no fucking reason to tip when you pick the fucking food up yourself

Get a driving job if it bothers you so much

>> No.3950332


Why not buy $6 worth of chicken, $2 of spices, $2 of rice, and $5 of gas and make enough food for 5 or 6 meals instead of blowing it on 2 meals of piza?

>> No.3950346

gas is $3.20 in michigan

>> No.3950415

I'm a driver for a small chain, and it pisses me off when I don't get tipped or get tipped less than 3 bucks. But fuck spitting in peoples food, I don't give a shit about screwing people over for just not tipping me. It's my job and I'm lucky to even have it.

As far as tipping goes, when I go out to eat, I usually tip 7/10 dollars to my server. Unless they tipshare. Tipsharing is bullshit for them and I'd rather not contribute to other people that didn't bother to help me.

>> No.3950438

If you have a smart phone it probably has gps capabilities, just lock it after last delivery. If you don't, he can't fire you for using a gps, just like he can't fire you for using premium petrol.

>> No.3950530

I was drunk when I ordered pizza. I accidentally tipped the driver $0.17. I felt like shit and didn't order from them for years after that.