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3944913 No.3944913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>20 years old
>not interested in alcohol but love culinary wine
>can't buy wine because I'm not of age yet
>only alternative is "cooking wine" that's just the reject wine that wasn't fit to sell as it was, loaded with salt so you can't taste how bad it is

Nobody understands my plight

>> No.3944950

I have a full liquor cabinet filled with booze just for cooking. When people see how much alcohol I have they are surprised because they know I don't drink.

>> No.3944948
File: 56 KB, 225x200, 1350582930059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yurop here reminding you that 16 year old can buy wine over here

Also you aren't seen as "classy" just because you drink wine instead of beer

>> No.3944961

>20 years old
>I'm not of age yet


>> No.3944963


21 to buy alcky

>> No.3944964

21 is a crazy minimum drink age. I'm almost 21 myself, but I'm actually kind of 'over' drinking. I still like a drink every now and again, but I could easily do without it.

>> No.3944973

Austria pls adopt

>> No.3944976


>> No.3944979

oh its cool that other countries let you drink as a kid! so cool guys!!

>> No.3944997

>has to be a 1/4 through his life to buy alcohol

>> No.3945018

>more freedom
>so cool

why are you being sarcastic?

>> No.3945020


Let's let babies do PCP

>> No.3945035

honestly they should just lower the minimum. itd make it less of a exclusive good to something whatever

>> No.3945040

>ask roommate if he likes to drink
>he doesn't like the taste; only uses it as a method to get fucked up
>doesn't understand the fact that he's wasting my whiskey

>> No.3945076

are you serious??

but don't you guys drink in college and shit??

I assume its one of those 'meh laws' that the cops don't really give a shit about ... cause if not ... jesus!!! is there anything you Amerifags CAN'T get imprisoned for??

>> No.3945098

cause thats the same thing rite

>> No.3945218


It's freedom

>> No.3945224

the cops care about selling it to kids, your shop gets shut down.


>> No.3945229
File: 42 KB, 651x719, 1347509103956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one drinks in high school or college. We all wait until we are 21 to have an alcoholic beverage.

>> No.3945231

made me laugh a little


I wouldn't trade the experiences with alcohol in my teenage years for anything you pathetic freedom fucks.

>> No.3945239

I wish I wasn't born in an alcoholic country and that the legal age was 21 or at least enforced at 18 I wouldn't have lost my teenage years drinking everyday and dropping out of high school.

>> No.3945240

if you can't manage to get drunk and succeed in school or university, you suck.

>> No.3945242

It is easier to buy the devils marihuanna underage in the USA than it is to buy alcohol when you are underage.

>> No.3945245

Land of the free mirite

>> No.3945256

I come from a country with prohibition.
Tasted wine in the west, enjoyed red wine but never really cared for it in general.
I don't see it as a significant loss imo.

>> No.3945301

>parents let me drink wine since i turned twelve
>allow smoking since i was fifteen
>take me to eat in high-class restaurants

feels good man.

>> No.3945323

Well yeah, the black market is unregulated. Thats why people saying regulating/legalizing weed will make it more available to children are retarded.

>> No.3945467 [DELETED] 


OMG so kewl lol

>> No.3945474

Just do like us oldfags did to get porn before the internet, bribe a homeless to get it for you

>> No.3945478

>>20 years old
Enjoy being able to die for your country before you can drink

>> No.3945496

The reodn the drinkinf age si 21 is for savng lifes, 10000 of lives are save each year gecause the people cant gt alchol and crash there car o have sx and get preangen. think of all teh live that are saved

>> No.3945692

Come to Canada OP. drinking age is 18 and 19. Fuck Amurrikkka and their stupid 21 to drink.

Meantime buy yourself a good book about wine, like HJ's Wine Encyclopedia and start reading. You'll own bitches when you drink wine and know exactly whats what. Read the whole thing a few times and wine will make a lot more sense.

Plus you wont get chumped at restaurants.

Also, smell everything you can. Fruits, vegetables, things. Remember those smells. Your nose has a finite number of things you can smell, after that they repeat. Best way to learn how to describe a wine.

>> No.3945733

>not ordering it online with a paypal verified with a prepaid visa and having it shipped to you through a re-mailing service
Do i have to do all the thinking for you?

>> No.3945833

This, there was always some black guy hanging outside of my local liquor store asking for money. I would give him money for forties and let him keep the 1 or 2 dollars of change so he could get some Newports.

>> No.3945882


>> No.3945895

I don't know what you mean be re-mailing. Do you mean it gets mailed to the re-mailing company and they mail it to you? What is the point of that?

>> No.3945916

The point of that was i'm an idiot.

>> No.3945918

>tfw Australia
>tfw you can buy alcohol at 18

>> No.3945928

Do you have your own transportation? I think the reason for the higher age is because here we get to drive at 16 and most teens have their own cars (or use their parents') so it's more of a drunk driving issue. But 21 is the age you can buy it, not the age you can start drinking. Depending on the city, there is no minimum age limit as long as it is in your own house.

>> No.3945942

He wasn't being edgy. I don't think you know what edgy means.

>> No.3945954

>You'll own bitches
This is what virgins fatties really believe.

>> No.3946004

Yeah. You can get your Learner plates at 16 (have to drive with an adult) and can get your Probationary (dunno if that's even what the fuck it's called) plates at 18 and drive on your own.

>> No.3946054

Thing I find most irritating is that there isn't a country-wide drinking age in the US. Regulations such as that are meant to be relegated to the states, many of which would probably have a drinking age (well, legal purchase age) of 18.

The federal government gets around that, though, by using "OMG TEENS DRUNK DRIVING" as an excuse to deny highway funding to any state that doesn't make it illegal for under-21's to buy alcohol.

Hell, even now most states don't prohibit even minors (under 18) from consuming alcohol. For example, here in Texas anywhere you're allowed to drink yourself (restaurant, home, etc.) your kids can drink too, as long as they're with you and have your approval.

Wasn't till 1984 that the feds started pulling funding, and it took till 1988 for all the states to be strong-armed into complying.

>> No.3946227

Here there are government owned liquor store with monopoly on selling any beverage above 3.5%.
You have to be 20 to buy from those stores and 18 to buy drinks at pubs/bars/clubs. Drinks at clubs etc are always several times more expensive than buying from the stores.

18 to drink, 18 to drive, 15 to fuck, 20 to buy from liquor stores

>> No.3947802


You can pet your red p's (90km/h) at 17, greens at 18 (100km/h) and full license at 21 (110 km/h)

>> No.3947920

New Zealand master race reporting. I started buying alcohol when I was 14, drinking age is 18 but no one cards. At least they didn't used to but they started a few years back after some TV sting operations.

>> No.3947927

Also, I went to college in both countries and the difference between the two is noticeable. In NZ, by the time kids get to college they've already been drinking for about three years, so they know their limits. Literally everyone drinks to excess all the time, but people have had enough practice that by the time they are at college they can handle their booze. Kiwis actually drink pretty responsibly compared to most other nations I've been to.

In the states however many kids get to college and have never had a drop of alcohol in their life. Suddenly they have access to it and no parents to worry about so a lot of them get seriously fucked up in their first few weeks. That shit isn't safe.

I think its better for kids to be first exposed to alcohol while they're at home so that they are more likely to drink responsibly when they get to college.

>> No.3947960

Pretty sure people in the South start drinking while in the womb if you know what I mean. There just seems to be lower self control even if you did drink earlier. That's because of peer pressure. All the morons are getting pissed drunk so if you want to be a cool kid at the party you have to stupid like that too.

>> No.3948001

>government owned liquor store with monopoly on selling any beverage above 3.5%
what shithole country are you from?

>> No.3948009

No, people drink early in the South because the South is a flagrant shithole and booze is pretty much the only thing people have left.

Same reason why meth is so popular in in the Midwest.

Certain US states do it, I forget the ones.

>> No.3948014

If your parent/s doesn't trust you enough to buy booze for you at that age or you don't have any friends over 21 then I think you have bigger problems than non-access to booze, friend.

>> No.3948016

I'm in Australia and I know most Maoris can drink the pants off most aussies.

>> No.3948024

Nah, it's just you can't tell they're shitfaced, they sound the same sober.

>> No.3948047

don't cook with shit "cooking wine". cook with good quality "drinking wine".