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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3935447 No.3935447 [Reply] [Original]

Ok co/ck/s, I'm having an argument with my mom about this chili. I say it's a Thai chili; she says its some kind of Mexican ghost chili. Who's right?

>> No.3935452

birdseye chili

>> No.3935453

Looks like a birdseye aka thai (though some of those grow pointing up).

A ghost chili is much larger in size.

>> No.3935466


That's what I said!

She now agrees with me and wants me to find find her a ghost chili plant now.

>> No.3935474

Her spray tan lines are showing, ugh.

>> No.3935475
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my ghost chili looks like this

>> No.3935490


She's Asian lol

>> No.3935552

Could be chile de arbol too. I have some in the backyard and that's how they will look before they fully grow.

>> No.3935589


Except the one's in my original post are as long as they get.

>> No.3935590
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i want a hanjob from dem hands

>> No.3935608
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She said said ok so long as you're not a nigger lol

Also, pic for your lut-lut (fap fap in Filipina) enjoyment smh

>> No.3935613
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>> No.3935618
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moar plz

>> No.3935621
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I'm using that again.

>> No.3935620
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>My mom's a perv

>mfw I have no face

>> No.3935624
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need more pics for lut lut

>> No.3935632

Look like "bird peppers" to me. Also called "chilpequin" or "chiltepin."

I believe that migratory birds have spread the seeds by bird-poop-bombing islands all over the south Pacific. I've seen pictures of these peppers growing on Saipan, and supposedly they're used in Thai cooking too.

And they're powerful little things, actually within shouting distance of naga/ghost peppers. So everyone's sorta correct on this.

OP: if you are growing these and want to cook them, seriously, be careful. Chiltepins are powerful stuff, even if you eat jalapenos the way some people eat cherry tomatoes. They're in naga pepper territory, for heat.

>> No.3935633
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There's your lut lut co/ck/heads

>> No.3935634
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do continue for lut lut 2 hands now

>> No.3935636

also, your mom is hot

>> No.3935638
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stahp it dont derail

>> No.3935657
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Feet for the freaks.

She can't believe that there are people that can get off to hands and shit... Lol she's damn near new to the Internet.

>> No.3935659
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>> No.3935663
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>> No.3935666
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what has this board become?

>> No.3935700
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OP, is your mother the devil? Are those red chilis a clue?

>> No.3935704
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Lol That would make me the spawn of satan

>> No.3935712 [DELETED] 
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I implore you to observe my duplicate digits, Gentlemen.

>> No.3935716

Looks like a dude's hands. I r confused.

>> No.3935752

lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut lut

>> No.3935755
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She's all upset that you said she's got man hands. (I told her who gives a fuck, but whatever...) She says if it makes you feel better to think of them as man hands, then it's all good.

>> No.3935766

Stop it, OP. This is disgusting, let your mother have some dignity rather than looking like a typical flip dog.

>> No.3935769
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Post some cleavage. She has great hands.

>> No.3935773

your mother is funny.

but what in the world would you do with a ghost chili plant?

>> No.3935794

Eat the ghost chili peppers, mang.

There was a Tex-Mex place near me (not for long, they went out of business after a couple of months) that had ghost pepper salsa. They made you sign a waiver before they'd let you order it.

It was so hot it made my gums itch and tingle while I was eating it with chips. That was some good salsa.

I was sorry to see them close up, but this is a college town, and is pretty much saturated for restaurants, not that this keeps people from opening new ones constantly, which never even make it to the six-month mark.

>> No.3935795


She wants to collect chili plants like she has orchids. Idk why she'd want to cook with ghost chilies, but she uses the Thai ones. It must be an Asian thing.

>> No.3935804

>cook with ghost chilis

does she own a gas mask?

>> No.3935810
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I told her that she'd have to be a cam whore some other time & am heading home 'cause she was starting to get all crazy with this shit.

Here's the last pic of the night: her hand & her papayas. She lut lutted them to try to make a cross breed.

>> No.3935811

>Asking an anon to take a pic of his mom's cleavage.

>> No.3935819
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Only on 4chan is this acceptable behavior...

>> No.3935820

Aaaand I just spat out my water. Thanks.

>> No.3935823
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>not asking
She'd already shown feet unprovoked, it was worth a shot.

>> No.3935824

It makes me feel better
>tfw ladyboy fetish

>> No.3935829


Are they really that volatile to work with? I know gloves are a must, but gas mask, too?

>> No.3935848
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She was the one going on about the pics, not me.

Also, on a funny (not really) note:

>flip dog

My aunt told the Humane Society "In the Philippines, we eat dog."

>> No.3935852

>telling your mom about let alone showing her 4chan

wtf is wrong with you?

>> No.3935858

OP is setting up for some shota roleplaying.

>> No.3935859

Tell your mom to visit /y/.

>> No.3935861


There's a lot wrong with me; just look at my mother...

Also, rules 1 & 2 only apply to /b.

>> No.3935863

>you will never be japanese
how does it feel to be the mexicans of asia?

>> No.3935866

I couldn't give two shits about rules 1 & 2. It's just I would think 4chan being the disgusting place it is would be too embarrassing to tell other people, your family especially, about.

>> No.3935868


No roleplay bullshit. This really started over an ongoing argument over what kind of chili she's growing. But then the freaks came out and she... Well... You've seen the thread.

>> No.3935871


Meh, it's alright. At least we're legal.

>> No.3935872


I don't give a shit. We're all sick and fucked up in my family; this does not phase us.

>> No.3936308

ia op still here?? more lut lut

>> No.3936404
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Protip: the word you want is faze, not phase.

>> No.3936426

I think I see some tramp stamp peeking out, or a whale tail.

>> No.3936459

I'm sure he meant that it doesn't change his family

>> No.3936472


I think it's just a thong.

>> No.3936476
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>> No.3936691

Not a Buht Jolokia at all. Also Buht Jolokias are a little over rated if you ask me. I like to experiment with superhots but my favorites are yellow and peach varieties. Oh and Fatallis... Fatallis are my favorite.

>> No.3936724


It's a thong, but she does have a tramp stamp that she *claims* is fake. Riiiight... She just keeps putting the same fucking fake tattoo in the same god damn place for over a decade lol

Unrelated also: She told my siblings that hush puppies are made from real puppies and they haven't eaten them since.

>> No.3936733
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Apparently the ghost chili was superseded in February this year by the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. They're about the size of a golf ball. So I guess the old adage of "the smaller the pepper, the hotter it is" is a general assumption and not natural law...

>> No.3936764
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wtf man

>> No.3936788
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>first time on /ck/
>see this

>> No.3936794
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Honestly, it's never usually like this.

>> No.3936798


Yes it is...co/ck/ su/ck/ers can't resist man hands and trap dreams.

>> No.3936811

Alas, it seems the time of lut lut has passed.

The Naga is still the only one you can actually buy though.

Honestly I don't get why you'd even want such a hot chili, at that point it's not about the flavor anymore.

>> No.3936964

Moar lut-lut op!

>> No.3936974


She at work making sammiches.

>> No.3936978

chili piquin some mexican super spicy shit but tastes so fucking good in salsa

>> No.3936981


I figure she wants the plant the same reason why kids in the 90's collected pokèmon

>> No.3937007

She doesn't work at a nail salon?
I thought all jungle gook women worked at nail salons.

>> No.3937006

so you took a picture of your mom's ass?
i don't know if we american's are repressed or you guys are perverted

>> No.3937124
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I'd say it's a mixture of both. Pic related: it's my brother holding the knife. No one flipped out; we just told him to stop being a dumbass.


That's the Vietnamese. Filipino/Filipinas assimilate pretty well in 'Merica. Many have told me that they don't like Mexicans because they come here illegally and don't speak English.

>> No.3937152

What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

OP is a fucking retard for posting all of these, and the rest of your are pathetic for getting this desperate for pictures of average to low-average mannish hands.

>> No.3937158
File: 112 KB, 800x480, 2012-10-14 10.22.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess they are birdseye

pic related - ghost pepper aka bih jolokia

>> No.3937198


Its a thai chili. I grow them, as well as Bhut Jolokias (ghost chilies), ornamental chilies, trinadad scorpions, and ornamental rainbow chilies.

There is no such thing as a mexican ghost chili, and central american peppers are not that size or shape.

>> No.3937306


>> No.3937338


I told her that Mexican ghost chili sounded like bullshit.

I'm currently eating pork rinds with chopped Thai chilies in white vinegar.

>> No.3937351


shut up and post moar lut lut

>> No.3937497

jesus what do you even do with the trinidad scorpions? are you indian?

>> No.3937557
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