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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 130 KB, 918x964, cornedbeefsandwiches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3934818 No.3934818 [Reply] [Original]

1. Your country.
2. Do you like sandwiches?
3. What kind of sandwiches do you like to eat?

>> No.3934821

Of course.
A little of everything. Not a huge fan of those SE Asian sandwiches with the cilantro.

>> No.3934824 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 400x488, zelleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love sandwiches
All sorts. Roast beef, mostly.

>> No.3934826

1. Guatamala
2. Yes but they are imported so very expensive to buy.
3. Triangular cut.

>> No.3934873
File: 112 KB, 432x640, IMG_0239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do.
I like avocado grilled cheese.

>> No.3934875

I like all sandwiches but I love pastrami. Its like cold cuts from heaven. Ciabatta bread is the best bread.

>> No.3934882

Pastrami is my favorite, but turkey is what I can afford to make regularly.

>> No.3934887

Imported sandwiches? What?

>> No.3934902
File: 334 KB, 500x332, bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3934977 [DELETED] 

This thread won't do as well as the tofu thread because /ck/ likes to feel super kawaii and you can't eat sandwiches with chopsticks.

>> No.3934988

Why does your country import sandwiches?

>> No.3934990

the kind females make

>> No.3935003

love em.
OP's looks God-tier. I've never tried food I didn't like, and I've tried some odd things. Also, to offer a different angle than the first reply, I happen to love the Asian sandwiches. I fucking love cilantro.

>> No.3935032

1. germany
2. good god yes!
3. as long as the bread is freshly baked pretty much anything is fantastic on it.

>> No.3935058

I love sandwiches
I'm not picky. My two favorites are as follows:

#1 Reuben - Best sandwich ever
#2 Fantastic Frank - A sandwich from Virginia Tech, #1 college food in the nation. Grilled chicken breast, pesto mayo, roasted red peppers, provolone cheese, on ciabatta bread. Delicious nostalgia.

Also cheesesteaks, Italian hoagies, hot roastbeef and cheddar... I could go on. There are a million good sandwiches.

>> No.3935079

eel pie thanks

>> No.3935108

1. Ukraine.
2. Yes.
3. Are cheeseburgers considered a sandwich? If not, then Tuna salad.

>> No.3935124
File: 179 KB, 600x400, le troll stroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because in my country the sandwich mines have all been depleted.

>> No.3935141

You mean your country didn't invest in renewable sandwich sources?

God damn it.

>> No.3935150

They said there was no evidence that sandwiches were caused by mankind.

>> No.3935155

People raging at socks w/ sandals


>> No.3935195

Pulled Pork Sandwiches

>> No.3935200

>claiming Texas as native country

haha I love it, i see it all the time on here, I think its only texas that does it. funny stuff.

>> No.3935203


Someday they will secede and we can finally go General Sherman on their fat ignorant asses.

>> No.3935224

Not all of us live here by choice, cocksucker

>> No.3935227

my family and i moved here a long time ago but when housing market took a nose dive we got stuck

>> No.3935229
File: 527 KB, 947x771, sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just going to leave this i thought it was amusing

>> No.3935237
File: 10 KB, 388x329, TexanRider.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like it here then go the fuck back to california or new york you cock smoking dope sucking faggot. I swear everyday I run into more and more of you stiff assed foreigners. Oh wait, your state is shit, has no jobs and doesn't produce anything of value. I swear you guys are worse than the goddamn Mexicans.

>TFW you realize the Mexicans are far more tolerable than the yankees and west coast fags.

Sage for off topic

>> No.3935248

1. USA
2. No. I like meat and vegetables without bread. I don't eat wheat at all outside of the occasional wheat beer.
3. N/A

>> No.3935253
File: 44 KB, 428x280, crumb-jenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Land of the free, home of the brave. Say whay u want about the fatties, but we got the free/brave down. We will harvest the fattie's blubber and render it for oil if the reserves ever become depleated. Biofuel yo.

#1 - Reuben - corned beef + sauerkraut + swiss + 1k island, on grilled rye

#2 - Cubano - pulled pork + ham + mustard + pickles + swiss, on a buttered torpedo roll, stuffed up in the george foreman

#3 - Sub - no fancy name, its a mod I developed which has probably been indepenently discovered thousands of times over the years. Chipped country ham + turkey + gabaghoul + havarti + mayo + tomato + finely shredded lettuce, on a soft hoagie roll, wrapped in plastic cling wrap, and refrigerated for a minimum of one day, then microwaved in the wrap and allowed to rest for 10 minutes, removed from the plastic and reheated a bit more. The hot and cold plastic wrap steps are like a marinade of sorts. It does amazing things to the sammich


Pics for you. His sister is on your side with that one.

>> No.3935258

1. Your country.
2. Do you like sandwiches?
very much so
3. What kind of sandwiches do you like to eat?
anything as long as it's veg/vegan. usually i eat gardein's chicken, boca burgers, or sweet potato slices on my sandwiches.

>> No.3935269


>> No.3935278

The dipshit that said:

> Not all of us live here by choice, cocksucker

Might be some faggot kid who had whole fuckin life handed to him by people who had the same treatment, yet every place else in the world looks so much more romantic when abstracted out by tourist brochures and local yokels on their soapboxes. Hopefully they have enough sense to go visit before burning bridges and moving there.

>> No.3935283


He'll be on /trv/ soon, posting one of "those" threads and asking for advice.

>> No.3935285

Your post is a spot-on representation of why I don't like living in Texas, you insufferable sack of proud to be shit. I was born here, but unlike you I have traveled far away and found where I will permanently move to as soon as financially possible.

>> No.3935301

Why? It's all blurry and the font is messed up.

>> No.3935368

Who the fuck cares?

>> No.3936096
File: 169 KB, 450x338, italian_beef_sandwich1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. USA
2. Fuck yes.
3. God tier italian beef sandwich race reporting in, extra giardiniera and gravy please

>> No.3936112



>> No.3936115

Never been, unfortunately. There's a Portillo's near my hometown though, which is where I first had one of these.

If I do find myself in Chicago one day, where can I find the best Italian beef?

>> No.3936119

1. USA
2. Fuck yer
3. Come at me bro

>> No.3936121



Gabagool with provo

>> No.3936147


>> No.3936151

1. USA
2. Yes
3. Any sandwich that does not have bread.

>> No.3937273
File: 784 KB, 3008x2000, meatballsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatball sandwich.

>> No.3937293

Sure do
Good old fashioned peanut butter and jam. Not jelly, never jelly.

>> No.3937316
File: 137 KB, 1296x972, meatballsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meatball sandwiches.

Pic related: meatball sandwich with mozzarella cheese dip.

>> No.3937331

Chili bread, curry butter, salah, chiken, bacon, corn and some currybutter on the other side
Cheese is an option

>> No.3937341

1. USA
2. I love them.
3. Grilled cheese! I like hot sandwiches best, but good bread and good cheese + anything else and I'm happy.

>> No.3937369

1. US
2. Fuck yeah
3. Tuna, hummus, lettuce, tomato, & swiss on a roll

It's fucking delicious.

>> No.3937371

Hot Roast Beef

#1 Di'nics
#2 Schileens

>> No.3937381
File: 280 KB, 533x400, briantos_bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Your country.
Philadelphia, Merrica
2. Do you like sandwiches?
Who doesn't.
3. What kind of sandwiches do you like to eat?
Hoagies, paninis and really anything on a long roll.

>> No.3937388
File: 203 KB, 1824x1224, stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated as fuck.
Now that rib place in Reading Terminal run by the PA Dutch knows how to make a sandwich.

>> No.3937412

Sandwiches which aren't soggy/don't have mustard. I effin love reubens and philly cheesesteak sandwiches.

>> No.3938384
File: 192 KB, 538x359, Whole-Wheat-Tuna-Salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone loves sandwiches.
Tuna salad sandwiches.

>> No.3938405

1. Only the greatest country on Earth
2. They're alright.
3. pulled pork, holy shit.

>> No.3938412

I like to eat the kind of sandwiches that make logical sense, unlike the pile of shit with a random slices of insignificant bread on top like in OP photo.

>> No.3938441

1. US of m.f. A!!!!!

2. most m.f. definitely so!

3. pastrami sammich from Katz deli in NY. Best in the m.f. world you m.f. scrotum miners!

>> No.3938444
File: 782 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. USA
2. Do I like sandwichies?
Like doesn't
3.The better question is what sandwiches do I NOT like to eat. I eat all that fucking shit
>Old school PPJ
>Bologna with some fucking yellow mustard!
>Peanut butter n honey / banana
>Salami. BEST FUCKING SHIT EVER. I even like the fake bologna salami.
>Spam? raw, fried that shit fucking amazing.
>Lettuce? Make it fresh and keep it to a minimum. Gotta have room for more shit than lettuce. please..

You may ask. Is there a sandwich you DON'T like?
My answer is no. I fucking love sandwiches.
I've even ate a hotdog sandwich with pickled okra and mustard on top when I ran out of food. It was GLORIOUS!

>Pic related. made this shit for breakfast. French toast on fresh Italian bread with peanut butter, banana, and honey sandwich.

>> No.3938445

Who the fuck doesn't like sandwiches?
All sorts. My favorites would have to be pulled pork, turkey clubs, or, if they count, cheesesteaks. Holy fuck, I could eat cheesesteaks every day for the rest of my life and never get sick of it.

Fuck off. I can't help being born in this shithole of a state, and as soon as it's financially possible, I plan on leaving it. Texas has four things that make it suck: 1. Rednecks. 2. Mexicans that don't speak english (I've got nothing against mexicans, being half mexican myself, but if you're going to live here, speak fucking english. I'm not going to move to france and expect them to understand me when I don't speak french). 3. The godawful heat. 4. Too many goddamned religious people.

>> No.3938472

And 4 things that are awesome:

Lots of grassfed beef
Lots of free pecans

Nevermind, I can only think of 2.

>> No.3938474
File: 66 KB, 559x500, got damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3938476

grass fed beef is total shit.

>> No.3938505

I suppose.
Hmm... I'd have to say Fritz and Sauce.

>> No.3938524
File: 169 KB, 800x535, 34563366363636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3939356
File: 324 KB, 1280x960, DSC_0235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat sandwiches five days a week.
Pepperoni grilled cheese.

>> No.3939376

Philly Cheese Melt, Steak Sandwiches, Subway.

>> No.3939400
File: 135 KB, 533x800, 9479274967769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have I never seen nor thought of that sandwich right there. Holy shit. With a side of some killer marinara.

>mfw I'll be making this soon

>> No.3939425
File: 54 KB, 400x267, 12207126222E0nLh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're alright
Caviar and sour cream is the sandwich for me (open faced on dark bread, yum yum), while my grandparents prefer cheese on white with butter, or keilbasa.
>pic related, but with dill

>> No.3939459

(might as well ask this here)

I'm making sloppy joes tonight. Thawing out a pound of ground beef right now and I have a can of manwich sloppy joe mix in the cupboard. Anything I can do to spice it up? I'm going to add chopped onion and bell peppers of course, but anything else? minced garlic? mustard or bbq sauce? I also have half a leftover can of red kidney beans if that could be thrown in the mix.

also, I'm thinking about adding cheddar cheese and toasting the buns. Would pickles and lettuce go well in the assembly of the sandwich?

>> No.3939471

Grilled cheese, any kind of turkey sandwich

>> No.3939486

Add a little Sriracha. You also have most of the ingredients for a Manwich chili.

1lb. lean ground beef
1can (15 1/2 oz each) Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce
1can (15 1/2 oz each) kidney beans
1 1/2tsp. chili powder
1/2tsp. salt
1/2tsp. ground cumin
1/8tsp. garlic powder

>> No.3939728

I LOVE sandwiches.
My personal favorite is a Reuben. Ugh, they're SO good. With a pickle spear to go along with it!

>> No.3939800

USA..but the important part.... MEMPHIS BITCHES



>> No.3939808

Nobody gives two shits about Memphis. I went there and it was a grimy fucking ghetto. Enjoy your low-tier city.

>> No.3939815

USA (Texas)
Hell yes I do!

What this nigga said.
i know a place where I can get a DAMN good reuben for cheap. That plus fries and a coke is the lunch of champions

>> No.3939956

turkey and ham melt with cheddar on french bread

>> No.3939958

3.all kinds. tuna salad is good, so is grilled cheese

>> No.3939970

USA (California)
if made by a woman
I like eating Clubhouse sandwiches except with grilled marinated chicken and plenty of avocado and bacon

>> No.3940004

Theyre ok
a nice cheese sandwich is good.

the closest we get to your fancy american style sandwiches is subway

>> No.3940532
File: 17 KB, 236x300, catsup_steak_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. united states
2. of fucking course
3. pretty much anything other than like banana and marshmallow sandwiches or weird shit like that (pic related). italians are the best. give me a nice selection of salumi, red pepper, oil, vinegar, and oregano any day

>> No.3940546

1. United States of Ukraine.
2. Yes of course.
3. Roast beef.

>> No.3940548
File: 10 KB, 98x126, 1350412287173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>anything as long as it's veg/vegan

>> No.3940556
File: 72 KB, 804x484, kulen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Croatia
2. Fuck yes
3. All kinds of sandwhiches, but something regional would be:

-liver pate
-kulen (flavored sausage)
- rye bread

pic related it's kulen

>> No.3940585

1. UK
2. Fuck yes.
3. In bagels is best. Either goats cheese and onion with black pepper, or spinach, chorizo and blue cheese.
I also have a weird soft spot for corned beef on soft white bread.

>> No.3940617

yeah mate

>> No.3940620

1. usa
2. yes!
3. favorite is turkey with sausage stuffing on toasted bread, 2nd is east coast sub: ham, turkey, cheddar, shredded lettuce, tomato, onion, oil&vinegar + herbs

>> No.3940621

Greek style burgers

>> No.3940670

I just ate one >>3940608
Um... chicken royale from BK is probably my fave. That or the Angus.

>> No.3940711
File: 622 KB, 2600x1950, MainBar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandwiches are probably my favorite food
Favorites are a Reuben, BLT, turkey club, roast beef...pretty much anything. Best thing is my brother works at a local sandwich shop and I get a 50% discount. Pic related it's the Italian sub from Main Bar.

>> No.3940716

1. U.S.
2. Yessum
3. Whole wheat, turkey, salami, pepper-jack cheese, vinegar, spicy mustard, and lettuce.

>> No.3940717

That reminds me of a muffaletta, and I LOVE IT

>> No.3940718

Chicken salad.

>> No.3940751

>See above

>> No.3940759

Sure, but I usually prefer salads or rice-based dishes
Falafel with hummus or baba ganoush

>> No.3941471
File: 434 KB, 2332x1749, IMG_0963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love 'em!
Philly cheese steaks are my favorite. With Whiz, of course.

>> No.3941512

croque provençal, reubens, cubanos, nutella + blackberry

>> No.3941535
File: 52 KB, 500x375, 2010-09-17-12.25.13-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats shitty cheese steak

>> No.3941545
File: 107 KB, 800x600, k_ttbullsm_rg_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1. Your country.
>2. Do you like sandwiches?
Why yes I do.
>3. What kind of sandwiches do you like to eat?
Liver paté and pickles
eggs and kalle's kaviar
meatballs, mayo and boiled beetroot

open-faced of course

>> No.3941564

Italians, french dips, reubens, clubs, cheesesteaks. pretty much everything, although pulled pork, meatball, and anything with chicken is usually overrated.

>> No.3941594
File: 48 KB, 533x400, beach hut deli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is of my most favorite sandwich ever.

But, I also like simple sandwiches like cucumber and watercress; smoked salmon and dill, etc. I do enjoy sandwiches of all kinds.

>> No.3941616

Sausage Sandwiches with brown sauce.

>> No.3941672

>fucking dairy bar cheeseburgers with fries

Lettuce, onion, tomato, pickle, and mayonnaise. American cheese.

I don't want ketchup within 10 miles of it, and I don't want faggot artisan cheeses on there.


Pulled pork sandwiches with spicy barbecue sauce and coleslaw. Potato salad.


>> No.3941674

Oh, and BLTs and Chick-fil-A.

Really the only sandwiches I'll eat.

>> No.3941677

1. Amurica
2. Yais

-Rueben w/ turkey pastrami (corned beef is good too), sauerkraut, spicy brown mustard, and my own version of horseradish sauce.

-Polish/German brat Sausage on hoagie bread (the darker the bread the better) w/ Bravarian brown mustard, Sauerkraut.

>> No.3941700

Sorry, I don't bend down that far.

>> No.3941733

Very yes
Favourite sandwich is salami, roast beef, brown mustard, romaine lettuce, onion, cucumber, and havarti cheese on a dark rye. All of my hnnnnnnnngs

>> No.3941741

Shoulder bacon, lettuce, tomato and a hashbrown w/ hollandaise

....don't judge me

>> No.3941776

You know, my mothers family was good friends with Daniel Amoroso.

>> No.3941788

1. Murica
2. Of course
3. I make fucking bagel sandwiches with chicken breast, cream cheese, tomato, green onion, red onion, cucumber, and avocado

>> No.3941810


>tfw glorious Portillos in SoCal.

This is like having an In N' Out on the east coast.

>> No.3942083
File: 546 KB, 1920x2000, lobsterblt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very much so.
I really enjoyed this lobster BLT.

>> No.3942100

>just about anything that doesn't have tomatoes on it

>> No.3942137

hnng why have I not done this

that's almost a calzone if you put it with sauce

>> No.3942149


Fuck yes.

>> No.3942151

can't stand fries with that coating on them

>> No.3942161
File: 66 KB, 600x428, lobster-roll-closeup-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lobster roll from Abbots in Noank Connecticut

fuck year

>> No.3942189

Why the hell is it shaped like that?

>> No.3942190

I know. Every time I see something like that, I think about how fucking filthy that cup probably is.

>> No.3942199


Man....that looks like the devil shit on a bun. If its good lobster......well......why would they press it into a mold? It's goddamn fast food on the bay. I hope you enjoy your lobster leftovers that weren't fit for the better-than-average human consumption.

>> No.3942205


>Dude posts something he likes without being rude or condescending
>Lets all flip out and talk shit about the thing he likes

>> No.3942385

But hasn't it been established in many of these threads that women can't cook?

1. USA
2. Sure.
3. Hot sandwiches with meat, cheese, tomatoes, and maybe a little mustard or mayo. I'll eat other stuff on it, but those are what I expect most on a sandwich.

>> No.3942416

Cheddar with honey mustard and granny smith slices panini. Yeah.

>> No.3942434


U smart dood.

>> No.3942440

I think I may have just came from looking at that picture

>> No.3942487
File: 36 KB, 407x315, mortadella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Brazil
2. Fuck yeah, though they're more of a treat now that I'm trying to lower my carb intake.
3. Mortadella Sandwich baby, fresh roll, about 200gr of very thin slices of mortadella (the real stuff, not bologna crap), sundried tomatoes and a bit of lettuce for a crunch. Jesus that's perfect.

>> No.3942510

Not especially

>> No.3942553

>Liver paté and pickles
>eggs and kalle's kaviar
Fuck yea. that is some Lazer-Jesus-tier shit, right there.

>> No.3942626

Well, according to all of the /ck/ posts, anything to do with any kind of food is considered cooking. And a lot of the threads slam girls for trying to do stuff in the kitchen (which I find weird, since that's apparently where we're "supposed to be".)
My statement remains as such. Either we're supposed to be in the kitchen or out. Pick one.

>> No.3942647
File: 59 KB, 600x450, Walleye sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942651
File: 16 KB, 360x240, 1276582322004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942662
File: 398 KB, 1692x2111, 1311675100956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "montreal"
>"no results"
>tfw when there are Canadians in the thread that didn't include a montreal smoked meat sandwich

>> No.3942679

Bread+butter+ red caviar ,

>> No.3942684
File: 910 KB, 1920x1200, 1297611896_E1F3F2E5F0E1F0EEE420F120E8EAF0EEE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm craving that RIGHT NOW, it's a shame they don't have even decent-tasting red caviar where I live now.

>> No.3942686

It isn't technically considered caviar

>> No.3942687
File: 255 KB, 515x329, sillileipä au gratin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3942688

1. 'Murica
2. They are one of my favorite things about life.
3. My absolute favorite sandwich is a gigantic Philly Cheesesteak with lots, LOTS of gooey cheese.

>> No.3942806

Penn Station cheesesteaks are awful. Skimpy with the meat, the cheese is bland. Roll is ok, but who pays $8 to enjoy a good roll that has been tainted with that nasty beef and worthless cheese? They have a few good sammiches, but cheesesteak aint one of them.

>> No.3942812
File: 18 KB, 300x400, ham-n-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 murrika
2 darn tootin
3 McCroquet (have to go to Holland for this), all of the obvious ones like reuben and cheesesteak, buffalo chicken cheesteak, and not so obvious ones like baloney on plain old white bread with mayo, tomato, and american cheese. Also ham with cream cheese and dill pickles.

Pic related: everything in the pic looks yummy.

>> No.3942868


>using yankee like it means anything
>hurr don't mess with texas
>obviously a republitard
>hurr u see my new dualie

At least the mexicans work.

>> No.3942873

1. Korea
2. Yes
3. Anything, specialty being cheesesteaks, veggie burgers cooked in bacon grease, veggie paninis, grill cheese

>> No.3942888
File: 112 KB, 520x354, Tuna-Mayonnaise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Argentina
2. Yes
3. I like tuna sandwiches, good for the summer.

>> No.3943130 [DELETED] 
File: 258 KB, 2048x1536, thisisasandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genoa salami, shaved ham and pepperoni on poppy seed French bread with provolone, swiss, muffaletta spread, topped with a marinated red onion, red cabbage and iceberg lettuce salad.

>> No.3943147

N. Ireland
Usually just a couple of slices of meat between 2 rounds of wholemeal bread, with a touch of some kind of sauce or sauce-like thing for flavour.

>> No.3943277

Cheese dip for a sandwich? OH, SWEET BABIES

>> No.3943285
File: 51 KB, 234x307, 1348858080073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Michigan this summer and tried Walleye for the first time. Someone in my significant other's family caught it the same day we ate it and fried it in peanut oil. HNNGGGGG

>> No.3943788
File: 58 KB, 550x366, falafel_pitapalace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised no one posted this yet.

If I became a vegetarian, I could live off felafel. I know it's not the healthiest, but these things are just too fucking good.

>> No.3943838
File: 11 KB, 360x263, gobbler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USA, fuck yes, I eat every sandwich but fall back on classic BLT. I wish there was a good shawarma joint around here.

Also, WaWa Turkey Gobbler
>Turkey thigh meat
>Brown gravy
>Cranberry sauce

>> No.3943904

>Post something that looks like it was popped out of a microwave dish
>Expect people not to say anything

>> No.3943911
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shooters. this is one I made.

>> No.3943913
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>> No.3943916

that ain't a sammich, that's a meat tower with a side of toast.

>> No.3943917
File: 71 KB, 480x360, elvistoast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. 'Murica
2. Occasionally.
3. THIS. Peanut butter, chocolate, and banana sandwich. Or some good ol' Philly Cheese Steak when I want something savory.

>> No.3943961

>I enjoy some sandwhichs
>Philly cheesesteak
>Inb4 fatfuck

>> No.3944109


Got everything right 'cept the cheese. I purchased the same one and it's really bland. Just go for full flavor next time.

>> No.3944116
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>> No.3944131

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.3944153
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Shhh. Don't encourage it. You might get it worked up.

>> No.3944157


do you put the avocado in before you grill the sandwhich?

I've always been confused with putting avocado into sandwhich's i'm going to toast

>> No.3944158

1. USA
2. YES

>> No.3944159

3.Grilled Cheese

>> No.3944172

1. USA
2. Of course
3. My favorite sandwich ever would have to be a shrimp po' boy.

>> No.3944221

1. USA
3. that square ham, salami, pepperoni. Mix mayo with banana pepper juice, swiss and provlone, broil it until cheese is melted, add banana peppers.
If im being lazy, ham, turkey, swiss, tomato, and lettuce.

>> No.3945185
File: 291 KB, 1280x960, DSC_0325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a lover of sandwiches.
Agreed, I love shrimp po' boys.

>> No.3945199

I have family in New Orleans and every time I make it down there, I'm reminded that bread everywhere else in the US is our greatest failure. No po' boy place can duplicate that bread. HNNNNNGgggggggggggg I want 10.

>> No.3945222

Rare roast beef, lamb's lettuce and horseradish. Ideally in granary bread.

>> No.3945227


>> No.3945244

where did you get that from?

>> No.3945660

Google. I haven't had a shrimp po' boy in while.

>> No.3947017

Country: England
Do I like sandwiches: Yes
Favourites: Corned beef and Branston pickle, Chicken/turkey with stuffing and cranberry, brie and cranberry, peanut butter and banana

>> No.3947055
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I have been eating this every day since you posted the pic.


>> No.3947056

Toasted mozzarella, chorizo and sun dried tomatoes.

>> No.3947090

Chicken salad (my own, because fuck everyone else's) on a croissant

>> No.3947161

1. Canada
2. Fuck yeah.
3. Grilled egg and cheese, best shit ever.

>> No.3947178

>significant other

>> No.3947190

You are a massive faggot. I can just tell from the way your post is written.

>> No.3947214


I can pretty much guarantee that he/she said "significant" other instead of boyfriend/girlfriend because of all the pathetic butthurt which ensues due to the neighborhood forever alone manchildren.

Either way though, boyfriend, girlfriend, significant other, etc. you sad sacks of shit are going to get your jim jims thrashed.

>> No.3948997
File: 377 KB, 2592x1456, lobsterroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lobster rolls are best sandwiches.

>> No.3949006

holy shit man. i just about creamed my pants looking at that picture. i would love to get that lobster roll inside of me

>> No.3950237 [DELETED] 

This is the most delicious lobster roll I've ever seen.

>> No.3950239

I fucking love medianoches.

>> No.3950281
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1. USA
2. Yes
3. Good ones?

One of my favorites from Paseo, the cuban.
>>pic related

>> No.3950283
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The second: Chicken ceasar sub from Topolinos. Close to school, a lunch favorite

>> No.3950302

Now THAT'S a sandwich.

I love them to death.
Caramelized onions and soft cheese/foie gras/bonemarrow burgers.

>> No.3950338
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1. Not USA
3. Any-kind

>> No.3950369
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1. France
2. Yes
3. A lot. But the bread i really important. Nothing like a good "sandwich baguette".

>> No.3950370

>Fuckin yeah
>Kebabs are so fucking godly. Sandwiches sold in stores are terrible but those made with fresh bread are so good.

>> No.3950374

UK, yeahh, Bacon Lettuce and Tomato (BLT)

>> No.3950384
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1 France
2 Yes
3 I like classics, Baguette with rosette and butter
and the ol good Pain Bagnat
- anchovies
- hard boiled eggs
- caper
- sliced tomatoes
- small onions
- and moisten the bread with olive oil

>> No.3950418
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Joey approves of this thread.

>> No.3950696

hell yes
i'm a big fan of reubens and shooter's sandwiches, as well as egg and crayfish with mayo and dill, and also tomato and egg or caprese type things. really sandwiches are all about leftovers. and i pretty much love any kind of sandwich apart from coronation chicken.

>> No.3951032

Gyros, Reubens, Pulled pork on ciabatta with onions and pickles

>> No.3951045

1. USA (san diego)
2. ...
3. turkey bacon avocado with pesto is one of my favorites, roast beef/pastrami/corned beef are all pretty fantastic, pulled pork with coleslaw = an american BBQ standard... I'm also down with good egg/tuna/chicken salad sandwiches.

there are so many bomb sandwich shops in SD, now I'm all hungry and shit

>> No.3951083
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Sliced smoked bbq brisket on a buttered bun topped w white onion, pickled sliced jalapeno peppers, crushed black pepper and extra bbq sauce.

>> No.3951105

Texas isn't a country. Please GTFO and stop making the rest of us in this state look as retarded as you.

>> No.3951119

Well excuse me for including the geographic region that is relevant to my favorite sandwich. I should have just said USA since every state is the same anyway.

But seriously, why not go ahead and say the state you are from? I mean the States are about as big as Europe, I don't see why we have to clump everything together as USA.

>> No.3951128

Wrong. Apparantly you've never been to Texas or met a native Texan.

>> No.3951494

Believe it or not, Portillo's is actually pretty good. You could also try Al's or Johnnies. Gonella bread at all iirc.

>>3937412 Sandwiches which aren't soggy

See above and wtf? How can you have a Philly that's any good but ain't soggy?

Dude, I know it's cheap as all get out, but never buy manwich again. Just google sloppy joes and take the best parts of whatever comes up first. It's unbelievably easy, better, and cheaper.

Anyways. . .
Fresh garden tomato w/ mayo and salt on toasted dense bread of some sort.
Roast turkey and sharp cheddar on pumpernickel
Deli sliced ham and baby/irish swiss on light rye.

And thanks ck - i've got about twenty new sandwiches to try now.

>> No.3951515

1. England
2. Yes
3. Cheese, tomato, lettuce and pickle
Coronation chicken (I had a coronation TURKEY at pret earlier this year and it was an abomination)
Sausage and brown sauce
Tortilla española (used to live in Spain. Thought it was weird when I first moved there but I got used to it)

>> No.3951575

What's apparent here is that you have never talked to anyone here in Texas on a personal level.

>> No.3951589

Mushroom and Radish sandwich with swiss cheese melted over them between rye bread.
You can add a little beef it you want.

>> No.3953233
File: 224 KB, 1000x667, steaksandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steak sandwiches. Specifically, roasted garlic steak sandwiches.

>> No.3953245

Looks perfectly well done, but where's the ketchup?

>> No.3953443

I think I'd prefer a garlic pesto on a steak sandwich.

>> No.3953459

>I love sandwiches!
>Tuna Salad

>> No.3953479
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Tuna salad sandwiches are very underrated, but I rarely eat them though.

>> No.3953487


>Basically, cook a Full Irish Breakfast (rashers, sausages, fried eggs, white pudding, black pudding, toast, fried tomato, beans, mushrooms) and put it in bread

>> No.3953523

>Smoked sausage with tomato ketchup and bbq sauce

>> No.3955127
File: 577 KB, 3264x2448, grilledchickenclub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat them practically every day.
Club sandwiches.

Pic related: grilled chicken club.

>> No.3955135

Fuck Yeah
Anything with bacon, or mayo chicken on a baguette or pesto, mozzarella and tomatto on a nice baguette

>> No.3955149

>Anything as long as it's veg/vegan
>eats chicken
Pick one.

>> No.3955163
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I suggest you try bacon, brie and caramelized onion chutney/cranberry sauce/chili jam in a baguette (stick it under the grill for a minute to let the brie melt properly). Shit is incredible.

>> No.3955196

1. uk
2. hell yes
3. big fan of roast turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing and a little bit mayo in a brown breadcake

>> No.3955208
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>on bread

>> No.3955227

Fuck yes i do
Anything, toasted to cold to using different things for bread, been on an onion bagel sandwich binge.

>> No.3955466

Generally speaking, I find meat sandwiches the best. Once I made a big sandwich with sausage, bacon, fried mushroom, and brown sauce, all on crusty white bread. Shit was fucking tasty.

>> No.3955476

fucking love all types of sandwiches from reubens to hamburgers to cubans. (gyros too if they count here)

Just made my first batch of turkey burgers today and they were fucking delicious. Mixed a pound of 93% lean ground turkey with almost a cup of crumbled feta cheese, some basil and oregano, and just a drop of olive oil to help with the binding. I would've added chopped olives, but I had none, sadly.

Turned out to be fucking delicious. I thought they'd just be a bland dry version of the regular burger, but the taste was unique and delicious

>> No.3955520
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Carb overload

>> No.3956797

Who doesn't
Fresh crusty bread, roast beef, lettuce, hottest horseradish you can get and sea salt.

>> No.3956813

Consequence: Nothing.

Enjoy your inferior genetics and or lazy fat ass.

>> No.3956820
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1. Amerikan
2. Always
3. Gib sonwoch plx

>> No.3956843

holy shit this thread is almost 2 weeks old

>> No.3956867

United States of America. State of Indiana. North Central.
I do, yes. Thank you for asking.
Grilled chicken on rye with swiss cheese and horseradish mustard. Home made stromboli's.

>> No.3956950

Cheese sandwich

>> No.3956964
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> 1. Your country.


> 2. Do you like sandwiches?


> 3. What kind of sandwiches do you like to eat?

Polish ham, cheddar cheese, lettuce, Roma tomato, white bread (with an Honey Crisp apple on the side)

>> No.3957150
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Well, in the kitchen or on your back.

>> No.3957196

1. Canada
2. They're ok i guess
3. BLT and Chicken Salad Sandwhich from Tim Hortons

>> No.3957296

>any year
>eating food from Tim Hortons
I wiggly jiggly

>> No.3957309

French canada
I fucking love them
anything that fits between the bread

>> No.3957326

yes. i love them
i actually just made a pretty awesome sandwich tonight with some leftovers.

toast some thick cut french bread.
fry an egg over easy
took garlic mashed taters and flattened and fried a dollop on the skillet after the egg. pepper jack between all of it.

>> No.3957399

thread still lives

i like

>> No.3957407


I used to (before I went vegetarian because dying) go deli hopping for reuben sandwiches. Croissandwiches are always a good bet. At home I'd make dagwoods and paninis. Life was so good to me ;_;

>> No.3957413

1. USA
2. Yes
3. I like all kinds really. Usually if I make one at home it's two or three meats, American cheese (real, not Krap bullshit), mashed avocado and homemade pickled jalapenos on white or whole wheat.

>> No.3957419

saw this thread, had to go make sandwich.
Ruben is favorite. But else, anything with salty meats.

>> No.3957866
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1. USA
2. Oh hell yeah.
3. The meatball hoagie, with provolone, peppers, and onions. Fucking God-tier sandwich.

Pic related, it's a meatball hoagie.

>> No.3957916

1. England
2. Yes
3. Pulled pork or roast chicken

>> No.3957989

i usually eat weird stuff like tuna and peanut butter but now that I'm pregnant I'm trying stuf like peanut butter and hot sauce.

I guess my favorite is a regular turkey club

>> No.3958718
File: 566 KB, 4272x2848, muffulettasandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do.
Made a muffuletta sandwich today and it was delicious.

>> No.3958755

ridiculous sandwich right there

>> No.3958798

Cheese + Jam, Cheese + Branston, Cheese + Tomato, Ham + Salad Cream, Chicken Dinner, Banana and Bacon + Ketchup are probably the ones I eat most. Then there's the rest like tuna mayo, egg mayo etc that I have less often.

Sandwiches man. Don't think I've ever had a bad one. Unless it has cucumber in it and even then I can just pick it out.

>> No.3958808



Rib Sandwich and Kebab Sandwich.

>> No.3958813

Mayo sandwiches

>> No.3959051
File: 565 KB, 800x488, tumblr_m1mxq0zB5W1qaez01o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs more BLT

>> No.3959053

That is somehow the most interesting BLT I've ever seen. 9/10 would bang twice

>> No.3959070

Oh, snap! Is that some Carnegie Deli?
I miss NY...

>> No.3959095

Turkey(or chicken) and Muenster cheese

>GOD tier

>> No.3959107

I don't live in the USA how do I make a Philly cheesesteak.
Alot of people talk about it so I want to give it a shot

>> No.3959164

Get the worst sliced beef you can possibly find. Put it in some commercial bread bun. Squirt some cheese product in there. BAM: Murrrrrrrrrrka.

>> No.3959167

You know you don't have to respond to every post, right? Especially when you have nothing to add.

>> No.3959180

I probably respond to 5% of posts on /ck/, so yes... I know that.

You are obviously the authority on what "adds" something and what does not. Because you post sure added a lot to the fucking board too.

>> No.3959181

Okay, get defensive about your shitposting.

>> No.3959182

why don't you two faggots shut the fuck up, eh?

>> No.3959236

I love sandwiches with a lot of different meats and cheeses. I stack them in bulk and bite the shit outta it.

>> No.3959995

I'm American. The Syrians at the liquor store just added a deli. They make the best Italian subs.

>Romaine lettuce
>Red Onions


every fucking time.

>> No.3960002

Why do the arabs run all the liquor stores? Mine's owned by an iraqi.

>> No.3960044

Mine's owned by an Italian guy. Pretty sure he's involved with the Mafia.

>> No.3960264


>> No.3962010
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Who doesn't?
Steak sandwiches are pretty top-tier.

>> No.3962072

I need to try that someday.

>> No.3962078

Holy fuck those mushrooms look delicious.

>> No.3962136

1. England
2. Yes
3. Pastrami, lettuce, and some sweet chilli sauce

>> No.3962148

fuck yes, so good

>> No.3962152

Looks pretty incomplete to me. I always seem to get a nice, even browning on every slice without much effort.

>> No.3962165
File: 76 KB, 254x175, halfloafpastramisandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puerto Rico, US

Of course I do, who fucking doesn't?

Hal loaf pastrami sandwiches. especially the ones from bakeries.

Inb4 fatass.

>> No.3962182
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> m.f.
> m.f.
> m.f.
> m.f.
> m.f.

In response to your question OP, I am Slavic scum, I love sandwiches and my favourite sandwich is beef, onions, jalapeno and tabasco on rye bread. Primarily because I hate myself.

>> No.3962184


That sounds delicious.

>> No.3962197

Cheesesteaks in general are awful. Literally no other sandwich gets as much hype as Cheesesteaks. It's like New Yorkers and their pizza, an excuse to be an ass. I've tried it, in Philadelphia, in "the best spot", and it was shit.

>> No.3962202


> meatballs, mayo and boiled beetroot

10/10 god tier sandwich

doesn't excuse you from being a fjord-humping son of a bitch though.

>> No.3962240
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> garlic pesto over ketchup

top fuckin percentage

>> No.3962250

1. Sweden :(
2. Well, if they're made by me. Don't buy sandwiches - too expensive, taste plastic.
3. As I make my own, I prefer toasts. Typically, every morning I take 4 slices of white loaf.
Cheese. Lots of cheese.
Maybe some cold garlic sauce or whatever is in the fridge.