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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 607x406, Girl-scout-orange-county-cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3931475 No.3931475 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw being the only guy who thinks Lemonades are the best ones

>> No.3931480

>Tfw being the only other guy who thinks lemonades are the best worst best shit shit shit nigger i just fucked up but im still typin and you're still reading so why dont we use this connection girl and grab some coffee? oh you aint a girl you say? well its all cool we just be friends and be rolling and smoking and chilling and billing and not what the authorities say we cant do cuz that shit wont stop us from being who we are on the inside...YES!

>> No.3931479

No, they are my faves as well. I haven't had them in a long time though, back when I bought em they were called lemon crisps and they didn't look like lemons it was just a regular looking cookie.

>> No.3931487
File: 36 KB, 639x581, fuck-the-police-two-wheels-1301008454i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw buying 2 boxes of Samoas, 3 of Peanut Butter Patties, and 5 Lemonades

>> No.3931496

I was a girl scout for 10 years and never tried the lemon ones. I think they were called something different in my region....actually i thought they discontinued them.

I remember when I left they had something called Animal Treasures that were pretty good. I really like the carmel delites and shortbreads tho.

>> No.3931511

they've had a bunch of different lemon-flavored cookies

probably the ones you're referring to were Lemon Coolers, and they were the best cookies ever, and now they're just gone, and life is meaningless to me

>> No.3931997
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I never tried the Thanks-A-Lots or Shout Outs before. Can any kind anons describe the taste for me? Girl scouts are not in season where I live and buying them from someone who isn't a little girl feels wrong to me.

>> No.3932013

>Caramel deLights

What, was calling them "Samoas" deemed racist or some bullshit?

>> No.3932014

How much are these now? $4? $5?

Also, do they allow lesbians and children of lesbians into GS?

>> No.3932023


>The Creepy Crawly Layer


>> No.3932031

Pretty sure they do, I seem to remember the boy scouts throwing a hissy fit over having to share something with the girl scouts for that reason.

>> No.3932037

Yes. PC a shit.

I like them too. When I'm buying cookies I normally go for the Lemonades, DeLites and short bread.

>> No.3932042

I wouldn't be surprised if the BS were like gays will turn my boys gay! It'll spreaaaad

>> No.3932061


I like Caramel deLight better; it's far more descriptive. You can practically taste the name.

what the fuck is a "samoa". Not something that sounds like you'd want to eat it, that's for sure.

>> No.3932074

somoas nigger! what its fucking supposed to be called.

>> No.3932077
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Peanut Butter Patties and Caramel DeLites are called Tagalongs and Samoas in my region (FL).

>> No.3932080

Second favorite. I will NEVER replace Thin Mints as my favorite. But Lemonades are really good.

>> No.3932084

$3.50 where I'm at.
Not really sure about the lesbian thing, but if they do, they're a step ahead of the Boy Scouts.

>> No.3932087

The common (and retarded) argument I heard was "That means they'll allow gay counselors, and they'll molest little boys!" Like all gay people are unlawful deviants who're after that little boy tail.

>> No.3932091

If I remember right, someone told me that GS basically auctions off the rights to make the cookies in different regions. Depending on what company wins, and what region they're in, the names will be different and the cookies will be slightly different too.

>> No.3932092

Probably because of the coconut. Samoan Islands, coconut... there's a connection there. I really don't care what they're called, as long as they taste good.

>> No.3932095

>all gay people are unlawful deviants who're after that little boy tail
Well if any of them WERE unlawful deviants after dat uniformed ass, scouts would be a great place to get it. I can't imagine it getting much easier than a horny young boy in the middle of the woods with someone he trusts. It's soccer mom logic, but for once there's a bit of actual logic to it.

>> No.3932106

Like anyone's gonna fucking buy lead cookies.

>> No.3932139

Why the fuck did they rename samoas, tagalongs, dosidos and... fuck I can't remember the shortbread's name. And what the fuck are those other three??

>> No.3932143

you beat me to it.
why the hell would anyone eat a cookie with the word LEAD printed on it...

>> No.3932144

Fuck off, those things are crazy popular in China.

>> No.3932206

shortbreads were trefoils i think

anyway tagalongs were always my favorite, samoas were second.

>> No.3932242

i wanna try girlscout cookies...
>mfw when no girlscout cookies outside murrika
>mfw hardly any awesome murrikan junkfood here, either ;___;

>> No.3932270

Because DAS RACIS.

>> No.3932274
File: 32 KB, 238x286, gg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australia has girlscout cookies but it's been years since I've seen them.
Ours look like this though.

>> No.3932303

Don't you have your own junkfood though?

>> No.3932311

australian junk food is shit tier, mostly. even for junk food, less in the "OH GOD THATS HORRIFYING WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THAT" way some american junk food is, and more in the "this is the most mediocre shit i have ever tasted" sort of way. i like some of it, of course, but then again, i don't even know how much of it is even 'ours'. >fucking cadbry and your grainy chocolate, die in a fire.

i like honey jumble biscuits, ragdolls, tina wafers, and those pink iced ones with the sprinkles. mostly because of nostalgia, though, and they're cute. i think they're australian.

>> No.3932636

>Mfw I can buy these at the dollar store for much cheaper than what the little sluts try and sell them to me for.

>> No.3932648

2edgy4me. Anyways, the higher price point is help them fund their programs. So, think of it as a donation.

>> No.3932651
File: 33 KB, 640x480, laughter is an element of harmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw these faggots honestly don't like thinmints

>> No.3932675

Thin mints taste like chocolate toothpaste.

>> No.3932678

that's because they're minty, asshat.

>> No.3932679

Its a donation, fagget.

>> No.3932683
File: 29 KB, 180x200, shruganon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I eat something minty I'd rather the flavor be subtle. I don't want it to be so overpowering it's like squeezing an entire tube of colgate into my mouth, which is what eating a thin mint tastes like.

>> No.3932775

> Peanut Butter Patties and Caramel DeLites are called Tagalongs and Samoas in my region (FL).

New england here. They switched from Samoas to DeLites around 2007. I always thought it was so it would sound "**Lite*" and have less fat, so I only bought one box to try it out. Sold my shitty Mints at a steep discount that evening and invested heavily in DeLites the next day.

Pro tip: those Thin Mints are sealed in a special foil-lined (air tight and light proof) wrapper. They do not expire. My boss dropped a box of them behind a cabinet @ work that were purchased in 2006. We occasionally got the munchies over the years and would re-attempt to rescue them, but it never worked out. This summer we moved out and they disassembled the cabinets and I snatched them up. They tasted exactly the same, the "chocolate" wasn't discolored, and they were still crispy. These would probably be the best tasting thing in your bomb shelter/emergency kit. They pack densely/efficiently. Best thing is, if you change them out 5 yrs from now you can just eat them rather than tossing them out. Not sure how they react to heat exposure though, but I don't remember them getting overly messing in my hand.

>> No.3932849

Why do I feel this burning desire to stock a bomb shelter with nothing but Twinkies, Thin Mints and Dragon Dildos to troll /ck/ AND /k/?

>> No.3932867

I'd kill someone with my bare hands for a box of caramel delites right now

>> No.3932871
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I... don't think I've ever eaten anything other than thin mints and samoas/delites. I think when I was growing up my parents only liked those two, so they only ever got those.

>mfw I checked and they're not selling cookies in my area for another three months so I can't even try them

>> No.3932904

I don't understand why so many people get hardons for thin mints

Samoas all the way. What kind communists call them "caramel delites?"

>> No.3933405

Samoa's and tagalongs are best. Frozen thin mints are kinda nice when its hot.

>> No.3934252

It puts the PB in Peanut Butter!

>> No.3934260

thread tldr
wtf is a caramel delite, that's a samoa

>> No.3934291

So how much times did you check this thread to see if anyone replied to you?

>> No.3934295

>my periodic nigga

>> No.3934300

>Why are my Caramel DeLites now called a Samoas? Why are my Trefoils now called Shortbread?

>Each Girl Scout council chooses a licensed baker, either Little Brownie Bakers or ABC Bakers, and each baker uses different names for its cookies. So a cookie may be called Trefoils when baked by one baker and Shortbread when baked by the other. The two cookies may look and taste similar, but the name of the cookie is dependent on the baker. The exception is Thin Mints, which is a name shared by both bakers.

>> No.3934497
File: 490 KB, 500x568, nazireaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when I just remembered a box of Thin Mints I have in my freezer from February

>> No.3934507

Goddamn, I have to wait like 4 months until they start selling those cookies again.

>> No.3934539

It's all about the Thin Mints nigger

>> No.3935204

I like the Trefoils and All Abouts. Not sure if they make All Abouts still. I'm a fan of shortbread.