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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3925898 No.3925898 [Reply] [Original]

I have a burning question /ck/.

Say I have some milk that expires tomorrow and I use the milk in a recipe. Does that mean that my recipe expires the next day or does cooking the milk reset the spoilage timer? Will using fresh milk make my dishes stay good for longer?

>> No.3925915

From my experience, the baked dish in question gets a new lease on life. If you don't cook it though, and it's like part of a smoothie or something, it'll still go bad just as fast.

Milk is weird though. It never gets to expiration date at my place, yet it expires long before its printed date more often than I would like.

I blame lazy ass grocery store workers for not getting that shit into the fridge fast enough.

>> No.3925918

This happens all the time for me with cream. However, I've noticed that cream that I've never opened will last up to expiry date, compared to opened cream which never does.

>> No.3925920

Milk is fine for about a week after expiration.

As long as you're not going to save the leftovers from your dish for over a week, go for it. That being said, you should never save your leftovers for over a week unless it's something like chili where the flavors meld together.

>> No.3925923

>opened cream

Well, there's your problem, einstein. I'm not privvy to that sort of knowledge but I'd hazard a guess and say the expiration date (which is really just a best before date) pertains to the unopened goods only.

>> No.3925937


Maybe you have too much bacteria in your fridge. Airborne bacteria could cause opened shit to go bad faster. When's the last time you cleaned that bad boy out?

>> No.3925949


thats not how the expiry date on dairy works you god damn retard.

>im not privvy to that sort of knowledge

what are you fucking 9 years old? do you not grocery shop?