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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3925083 No.3925083 [Reply] [Original]

hi /ck/

I'm on a tight budget but I'm sick of:

Mac n cheese

What else can I do?

>> No.3925087

corn muffins
loaf of bread and some meat

>> No.3925086

You can do a thousand delicious things with pork bellies and they're cheap as fuck.

Also potatoes.

>> No.3925090


Just throw some in a bowl with water and zap for a minute or so

Yogurt and fresh fruit, easy as hell to prepare

Learn how to cook rice and beans, or some kind of basic soup. Work "hard" one day, get meals the rest of the week.

>> No.3925092

rice and beans, faggot

>> No.3925114

Yeah +1 on making your own soup

Cheap as shit and you can make a weeks worth of meals in an hour or so.

>> No.3925133

refried bean quesadillas and burritos. add tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions, leftover rice, garlic, cilantro, cheese, salsa, sour cream, avocado. very versatile.
make your own refried beans out of cooked beans or lentils. add them to your cooked veggies and add some taco mix. mash it all up with a wooden spoon as it cooks, and you have a nice filling.

>> No.3925167

tuna sandwiches
bread and oil spread

>> No.3925171

sardines (no mercury)
peanut butter
rice, rice cereal
corn cereal, polenta
beans (cheap if you soak them yourself)
spinach, collard greens, broccoli

>> No.3925172

>buy cheap root veggies
>dice and saute in oil
>add onion, garlic, herbs, salt pepper
>add veggie or chicken stock
>add milk or cream
>simmer for a couple hours
>blend in batches
>consume with tortilla, bread or other starch
>protip: you can add small amounts of meat like, ham sausage or bacon to make the soup more filling

>> No.3925213

Buy the biggest bags of potatoes, rice, beans and pasta you can find. So much cheaper than that junk, and so many things you can do with them.

>> No.3925216

i hear atleast 50% of people love tube steak. maybe you should give it a try sometime

>> No.3925221

caned beans suck after awhile anyways

>> No.3925219

>Mac n cheese

I hear suicide is a popular follow up to this list.

>> No.3925290

flour, eggs, water. make pizzas and strombolis and calzones yourself. cheaper and way better than pizza shops.

>> No.3925299

Buy non-perishables like rice, beans, and steel cut oats in bulk. Drop a few bucks for POUNDS of that shit, and then take an after noon to cook some to portion and thrown into the fridge or freezer for later.

Look for a local food co op or non profit like Bountiful Baskets to get produce for cheap so you ass won't pay more than 16.50 for that.

Use coupons to stock up with more non perishables like pasta. Coupons are your friends. Sometime one box of that is under those "buy ten and save five deals" for 99 cents- which is TEN BOXES OF ASSORTED PASTA FOR FIVE BUCKS, so make you're ass some pesto or whatever you like.

>> No.3925360



Also, lrn2Google - http://www.5dollardinners.com/5-dinner-challenge-2-1-edition/

Also - Cheap Meats:
Chuck Roast (slow cooker pot roast, etc.)
Pork Butt (slow cooker BBQ)
Whole Chicken (cheaper by the pound, makes lots of food, plus boil the carcass for soup/stock

Invest in a FoodSaver and buy your meat in bulk and freeze it - FoodSavers will keep your meat fresh 5x longer than ZipLock bags, easy.

Pool your resources - 4 friends with $5 each can eat like Kings on $20 worth of food if you prepare it right.

Also, look for "alternative" food stores like Aldi vs Kroger/Publix.

Buy veggies from farmer's markets - cheaper/lb in most cases.

Day-old bread can be refreshed with some steam or in the oven for a few minutes. Same applies to bagels and donuts.

Buy BOGOS of EVERYTHING you can that's not a rip-off to begin with (BOGO pasta is good, BOGO cookies is still a waste of money).

>> No.3925363


Shop at dinner time, some food stores have 'sample' stations - eat fresh cooked dinner for FREE!

Look for charity dinner fundraisers like church spaghetti dinners or charity walks that offer box lunches for participating.

Use your kitchen! Don't buy jars of Ragu - buy tomatoes, cook them down, add salt, pepper, oregano, basil, garlic, a pat or two of butter, some sugar, and you have instant (and fresh) tomato sauce for a shit-ton cheaper than Ragu.

Gravy? Take that pot roast from above, and put the juice in a pan with a little flour, salt, pepper, and boil until it thickens. Great on those potatoes.

>> No.3925365


Want some cheap fish? Buy a whole fish and learn to filet it or cut it into steaks. YouTube for instructions.

EAT BREAKFAST! Most important meal of the day, and it'll keep you from being hungry all day. Peanut butter on toast or an english muffin is a great fast eat while in the run to class. Cheerios & a banana is good also.

STOP buying "fast food". That $5 Subway Sub can be made at home for about $1.50 worth of bread and lunch meat/veggies. Your $3.75 quarter-pounder can be made for about $2, including the roll, cheese, and toppings.

>> No.3925402


A $1.79 McDouble, on the other hand, cannot be made at home for much less than $1.50. VALUE MENU AHOY

>> No.3925404


Also-- you can avoid your bread stuffs getting stale altogether by stuffing them in the freezer, and putting them in the oven or toaster when you want to use them.

>> No.3925454
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OP, buy a 20lbs bag of rice. It will last you MONTHS and cost around ten to twelve bucks. You need to buy it in bulk like this to get the cost way way down, but trust me. It is WORTH IT.

Buy a ton of dry beans. If you go to dollar store you can buy 1lbs bags of beans for 1 dollar. Load up on these like crazy. Buy a bunch of different kinds.

Now go to a grocery store and buy some sticks of lard. Use a little bit of it when you cook the beans. It will make them taste awesome and provide healthy fats for a meal.

Buy bananas every week. A lbs or two of bananas is dirt cheap. They provide you tons of healthy energy for pennies each day.

Oh and get some cajun or creole seasoning. It goes really well with rice and beans.

>> No.3925456

that picture is full of shit

>> No.3925483

The price is compensated for later when you're disease ridden in a hospital bed.

>> No.3925496
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>> No.3925511
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No, I can find every single one of those items for those prices. Many can even be found for cheaper than the prices listed in the photo.

In my experience, the people who claim this and other photos like it, are full of shit are fat fucks who don't cook and don't eat right. I am not saying this to attack you, but because my fat friends who live off of processed food are the ones who say it. I live on less than ten bucks a week and only eat vegetables, fruit, and rice and beans and occasionally some meat or fat. I regularly buy all of this kind of stuff for these prices. Food is freaking cheap. If it is not processed, and you make it yourself, it is even cheaper.

>> No.3925518
File: 279 KB, 700x1351, eatinghealthyischeaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3925562

1lb of strawberries for 1.69? HAHA WHQAT?

>> No.3925568


Or maybe he doesn't live in one of those suburban shitholes where walmart sells food at below cost to draw people in, kill competition, and sell the high margin items.


Someone who is better than you and doesn't consider gross fat people who can't cook to be the default human condition, like some people around here (hint: you)

>> No.3925572


Sounds reasonable to me. I bought a 2-lb container for $2.99 this past Saturday.

>> No.3925573

If you want to make mac and cheese exsiting
>make the mac and chesse
> mix with some tartar sauce
>bread crumbs on top
>over on high untill brown and chirps on top

>> No.3925575

Where I live, they pay us to take strawberries from the produce department.

>> No.3925578
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Someone who lives at home with their mom and dad thinks they are better than me. lol

>> No.3925579
File: 2.99 MB, 256x195, 1332441912662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take all these suggestions OP but remove all mentions of beans from the list. You're not going to eat them anyway, so it's a waste of money.

>> No.3925587

Okay, okay, okay. This is going to sound weird. I know it. But just hear me out, because this is a good side dish and/or main meal. It's something my grandma used to make and it's cheap as hell and actually tastes delicious.
Egg Noodles with Cornflake Topping.
All you need is
Egg noodles
salt and pepper
Cornflakes (plus, you'll have leftover cornflakes for breakfast)

Cook your egg noodles normally. Meanwhile, melt about 1/2 a stick of butter in a pan. Add about 1 cup (or more if you like) of cornflakes to the melted butter, and toast them until they turn golden brown and smell toasty and delicious. When the noodles are done, drain, add a bit of butter and salt and pepper and mix well. Put in a serving dish or deep plate and top with the toasted cornflakes.
Yeah, I know, it sounds ghetto as hell. But I've actually made that for a lot of people and they always enjoy it. It's one of those throwback cheap recipes that tastes really good. Just be sure to use enough butter and don't skimp on the cornflakes. This goes well with chicken, btw.

Also: Tater Tot Casserole (aka: White Trash Casserole)

>> No.3925588


Exactly, they still make a profit on fruit at those prices. A lot of people don't know what grocery stores pay for the food they sell. It can be a hell of a lot cheaper than what the public pays. Let's use chickens as an example. Many grocery stores buy their chickens for 15 cents a lbs. The chicken companies which sell the chickens at that price still make a profit when they sell a chicken for 15 cents a lbs. The public who is paying nearly a dollar per lbs of chicken is totally unaware of that.

Food is very freaking cheap.

>> No.3925595


The amount of projection in these posts could ignite the atmosphere.

>> No.3925598
File: 84 KB, 510x383, Dredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone took their first psychology course. That is cute.... six months in the iso cubes.

>> No.3925603


>food is fucking cheap if you want to eat like a malnourish vegetarian

You know what OP, spring for meat, buy what's on sale, chicken, beef, pork, whatever. Then make yourself a stirfry of rice meat and veggies, almost every night you can make it completely different. It's easy, insanely cheap, filling and as long as you eat a healthy amount. It's good for you.

>> No.3925607


A random pop culture reference? You're wasting valuable time that could be spent boasting to strangers about how you're slightly less disgusting than the most disgusting person you know.

>> No.3925618


The OP has been living off of ramen and mac n cheese. He or she is OBVIOUSLY on a budget and needs to get healthier more affordable food.

They need to have staple foods on hand which will provide them a MUCH more balanced diet. Ramen and mac n cheese don't provide the human body with all the required amino acids needed by the body. If they have rice and beans on hand they will be able to at least regularly eat these together so that they will have access to two complementary proteins which will provide their body with every amino acid. Toss in some healthy fruits and meats from time to time and they will be eating cheaper and healthier than they are now. It'd be foolish for them to not at least have rice and beans on hand.

>> No.3925630


What do you think goes in a stir fry? But I wouldn't put any beans in a stir fry. I personally only eat green beans.

The benefit of a stir fry is you can make it so many different ways it's hard to get tired of eating it like other foods.

>> No.3925717

Buy eggs, tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, bread, cheese, rice, beans, frozen vegetables and frozen chicken breasts. You can do a lot with those foods.

I suggest plan out your meals for the week, so that way you know what to buy.

>> No.3925734

I suggest go to myrecipes.com. They have great recipes, which are quite affordable and delicious.