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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 24 KB, 468x366, Picky Eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3924459 No.3924459 [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think about fussy eaters?

I mean people like this.


>> No.3924460

They're annoying and should cook for themselves. Terrible people to be around.

>> No.3924475
File: 69 KB, 625x468, 76f9a116dd3207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in the fuck does everything have to be a "disorder" or "disease" now-a-days

>> No.3924485
File: 33 KB, 500x400, NO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only eating things you like to eat is considered a mental disorder


Seriously, this diagnosing everything as a condition shit needs to stop.

>> No.3924495


They do it so white women can go to their doctor, say they're "fussy eaters" and get a perscription for zanex or some shit. Turning anything into a disorder is a way for a drug company to than perscribe a medication for it, and pay doctors to push that drug to patients who are "fussy eaters". That is how drug companies make 99% of their profits.

>> No.3924517

it proves you still have the brain activity of a young infant. Of course it's not normal. It's not normal for a human being to not liking more than maybe 3-4 things.

>> No.3924532

>put enough butter and cheese on things and anything will taste good


>> No.3924552

They're mentally ill and crying about them won't change anything. Just be glad you don't have to deal with any on a daily basis.

Also being picky =/= having a selective eating disorder. These guys eat literally NOTHING except for a few very specific meals or things.

>> No.3924555

You can't change a fussy eater easily.
I'm a fussy eater, try to change myself and stop being selective at eating, but it's difficult. There are some food I just can't eat and I don't know why.

>> No.3924556

> There are some food I just can't eat and I don't know why.

Because you eat so few variety your brain is always in "o shit this is new must exagerate reaction" mode.
Lots of food are actually tough on the first few time, even some of the most common delicious things. But usually you are supposed to have broke the supertasting first try wall back when you were a baby, or a kid. The problem is more educational than anything. force your brain to accept things until it does. If you do it for anything that doesn't actually makes you vomits or insta-shit you should be able to widen your taste to pretty much anything after a while.

>> No.3924912

My fiancee is like that. It's the one thing I hate about her.
The worst part is that there's no basis for her eating choices. It's all in her head.

For example. She hates cream cheese. Don't ask me why, but she said cream cheese makes her want to vomit.

The other night I felt lazy so I made some pasta alfredo out of a jar. She tried it and liked it. Lo and behold, I look at the jar and mention there happens to be some cream cheese in the alfredo sauce.


Long story short, most picky eaters are gigantic babies who just refuse to accept when they're wrong about something, and wouldn't admit if they did like it.

Lucky for her she's more adventurous in bed than with food.

>> No.3924921

I have a friend like this. He exclusively eats pizza, Reese's products, Airheads, Laffy Taffy, Cheez-Its, pretzels, and fast food. He entertains the idea of eating other things, but does anything in his power to avoid doing so. The only time I've ever seen him eat a green thing is on New Year's Eve when I got him to eat some lentil soup.

It's so frustrating.

>> No.3924936

I actually couldn't care less about them.

I treat them like my pets... whats the matter, dont like your food?
Well then. STARVE. Because that all your getting. Do they really expect me to keep offering other choices until something appears that they like? Hell fucking no.

People in Africa and Haiti and other shitholes of the world frequently eat mud, soil, grass... because there is no food. Why do these places not have any "fussy eaters"?

Let them starve...

>> No.3924941

>But usually you are supposed to have broke the supertasting first try wall back when you were a baby, or a kid

Not the guy you're replying to, but as a kid I was given a great deal of variety in my food. Cooked and raw veggies, fruits, various dishes from different parts of the world, etc. My mom is a very good cook and was able to make any sort of recipe she came across. She was health-conscious, but not to the point where flavor was taken away from the food.

In spite of that, I was a fussy eater. Certain foods would trigger a gag reflex, and I was punished for rushing to the bathroom and vomiting, because my parents thought I was acting. My mom would often sneak different foods I hated into other foods, and lose her temper when I wouldn't touch them (despite the fact that I had no idea she did it, I could just always smell something off about the food and be afraid to eat it). Now that I'm older and my tastebuds have start to erode away I'm enjoying a lot of foods I didn't as a kid. You have to give kids some leeway, they're a lot more sensitive to these kinds of things than you are.

>> No.3924945

>I treat them like my pets... whats the matter, dont like your food?
>Well then. STARVE. Because that all your getting. Do they really expect me to keep offering other choices until something appears that they like? Hell fucking no.
Be honest, you've never had friends over for dinner.

>> No.3924964

Green airhead master race reporting in.

Tell your 'pal' I said to fuck off.

>> No.3924970

>implying white airheads aren't the best

>> No.3924971
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>> No.3924974

Is that something you've practiced saying in your head on the off chance you make friends, and the even rarer chance they'd visit you for dinner?

>> No.3924982

haha that was my first thought when I read his desperate post.

>> No.3925010
File: 244 KB, 784x588, rage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3925082

you've opened my eyes. the answer was in my face but now its clear. Wow, you're wise.