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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3909776 No.3909776 [Reply] [Original]

How dose CK make their mac and cheese?

>> No.3909786

not from a box like that, for starters.

you are shit tier. gtfo.

buy mac
cook said mac
obtain cheddar and milk and butter
perhaps some salt.

>> No.3909800

It's actually called macaroni.

>> No.3909804

i use only half the sauce packet to cut down on sodium, and then add like 1/2 cup of vegan cheese [daiya]. i also use soy milk instead of milk, and add only one tbsp of vegan butter. i also like to add either corn or broccoli into the mix. then i top it all off with some chili pepper flakes and devour. shit is good, and not so terribly unhealthy.

>> No.3909809

I actually buy the cheaper Walmart / Aldi brands. I also add ground beef to it to transform into mac n cheese hamburger helper. Fuck the $3 shit.

>> No.3909814

and also cilantro and tapatio (mex style)

>> No.3909822

Kraft is probably THE worst brand I know of.
I genuinely feel pity for anyone who has deluded themselves into liking it. Seriously, I pity you.

>> No.3909826

Do americans seriously cook pasta like this?
Is this shit even edible?
Also why do they insist in calling Maccheroni "Macaroni", it's kinda silly.

>> No.3909833

There's a special place in my heart for Kraft M&C,
so when I make it I throw one box of the pasta away and keep the extra cheese powder packet. I boil and drain the pasta from the 2nd box, then melt butter in the pan. I add a little milk and whisk in the two packets
of cheese powder. Get a nice thick sauce going and
add the macaroni. Mix well and feast!

>> No.3909838
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Its just the 1st pic I came across, I don't even use the stuff.

>> No.3909847

You called him shit tier and you don't even know how to make a bechamel sauce yourself. Please, don't make stupid posts.

>> No.3909862
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>Do americans seriously cook pasta like this?
What do you mean? Mac and cheese noodles are boiled, butter, milk, and cheese is mixed in.
>Is this shit even edible?
Yes, that's a silly question.

>> No.3909869

We don't call it that because we're not speaking Italian, you xenophobic child.

>> No.3909868



>> No.3909899

Who are you talking to, dude...

>> No.3909903


Newfag detected.

>> No.3909910

It's not the fault of the public. This is what the box says. Understand?

We don't just make this shit up, individually ourselves. That is the name of the product, here.

>> No.3909911

I eat far superior Kraft Dinner. Goes well with hotdogs and ketchup

>> No.3909932
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>superior Kraft Dinner

>> No.3909941


>> No.3909942


>In Canada, macaroni knockoffs in a box with powdered "derivative cheese-flavored powder" is considered dinner

>> No.3909947

>Not knowing the joy of the blue box special

>> No.3909960

Enjoying that swill is apparently a state of mind. You are "out of it" as they say. Whatever keeps you pretending to be happy though...

>> No.3909964

...i'm sure he could say the same for you, Mac n' Cheese is trashy but delicious

>> No.3909983

He could say the same for me? But I haven't given a single bit of information about what I like or what keeps me happy. So no. He couldn't say the same thing I said to him, to me.

Wake up, retard.

>> No.3910007

>Pretty decent argumen...
>Name Calling

Are you 12?

>> No.3910018

He likes packaged mac'n'cheese. Let him, and don't be an asshole. We're not /v/.

>> No.3910053

>name calling on 4chan
Is this your first day here, faggot?

>> No.3910055

Maybe the convenience factor plays a huge part? Those boxes usually cost less than a dollar and can serve for 2 meals anyway.

>> No.3910066

His medical condition isn't just a "name"

>> No.3910073

>spotting a person who is actually mentally handicapped and calling it
>"name calling"

heh. nope.

>> No.3910145
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>Americans call their Curly Furly Pasta Whirly 'macaroni'
silly apes.

>> No.3910154


Start with good pasta. Spazel actually works pretty well. You need to note that pasta type greatly effects how the end result is. If you use a pasta such as ziti, you get this nasty cheesey splurt in your mouth. If you use something like spazel, you run the risk of not getting any sauce stuck into the pasta.

Make certain to cook slightly underdone.

Make a white sauce from scratch. PLEASE. It is not that damn difficult. Spices. Mustard powder works well from my experience. White pepper also.

Cheese: Choose good stuff. Remember, high quality stuff requires less to achieve high flavor. There is also the consideration of texture. You might want the mac and cheese to be a bit stringy, or stretch. This is no place to skimp. I personally like smoked gouda, a bit of mozzerela, and parmesan.

Additives: Perhaps you want more. Hot smoked whitefish is nice. Handmade sausage is not a bad choice. Bacon, proscuitto?

Spinach, tomato? arugala? the sky is the limit.
Lastly make certain your dish is cohesive. Do the ingredients go together? What is the theme of your dish?

Just please PLEASE do not make kraped.

>> No.3910156

I use medium size shells
milk is okay to use, but it's better if you have cream or half n half to mix with the milk
make a roux, bring milk to boil, add to roux, stir until thick, let cool, add spices ( I use mustard and sriracha) and cheese
For cheese I use a cheddar and jack mix.
black pepper on top, maybe some grated parm

>> No.3910160

Oh, and god tier is adding pancetta to this, but any cured pork is good, so bacon works.

>> No.3910188

If you are eating macaroni past the age of 12 then you are a massive faggot. You probably eat your eggs scrambled too

>> No.3910422
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>pasta is for babies only

can you even comprehend how fucking stupid you are

>> No.3910706

We all have to grow up some time faggot

>> No.3911051
File: 97 KB, 714x714, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canadian version is better. Owns your ass

>> No.3911077

>Stick of butter
>Equal flour so 8tbsp
>Make into roux on stove
>Add 2-1/2 cups of milk
>Make a gravy
>Add tempered egg, beat furiously so it doesnt cook
>Add a A LOT of grated sharp cheddar, i get a block from costco and use about half. Any other cheese is plebatron
>Add spices, i LOVE coarse ground black pepper, lawrys seasoned salt and iodized salt.
>Add macaroni
>Ese bueno

My girlfriend loves when we make this, so its a pretty common thing. Memorizing recipes is pretty cool.

>> No.3911078

make it like it says on the box but instead of milk use ranch dressing

>> No.3911080

Oh my god, and NO do NOT and mustard powder. Shit tastes like fucking windex. Done with that bullshit.

Add more gated cheese when served or throw in an oven with more cheese to make a crunchy top.

>> No.3911085

>still using iodized salt

That shit is only good for torturing snails, bro.

>> No.3911086

wtf are you talking about. i listed all the ingredients.
there are multiple varieties.

>> No.3911089

Home-made noodles, the finest cheese and cream.

>> No.3911097


Fuck you, I like spicy mustard and garlic in my cheese sauce. Fucking delicious, I tend to toss in a bit of every cheese I have in my fridge.


Iodised salt is supposed to help you silly amerifats from having thyroid issues. If you eat a nice varied and balanced diet, the use something else. It's the internet, the guy isn't holding a gun against your head.

>> No.3911115


I dont eat salt religiously but i like iodized salt because it jut tastes better, himalayan salt is good too but it just doesnt go well with my mac.

And the powder just wasnt spicy to me, it just ruined the whole dish and i had to eat it all saddened by my bad tasting mac and cheese.

>> No.3911119

A tablespoon of whole milk and a tablespoon unsalted butter. That's it. I like it lumpy.

>> No.3911127


bechamel is inferior for mac and cheese

>> No.3911129


Just plain mustard powder sucks, there's a reason why they used to use it as an emetic. That said, it adds a little something when mixed with other spices.

>> No.3911130

How do you make mac and cheese then?

>> No.3911131

Get the box, boil it in Night Train, then follow the rest of the instructions

>> No.3911140

I would just boil pasta (preferably wheels or shells as opposed to macaroni) and shred a load of white cheddar over it

haven't had it in years though. would never buy it premade though. bought a can of it one time (Heinz) to see if I'd like it ... never again. qiute possibly one of the worst things I have ever eaten

>> No.3911142


i make a sauce that is similar to a fondue. reduced chicken stock, white wine, evaporated milk (which contains an emulsifier/melting salt), and lots of grated cheese tossed with a little cornflour. the sauce consistency is more like the box stuff but it has a far more complex cheese flavour and a more pleasing consistency/flavour release compared to a roux-based sauce. also i cook the macaroni with a small amount of water in a manner similar to that of a risotto.

>> No.3911153

There are four ways, of which I'm aware, that Americans make macaroni and cheese:

Toss pasta with cheddar mornay and extra
shredded cheddar, serve.

Toss pasta with cheddar mornay and extra shredded cheddar, pour into a baking dish, top with butter-crumb, bake to golden and bubbly, serve.

Toss pasta with shredded cheddar and beaten eggs, pour into a baking dish, top with butter-crumb, bake to golden, serve.

Toss pasta with Velveeta.

If there are others, I'm unaware. Any recipe you're likely to find will be based on or be a variation of one of these four. That is all.

>> No.3911196

that stuff is watery shit that doesn't even have any flavor. never understood the fondness many have for it.

even Stoeffers is better

>> No.3911224

none of these are working recipes. all good mac and cheese starts with a bechamel.

>> No.3911229

Mornay is based on béchamel.

>> No.3911239

>never understood the fondness many have for it.

It's a sort of brainwashing from childhood. Luckily, I don't have a shitty weak mind like many people apparently do. I like real cheese (as in no powder+liquid) and higher quality pasta.

>> No.3911242
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you could have at least tried google before you revealed yourself as inept.

do you even cook bro?

>> No.3911244

Check out the big brain on king hipsterfaggot

>> No.3911248

Stay mad kid.

Kraft4lyfe amirite.


>> No.3911255

I heard McDonalds puts RFID chips in their burgers to see what else you have been eating.
Have you looked into this dubious claim also?
I'm scared.

>> No.3911261


Anything that happens to anyone because of that food is WELL deserved. I couldn't give a shit what that entails though.

>> No.3911288

Make that exact box in your picture, add broccoli, hot dogs, and ketchup. Fucking devour that shit.

>> No.3911365

I never liked powder mac n cheese, not even as a kid. If i'm eating boxed mac I prefer the kind that comes with a pack of Velveeta.

>> No.3911374

>How dose CK make their mac and cheese?

with cut up hot dogs or ham

>> No.3911382

SPAM, you uncultured swine.

>> No.3911438

I only had spam one time but it wasn't bad at all

prolly gonna pick up a can or two to add to some rice or eggs sometime

>> No.3911450

Chop and crisp it up first. It's the only way.

>> No.3911501

You seem confused.

spam is FOR uncultured swine.
Get your shit together.