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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 359x550, wheat-belly-diet.xxxlarge_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3905815 No.3905815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Eating wheat
Did you know that eating a slice of "healthy" whole wheat bread increases blood sugar higher than table sugar and higher than many candy bars?

>> No.3905817

Then how did white people survive primarily on wheat and be thin for thousands of years?

>> No.3905822

>Implying we haven't been eating mostly meat, fruits, vegetables and fats for 99% of human history
Once we started replacing fats with wheat we've gotten fatter, shorter, unhealthier and prone to more sickness

>> No.3905836

Get lost you stupid health nut.

>> No.3905839

We can't sustain the world's population on the diet that we had before.

>> No.3905851

>Implying health nuts aren't the ones saying "hurrr eat moar whole wheat, fats r bad"

>> No.3905857


>"hurr look da book says this food is bad fur yoo"


any real health nut would always recommend 'whole grain' over 'whole wheat'. this was common knowledge among non dumbasses for a long time.

>> No.3905868

Actually, animal fat isn't an inefficient food source at all. Only lean meat is (and even it isn't really "inefficient", since it's so much more nutritious than what you feed the animals on).

Animals store fat quite efficiently. When fattening animals up, you don't lose the 90% of calories that vegetarians are always trying to claim. There's a reason that lard is hardly more expensive than vegetable oil.

We absolutely can feed the world population on a meat-heavy diet, and a high standard of living is exactly what stabilizes the population and makes sustainable living possible. Keep people poor, miserable, and eating disgusting, brain-damaging vegetarian slop, and they're just going to breed themselves into starvation.

>> No.3905902

ive cut most carbs out of my diet (im about 85% paleo).

i had subway once this month, only wheat ive had that wasnt beer.

dont miss it at all. feel so much better. no bloating, ever. regular poopies. regular sized poopies. nice solid poopies. more energy. better sleep (when my normal insomnia isnt fucking me over). im losing flabby bits and muscles are growing.

it works for me. i dont give a fuck what you do.

>> No.3905904

If you have any carbs at all, you might as well just go full throttle. You have to be disciplined and eliminate *ALL* carbs for it to have any effect.

>> No.3905906

paleo-man here

grass fed animals only please.

also, the upshot of this is more delicious game meats. mmmmmmm.

>> No.3905916

its working for me. paleo isnt a no carb diet, its a low carb diet. you just source carbs from food that isnt processed. root vegetables (except potatoes) for example. having a cheat day once a month or even more isnt going to hurt its effect on anyone. 85%-90% paleo is good enough to see results.

theres no way i can delete all carbs. beer is too good.

>> No.3905930

>Not eating sprouted wheat bread or other low glycemic foods
I shiggity diggity do

>> No.3905932

I guess I missed the latest dieting sensation, there are people who think that eating any carbohydrates is bad (and not just a quick way to lose weight)? Aren't carbs where your body gets most of its energy?

>> No.3905934


>> No.3905947

>believing pseudoscience
>thinking that blaming innocent bread for your troubles will make them go away

are you new or something?

>> No.3905948

Beyond Vegan here.

No processed wheat products for me.

>> No.3905953

i don't know what health nuts you're reading but high protein paleo no carbz bread is evil pseudoscience has been in vogue for years now

>> No.3906001
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>mfw i had an arizmendi chocolate thing for breakfast today (brioche dough with chocolate chunks)

no fucking regret at all. DEM EMPTY CARBS

inb4 fat american, was hospitalized for being underweight a few months ago.

>> No.3906025


Your body can function without any carbs at all, look up ketosis or the keto diet.

Whether this is a good idea or a bad idea for long term health, I do not know. Generally I only see extremely low carb (<30g) recommended for short periods. But you don't -need- carbs.

>> No.3906031
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Oh man this.

So fucking good.

>> No.3906035

Zero scientific evidence for this bullshit. how do you do know what ancestors ate? How do you know they were healthier? could have just been fruits. all the feeling better is prob cause you diet was complete shit or placebo. Also ironic how paleo people still cook their food...
Cut sugar out, do leangains IF if you have busy schedule

>> No.3906057
File: 199 KB, 512x488, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw delicious bagels

>> No.3906062

>We absolutely can feed the world population on a meat-heavy diet, and a high standard of living is exactly what stabilizes the population and makes sustainable living possible.

[citation non-existent]

>> No.3906063

>inb4 fat american, was hospitalized for being underweight a few months ago.

about as disgusting as being overweight

>> No.3906067

No, being hospitalized for being a lazy fat fuck is far worse than being hospitalized for being a highly disciplined neurotic anorexic person.

Fat people are simply disgusting.

>> No.3906068

i think you have an eating disorder bro...

>> No.3906085

I'm sorry, I don't think bagels are even that delicious.

>> No.3906086


Thanks for defending me guy, but both of you are correct. I think I am disgusting (hence the anorexia), but I don't believe I am as disgusting as an obese person.

I was mainly trying to point out that life is too fucking short to not eat things you enjoy. (Everything in moderation)

>> No.3906087

I don't care.

>> No.3906088
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>> No.3906102

As someone with celiac disease, I fucking love the gluten-free fad.


>> No.3906104
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>hey anon, wanna go get a slice of pizza?
>No! Carbs cause 47 different types of cancer, are the number one cause of diabetes and heart disease, cause uncontrollable weight gain, and MURDER YOUR BODY! I wouldn't mind going for a venison tenderloin, or an Atkins bar, though.
>n-n-never mind, anon...

>> No.3906108
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>being interested in women
>21st century

>> No.3906116
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Wheat is a soft kill technique.

>> No.3906134
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>> No.3906144

They actually lived to about 70, despite having no medical care.

The "life expectancy" figures mostly came from about half of those born dying in childhood and many young men dying in violence.

>> No.3906147

But it wouldn't be /ck/ if I didn't tell you My tastes > Your tastes.

>> No.3906148

Still don't care.

>> No.3906151

That is balderdash. Those numbers come from dating the bones of adults. There are no records if infant mortality from the stone age daddy-o.

Classic example of truthiness. Please tighten up a scoatch anon.

>> No.3906150

It's pretty generally accepted that pre-agricultural revolution, the diet was based around roots, nuts, fruits, and vegetables, as well as meat.

>> No.3906152

>search for "average caveman lifespan"

you paleo fucks are really something

>> No.3906154

But I see you caring. Carving very much.

>> No.3906155

They lived to about 50. 70 is a bit of a stretch.

>> No.3906160

Some lived to 50. Not at all average though.

>> No.3906161

>Those numbers come from dating the bones of adults.
Make up another story.

>There are no records if infant mortality from the stone age daddy-o.
You think adult skeletons all stayed around while children's skeletons vanished in a puff of air?

By default, life expectancy means life expectancy at birth. When you hear a life expectancy of 30, you can count on infant mortality being taken into account.

>> No.3906171

citations please

>> No.3906190

>still eating meat

Just kill yourself. I mean with a weapon. Slowly killing yourself by eating animal protein isn't working fast enough.

>> No.3906265

>still eating anything

i survive on quad filtered oxygen with nutritious supplement gasses

>> No.3906279

incorrect. the fewer carbs you eat, the healtheir you are; it isn't an all or nothing thing

>> No.3906285
File: 23 KB, 330x330, Nig_Shady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying attention to stupid gimmick diets

I guarantee you there isn't ONE god damn health-related topic that's 100% agreed upon. Anything you think is healthy, I challenge you to google "is [''healthy thing''] bad for you?" and you'll find articles saying it is

Conversely, anything you think is unhealthy, google "is [''unhealthy thing''] really bad for you?" and you'll find studies saying it's beneficial to your health in some amounts

This guy's just buying into health hype, he has no idea what he's talking about

>> No.3906283

needing hospitalization for being underweight. nothing to brag about. that's horrible. you must be an idiot

>> No.3906304

fuckin lol'd

>> No.3906394

>interested in a woman who turns down venison

>> No.3906661


The DASH diet might be an exception - it's very well received by physicians not only for it's original intended purpose (lowering blood pressure) but for general health.


>> No.3906667

People refuse to believe truth.

>> No.3906701



Animal protein is healthy as fuck and not the problem. The problem with meat is the conditions 90% of the available meat was brought up under. Wrong feed, no space, anti-biotics and growth hormones. Those are the things that make most of today's meat unhealthy. Meat that was brought up properly on a free range with good natural feel stays healthy and doesn't need anti-biotics and is therefore all around just healthy and good for you.

>> No.3906713

>the fewer carbs you eat, the healtheir you are

Damn. I think even Gary Taubes accepts that you can be healthy eating carbs if you're Lance Armstrong or something. Seems like someone with normal glucose metabolism SHOULD eat carbs and would be better off without restriction. I can't handle more than a couple fruits and a portion of beans spread throughout the day, personally.

>> No.3906899

uh, what the fuck with these low carb mothafuckas

you wanna avoid fructose bitches not wheat

it makes sense too u stop eating all dat cake u gonna lose dem tits

>> No.3906918

"Dr" Davis' blog is hilarious. All the symptoms of "wheat poisoning" line up perfectly with the common experiences of people with hypochondria.

>> No.3906925


I have to agree with this. Some good comes from the evil. Except most gluten free shit is 99% tapioca starch.

>> No.3907982

I'm so glad your favorite food is killing you :).

>> No.3907985
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>fad diets


>> No.3907991

That's funny, most of the stuff I eat is based on maize, rice or potato starch.

>> No.3907992

Your info is full of bullshit. Animal protein has already been proven to increase the growth of tumors. Meatfags will NEVER accept it. But enjoy your shitty tumors and painful diseases.

>> No.3908000

>Did you know that eating a slice of "healthy" whole wheat bread increases blood sugar higher than table sugar and higher than many candy bars?
No wonder americans are so fat when they are fed this disinformation.

bread releases a higher net amount of sugar into the blood, but over a prolonged period. table sugar and candy gives a small but sudden burst, a "sugar rush", which is massively damaging to your body's self-regulation leading to diabetes.

Bread prevents diabetes by providing gentle transitions.

>> No.3908024

Let's talk about coca cola now, no?

>> No.3908046

LOL. Good one, bro. You're going to scare millions.

>> No.3908050

is it news to anyone that processed sugars and candy cause diabetes?

>> No.3908052

I lost around 115lb inside of a year eating 4 or 5 sandwiches a day made with this shit and doing 45min-1hr of cardio everyday.

Why not just eat a balanced diet and exercise? You can look healthy, be healthy, and enjoy all kinds of food at once.

I don't doubt that the keto diets and all that work, but why would you want that? I don't get how anyone does it unless they have a job where they can stay sedentary the entire time. I tried a low-low carb diet, just to see what it was like, recently and it was fucking horrible. I couldn't think straight, I was hungry all the fucking time, and I felt like I had to be CONSTANTLY eating to not feel exhausted. All the food I had to eat felt like it flew right through me, energy-wise, and everything was so. fucking. expensive.

>> No.3908056

itt: lie contest.

>> No.3908057

>blood sugar is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

this is what sedentary landwhales in denial actually believe.

>> No.3908059

but that wholemeal takes a long time to break down so you get a slow release of energy through the day, and feel fuller on it so you dont feel hungry for other things
and it is full of fibre

>> No.3908073
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> We absolutely can feed the world population on a meat-heavy diet
lolwut? Raising meat requires considerably more area and water, two things that, believe it or not, are not unlimited.

>> No.3908125

Depends on what the meat is coming from, Marine and Freshwater Aquaculture are relatively high yield for the resource input.

To feed the entire world on a vegetarian based diet, you'd need to clear every single patch of rainforest and huge swaths from other ecosystems across the globe just so that people won't starve.

You'd need around 3 Earths worth of land to given the entire world the same amount of variety in terms of edible vegetables the average American currently requires.

>> No.3908180

fresh water aquaculture is an ecological disaster in most of the place it's practiced industrially.
We are already having fresh water shortage in most of the world, expanding aquaculture would just make it worse.

>> No.3908182

>You'd need around 3 Earths worth of land to given the entire world the same amount of variety in terms of edible vegetables the average American currently requires.

>average american
>vegetable variey

my side.
Also nice sources, bro.

>> No.3908199

I was thinking about polyculture systems where the water is filtered and utilized biologically according to the trophic levels of the things you are growing/raising.

Also, when I say "vegetable variety", you have note that some things are seasonal and you only find them yearly is because of green houses and/or importing from other countries.

>> No.3908851

>avoid fructose
>stop eating cake

>not wheat
the bleach in white flour is proven to cause insulin resistance. wholemeal contains enzyme inhibitors that interfere with calcium absorption.