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3905674 No.3905674[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like it's an obligation to society to change the channel when Nadia comes on? I can't even make it past the intro without wondering why anyone would want to put her show on TV.

Chefs you hate thread.

>> No.3905703

I really hate Nigella Lawson and I don't know why.

I think it's because she's a pretentious cunt who clearly thinks she's sexy despite being enormously fat.

Also, Laura Vitale of lauravitaleskitchen on Youtube has the most annoying voice in the whole world.

>> No.3905704

I hate all of them.

>cook good food
>suddenly a rock star

No. Just no.

>> No.3906583

The way Nigella Lawson speaks and her use of language is quite grating and the camera shots really reflect it. She's almost like a parody of herself in her sex appeal (which has deteriorated since she lost weight), both in behaviour and language. I do like some of her recipes, however. They're quite often particularly simple and easy to follow.

>> No.3906657

I like Nadia. She's playing a character, which she created for a web show a while back, but got popular and moved to tv.

i think of her like a cooking version of pee wee herman. it's nice to see at least a real attempt at comedy on a food channel show.

>> No.3906703
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Yeah, at least she's obviously acting out a character, unlike this faggot.

>> No.3906719

She has terrible knife skills (by terrible I mean she has none) and some of her recipes are laughable.

>> No.3906736
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>sticks his finger into ingredients
>licks off finger
>few steps later sticks into another ingredient
>licks of finger

My fucking face. Fucking pressure and bullshit the chefs do nothing.

God damn it what a fucking coked up pig.

>> No.3906794
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Anne Burrel.

I hate the TV personality she has. She tries to be hip and cool and uses weird lingo and she's just awful.

She also cooks like shit too.
>too much oil or salt
>can't chop or slice in uniform sizes

>> No.3906825
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>mfw i hate all these motherfuckers

the only thing keeping me from hating Ramsay is that he has actually accomplished shit but has gone too far down the road with his tv career that he can't exactly stop now (gibe monies plz).

Also, I hate that almost all of them are referred to as 'chefs'.

>see commercial with Ted Allen
>lady in commercial calls him a "famous chef"

no you fuckers. no.

>> No.3906830

>it's called editing

>> No.3906840

fuck giada de laurentiis. fuck her straight up the ass till her crooked nose goes straight. the only damn reason she's on tv is because her father is a producer. no damn talent and i wanna slap that damn smile straight off her ugly face.

>> No.3906842

I fucking love Nadia and watch her whenever she is on.

>> No.3906846
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yeah she is pretty dumb. when you watch that show with other people it just turns SO awkward in the first 15 seconds you have to change the channel. if it was actually funny or informative then it'd be decent.


>Chef Alton Brown
>Chef Paula Deen
>Chef Guy Fieri
>Chef Ina Garten
>Chef Rachel Ray

>> No.3906870

Kill yourself.

>> No.3906887

Wow, Rachel Ray. If there was anyone on the food network that I could off and get away with it...
She is hideous and I don't understand the hype about her. Her voice doesn't help her case either.

>> No.3907415

>Chef Alton Brown

Actually, he graduated from the New England culinary institute.

He's also one of the few cooking personalities on television I like. I like the science and chemistry explanation on his show.

>> No.3907423

He is also adamant about not being called Chef, which I find humble and respectable.

>> No.3907429

>hi garlic how are you doing
>hi lovely spinach, what are you doing today! you're going to be in my salad
>grunts like a man

also dislike guy, bitchin kitchen, and that alexis (i think thats her name? dark brown hair, droppy face) judge on chopped. also aaron sanchez because he has to put emphasis on spanish words

>> No.3907734

I hate everyone except for AB, Masterchef guys (love Gordon) and some professional chefs who show little to no bullshit. Martin Yan, Michel Roux, and Heston Blumenthall.

>> No.3908425

I used to love Gordon when he first started kitchen nightmares and the F word. In kitchen nightmares the people felt real and how the revisits weren't always good news. The F word was informative and hilarious. God I loved those shows until like their 4th-5th season. Shit went downhill for him since he started american television. Hell's kitchen and master chef are painfully rigged to create drama.

>> No.3908456

Rachel Ray has also said several times that she's a cook, not a chef. But I hate her with the fire of a thousand suns.

I fucking hate Douche Fieri. And I can't stand Bobby Flay's stupid lisp.

Kind of love Paula Deen though.

>> No.3908458

If ever given the chance, I would rape her and cut her head off. Not necessarily in that order.

>> No.3908457

Almost everyone on the food network is a fucking pleb and retard.

>> No.3908459

Watch his Cookery Course show, and also Great Escape.

>> No.3908462

pure garbage

>> No.3908463

Ramsay, just because if I hear the word "absolutely amazing" come out of his mouth I just go into huge hour long spurts of saying "RISOTTO PLEASE, SCALLOPS PLEASE"

What the fuck is a ris-aught-o, what the fuck is a skaull-up

Plus all of his american shows have no heart or personality in them, its just ramsay dumping on people for 40 minutes and in the last 5 minutes everyone gets a "Don't stop ya?" Don't stop" pep talk.

The f word and kitchen nightmares(uk) were great shows too, that showed his excitement about cooking good food, and he would do 1 on 1s with the chefs themselves teaching them how to cook properly, I imagine in the american one he's in the restaurant for like 10 hours max over the course of his visit.

Plus he got cosmetic surgery which is always a sign that someone is letting the fame take them over

>> No.3908468

Jamie "Yes I know that's supposed to be vanilla pudding but my pedantic ass insists on doing it my way. So I'm gonna add some delicious ginger and some wonderful koriander to weeeaaaally give it some personality" Oliver

>> No.3908473

I lost all respect for Ramsay after Hotel Hell came out. Next he'll be doing a show in conjunction with the History Channel about teaching rednecks how to cook while simultaneously driving over frozen lakes and stopping to go 'picking' for antique garbage while racing three other trailers to try to get to Florida for an alligator catching competition.

>> No.3908476

I think one of the most satisfying moments in recent television was when he started blubbering and crying on season two of Food Revolution.

On the flip side, I'm a little bit in love with Hubert Keller. And Blumenthal. And Fergus Henderson. And David Chang, the hipster king.

>> No.3908507

Maybe it's just because you're an American. I pronounce scallop the same as Ramsay, not risotto, though. I'm Irish, by the way.

>> No.3908509

Nadia G is awesome. So over the top so ridiculous. I love cooking shows with entertainment values. I'll never watch that fat bitch and her gaggle of gays. She's boring as fuck. Meanwhile Nadia G's show is just stupid fun and I've made a few recipes that were great.

>> No.3908513


>I hate them because they know how to cook and they are on television and I am not and I can cook as well

>> No.3908530

You suck at life

>> No.3908539

her forced accents are annoying, she's supposed to be doing an italian character but a lot of times she's using the accent of a mexican immigrant

>> No.3908550

with downs syndrome.

>> No.3908556
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Michael Smith, I think it's the combination of his face, his voice and pretentiousness, every time his show came on I would change the channel immediately.

>> No.3908558
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Also, Anna Olson; she does things completely wrong ALL THE TIME and it pisses me off.

>> No.3908569
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Aunt Sandy and her russipies.

>> No.3908639

his eyes are creepin me out

>> No.3908858


She's a baker, though. She says so herself and dat oven.