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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 395 KB, 1069x1400, pork_roast_recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3905517 No.3905517 [Reply] [Original]

think of a meaty meal.

you have all that you need to prepare that hearty thing.

but you have to raise, kill and prepare the animal yourself.

any problems?

>> No.3905519

been there, done that, ate well

>> No.3905520

Chicken shit smells awful in the summer, but other than that? Naw.

>> No.3905521

I'd struggle to kill the thing, especially if I raised it.

>> No.3905524

Pork is delicious, but I feel like a dick eating such an intelligent, and aware animal.

>> No.3905527

First world problems.

>> No.3905529

could kill, no problems.

id have trouble preparing a cow though, especially by myself. i have a weak stomach as well.

i could easily prepare a chicken or a fish or things of that nature.

>> No.3905540

I don't purchase meat and have a primarily vegetarian diet. The only meat consume is stuff I have hunted for / fished myself. I don't hunt or fish often, only a couple times a year. I have no issue with killing what I eat, a couple years back I bred chickens for eggs and also slaughtered birds to eat. So no. I don't have an issue with this at all.

>> No.3905543

>But I'm a vegan.

I am a vegan, morally, economically, and environmentally.

>> No.3905549

Was thinking of smoked pork shoulder. I'd have no problem raising the pig (used to do it for 4H in middle/high school) and would have no problems killing it either, I've done it before. The only thing I wouldn't know how to do was butcher it.

>> No.3905551

I hunt and it is always a feeling of mixed emotions when I kill an animal.

So yes, I can and do kill and prepare my own meat.

>> No.3905571

Yes. If animals deserved rights then they'd tell us that they are uncomfortable being treated as such. I consider the ability to vocalise your concerns to be the key decider in whether a species deserves rights or not.

And before I get called a hipocrite, this extends to the disabled and elderly equally.

>> No.3905598
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Shit yeah, and I'd sample the pig's death squeals for my album.

>mfw just before I slaughter the pig I hug it and coo in its ear saying "you're going to fucking die! yes you are! yes you are!!!"

>> No.3905602

if it makes ya feel any better
humans with religion and spiritual shit do the whole ask for forgiveness, your death will not go to waste, i'm not killing you for the lulz, etc etc

>> No.3906182

I was about to hate that picture, thinking it was a HURRR DURRR MEET IZ MERDER! But now I realize it's just suggesting a more humane choice (free range) I absolutely agree. I feel the same way.

>> No.3906183

You just went all kinds of stupid

>> No.3906184

So you're psychotic?

>> No.3906187

Nah, he's just the normal edgy faggot on 4chan, forgot he wasn't on /b/

>> No.3906204

I've done fish before, does that count? One good whack and it's all over.

I've also done lobster, how about that?

I could probably do a chicken if push came to shove, cow & pig I'd have a little bit more reluctance though, I feel.

>> No.3906311

kinda this.

There is no reason not to explore the most humane and responsible choices when eating meat.
Give up on it entirely for PETAs fuckwit reasons? fuck you.

the only problem is the time, expense, smell, space concerns and sanitary processing issues. That is why buy my meaty products from a store, who bought them through a supply chain with the rancher/farmer at the other end.

This is also why I buy my vegetables in stores, and why I buy my televisions in stores.

>> No.3906314

Practically grew up on a farm slaughtering pigs and cows cause my parents liked to buy the whole thing. Easy stuff, you just need the right tools and a quick painless death to the animal.

>> No.3906317

Because I don't feel like waiting half a decade for a decent ham.

>> No.3906336

butchering is pretty easy (though that depends on how well you want to butcher something), there are plenty of guides online should the urge ever come upon you.

>> No.3906360


>the most humane and responsible choices when eating meat.

How is slaughter ever humane? Especially in a case like meat where it's entirely a luxury and not necessary at all. It's like quickly killing someone to steal their watch. "It's okay, I killed the guy humanely. This watch is so nice"

>> No.3906367

That apple pork dish looks amazing! Has anyone ever actually made anything like this?

>> No.3906407

I get attached to animals easily.

If the meal was for myself I could go without the meat, but I'd raise/slaughter/prepare an animal if the meal was for my family.

>> No.3906414

if vegan/vegetarians actually knew how many animals were killed "inadvertently" while farming for their "non murder" would they feel bad?

>> No.3906416

>any problems?

Yeah, there is a reason why I busted my ass to make what I do: so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit like some third-world farming peasant.

If the rest of you want to go slumming, go right ahead.

>> No.3906422


Of course, it's a sad thing that small animals are killed during harvesting by getting caught in the machines as they sweep through the fields, but that's nothing compared to the intential killing of 10 billion animals a year

>> No.3906423

>Especially in a case like meat where it's entirely a luxury and not necessary at all.

Veganism/Vegeterianism is a luxury. In various parts of the world, you either eat the meat or you don't eat.

>> No.3906424

So you equate slaughter of domesticated animals to be the same as the murder of a human?

Well, that is certainly a point of view.
a foolish, backwards and downright ignorant point of view, but you are free to be wrong as long as you can do it quietly and don't bother the grownups. And do try to learn what Humane means in this context.

>> No.3906431

Animals are not sapient. To kill them is not the same as killing humans no matter how much you say it is.

You are no better than anti abortionists who say killing a fetus is the same as killing a child.
You are wrong. You have made an important logic error.

>> No.3906432


Not in our part of the world, that's for sure. You know why feed the hungry foundations don't serve meat? Because you can feed 30 people with plants for every 1 person you could feed with meat

>> No.3906434


>> No.3906440

Yeah, sure pigs and cows are intelligent, """""for an animal""""""

That said, I'd eat like a friggin king the day I slice little Abner's piggy throat, or blow Bessie's little cow brain out.

>> No.3906480

Pork came to mind first when I thought of meaty meal. I think I'd be a little scared of a pig because of the rumours that they eat people but I can't imagine I'd have that much trouble with a lamb, which is the second thing that comes to mind when I think 'meaty'.

I hear the key is to treat them as food from the get go and not to name them to make sure you don't treat them like pets.

>> No.3906481

well,at least when the rabbits are getting ripped to shreds in harvesters,they'll have solace in knowing that it at least it wasn't intentional!

>> No.3906490

The post simply doesn't make good, logical sense. It's contradictory.

>> No.3906499

Not going to happen, I get too attached to pets. I'd rather hunt, fish, trap or buy my own meat for consumption.

>> No.3906512

Sounds about average for me, so, no problem. Just makes it a bit messier.

>> No.3906517

ok,next time i hunt,i won't take the time to insure that it's a shot that will cause the least possible pain,I'll just take a potshot at it's stomach or spine...since you know,it doesn't matter to the animal..

>> No.3906527

lol, 7/10

>> No.3906528

Damn, you nazi

>> No.3906547

OP is a woman.

Letting emotion get in the way of accomplishing anything.

>> No.3906553

I grew up in a ranching community, not on a ranch, but hired on as a teen to buck bails, move sprinklers, herd cattle for branding, etc. Best meat I ever had was fresh slaughtered from neighbors (one family just gave us 1/4 cow each year for lulz) could i live on my own raised meat, hell yeah!! And the butchering, if you don't have the stomach/equipment to do it yourself, there are mobile butchers that will do it for an extremely fair price.

>> No.3907310


>Animals are not sapient

I guess you never had a pet before. I'll take your obviously expert advice on animals though and ignore every contradicting piece of evidence


I think the misread the guy's post. The point is that any murder is inhumane. Killing someone isn't a nice thing to do, whether it's done quickly or slowly. "Humane" in the meat industry is just what people say to feel better about the fact that they're killing and eating other living creatures

>> No.3907336

>to feel better about the fact that they're killing and eating other living creatures
You think a fucking lion feels bad when it take down a god damn zebra and guts it?

Fuck no it doesn't.

Why should I?

>> No.3907338


Because a lion's only source of food is meat and that's what his body is designed entirely to eat

You are a human. You aren't a carnivore. You have access to an unfathomable amount of different food sources, you eat meat out of greed

>> No.3907386

Meat loaf

Pork and Veal

I've been hunting since I was 12, I don't think I'd have any problems.

>> No.3907397

no, I eat meat as part of a balanced diet cunt. Before you say I can eat vegetable Q for the balance, I eat meat also because it's delicious.

>> No.3907407
File: 44 KB, 250x220, 1262918583662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Before you say I can eat vegetable Q for the balance, I eat meat also because it's delicious

You might as well have said "before you tell me why I'm wrong, I'll admit that you're right"

>> No.3907742

you're an idiot, OP, or a brilliant troll. Although I'm betting just an idiot. Fuck this asshole, meat is delicious. People like you are why everyone hates vegans. Eat shit and die.

>> No.3907760

>mad at a simple question
he mud

>> No.3907765

For every anti-meat post in this thread I guarantee I will now buy factory farmed produce where I would otherwise have purchased free range.

I don't fucking care what you choose to do or not do, you whining about animal rights inflicts more cruelty on me and other human beings than anything that could be done to an animal.

Why? Because animals aren't aware. They don't give a shit. They simply exist, it's like saying paper is cruel because it hurts trees. You're fucking absurd.

>> No.3907771

I could kill and skin/clean it, but not getting attached would likely be a problem.

>> No.3907791


>Because animals aren't aware. They don't give a shit

If you started attacking an animal, it would either scream/cry or fight back because it doesn't want to die. These are instincts we all share. If you cope with your guilt by going into denial then fine, but don't try to justify yourself like that to us

>> No.3907802


Automatic instinctual responses are very different from awareness.

Other than higher primates, all animals are missing the part of the frontal lobe that makes you aware of suffering, makes you want it to stop and causes emotions related to it.

Animals feel basic pain and reactions such as fear, but they don't actually suffer or feel emotion. Their pain is very very different from human pain.

>> No.3907810

I hate animals and don't mind killing them but they taste horrible so eating them doesn't make much sense

>> No.3907815

Man, I'm not even a vegan, but you sound like a sociopath. I can see that explanation for a creature with a simple nervous system like fish or crustaceans, but anything more complex than that is going to feel pain the way we do.

>> No.3907822


What? Do you actually believe pain is experienced in the nervous system? That's like arguing that pandas should be able to build computers because they have opposable digits.

Perhaps I do sound like a sociopath to you, which is sad if it's true, because I'm not. I find human suffering awful. I'm simply educated on the biological differences between humans and animals, and aware very keenly of the differences in perception of pain.

Honestly I think anyone who doesn't understand what I do and still eats meat is a sociopath. If I believed that cows, pigs and sheep suffered as humans do, I would be horrified by the idea of farming them at all, let alone slaughtering them for meat. I'm fine with the idea though, because I'm aware that although they do experience "pain" per se, they don't experience it at all closely to how humans do. They don't truly suffer.

>> No.3907830

wow, you're an idiot. have you never even interacted with another animal before in a way that didn't involve killing it?

>> No.3907837


Of course I have. I have a pet dog, who I care for a lot. But if he gets hit by a car I won't mourn like I would if my friend or family member was hit.

Because, again, he can't suffer like a human can. Honestly if you think animals do suffer like people then you're the fucking sociopaths, for living in this society at all. Even if you are a vegan, you're still living in a society that you believe allows the constant torture and abuse of what you seem to think are sentient beings. How can you live with yourself, thinking that?

>> No.3907838


Just wondering, do you have a pet?

>> No.3907841


So how do you explain all those traumatized animals you find in animal shelters?

>> No.3907855


This is basic classical conditioning. X behaviour yields negative result, animal avoids X behaviour. If X behaviour happens to be a normal behaviour for that animal, but it yields a negative result often enough, the animal will appear "traumatized" in that it will act abnormally because it has learned that it's normal behaviour is undesirable.

But the ability to learn is completely irrelevant to sentience, I'm not sure what you're getting at here?

>> No.3907856



You're an idiot

>> No.3907858
File: 28 KB, 120x149, 1265507509933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


... What the fuck do you think suffering is then?

>all animals are missing the part of the frontal lobe that makes you aware of suffering, makes you want it to stop and causes emotions related to it

Make up your mind

>> No.3907860

Omnivores, motherfuckers.
Also, life is pain. Death is life. There is life in death (and I don't mean that biblically at all, I mean that biologically) Suffering is what we are all in for, there's no avoiding it. Trying to avoid it and right it across the board is a folly of our times. No human wants to suffer and die, and no human wants to see things they love suffer and die. But that is a human constraint. We are born and made to kill and be killed, in one way or another. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you see that our small incarnation in this universe is a carbon based form which can ONLY grow, decay and die; the better off you will be.

>> No.3907865

Just shoot whatever it is from a distance.
Killing an animal doesn't mean you have to wrestle & beat the shit out of it with your bare hands..

not that hard..

>> No.3907868

>You're an idiot
>Other than higher primates, all animals are missing the part of the frontal lobe that makes you aware of suffering
>Other than higher primates
>Koko the Gorilla

>You're an idiot

>What the fuck do you think suffering is then?
I'm defining suffering here as mental pain, awareness of pain, emotional pain, anything beyond mundane physical pain, which is what I described "pain" as. Honestly I'm not sure of the exact terminolgy for it, but I thought I made it quite clear in my previous posts that animals can feel pain, just not similarly to how humans do.

And before another mongoloid fails to understand; when I said stated animals there I am excepting higher primates from that still, yeah.

>> No.3907871

Oh, and I'd love for one of you children who seem so outraged with my perspective to answer my previous question:

>Honestly if you think animals do suffer like people then you're the fucking sociopaths, for living in this society at all. Even if you are a vegan, you're still living in a society that you believe allows the constant torture and abuse of what you seem to think are sentient beings. How can you live with yourself, thinking that?

So, how can you? If you believe animals truly suffer, then you're practically living in Nazi germany, right? I mean, you must consider every farm to be a death camp? And even if you are vegan, you're simply saying "Well, I don't kill jews directly, but I'm aware it happens. I could choose to not live in Nazi germany, but I don't, I support the Nazi society while quietly disapproving."

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3907875

Nazi Germany

>> No.3907876

I'd kill it but but other people are better and raising and certainly better at preparing the animal.

I've killed my first chicken with 8 at my grandmother's house. Do you want to know how? I grabbed it at it's head and spun it in a circular motion until the head nearly fell off.

>> No.3907881


How can you choose not to live in the world? If there is a vegan faction, obviously not all of society is bloodthirsty maniacs. Vegans have aligned to not harm animals and many actively campaign that everyone else should too

>> No.3907882

I think that's what anon was comparing vegan's thoughts to.

Buncha fucking tree-huggers either way

>> No.3907886
File: 32 KB, 570x426, HenrysKitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>viable faction
>protein deficient

Pick one, hippie.

>> No.3907887


Go live in the forest and grow vegetables or something. Like if you truly felt like this, you should be so morally outraged that no sacrifice would be as bad as living in this society would be. Right?

>> No.3907889


If you were going for an insult, it'd be "pick two"

There's no chance of protein deficiency in a vegan diet either

>> No.3907891


Because I'm part of the human race, some of which are assholes and some of which aren't. The meat eating faction doesn't equate to all of society, otherwise there would be no vegans

>> No.3907892

Stop posting in Meat Thread.
You will convert nobody here.
This guy is more normal than you & I would rather listen to him than you...

>> No.3907893

Lol correct. I'm fucking loaded.

>> No.3907897


Go live in a forest, hunt down deer and shit with your natural abilities, and eat the meat raw

>> No.3907903

>Because I'm part of the German nationality, some of which are assholes and some of which aren't. The Jew killing faction doesn't equate to all of society, otherwise there would be no vegans.

Seriously? "Oh its not that bad that more than 90% of society are fine with torturing and killing
sentient beings, it doesn't bother me enough to isolate myself"

Either you're incredbily delluded, you don't really believe this and are just acting superior, or you're a complete sociopath and what you view as constant torture and murder doesn't really bother you enough for you to give up comfort and electricity and the internet.

Pick one.

>> No.3907905


No, because I'm fine with killing and hurting animals, since as I've stated, they don't suffer like people. I'm not going to do it for fun, but "it tastes good and I like it" is a good enough reason for me. I have no problem with a meat eating society. But if you truly believe animals can suffer, then you should have a problem with it.

>> No.3907907
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>giving up the best things in the life so only the worst people can enjoy them

You don't win the war that easily, omnivore

>> No.3907910


Not all of society eats meat though. Don't you want to distance yourself from the vegetarians and vegans of society and just live like a true predator in the wild?

>> No.3907913
File: 985 KB, 671x1065, bitches ain't shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played hundreds of hours worth of combined Total War campaigns and I've never once beaten a campaign

Not even a short campaign

>> No.3907914


No. I don't care. I don't think animals suffet, don't you get it? It's not a moral issue whatsoever for me, it's simply a choice, eat meat or don't.

I'm saying that for people who do think animals can suffer, they should be appalled by it. There's no way I could live in a society that I believed was commiting millions of murders a day, not to mention billions of instances of torture. But I guess the vegans/vegetarians don't really care "that much". They'll speak out against it, but they're still fine coexisting with people who they believe are cruel enough to murder and torture without second though.

That just seems absurd to me. I don't understand how someone can actually believe that animals do suffer and still be ok co-existing with meat eaters.

>> No.3907916


What country do you live in, and has there ever been a time in your country's history or present when they did something bad? Well go start your own country

>> No.3907917


Essentially you're saying every German ever is a nazi by association

>> No.3907920

>tfw vore fetish
>tfw I always find things like OP's pic amazing
the only thing better is watching a woman eat meat.

>> No.3907922


Yeah ok, a few past atrocities, not matter what they are, are completely equal to millions of murders and billions of instances of torture every single day, not only currently happening but also guaranteed to continue happening for the forseeable future.

I understand. You people aren't immoral, or anything like that. You're just retarded. You probably get your view of animal consciousness from children's cartoons where they wear clothes and speak English.

>> No.3907925

No, every German who lived during that time and actively supported the regime, paid taxes, and when given a choice to leave without being hindered at all, chose not to do so.

Do you not see the difference between things that happened in the past, and things that are happening today and will continue happening for the foreseeable future?

>> No.3907924

>Other than higher primates, all animals are missing the part of the frontal lobe that makes you aware of suffering, makes you want it to stop and causes emotions related to it.

>Animals feel basic pain and reactions such as fear, but they don't actually suffer or feel emotion. Their pain is very very different from human pain.

You meateaters are too, too much. "Oh sure, they're feeling pain, and lots of it, but they're not SUFFERING like you or I would!"

>> No.3907926


I have no issues with this. I've done it with both pigs and cattle.

fyi they tasted delicious and were worth every penny to have two deep freezers full of cow and pig meat.

I'd do it again, but don't really want to bother with it right now.

>> No.3907929
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>a few past atrocities

Are you not disgusted? How can you stand to live in that country? You MUST leave the country at once and start your own or else you are an advocate of those atrocities and are on the same level as Adolf Hitler

>> No.3907941


>inb4 you didn't kill them.

Sure did. You can get what amounts to a high powered "punch gun" that you press to the animal's head that pretty much drives a fucking metal cylinder through their head and kills them instantly.

Did it right outside the local butcher, brought the animals in and helped him prep them since I brought whole carcasses.

No regrets. We're omnivores. Animals provide essential nutrients that we're are impossible or otherwise difficult to attain through other means. The entire world is on a constant cycle of kill or killed. Don't like it? Blow your brains out, faggot.

>> No.3907943


No. The frontal lobe provides more sophisticated thought and complex reasoning but every animal feels pain as something to be avoided, for the simple evolutionary reason that if they didn't, they would die very quickly.

>> No.3907947


>Animals provide essential nutrients that we're are impossible or otherwise difficult to attain through other means

Go on

>> No.3907945

Hope he helped you to age that shit

>> No.3907949
File: 446 KB, 436x409, here we go 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Animals provide essential nutrients that we're are impossible or otherwise difficult to attain through other means

>> No.3907950

>they feel pain, but but it doesn't hurt

>> No.3907951

Actually, that's more to do with the fact that foods like rice
>Are far easier to obtain in large quantities
>Won't spoil as quickly as something like a steak dinner
>Are exceptionally cheap to obtain in bulk

Humans are omnivores; we require a certain amount of meat in our diet to remain in good health. While it's true we've developed supplements to compensate for lacking diets, it's an expensive and unnatural remedy to a much cheaper and natural solution: eat what your body needs to function properly.

That doesn't mean you have to be gung-ho for meat factories by any stretch. Personally, I've no fondness for them. You have to consider the trade-off, though. Meat farms are morally reprehensible, but far more efficient in meeting demand than free range farms are; free range farms are more humane and allow an animal to actually, you know, live, but will inevitably be less efficient than meat factories. It's a very unfortunate situation, but we are a world with a lot of mouths to feed.

I'd probably be all right with smaller animals, but as >>3906311 mentioned, all those variables would make it more hassle than I'd be willing to do. There are plenty of trained professionals with proficiency in raising/butchering animals- I won't dishonour their line of work by pretending I know what I'm doing and then inevitably throwing up all over a nice pig.

>> No.3907960


>we require a certain amount of meat in our diet to remain in good health

Meat = heart disease. Anything you would need to eat meat for can be found in a much healthier plant source

>> No.3907963

>raised by vegan parents
>scrawny as shit all my life
>can't even do sports properly
>parents get mad at me for eating meat

I moved out with 17 and started eating meat. I instantly felt better even though I can't really tell if it was because of the meat or the fact that I moved out but I feel much healthier and happier now than I have ever felt when living with my fucking hippie parents.

>> No.3908003

I'm aware that eating too much meat can be detrimental to your health. However, no plant has all 9 amino acids we need in the quantities that animal meat does. We don't need to be eating meat in excess, but it is the simplest, most abundant method of obtaining various nutrients that we need to be healthy.

Are there alternatives? Yes. However, these alternatives tend to be costly and more complex than simply eating a rather trivial amount of meat every now and again.

Sidenote: Though some of us eat meat and some of us don't, I would like to offer up that as an omnivore, people who are 24/7 devouring delicious piles of meat and unironically declare themselves "carnivores" are 98% of the time complete douchebags.

>> No.3908016

I raise and butcher rabbits for most of my meat, i also hunt moose in the fall and occasionally quail.

I don't like factory farms but i have absolutely no problem with killing animals, survival of the fittest.

>> No.3908022

Why are you obsessing over acids? Ask yourself this. We can just eat food, dude. It doesn't have to be scientific. You seem extremely butt frustrated about it all.

>> No.3908023



>> No.3908027

Yeah. I mostly eat chicken for meat, and I'm fine killing chickens. I've killed a rooster before, but that's because it was attacking every person in sight (and actually maiming them). If I'm raising a few dozen chickens to keep for eggs and meat, I don't think I'd mind killing them.

>> No.3908044


Are you joking? Oh... you're not. Sorry, 1982 is over you fucking idiots.

>> No.3908048


big fucking lol!!!

vegans ARE the most retarded people on this planet, what a fucking waste of oxygen.

consider that pig dead OP!!!

>> No.3908051

A champion's response. Well done, good sir.

>> No.3908055

mm can you post the real recipe OP? Shit looks delish!

>> No.3908097

If it doesn't have to be scientific, then I can just ignore the merits of eating vegan.

>> No.3908241

Not really, as a kid I grew up on a beef farm and killed the animals i raised often. They were delicious as they got to my plate before the companies could by them and fatten them up with all kinds of crap. Beautiful grass fed cattle or veal, depending on circumstances.

Any problems?

>> No.3908266

brother you need to look that word up. It means much more than sentient.

>> No.3909125
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Think of a vegetarian meal, any meal.

You have all that you need to prepare that meal.

But you have to plant, grow, kill and prepare the plant yourself.

Any problems?

>> No.3910408

can't think of any veg meals

>> No.3910435

If it's all going to be the same in the long run, and the creature being dead is inevitable, then does it really matter?
It's the same with murder, does it really matter how they're murdered?
It's all the same in the long run.

>> No.3912168

I eat animals because they murder trillions of plants every day
I know revenge is a bad thing but seriously animals have it coming.

On a more serious note, from deer to to the kangaroo, Australia has animals that need to be controlled with guns.
while bullets aren't the humanest way to kill an animal (a captive bolt to the head probably is), they eat all the stuff in this country and need to die so that other animals don't die.

It would be inhumane to not kill these animals, for the deaths the hundreds of animals when the environment can't support them any more.
I'm the hero that animals deserve, but not the one they need.
So the vegans will fight me.
Because I can take it.

>> No.3912173


>> No.3912196

My Grandma owns a beef farm. Some of my earliest memories are of butchering a cow in the basement with the family.

>> No.3912202

>Some of my earliest memories are of butchering a cow in the basement with the family.
You brought the cow in the basement?


When I butcher my deer or moose it is in a garage or outside. We don't haul it down in the basement.

>> No.3912210

Ok, so my Grandma traded one of her calfs for a pair of piglets and told my little brother and sister, both 12 at the time, that they got to raise the pigs and take care of them. They were warned they would get eaten eventually.
My brother, the sadistic little shit, name his Sausage Roll.

>> No.3912237

It was a big 2 story house with half the bottom story underground. There was a doorway into the basement from the outside.
We'd go down to the pasture, (pick out a dry cow when Grandpa still had a dairy, just any not pregnant cow when he and grandma switched to beef) Shoot it, gut it, and carry it in the tractor up to the house, lay some tarps on the floor, set up a table, and butcher it there.
It was the only plac eon the farm that was both enclosed and had enough room for the whole family.

>> No.3912258

>cannot into subjective qualia
its ok if you dont understand... its because you are stupid, and thats totally not your fault.

...its your parents'

>> No.3912262

>had enough room for the whole family.
What? How many of you were there?

>> No.3912265

Worst post ever.

>> No.3912281

Lets see... back then most of the family still lived in driving distance... My Mom was the oldest of 9, and only 2 of my cousins were old enough to help at that point... 15, 16 people butchering?

>> No.3912282

Because eating vegetables is not "killing and eating other living creatures."

Oh wait.

>> No.3912285

Humanity has evolved to eat meat. Or rather, humanity has evolved because we eat meat. Meat is an important part of having a balanced diet and has symbolic and cultural meaning throughout the world. Eating meat is the default position; the luxury is having the ability to obtain such a variety of food and supplementing that nutrition with vitamins.

>> No.3912319

If i had to raise it, I don't think I could kill it. If I just saw that shit in the wild though, no problem.

>> No.3912331
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having raised the animal, I imagine I'd have a hard time starting killing the animal, but I imagine I'd get into it, spreading the warm, fresh, life-giving blood all over and start going all AHUEHUEHUEHUEAHUEAHAHEUAE

>somethingsomething VARIETY, default position
this, mostly. there's a bunch of vegetabular foods that can supplement and replace meat, but do they all grow at the same time? in the same place? you cannot have a perfect vegan/vegetarian diet without technology and an established shipping system. if all technology suddenly stopped working tomorrow, veganism would be impossible.

>> No.3912490

Hmm... I do not trust my skill as an amateur in handling large animals as I am now, but I should be quite fine with a chicken, duck, goose, rabbit or any other small, easily-butchered animal.

>> No.3912507

.. Probably.
I'd have no problem butchering an animal I'd never seen before, but factoring in the fact that I'd have raised it? Naw, couldn't do it. I'm a pussy when it comes to that.

I even cried over Bloodwing in Borderlands 2. ;_;

>> No.3912519

nah, I visualize taking a bite out of a pig every time I get bacon. Or picking up a turkey and noming on it's leg if I get one of those festival turkey legs. I think like a zombie.
If you had been bitten by a zombie and your girlfriend were right in front of you, would you eat her?