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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 987 KB, 2551x1637, fiveguysbaconcheeseburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3905031 No.3905031[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yet another survey has declared Five Guys America's favorite burger joint, beating out In-N-Out, Fuddruckers, A&W and Smashburger, in that order. McDonald's and Burger King appeared even lower on the list. The survey, from Market Force Information, questioned 7,600 consumers and first simply calculated the number of votes for each chain. Then, Market Force factored in the number of locations. The results were also examined geographically.


It's official, Five Guys is America's favorite burger!

>> No.3905033

I know I only eat things based on other people's opinions.

>> No.3905032

Go away viral marketing.

>> No.3905036

Nations Giant Burgers, over all those.
Especially since they have onion rings now. Nomnomnomnom
The flavor of the burgers are just superior.

However, its really a moot point, since burger preference is just a matter of personal opinion anyway.

>> No.3905037

Never tried it. Was lead to believe it wasn't in my state. After enough talk, I looked it up. There is one (and I do mean only one).

Will go eventually.

>> No.3905048

>human pet food chain wins human pet food top prize

NEWS AT 11!!!

>> No.3905049

Too greasy, portions are way too big. I never eat there.

>> No.3905057

gtfo eurofag!

I like five guys, I don't understand the hate. Sure it's a bit pricy for a burger, but they're still damn good.

>> No.3905062

meh, 5 guys isn't that great. Hell, even wendy's is better.

>> No.3905063

The burgers are good (but overcooked as they refuse to do medium rare or even medium)

The prices are a bit high relative to the portions and quality

>> No.3905068
File: 405 KB, 1024x768, wendys-spicy-chicken-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing worth ordering at Wendy's is their Spicy Chicken Sandwich. I really don't care for their burgers and the new pickles are horrendous.

>> No.3905075

>questioned 7,600 consumers in the parking lots of Five Guys

This is the part they left out. Every time I drive by my local Five Guys, there's about 5 cars in the parking lot. 3 miles down the road, even further from the interstate than 5G, McD always has a line in their drive-through that goes around half the building.

I'm not saying 5G is bad, I'm saying the article is retarded.

>> No.3905076

I've never had Five Guys. I haven't had In-N-Out either.

Does this mean I'm not a true American?

>(Would be ok with that being so, honestly).

>> No.3905078

The Jr. bacon cheeseburger is a classic quick-grab sort of item for me. It's not amazing, but it's just a nice little thing I like.

>> No.3905087

Alright, I'll be honest, I like their chili too. Their nuggets are also very decent.

>> No.3905099

Decent, but too expensive.

Not to mention In N Out is objectively better in every single way.

>> No.3905112

What chain fast food place cooks to temp and grinds their own meat? They all buy ground beef in bulk and that shit is extremely dangerous to eat at anything other than well done

>> No.3905292

They seem to exist only in the west so far, but I consider The Habit superior to Five Guys:

>> No.3905297

Yep. The Habit is fucking awesome. I've also recently fallen in love with Nation's Giant Hamburgers. REEEEEEEAAAALLLY good.
Anyway, I'd rather go to either of those places than Five Guys or In-N-Out.

>> No.3905305

lol. i like how in-N-out still came in second, considering that they only sell like what, essentially 3 items?

>> No.3905306
File: 105 KB, 699x499, typical-5guys-employee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside starbucks with a FiveGuys on the other side of the parking lot. A worker in their red shirt is sitting just outside the door here, starbucks cup and fiveguys cup, chain smoking, coughing frequently, PICKING HIS NOSE, repeatedly spitting on the side walk, while listening on earbuds to his whatever-mobile-device-he-has.
This disgusting slob was probably serving burgers and fries earlier. Think about this guy the next time you go to FiveGuys.

>> No.3905308
File: 101 KB, 699x499, typical_5guys_employee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3905313

Well, this is stupid.

You can't attempt to compare five guys to mcdonalds. They don't offer the same thing in any way. Mcdonalds goes for fast and cheap, five guys offers slower and more expensive. Plus, five guys fries are disgusting (anyone can cut a potato and fry it in peanut oil). I'd say red robins has better burgers and fries than five guys.

>> No.3905316
File: 29 KB, 468x458, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally, someone that sees what i see

>> No.3905317


>> No.3906214 [DELETED] 

Fuddruckers is easily the best and you never hear anything about them. You can have your burger cooked any way you want and they have a stocked produce bar so you can build your own burger however you like it.

>> No.3906249
File: 703 KB, 2048x1536, 1219011123a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 guys is good and all but I can make a burger just as good at home as long as I have all the shit on hand

I think people are just so used to fast food burgers that when they eat a standard homemade one it blows their mind

>> No.3906260
File: 473 KB, 2048x1536, 1219011120b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that is a pain the the ass to make yourself are fries because who wants to fill up a deep fryer just to make a batch of fries

>> No.3906257
File: 129 KB, 523x374, img-marquee-A-2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one mentioning Culver's

Has it been accepted as the universally undebated best fast food place in the US yet? It's better than 5 Guys and In n Out. And it has the most fucking amazing custard.

>> No.3906262

Good point anon. Five guys cannot touch a homemade burger or a good restaurant burger.
If your competition is McFetus then of course you will come out looking good.

>> No.3906267
File: 712 KB, 2048x1536, 1219011124a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dogs are pretty good (this one looked like shit compared to the other ones ive had) but we have this local place you can get similar ones with natural casing

>> No.3906270
File: 304 KB, 2048x1536, 1219011121a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing that I really like are the new coke machines but they even have one at the mcdonalds near me so I'm assuming this will be the standard fountain drink machine in the future

>> No.3906280
File: 393 KB, 1203x1364, 1219011120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price is also pretty high especially if you're used to dollar menuing it

>> No.3906282

I fry fries at home all the time; just fill a pot an eight of the way with oil (in mine, that's about 3 cups), fry the fries, drain them on brown paper set in a colander or sieve, eat the fries, cool the oil, filter it and store.
Sounds like a lot of work, I know, but really, it takes only about 5 minutes of set up and 5 minutes of break down.

>> No.3906293

They're not that high, not cheap, but not high. Also those toppings are appalling. Also take off your trip you stupid-ass attention whore, nobody cares about your opinions.

>> No.3906301

In N Out is so much better than Five Guys

>> No.3906310

>standard burger and dog toppings

>> No.3906309

five guys is my anus

>> No.3906324

No complaints about Five Guys other than the fact that its just grease wrapped up. I like how theyre overgenerous on the fries too.

>> No.3906333

actually, OPIATE is a pretty regular good contributor. Not that I totally support tripfagging, but he's not whoring for attention, he only posts on topic

>> No.3906339
File: 54 KB, 470x327, fivegays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Boy, I can't wait to get 5 Guys in me!"

>> No.3906340

who what pisses me off, fatburger and how they pride themselves on cooking with 95/5 meat and bragging that none of the food has any added cholesterol.

why are you proud of cooking without flavor? bland as fuck.

>> No.3906352

"Honey, I'm going to eat Five Guys with my bros! See you later."

>> No.3906353

My five guys shut down in my home town.

>> No.3906354

Five guys asses and thighs.

>> No.3906356

Fuck that place who wants to drop that much money on fast food.

>> No.3906783

It's only $7 for a bacon cheeseburger with everything on it.

>> No.3908943

Since when is $12 a lot of money to spend on a meal?

>> No.3908946

overpriced over-hyped dog food

>> No.3908959

I call bullshit.

In n Out wins all the contests like this and always have.

>> No.3908960
File: 763 KB, 1312x1014, 1344610337887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3908953

/ck/ judges value by converting price into # of Taco Bell or McDonald's menu items they could buy instead.

>> No.3908971

>Since when is $13 a lot of money to spend on a meal?
For a burger and quite possibly the shittiest fries in America?

Quite a bit.

The burger is good, yes, I'll say that.
But you add on the overpriced and soggy fries, and you have a place that is quite literally only fucking good for the burgers.

>> No.3909008

it isn't a ton of money but the shit adds up if you don't pack your lunch

I go there maybe one or two times per year so not a big deal

>> No.3911231


They don't even offer bacon or fresh jalapenos on their menu. That alone makes them an inferior and irrelevant burger establishment. Seriously, even McDonald's has bacon on their menu.

>> No.3911250

That looks like shit.

>> No.3912712

wish i could just order a truckfull of their patties to freeze and use later.

>> No.3914348

You guys are like me.
I use the dollar menu all the time.
> Wendy's: 2 crispy chicken sandwiches and a large frosty ::$4
> mcD's: Two hamburgers and a large fry:: $4
>One double burger from 5guys is $4-6 depending on the toppings
I would honestly say I enjoy Five guys burgers the most. All of you pleas saying the mass commercialized fast food chains are better are probably too lazy to cook your own meal.

>> No.3914351

I think the world would prefer to slice you into patties and freeze your parts.

>> No.3915087
File: 42 KB, 604x453, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but my homemade burgers are better than burger countrys most loved burger

>> No.3915117

>how someone behaves off work indicates how he behaves on work.

>> No.3915119

I found Smash Burger to be a better place to eat compared to 5guys, everything was really nice and the fries were great compared to 5guys.

>> No.3915122


At least you think they are.

>> No.3915131
File: 19 KB, 267x302, poeread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people think Fuddruckers is good
>mfw what the fuck is a Smashburger?

But congrats to Five Guys. I had them for lunch on Monday. Good shit.

>> No.3915135

It's another gourmet burger chain, though it has a ton of selections for toppings and condiments.

>> No.3915145


I'm from the east coast. We only got 5 Guys around 6 years ago.

Frankly, I don't get the 5 Guys hate either. I mean, you're not going to a fast food place to eat well and you're hopefully not going to one more than once every couple of weeks (out of convenience). You might as well get a big fucking garbage burger and a paper bag full of deliciously mushy fries while you've already made the concerted decision to abuse your body, a little.

>> No.3915147

My dad makes better burgers than any chain I've been to, so I really wouldn't find it surprising if that guy does too.

>> No.3915151

Anyone who thinks a fast food burger is the best is definatly missing out

>> No.3915156

Fuck, there is one right across the street from my college. I love that place. Their tri-tip sandwich is amazing.