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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 396x315, kitchen-injuries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3897663 No.3897663 [Reply] [Original]

Kitchen injuries thread?
Kitchen injuries thread

>Be last December
>Be working in high end kitchen
>400 customers in the books
>5 dishwashers that night
>My third shift
>Unloading dishwasher with another dude
>Putting plates away on shelving units
>I put main course plate away
>Irish dude also goes to put same type of plate away
>Plates crack open
>I go to pick up broken shards
>Blood everywhere
>A few stitches later and I'm back the next week

I ended up working there up until last week. It was a good job with good pay. But I'm now in school, time to move on.

What injuries have you encountered in the kitchen /ck/, be it your own or some you've witnessed?

>> No.3897676


Not OP, but has anyone ever seen something like this?

>> No.3897680

Dear god

>> No.3897681
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oh god my sides

>> No.3897683

Fuck that. Worst fear i have, and why I never deepfry unless im sober, so i never deep fry. Also, after the shock i lold for a few moments

>> No.3897695


>> No.3897696

Do you have down-syndrome? Of course its fake.

>> No.3897698

no shit?

>> No.3897700

You sir, are an idiot and a moron.
Obviously it's fake, it's one of those "shocking" campaigns to prevent accidents.

>> No.3897704


Oh geeze. All of my fears.

>> No.3897711

No more than lopping off a part of my left middle finger cutting some cabbage. My boss assured me if I ate the dismembered part of my finger, it would grow back quicker.

We weren't sober. :(

>> No.3897723

Best post in awhile.

>> No.3897733

>carrying large pots that high up resulting in a shift in your center of gravity.

>> No.3897737

what the fuck, i don't even

>> No.3897741

I used to work in a pizza restaurant. Sometimes when I was working 14h shifts, I would fantasize about ways of injuring myself so I could leave early, without disabling or killing myself.

>> No.3897749

>grate cheese
>accidently grate skin on hand
>cant find it
>serve family

>> No.3897752

Been cooking since I was 8 years old. Only had my first kitchen injury two days ago. I s'pose it was bound to happen eventually.
> cutting scallion greens
> there's a tremor
> knocks cutting board towards me, by the edge of the counter
> try to prevent it falling
> lop off a piece of my non-dominant thumb
Though it's a sizeable chunk missing, I didn't go to the hospital; I spent 6 months straight in hospital and I'm now afraid of another long hospitalisation, so I avoid it if I can. Then again... if you're to lose money either way, better to pay the doctor than the undertaker.
Took yesterday off from cooking, but I'm back in the kitchen today.

>> No.3897759

wet paper/cloth under cutting board

>> No.3897763

I don't think that would protect from earthquakes, Anon.

>> No.3897775


OP here. Yeah, I saw that. And I saw that happen. Not near enough to that degree. It was a leg injury like that, and the kid who did it was an idiot. Shows up high every day and the one day he didn't, he burns himself while emptying the grease trap.

>> No.3897776 [DELETED] 

Quads get.

>> No.3897777


>> No.3897783 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3897789

Nicely done!

There's a notorious episode of Spooks (known as MI-5 in the US, I believe), where a spy was tortured with a deep fryer before being killed. That stuff's horrifying.

>> No.3897790


fucking shit

>> No.3897795

are you telling me to always show up high at work?

>> No.3897813
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>never deep fry unless sober
>so never deep fry


>> No.3897823

quads get

>> No.3897828 [DELETED] 
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i see you link, and raise you to mine:

>> No.3897836

That's what I got as the moral.

>> No.3897840

lol he did not hit the nail but caused it to jump right into his head

>> No.3897846
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I felt that

>> No.3898048

That was hilariously terribad.

>> No.3898085
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Oh god no the mental image.

>> No.3898090

Was that water she was carrying?

>> No.3898097


I used to work with a chef that used to tell this story about a guy he worked with in the San Francisco area doing something like that... only it was with a huge pot of mashed potatoes that were hot as fuck... he said basically his face melted off.

>> No.3898099

I've slipped on water and grease a few times. I've never done the whole cartoon flying in to the air on your back scenario.

>> No.3898103

Using this high-tech onion cutter or some shit and it takes a slice of thumb off with it.
Worst part was it didn't stop bleeding, for 4 days straight. I thought I was going to die from blood loss. I was 14 when this happened.

>> No.3898116

Curious op how much do they pay a dishwasher?

>> No.3898127

Worked in a prep kitchen for a swanky place in Philly when I was in college.

The 40 year old sous used to come downstairs to our potato peeling hole to smoke out the window and give us a hard time, but he told some interesting stories. Said he was working in NYC when he was younger at an upscale place with an abusive head chef that liked to take his frustrations out on the dishwashers and support staff. One day one of them had enough and grabbed a ladle from the wall and dipped it into the fry well, walked up behind the chef, and threw it in his face. The chef went screaming out into the dining area scaring the shit out of the customers and the dishwasher just walked out the back like his shift was over.

>> No.3898129

>be at work.
>noob never cleaned a frier before.
>doesnt turn the lever to close off drain pipe.
>pours filtered 300 degree oil into frier.
>3rd degree burns all over legs and feet.
>goes into shock.

>> No.3898137

worst i've ever done was grabbing a scalding hot pan that just came out of the oven with my bare hand. i was washing dishes and it was sitting behind me on a counter. i forgot it had just came out of the oven when i went to grab it to wash it.

>> No.3898148
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Dat video, mayne.

Anyway, I've never had anything too bad. It was probably a tie between when I cut my hand open slicing red peppers. The cut bleed everywhere (even though it wasn't too bad), and I passed out... the other one was when we were removing marinara that was cooking on the burners. It was a huge pot so one person to each handle. I used a towel to grab it because it was super hot, but the towel slipped enough to wear it wasn't covering my hand, but we couldn't put it down immediately so it seared my hand pretty bad.

>> No.3898152

>deep fryer
>is it water?

Kill yourself.

>> No.3898156


>> No.3898155
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>> No.3898166

Sorry man, I just thought fryers were always fixed things in commercial kitchens.

>> No.3898172

Oil in pot + high heat = deep fryer.

>> No.3898181

Yes I know, but don't kitchens in large restaurants generally have the fryer fixed down, with a basket for frying? Also watching it again it could be water....it's never stated that it's a fryer.

>> No.3898189

>Frying chicken on a very low propane burner outside cause the fam don't want the house stinking like oil
>wok full of oil is bubbling with golden chicken
>nephew walks over with a cup of water
>its that time of age when hes very facinated with water
>cuss loud as all hell at him
>crisis averted
>mom comes in yelling at me for cussing at crying boy

>> No.3898196

That's a pasta pot.

>> No.3898208


>be on 4chan
>unable to recognize trolls
>an hero all 3 of you

>> No.3898244

>Anything I don't recognize immediately is an attempted troll.

Back to >>>/b/ with you.

>> No.3898257

>Dude dodges (like a boss)

>IN THE FACE!!!!!!!11!1!1!one!

>> No.3898322

Here's another accident that resulted in some unfortunate circumstances

>> No.3898337



>> No.3898345

I mostly just burn my arms and hands now and then while at work. Only went home once, and that was on a busy Saturday afternoon when I accidentally grabbed a hotel pan that just came out of a 425 degree oven with my bare hand. Most of my right hand blistered up like a motherfucker. Was back to work on Tuesday.

>> No.3898400

Not me but somebody in our kitchen

>Get new knife sets
>Employees first day post training stage
>Head chef tells her to be careful
>5 minutes into veg prep and she screams
>See her running her finger under the tap, blood pouring out
>Get her to raise her arm and apply pressure
>Finally see the cut
>Clean cut half way through her finger, bone showing and skin flapping off
>Almost pass out

I've seen so many gore videos and pictures and they do nothing but it doesn't quite compare to seeing it right in front of you.
My second job is butchery, I don't even...

>> No.3898406

I suffered through grabbing saute pans fresh out of the oven several times, once flipped fish in a pan just out of the oven and had my flesh look like melting cellophane from the oil spilling on my hand. The worst lingering pain was when I opened a steamer to grab a lobster.
Was a late teen for the latter incidents. After the fish-flip incident, I ran to the first person I saw and asked what do. The gay waiter said to put it in butter so I shoved my hand into a huge container of butter....

>> No.3898408

Was it on a speedrack and you forgot it came out of the oven, or did you just think you were Superman?

>> No.3898417

Yeah I fucking hate when someone puts one of the plastic handled pans in the oven, and sets it on one of the wooden boards. I mean, the handle can take brief contact with a handle that's gotten hot from the range, molten plastic is another issue.

My most serious injury was when one of the morning bitches put a pan over the steamer's exhaust. When I unlatched the door, it blew upon and burned my whole damned arm.

>> No.3898422



>> No.3898437

My uncle used to work in a Chinese place, an apprenteice known for fucking up was told to move a pot of boiling hot oil from one place to the other, since oil doesn't bubble, he underestimated how hot it was and grabbed it, slipped and poured it all over himself, promptly set on fire by open flame.

Guy had enough will to not drop the entire thing (and set the entire kitchen on fire), put it back down before everyone in the entire kitchen started spraying him with the fire extinguisher.

>> No.3898441
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>> No.3898453
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take break from /k/ too many trip fags
goto /b/ jesus do i really need that much bullshit
come to /ck/ glance at this post and all i see is a pierced clitoris between a set of bow legs...
man its gettin late. goodnight all

>> No.3898460

Wow. I will never carry boiling anything ever again.

Scariest thing for me is choppin food, drop knife, lands right between my toes, no harm done and almost wet my pants.

>> No.3898474
File: 9 KB, 500x319, gPESM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting images from 9fag should be bannable. Here's the bannerfree image.

>> No.3898489
File: 61 KB, 562x319, KFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 16
>working at KFC
>make side dishes, biscuits, etc
>macaroni & cheese comes frozen, we microwave in large plastic containers
>microwave is real high up, about level with my shoulders
>taking out boiling macaroni
>drop it, cuz I'm hung over and high as hell
>some splashes on my arm and hand
>still have an elbow macaroni shaped scar on back of hand

>> No.3898495

pics or gtfo

>> No.3898517

>Hungover and high working at KFC

Well aren't you off to a great start.

>> No.3898544

I work in a local pizza joint and one night while I was cleaning the inside of the door of the oven my thumb hit the corner of the hood over the oven and stabbed me to the bone. I bled so much that I puked and passed out in the office. When I regained consciousness I tried to go back and finish my duties before my manager saw me and told me to get a ride home.
I've seen a couple of people get their arms shut in the oven always leaves a nasty looking burn

>> No.3898563


oh look its mr. judger mcjudgerson. his type gets off on judging other peoples lives who have fun while he sits at home loney and mad at the world. what a great specimen of life. gotta love them judgers. (not guy you responded to btw)

>> No.3898579
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It's me, from KFC
>graduated magna cum laude from college
>don't smoke weed anymore, drink socially
>it was a great start, learned my lesson early in life. Thanks.


And thank you, sir/madam

>> No.3898614

>working at pizza place
>go to get pans
>800 degrees bare hands
>i'll be fine
>hands blister and peel

>> No.3898640

Watch this one.

>> No.3898649

>stabbed palm with knife while cutting a pomegranate
Shit was deep enough to see the fatty tissue come out when you sqeezed it.

>splashed smoking hot oil on my wrist because I was swirling the pan like a retard
That was one of the most painful things I've ever experienced. The pain just fucking lingers for hours. I had to wrap my wrist in a cool cloth just to make it bearable.

>cut myself tons of times and dropped knives narrowly missing my bare feet
Never anything like chopping off part of my finger, though.

>> No.3898655

That's why you wear closed-toe shoes when cooking.

>> No.3898662

Knew a guy who's friend did almost exactly what happened in the OP pic.
Cept it was less
>Oh no im falling and gonna land in oil!
and more
>Gonna casually lean on my hand, on the edge of a deep frier OH NO WHY IS MY ARM BLACK AND CURLING

I dont ever wanna wish such a bad pain on someone, but damn did he near deserve it for going full retard like that.

>> No.3898663

I've never hurt myself really bad in a kitchen, pretty much all the ordinary stuff. Minor burns, nicks, cuts, blunt trauma, ect. The worst thing I've ever done that I can remember is peeling potatoes as a wee lad of 7-8. Took an entire layer of skin off the side of my thumb with a veggie peeler. Fucking as-seen-on-TV ceramic peelers. Haven't even touched a peeler since, and I'm 37 years old. I've come close to seriously fucking something up, before. Nearly stabbed a filet knife through my hand while cleaning a fish and nearly took my thumb off with a hatchet while cleaning another, much bigger, fish.

>> No.3898669

Same guy, the worst accident I've witnessed was in boy scouts, a younger scout leaned against a stove that was boiling dishwater. All I can remember from the incident was fucking around the firepit ~50 ft away, trying to get a fire going with wet wood, and I hear shouting and a commotion, to see the kid running around with the back of his shirt on fire. next thing I knew, two scouts had tackled him and were putting out the fire, and I was running for the first aid kit.
Whatever happened to stop, drop, and roll?

>> No.3898671

Why was the oil preheated..

>> No.3898682

>Hash brown falls out of the basket into the fryer
>I'll just pick it out with these tongs
>Carefully reach in with them to do it
>Guy comes up behind me and shoves me as a joke
>Hand goes into oil
>Flip the fuck out turn around and punch him in the neck then start screaming
>I get into shit for punching him
Fucking RETARDS I used to work with

>> No.3898687

Most people don't remember that when they are actually on fire because the fight/flight kicks in.

>> No.3898688

I was about seven and in my aunt's living room which has a direct look into the kitchen. My aunt was cooking and cutting carrots. She suddenly dropped her knife was cutting and it landed on her big toe. Her big toe went a fair distance. Blood went fucking everywhere. What's worse is that we had to find the toe.

>> No.3898699


Might've been reusing it. I used to work at a pizza place that also sold wings, which were the only thing to go in the frier, so the oil would only get changed every 5 days or so, but the inside would be scrubbed with a brush to free up crap that was stuck or breading that had sifted to the bottom. It would hit the filter and the oil was good to go for the next day (usually).

>> No.3898746

>working crazily overbooked holiday in non-chain steakhouse
>better believe it's MOTHER'S DAY
>all twelve burners taken up
>lean down to take something out of the oven
>chicken marsala pops as it's frying
>huge piece of boiling breading and oil pops into my left eye
>immediate black vision
>watery eyes, SO MANY TEARS
>keep prepping on side table, people screw with me the rest of the day by doing shit in my left peripheral

Of course, then there was the time some asshole left the metal handle of a pan over a fire for about twenty minutes, then moved it, put butter and spinach in it like they were going to saute it...shake that pan bare handed, HO HO OH LOOK, IT WON'T COME OFF. Third degree burns mang.

>> No.3898812

I didn't get injured but I was working as a dishwasher and the boss would have me clean the grease in the deep fryer. It didn't have a pump to the waste thing in the back so I had to suck it up in this open containter and move it by hand where it could easily splash or spill on me. It wasn't worth the risk to my pretty face and I wasn't making shit so I quit.

>> No.3898823

What? They seriously gave you crap when the guy was responsible for basically dunking your hand in hot oil? How the hell does that work?

>> No.3898832

Oh god my laughter probably just woke all my roommates.

>> No.3898833

He got less shit then me for doing it for some fucking reason
Apparently it was an accident and I overreacted and blah blah blah, I didn't stay long at that place.

>> No.3898851

Once I injured myself when I was moving the heavy cutting boards we use at work.

>Moving boards onto cart as usual
>My grip slips on one of the boards
>It hits my index finger before hitting the floor
>At first I thought everything was okay since I felt no pain
>Then I realized my finger was bent, swelling around the joints, and starting to turn a very dark blue/purple color.
>Suddenly an explosion of pain

About a month later I finally regained the ability to both bend and straighten that finger. It still tends to naturally curl back into the bent position on it's own though.

>> No.3898858

>Cutting dough at pizza place
>Pulling lumps of dough up and slicing the connecting strand
>Hit something hard
>"Shit, that was my finger."
>Look at hand
>Bone showing, blood everywhere, skin flapping
>Blood all over pizza dough
>Grab paper towels and duct tape
>Put on a glove
>Tell manager about it
>"Throw away the bloody parts and use the rest, and hurry the fuck up!"

That job was fun.

>> No.3898870
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You know how you sometimes try to dig a floater out of a pan or boiling water with your fingers, but do it really quick to minimize pain?

Saw a chick do that with a grease fryer. fryed the skin off of 3 finger tips.

Same chick used tongs to pick up trash off the floor. Fucking retard deserved every agonizing minuet.


>> No.3898872

>retard detected

Spoted for mcjob.
Pleb among plebs.

>> No.3898874

Well if they were reusing it wouldn't a competent manager tell the minion to put the oil in when its cooled off? Both the manager and the minion are stupid

>> No.3898883


>> No.3898892

>knife lands on my finger and didn't cut it because blade was so dull


>> No.3898896

>tfw when using dangerous knife techniques at home cause dull knives

>> No.3898907

Lel, I am a very cautious cook. Wet rag under cutting board, No hot pots or pans leave the stove without cooling, and I clean cuttery right after I use it.
But let me tell you about my mom's friends sister inlaw.
She's fat as shit. But fat people can cook, right? Wrong, completely wrong. This fat piece of shit nearly chopped her thumb off while cutting veggies cause she can't keep her mouth closed enough to concentrate. Luckily my mom's friend was an ex paramedic and got her to elevate and pressure.
The second time she tried to cook, she placed her hand directly on a burner she just turned on, then this fat shit was still talking up a storm, and still managed to get second degree burns when the burner was completely cold before she turned it on. Last time she tried to cook she used a paper towel as a pot holder. Yes, she gave up on cooking. Yes, I hope she and her nigglette son die in a fire.
P.S.: before you ask, the nigglette drop kicked his baby cousin in the face because it was fun.

>> No.3898952

Wet paper/cloth under building.

Do you even basic architecture?

>> No.3898968

Jesus christ. I've seen executions and shit and I barely take notice of them because of no sound, but the scream was so real in that. Fuck me.

>> No.3899016

once in a family style chain restaurant similar to a Frisch's Big Boy I saw one of the line cooks call out "Hay, throw me that knife." and the other line cook did. The first cook managed to catch it by the handle but he raised up his leg do protect his nut sack and managed to slice his knee up pretty bad.

I saw a new guy (I was training him) drop a pair of tongs into a frier and try to go in after him but I caught his arm and he only burnt the tips of his fingers, still looked pretty painful but no blistering.

>> No.3899020

Fucking shit. I won't sleep tonigh

>> No.3899029

>keep prepping on side table, people screw with me the rest of the day by doing shit in my left peripheral
>not getting at least a day off because you are blind on one eye...

>> No.3899036

worst thing that happened to me was cutting myself with a machine made for cutting off slices of bread.
it's basically a rotating saw and i didn't pay attention and cut into my thumb.
that bled like hell but everything went better than expected.

>> No.3899047

Wasn't there a story floating around here a few months ago about some poor girl working at a fast food place who got her hand stuck in a deep frier because she tripped and had a bracelet on or something?

>> No.3899048

isn't it a basic rule to not wear anything on your arms when cooking?

>> No.3899059

She probably just worked cashier/drive through. Most fast food places I've worked at had girls in front, guys in back.

>> No.3899105
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I sometimes cook, drunk (no, not in a restaurant, just at home).

I make sure I complete all activities requiring sharp blades before getting drunk, because I've managed to deep cut my finger in the past in an intoxicated state.

Using fire and hot oil for cooking, drunk, is dangerous, but if you're cooking outside (BBQ, so fire in the large backyard far from everything) it doesn't pose much threat.

I think the biggest threat is a closed kitchen environment, which is what restaurant cooks face as a risk everyday.

This might not be a helpful advice to anyone in this profession, but closed environment (which one has no choice as they have to work in a densely populated place) with fire is always dangerous.

>> No.3899112


>> No.3899118

I reckon there's an 80% chance that when I put something in a pot or pan in the oven to cook, I will reach right back in and grab it without a pot holder.


>> No.3899119

Stay classy American Healthcare

>> No.3899121

>not going to hospital for treatment because it costs money

that failed system.
health should be a main priority, i don't get why the american state wont do it the european way.

the irony is that this is in a country that is famous for going to wars...

>> No.3899134

We had 312 covers for a restaurant that was a refurbished house from the late 1800's (basically, it was small as fuck), and our manager was genius enough to have us cook the full brunch menu, full dinner menu, AND a Mother's Day specials menu.
We were only a few hours into the thing. Plus I was in charge of running half the breakfast line, and also prepping/cooking half the lunch/dinner line. Little breading never killed anyone maybe probably.

>> No.3899149

Wait, so your eye is okay after that?

>> No.3899191

Oh man. After about 8 years of it, i had recently just quit working in high volume line/prep kitchens and moved into baking.

I've seen/had some brutal burns and cuts in those years. Barely anything painful happens in a bakery. The worst i've seen yet was someone barely burn themselves on the oven door. Nothing in comparison to grease burns or grabbing a pan handle that has been in fire for way too long.

>> No.3899194

same guy here.

I once seen a guy cut off the tip of his finger while cutting some sort of veg. He ran to the washroom to try and deal with the bleeding. We thought the nice thing to do would be to throw away everything and clean his station for him. He ends up freaking out about his finger tip and makes my boss dig through the garbage can looking for his finger tip. At one point he had thought he had found it but it turned out to be just a piece of old, fried chicken.

He ended up finding the finger tip and demanding the doctor sew it on. It later fell off a few days later.

>> No.3899196

Who said anything about American healthcare or paying money? I'm afraid of hospitals. I have a genuine phobia of them. I'd think after you spend 6 months straight confined to a hospital bed, you might be a tad phobic yourself.
It has nothing to do with costs. It wouldn't cost me a thin coin. Thank goodness for that, but I'd still rather not take up a hospital bed because I'm still afraid of hospitals.

>> No.3899197

>6 months in hospital
>6 months in the hospital
That's pretty telling, if you understand the differences between various types of English. Only Americans say "in the hospital." I clearly said
>in hospital

>> No.3899217

the more i go to hospitals the more i like them.
i mean i am still kinda scared of getting any bad news but they do anything to help you andn the doctors are always nice even if they are drugging you and ramming a camera into your ass and mouth(not the same camera).

>> No.3899621


We used to cook bakes potatoes in motel pans, then transfer them to a flavorsaver cabinet. I had just taken the pan out of the oven and had to rotate the older potatoes so that they could get used first, then grabbed the fresh pan by mistake.

>> No.3899633

Nope, wasn't for a week. After about a week and a half the vision started returning a little, it's pretty much back to normal now (that was a few years ago) except that my left eye is extremely light sensitive now.

>> No.3900936

We had a barbeque and when we were done one guy accidentally laid his hand on top of the still-hot hood.
He got pretty bad first degree burns all over his palm, not quite second degree.
I told him to stick it in water and basically not do anything with it.
Problem was, we were on a boat and later he wanted to go back out to go tubing.
I told him not to cause of his hand and the risk involved, but he had so much fun tubing before he just had to.
Thirty minutes later, they come back asking me what the hell to do cause the skin on his palm rubbed off when he was holding onto the tubing rope.
It was already damaged from the burn and the water only made it weaker.
What the fuck, so we rubbed alcohol on it and wrapped it up. Painful to sterilize, and hurt like hell the rest of the day.
Now the next day, the palm was still hurting, so some other genius comes up with the idea to fill him with alcohol to dull the pain.
He was throwing up and pale and passed out on deck for the rest of the entire day.
God I didn't envy that guy.

Glad your eye's mostly recovered. Having oil splash in my eye is one of my kitchen fears.

>> No.3900958

are motel pans like hotel pans just like really cheap and probably infested with bugs?

>> No.3901009

lmao this fucking commercial. i remember seeing this two times on tv when i was like 14. shit was fucking scary.

>> No.3901099
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>be barback
>Saturday night, in Brooklyn, NY
>have to cut a whole crate of limes for mojitos
>on timecrunch, slicing limes like a boss
>didn't cut one lime straight, knife ends up slipping and I slice every finger through my nails except pinky
>mfw when brain processes what just happened and lime juice enters wounds
>first aid kit +20 HP
>manager sends me home
>out of work for 3 days

>> No.3901236
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bitch needs to put a hair net and hat on and take her plastic ring off.

worst thing I ever did in a kitchen.
>getting ready for dinner service
>write out list for station prep
>grab knife roll
>take out my chef knife and squeeze it while in sheath. (no idea why)
>was someones old ass sheath that my sous had put on my knife by mistake.
>knife came through a crack in the sheath and right into middle finger joint first knuckle to the bone.
>knife so sharp didnt feel it till it hit bone
>pulled it out so fast and looked it was not bleeding.
>see fat and bone
>get gause band aid and finger condoms
>tape it up with electrical tape
>cook rush after doing my prep
>changing dressing, blood everywere, FoH girl sees and screams.
>manager on duty comes over and was like DAYMMMM
>takes me to hospital drives like Fast and Furious
>2 stitches
>told not to move it or get wet for a week
>get the three days off before I went to Mexico for two weeks even though i asked for three weeks off and was told no because they needed me.
>feels like it was on purpose.

At least the knife has tasted my blood?

>> No.3901247
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Shitty picture.
The only chance I had to take it was right before the doctor was about to stitch it up.

>> No.3901264
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>> No.3901295



>> No.3901333
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Fuck it, I'mma make it a three part. I have pictures to share.
>have a part time job in a kitchen
>it's easter so very busy
>work with mostly girls
>Anon, could you throw away this big ass garbage bag really quick?
>pick it up, walk to the container, hoist the bag over my shoulder and toss it the fuck in
>what the fuck was that?
>big cut on my hand
>what in the major fuck?
>bloooooooooddddd errwhere
>run back in the kitchen
>screams everywhere, girls freak out
>chef starts laughing, wtf
>bandage, stay at work for 2 more hours, easy monayyy
>back home refresh bandage and put a band-aid on it no problem

>> No.3901337
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>2 days later, have to work again
>back at work, cleaning the stove with some nasty chemical shit.
>water resistant band-aid on the cut. I'll be fine.
>work for a few hours, go back home and remove the band-aid.
>holy what the fuck
>chemical burns everywhere
>well, I'm a dumb fuck
>gets worse over the course of a week
>The 'L shaped' burn near my wrist is deep,
>why didn't I wear gloves

>> No.3901341
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>Actually heals up pretty well
>doesn't look too bad
>could've all been prevented but whatever
>I guess I'll never be a hand model now

Later we found out there was a big glass shard in the garbage bag, and that cut me up when I threw it in.
Girls got yelled at by the chef for throwing glass in the normal garbage.

My hand at the moment. Picture was taken a few minutes ago.
Glad none of it ever hurt, taking a shower was a bitch though.

>> No.3901351

>move pot of boiling water
>don't pay attention because I were tired
>lose the grip of the pot
>some of the water spill on my hand
>drop the pot
>try to catch it midair
>a whole stream of boiling water now ran over my hand

Burn injuries aer really the worst. The following 2 days were pure agony and I would've gladly choppen of 1 of my finger if it would've stopped the pain

>> No.3901356

I worked in a deli/coffee shop for awhile in high school and hurt myself a few times. Nothing real serious though. I accidentally bumped up against a panini press that I didn't realize was on until I smelled burning hair. I cut my thumb down to the bone when I was slicing a bagel. The worst one was when I was cleaning the steam wand on the espresso maker. I accidentally bumped the button to turn it on and had second degree burns all over the palm of my left hand. That one hurt like a motherfucker too. Steam burns are bad.

My worst kitchen injury came at home though. I was drunk at about 6 in the morning after a party, and decided I wanted some sausage. I got some frozen patties out of the freezer but they were stuck together, and the only thing I could find to try to pry them apart with was a paring knife. 30 seconds later, there's a paring knife stuck through the skin between my thumb and index finger. Had to call an ambulance to come take me to the hospital (I didn't know anyone who was sober enough to drive within 200 miles) and got a tetanus shot and a half dozen stitches.

>> No.3901358

Is that a finger? an arm? a dick?

>> No.3901361

>be slicing bagel
>slice finger
>feels weird, not painful
>blood everywhere
>super glue

The nerve never grew back, and playing the guitar feels weird now

>> No.3901387 [DELETED] 

The only injury I had was ramming your gradmum on the stove while a pot of how water was boiling on it. The ramming of the ass was so hard that it made stalling hot water spill all on her stomach causing her to scream in agony and me jizzing inside her from the excitement.

>> No.3901388
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>couple months ago
>finished making dinner, knife resting on counter underneath a towel
>pick up towel
>makes knife rotate over the edge of counter, falls off counter
>hand is right underneath the falling knife, try to move it out of the way
>slices through my middle finger and thumb, leaving a big crescent cut at the top of my middle finger
>get 6 stitches, can't write for weeks
>finger pretty much healed, different thickness of skins on my middle finger tip make it feel weird.

>> No.3901404


Could you please stop spamming the board and go back to wherever you came from? You are the guy spamming sage and stupid comments in every thread on the board, ain't you?

>> No.3901408


Oh yeah, sorry, I meant hotel pans. But yes, that is probably exactly what motel pans would be like.

>> No.3901410

Rorschach is a fucking bad ass.

>> No.3901416

Looks like a btard finally found out there was more boards on 4chan other than /b/

Still tho I'm laughing my ass off at the shot he's coming up with

>> No.3901486

Jesus fucking christ, what? Fuck. That fucking scream.

>> No.3901823
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My coworker's hand slipped into a fryer while she was cleaning the one beside it. Another picture to come.

>> No.3901826
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>> No.3901828

dat wrist is so fucking hairy....

>> No.3901842

i imagine it to be pretty disgusting, the healing process.

>> No.3901844

Opened a nasty gash in my thumb about a week ago while slicing peppers, idiot mistake.

I ended up with a lot of blood in my food, tasted fine though.

>> No.3901875

Christ, I hope she didn't just roll around with that shit uncovered.

>> No.3901889

>some years ago when I was working in a McDonald's (college doesn't pay itself).
>a friend slipped just like in this vid and by reflex tried to grab something with his right arm,
>he slammed the nearest grill with his arm,
>but now couldn't get up without putting his weight on the plates.
>He ended up with a big horrible blister on most of his forearm.
>Fortunately for him, it seems the oil isolated him a bit from the 170°c surface.

We used to hurt ourselves all the time, wanting to help me, a colleague
took the fries off the oil and turned towards me without looking where I was,
so he pretty much just hit me with it on the torso ...

A girl had epileptoid episodes, fainted, hit her head on a corner and bled everywhere in the kitchen. Everyone was pretty much traumatized after that. Fun times

>> No.3901929
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>> No.3901942
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>> No.3901950
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>> No.3902132

How to derail an entire thread.

>> No.3902138

>on topic

Pick one, dumbfuck.

>> No.3903571

>Be in Restaurant school.
>Be in method kitchen for 1st years
>Chopping onions and taters
>Suddenly girl screams like she was about to get hit by a truck
>Everyone walks into 2nd year kitchen.
>Girl had dropped 5 gallons of boiling lobster soup onto her legs
>3rd degree burns
>Be 2nd year
>Girl is still in recovery

>> No.3905093

Just happened little over an hour ago, we had to shut down the restaurant. I came home, drank some vodka to dull out the screams and am now posting.

One of our prep guys, he's nice, albeit a tad underwhelming when it comes to his job, but I've never held that against him. Today he was using the band saw to cut up some meat.

During dinner, we were short about two dozen and the EC really laid it on him, so off he went to cut some more. He couldn't cut fast enough for the chef, so he started cutting corners, which lead to the most horrific thing I've ever witnessed.

He cut his hand in half. Between his bird and ring fingers down to his wrist. I've never seen blood spray before, I always though that Tarantino was just exaggerating.

God, /ck/ will it ever stop replaying in my head?

>> No.3905126

The worst I've had was cutting all four fingers on my right hand on the rim of (I shit you not) a pot.


>> No.3905147 [DELETED] 

sort of relevant I suppose

>3rd grade
>get home from school
>Animaniacs is on, love me some Animaniacs
>grab an apple to eat
>think for a second "it would be cool to cut the core out"
>so I grab a 12" steak knife and walk to the tv
>push through, get one side of four done
>whatever shitty thing is on WB before Animaniacs is still on
>get second side through
>it's time for Animaniacs, and were zany to the max
>trying the third side, but I am watching the tv instead of paying attention
>Wakko packs away the snacks while Bill Clinton plays the sax
>finally shove the knife way through, but I am having trouble getting it out
>look down, it is way to far in
>my leg is wet
>I had switched my grip to the top of the apple, and stabbed through my palm
>remove blade to see damage
>horror movie blood everywhere
>OOOOHHHHHH, get up, run to the sink and keep pooling blood and pouring it in instead of applying pressure because I didn't learn that in school yet
>yelling for my dad to come help, he doesn't realize the severity of the situation and wants to finish shaving
>comes downstairs finally, I am pale and crying
>he works construction, so I guess he has seen crazy shit
>wraps my hand, tells me to go outside and play basketball

my thumb looked like a raisin for a week, but all healed besides a quarter inch scar which is pretty impressive imo

>> No.3905150

Left a pretty cool scar though.

>> No.3905182

that looks really painful

>> No.3905206

>Work in Coffee/Sandwich shop
>Be only one allowed to use meat slicer
>Owner finally realizes how inefficient this is - has me train kid on slicer
>Training takes literally 5 minutes (they are pretty simple with common sense)
>cut your meat this way
>proper thickness
>guard works like this
>Never touch anything around blade unless unplugged
>Always watch what you are doing...

Leave him to cut for 10 minutes, shaves off 1/4 slice of flesh from 3 fingers - fucking carnage.

Kid was a goddamned idiot anyways.

>> No.3905211

>Training female dishwasher
>She's 9/10, but introvert as fuck, so she's dishwashing instead of waitressing
>Stocking shelves, distracted by her beauty
>Drop a jar of pickled asparagus, catch it based god style
>Another jar falls on the one in my hands, the asparagus jar shatters
>Hands and forearms sliced open, burning from pickling juice
>Never look her in the eyes again

>> No.3905219

>Warning: tanks of pressurized air become homing missiles if mishandled

>> No.3905248

It's technically advertising.

>> No.3905267

Any pics?

>> No.3905273


>> No.3905280
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>> No.3905299

>Work at Pizza Hut
>Cuttan pizzas
>just took a pizza out of the oven and put it on the cut table
>accidentally drop hot pan on floor while putting it away to be cleaned later
>my brain is currently off
>go to pick up pan with bare hands
>full retard
>brain suddenly turns back on
>"Why the fuck did I do that" is all I can think of
>Work with burned hands for the rest of the night

>> No.3905300


Not for a long time. Band saws are some mean motherfuckers, but how could you could get that far through your hand before realizing...

Jesus christ.

>> No.3905310

If he was just pushing the meat through,
>He couldn't cut fast enough for the chef
>EC really laid into him
Venting anger via meat in a bandsaw, off in an angry daydream, not paying attention just shoving the meat through, then cramming his hand into the saw.


>> No.3905359

Oh god ;_;

>> No.3905393

uhh.. IN any serious place you'd get fired for fucking pushing someone in an environment with boiling oil

I had a part time job in a kitchen once and the chef made very clear that any silliness near boiling liquids or extremely shartp €160 knives would lead to instant termination

>> No.3905403

>Glad your eye's mostly recovered. Having oil splash in my eye is one of my kitchen fears.

this is the reason I'm glad I'm wearing glasses.. I've already had oil bubble and a small drop land directly on my glasses

>> No.3905427


>> No.3905514

I don't have kitchen ones but I used to work in a Forge, you think cooking is bad.

100+ Ton press for making truck axles. It's got a bit of splinter in it (Steel that comes off during pressing) so the guy sticks hos head under to reach and get it off. Didn't disconnect and safety the machine. It thuds and foreman runs out. (We are only allowed to make so many a day because of the noise, you can hear the thumps it makes 20+ miles away So he knows something has happened when the machine goes off unscheduled)
2 weeks off work for all of us, free therapy for those who wanted it.

There was nothing left of him above his stomach. it was spread over the press and floor.

Same sort of deal, smaller press for basic molding. Only his arm. We got the day off for that. Amazing thing is there was next to no blood because the press clamped the stub shut.

Steel room where we melt the steal using Electrical Arcs, a guy committed suicide by jumping into the pot in between arcs.

Electricity powerful enough to melt steal scrap has enough power to make the body to explode no-one saw it happen. He either burnt to death in molten steal or exploded.

>> No.3905534
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>> No.3905537

There has got to be videos of shit like that.

>> No.3905538

Holy shit. that would be fucking haunting for me. How often does stuff like that happen?

>> No.3905552

>Electricity powerful enough to melt steal scrap has enough power to make the body to explode no-one saw it happen. He either burnt to death in molten steal or exploded.
Wow, molten steel sounds like the worst way to commit suicide. Not sure why someone would want to go out Terminator 2 style.

>> No.3905565

At that temperature I would imagine your body would go into shock immediately and you'd die seconds later... Not that I have any experience in the matter.

>> No.3905576

>Working security rounds in a steel mill.
>Shitty mill, shitty roofing.
>Go out past the floor on rounds. Wave to people. Hear rain on roof. Storming.
>Wave to new kid.
>New kid is standing by big pot o molten metal.
>Roof decides to peel away in a small area.
>About a gallon worth of rainwater suddenly falls RIGHT INTO that pot.

So yeah, if you know anything about hot metal you know what happened next. I hope the family sued. :(

>> No.3905584


>is a retard
>not know much about science
>look it up
>oh shit

>> No.3905585

Oh shit. On the other hand..
Flash boiling in cooking

There is also a cooking technique called flash boiling, in which a smaller amount of water is used so as to quicken the process of boiling. An example of this technique is used to melt a slice of cheese onto a hamburger patty, whereby the cheese slice is placed on top of the meat on a high-heat surface (e.g., a hot frying pan), and a small quantity of cold water is thrown onto the surface near the patty. A vessel (such as a volume-rich small pot or frying-pan cover) is then used to quickly seal the steam-flash reaction, which disperses much of the steamed-water on the cheese/patty, which results in a large release of heat in a transfer resulting from the vaporized water condensing back into a liquid, resulting in an energy release (a principle also utilized in refrigerator and freezer production).

>> No.3905594
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>> No.3905596

>see them do this on dd&d
>think why not
>making burgers on a frying pan (yes I know)
>put half a cup of water in after the party is done and topped with cheese
>4 min later I have a very soggy bison burger and unmelted cheese

>> No.3905622

as someone who just started working in the industry as a career, I hate this thread.

>> No.3905754
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>> No.3905759

>Throw away the bloody parts and use the rest, and hurry the fuck up!

His clone works EVERYwhere brother.

>> No.3905792

I worked at an aluminum plant for 3 years and like these guys are saying, it's no fucking joke.

While I never personally witnessed anything major there were a few incidents that happened while I was working there.

Guy got the tips of like 3 of his fingers amputated when he closed a type of hydraulic clamp on them.

Another guy got his fingers smashed when a jacked up forklift fell and he had his hand under the wheel(fucking retard).

Molten metal splashed on guy's ankle.

Caustic burns down the whole side of a guy's body from a boil over.

And finally there was a guy that used to work there that got a new job at a nearby sweet potato processing plant. A few weeks later a valve on a pipe that had hot oil running through it failed and he had oil burns down 50% of his body.

>> No.3905873

To the guy asking about injuries in the forge.

This was in the 70's and 80's yes it happened all the fucking time, they used to call the night crew who would turn the furnaces the high-five crew, because, I shit you not, They where the only people with 5 fingers on each hand.

My old director of the plant had 1 arm and 1 leg, both injuries through work. And back then you didn't sue, you took paid leave until you felt fit to come back. Not many deaths but amputations at least 3-4 a year. Fingers most common, but you could do 90% of the jobs there without them.

Burns not so much, you really didn't get room to fuck about in the steel room. Really you didn't want to, 1000 litre casts full of molten steel being craned across the room, No-one wanted to be anywhere near it.

>> No.3905900


oh fuck oh hell no please double oshas budget for next year

>> No.3905914

...and this, folks, is why you use your goddamn remote units instead of going into the work area and trying to do shit by hand.

It's not just that they're more productive if you're halfway smart about taking advantage of their semi-autonomous modes, but if you fuck things up to the absolute limit you're only doing to do a few thousand dollars' worth of damage instead of ruining your life forever.

I know there are these romantic ideas about doing work with your own two hands, but frankly, this thread shows exactly why they are nothing but hipster bullshit. If it's "more authentic" to chop off a fingertip or deglove your goddamn hand, I'll take less authentic any day.

>> No.3905935

>empty hot fryer oil into huge pot on floor
>dude comes by and knocks glass of water into pot

>> No.3905938

I--what industry are you talking about? What are 'remote units'?

i'm confused

>> No.3905954 [DELETED] 

My great uncles and grandfather used to work in steel mills in the 50's and 60's. My late great uncle Johnny once had a freshly molded piece of steel go through his calf. Kept the leg but had a gigantic piece of muscle missing which looked pretty fucked up.

Not food related so sage.

>> No.3905960

Your remote units. The things everyone does their work with, from their workstation. With the cameras and the arms.

What century are you living in?

>> No.3905962
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>posting in a 2012 thread

>> No.3908129
