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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3895046 No.3895046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My cat Henry eats the same food every day.


What does Henry eat?
He also has a cat roommate who is fat.


>> No.3895112

feed him the other cat.

>> No.3895186

Throw a fish or a mouse at him. Cats are carnivores and don't really need their food to be cooked, jesus christ.

>> No.3895237
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henrys anytime chili

>> No.3895686

I have a fat cat. Have recently just started microwaving cheap chicken thighs from the butcher, feed him a little morning and night. Cats need straight protein, I've found all cat food is filled with bullshit. Giving him chicken has made him less manic over food and noticeably lose weight.

>> No.3896759

We have one fat cat and one skinny one. What are some ways we can make at least one of the chickens more fatty?

>> No.3896791

> have a fat cat and skinny cat
> switch cats to 1/2 can of wet food in the morning and 1/4 cup of dry at night
> fat cat even when not fat is 2x skinny cat's size
> so I give him a sliver more of the wet food in the morning and under fill her dry a little
> skinny cat getting skinnier while fat cat stays fat.

It's because she runs around more. Surprising how her waist has gone in after just 2 weeks though. Gonna have to just start splitting it even again.

>> No.3896807

Cats are obligate carnivores. All they should eat is meat. Go ask /an/, they can give you much more detailed information.

>> No.3896813

I'm appalled! How dare you underfeed your cat(s)!

>> No.3896817

a vegetarian diet apparently sends them blind
[spoiler]with rage

>> No.3896825

If you really love him give him lots of choclate, cats love choclate.

>> No.3896831


Any particular brands?

>> No.3896836

Better than overfeeding. They were getting 1/2 cup dry in the morning and 1/2 cup dry in the evening before. She actually had a bit of a tummy, was maybe 8lbs when 7 is more her size.

Fat cat on the other hand is 22lbs but should be 15lbs. He's the one who meows because he's still hungry.

What do I do? He won't lose weight unless I feed him less, but he's still hungry. He will eat chicken raw or cooked but it's expensive and I hardly buy meat/dairy for myself. They eat B. G Grain dry and wet.

Little cat is fine though, I'll just increase the kibble by a few nibbles and she'll be fine.

>> No.3896920



>> No.3896943

A raw chicken wing.

Raw bones do not splinter, cats are mostly resistant to bacterias on raw meat.

>> No.3896948

They are fond of white onions - not the red or yellow ones though - yellow is naturally repulsive to them and red can be poisonous.

>> No.3896959

Onions: yet another thing you shouldn't feed a cat.

jesus christ op, just switch between wet and dry for variety. it's not that hard. give them a little plain yogurt or a tiny bit of cheese if they like it for a treat.

>> No.3896963

The directions on the back of the bag for most cat foods are wrong, and way too much.

Ignore the begging, my cat will do it when he's very much full. If I gave him food every time he meowed for it, he'd be fucking obese.

Change the food. Use a nicer product. Not Science Diet or Meow Mix, upgrade to something like Natural Balance, Wellness, Blue Buffalo, or PureVita. NOT MARKETING, JUST SUGGESTING BTW! I get grain free PureVita for my cat because each bag comes with a $2 coupon w/o an expiration date, so it lightens the load. Also, better foods require even less quantities per feeding.

My 15 lb cat gets 3/4 a cup A DAY, separated in 3 feedings. Each cup isn't all the way full either, because the last month he got a tad pudgy.

My cat is really motivated by a laser pointer, so I give him exerise that way. He also likes balled-up receipts. Find a way to play with your cats to exercise them.

Isn't this a thread for /an/? No offense.

Also, find a game they

>> No.3896964

I hope you are trolling about poisoning your cat.


>> No.3896972


>> No.3896987

do this if you want to give your cat a heart attack

>> No.3896993

everyone that is saying cats are mostly carnivores is right, but they also should be eating vegetables and grains wont hurt them just make sure that if you buy a dry food the first ingredient is meat, then veggies and grains. make sure its made of quality ingredients. wet food is good too. for treats my cat likes to eat applesauce and pretty much any fruit. you should try and feed them canned pumpkin which will help control hairballs and give them extra fiber, canned food helps control hairballs as well so give that to them every so often

>> No.3897006

Vegetables in the diet aren't bad, but aren't required for a healthy diet. They eat veggies so sparingly while stray or in the wild that they are more of a treat than nutrient sources. Dogs, however, do require [and some seek out] small amounts of vegetation.

The most they need are greens, and most foods have carrot and sweet potato, not greens. If going a natural route, a cat is more likely to eat grass or plants rather than a plate of spinach, kale, or green beans.

>> No.3897049

i wasn't suggesting that he try feeding them a plate of green beans, just that sometimes people think that they don't need any veggies at all, which is false, they need fiber just like us and would die without it, I read something about getting cat grass to have in your house for your cat to eat when it feels like it

>> No.3897266


Cats actually eat grass to make themselves throw up to rid themselves of hairballs/upset stomach.

>> No.3897296

A 100% raw vegan, gluten free, alkaline chi diet.