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File: 41 KB, 400x721, hot-pizza-delivery-girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3894276 No.3894276 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We talk about delivery drivers and etiquette.

How do you decide how much to tip a delivery driver? Should it be a flat % like you would with a table waiter? Should you just give them enough to cover gas and maybe a little extra if they are on time? Or perhaps they should be tipped more than a table waiter considering that they are paying for the vehicle and gas as well as potentially risking their lives by driving the food.

I actually deliver food for a living and I still haven't figured out the proper tipping etiquette. Some customers will order $1000 of food and tip me $100 like its nothing. Then again, some will order $1000 of food and tip me $5 like its nothing. Some people order $30 of food and tip me $20. Some order hundreds of dollars of food and tip me absolutely nothing.

What do you think? Should the size of a delivery tip be based on the amount of money you are spending? Should they get a flat $5 or $10 no matter the size of the order? Or maybe are you one of the shitskins that doesn't feel compelled to tip your delivery driver at all? How do you do it?

>> No.3894284

>$1000 of food


>> No.3894288

Yea, my biggest order was like $1900. I'm not delivering pizzas or anything though, it is more like catering that I do to businesses and companies in the area. Like, I'll set it all up on a table and brink drinks and ice and plates and all that bullshit. I still think it's delivery though since I use my own car.

>> No.3894290

I know a bunch of delivery drivers for dominos. It's kindof a flat rate system, with some exceptions.

1$ is a bit annoying. If it is a big order they'll be upset.
2$ is average for 1-3 pizzas. neither good nor bad.
5$ is good.
10$ is good if they have to make 2 trips to bring all their food.
15+$ they'll brag about when they get back to the store.

If you live very far away or in a difficult to navigate apartment complex throw in an extra buck or two.
If you are buying 20 pizzas for your brats birthday throw him 10-20 and they'll be happy.

>> No.3894299

Holy shit, thats rough. I could never deliver pizzas for tips like that. It makes me very thankful though. $5 is bad for me unless its a really small order. My average tip is maybe $8-$10. But getting a $40 or higher tip isn't that uncommon, I'll get one about once a week. Like earlier today I got a $65 tip for a $650 delivery.

I just was curious how people decide how much to tip drivers, it seems so sporadic. I mean I could have just as easily gotten $5 or even nothing for that $650 delivery.

>> No.3894307

For the girl in the OP, I'll give her just the tip.

>> No.3894310

I'd give her more than just the tip......I'd fully empty my coin-purse.

>> No.3894527


>> No.3894543



>> No.3894555

Mmmmm, I'd let her toss the dough then I'd take care of laying down the sausage and spreading the sauce.

>> No.3894571

I would have sexual relations with the young woman in the picture that the op posted.

>> No.3894578

I am sexually attracted to the girl in OPs picture

>> No.3894583

What the hell, who said anything about sex ITT? Stay on topic and bring that shit back to /b/.

>> No.3894593
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>> No.3894725

The pizza I like is about $25 for a large. I give $3 to $4 and they're always appreciative. I'm a 5 minute drive away as well.

>> No.3894735

For a small delivery like $20 or less I'd probably tip $4-5. For a bigger delivery I'd tip more. I've never ordered huge amounts of food like OP is talking about so I do not know how much I would tip in that situation, definitely more than the usual amount but probably not 10%.

>> No.3894739

>buying pizza

>> No.3894744

I usually tip based on distance from me and the size of the order. For instance, I ordered out a couple years ago when it was really snowy out, so even though the order was only ~15 bucks, I tipped the guy 7.

>> No.3894893

25 cents per minute of the round trip drive.
No less than two dollars.
You can take into account the bill total if it's really large if you want.

And don't just estimate. People are idiots when it comes to estimating the time it takes to get from one place to their house. They routinely underestimate it. This is the most logical way of tipping a delivery driver. Distance affects them the most: gas, longer deliveries mean less total deliveries they can make. You don't tip them like a waiter, you pay them like a cabbie

>> No.3894912

Seems logical but I'd still say you undertip. Consider them paying for the vehicle to deliver, the gas, the insurance, consider the stress and traffic they deal with, consider them making it on time when they could just as easily go smoke dope and show up 30 minutes late, consider the innate danger and the high chance of robbery associated with being a driver, consider the probably distasteful weather conditions that they are working in, consider that they risked their irreplaceable lives on the freeway so that you didn't have to.

And then consider the waiter who walks around in the air conditioning, doesn't have to pay for gas or a car, and is never in any immediate danger.

So really, who deserves the better tip?

>> No.3894931


Wow, you make it sound like every pizza guy is Jackie Chan or something.

> Consider them paying for the vehicle to deliver, the gas, the insurance
They probably didn't buy the vehicle so that they could be a pizza guy, so the vehicle cost and insurance are non-issues. They would have these already, or they wouldn't be hired to deliver pizza. Gas? I would assume the outlet would compensate them somewhat for this, but I've never delivered pizza, so I don't know. Possibly the only good point you have in favour of tipping.

> consider them making it on time when they could just as easily go smoke dope and show up 30 minutes late
A lot of them do. When they don't, they're simply doing their job. They don't deserve special treatment. Same goes for traffic. It's a part of the job. All jobs have some stress associated with them.

> consider the innate danger (...) consider the probably distasteful weather conditions
I work in construction. Danger and distasteful weather conditions? Ask me the last time I got a tip.

> high chance of robbery associated with being a driver

What, you're going to rob the guy when he shows up at your house? Don't you think that might be a dumb idea, considering he knows where you live?

In short, you're probably a pizza guy who's butthurt that he doesn't get more tips. Suck it up and be happy with what you get, or get a better job.

>> No.3894949

i just get carryout and don't tip shit.

>> No.3894957
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>tfw you order 600 pizzas for yourself

>> No.3894958

>Not tipping $1 for carryout.

>> No.3894967
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Depends what I've ordered. I don't usually order food, mainly just pizza. That being said:

Quiznos: tip them $1-2. They charge $1.00 for delivery and the sandwich only costs $7, so it's really kind of weird even ordering something so inexpensive. I've only done it twice and probably will never do it again.

Pizza: usually order 2 pizzas, equaling ~$33, so I tip about $5 on that. If it's more, I might go up to $7, but I wouldn't tip the pizza delivery guy any more than $8, regardless of how much I ordered.

Chinese food: about $4-5 if the order is over $10. Delivery girl is always really nice and she's a student, so I don't mind helping her out.

And if my pizza delivery girl ever looked like OP's, I'd be giving her waaaay more than just the tip.

>> No.3894971


>for carryout

Hahahaha no. Do you tip the kid at Wendy's? Do you tip the cashier at Home Depot? Do you tip guy working at the deli in the grocery store?

Carryout does not warrant a tip.

>> No.3894999
File: 27 KB, 399x600, pizza-delivery-hot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3895002

Does anyone else clap and shoot guns in the air when they tip someone?

>> No.3895007

Who doesn't?

>> No.3895010

I deliver pizzas. Honestly anything is appreciated, even if you dont tip.
BUT a good average tip is about 3$~

>> No.3895013


I'm pretty sure she does not, in fact, work for Dominos, but rather works in the hardcore pornography industry.

>> No.3895020

I don't tip, because the places I eat have shitty service and I so rarely get food delivered.

The one time I did tip a delivery guy he got 50 bucks for his trouble.
He had to travel a long way, and the neighbors brat siced (Sicked? Seeked?) their dog at him (So I had to get that fucking dog to leave him alone by way of my larger, scarier dog)
Dude was terrified but kept my food safe, and that's dedication.

>> No.3895025

Oh lord I hope so. If anybody has any links or a name it would be much appreciated. This girl is too fine. Too damn fine.

>> No.3895031
File: 25 KB, 312x500, 13812-PIZZA_DELIVERY-In_30_minutes_or_get_30_minutes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3895032

>Good picture ruined by motivational shit

>> No.3895121

I never tip.

Why would I give money to people when I don't have to?

>> No.3895130

I used to do delivery, so I generally kick $5 minimum. If the order is more than $40, I tack on a couple more bucks, but that rarely happens. Shitty weather gets $8, no questions asked-- snow isn't a thing out here but the rain can get awful.

>> No.3895139

I don't have change. I pay using debit card and the driver always brings the terminal and types the amount in.

I live in a different country though.

>> No.3895140

I'm not a charity. Why would I give someone extra money for doing their job? Ridiculous notion.

>> No.3895142

>hurr durr how i crop picturr

>> No.3895166

pizza driver here. it depends on a number of factors. if you live close and make a standard size order ($15-50) stiffing will get you on the shit list, enjoy your pizza sitting in the warming oven drying out for half an hour, $1 is skimpy, $2-3 is not bad, but not good, $4-7 is good, $8-10 is "a big tip", $11-20 is make all the other drivers mad jelly tier. if you live more than 14-15 minutes away from the store, then at least $3 should be given, for big orders of $100 or more $8 or more is the norm. for massive orders ($200+) $10+ is expected.

>> No.3895169

>$15 order, $7 tip
Fuck off.

>> No.3895191

I don't order pizza or any food now. I have my Indian take-away about 600 yards away. Other shit I pick up my self. But when I did depends how generous I was feeling. Max about €2.

>> No.3895193

Just checking for euro/uk chaps, I literally never tip for delivery, regardless of order size is that consistent with what the rest of you do?

>> No.3895195

>is expected.
You don't get to have expectations until you have a real job you fucking bum.

>> No.3895218

If you're fairly far away you should tip 3 dollars closer and then 2 is ok. 5 and I will remember you.

>> No.3895220

I don't tip unless it's from a place that's far away or it's really bad weather

You did nothing to improve meal. You just brought it.

>> No.3895222

When I order Chinese the bill is usually 40$ so I give the driver 3$-5$ extra. The shop is a 30 minute walk or a 4 minute drive from my house (and you can take quiet side streets all the way). I always order on typically slow days (monday-thursday) so I think its a decent amount.

>> No.3895292

i stoppped tipping the pizza guy when their "cooks" couldnt get my order right.

called manager to complain -
strike one "i order double aioli or double hollandaise so you would notice." "oh sorry, we /just/ ran out"
strike two "i ordered the meal deal and got 1 pizza, where the fuck is my stuff?" "oops we misread the docket. sorry"
strike three "its a fucking tuesday night with no special event where people order a million pizzas, why the fuck did it take an hour and a half, AND STILL BE WRONG?! tell your manager i am not happy, that they replace the entire meal free, have them call me when they recieve the order written here, deliver it within 30 minutes and if i get the order right next time, and you get $50. i will tip you decently, like i used too before this shit started happening, if this is accomplished, kapeesh?"

sure enough my order came back within 20 minutes, with an apology written on the inside of the box.

money talks.

>> No.3895306

I'm a driver for a small franchise and I usually get 5 /6 dollar averages each night. On a decent night I'll probably pull 100 bucks give or take. We have a 2 dollar delivery fee, I only get 90 cents out of that, so like 2/3 bucks is more than fine with me, just so I can cover gas.

>around 10:30
>close at 11
>guy orders 20 wings
>and a pack of marlboro lights
>go grab a pack at gas station, 5 bucks
>tips me 25 dollars
>mfw i have no face

>> No.3895536

depends on the little extras for me.

They bring red pepper, platesd, and cups. I give a big tip. They bring only my order nothing else I give change.

Took 1 month to train my delivery guys. Hell now I sometimes ge4t extra (Hey man I have this extra bottle of mountain dew, or hey man here4 is some breadsticks on the house.)

>> No.3895563

They probably have jizzed in your pizzas by now though, regardless of them being in the wrong or not

I wouldn't use them again if I were you, just suck it up and move on

>> No.3895935
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stuff missing, late or cold? I send it back. "this is late/fucked up. I'm ordering somewhere else. better luck next time. you blew it, son. I will contact you again in the future if perchance my discerning, high-society, snobdollars feel fit to grace your sub-par establishment."

it's that simple guys.

pic related, its me as I pose for the cover shoot of "pizza delivery connoisseur monthly."

>> No.3895948

>not tipping based on how smashed you are and how much money is left in your wallet

>> No.3896065

>Pay us extra for doing the jobs we are paid for or well jizz on your food
Fuck you

>> No.3896103
File: 76 KB, 407x584, thisasshole[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counting your items before you pay
>taking their temperature before you pay

>> No.3896129

they improve the meal by bringing it right to your door, paying gas out of their own pocket, often driving their own vehicle.

>> No.3896179

>they improve the meal by bringing it right to your door, paying gas out of their own pocket, often driving their own vehicle.
Wow, and they do this out of the goodness of their heart??? Like volunteer work???

>> No.3896195

They are hired for this express fucking purpose

They know what they're getting into

>> No.3896229

Hold everything. Let's say I order 1 pizza, total comes to about 20, 18% tip is a reasonable 2 dollars when rounded up. If I get 4 of those pizzas am I supposed to tip nearly 15 bucks? I don't think so. I understand the percentage scaling for waiters and waitresses, who must provide customer service and commit orders to memory, while catering to the guests throughout their meal. The only difference between the two delivery scenarios I described is a couple of pounds of weight, which I do not feel merits that much extra scratch. Delivery people are couriers, not servers.

>> No.3896255

Where the hell are you that one pie is 20 dollars?

>> No.3896280

XL Works at Papa John's is 16 price+2.50 delivery fee+1.48 sales tax. I overestimated by a few dollars since delivery fee is flat-rate

>> No.3896355
File: 105 KB, 681x1024, b53_dominos147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought you guys might like some sauce with your delivery.


>> No.3896367

So you don't tip your waiter when at a restaurant either? I bet whoever delivers to your place is spitting in your food.

>> No.3896377

dood what fucking pizza place is this??

>> No.3896385

I tip them what they DESERVE. After all, isn't that what a fucking tip is? If they get me my food fast, I'll tip $10 on a $40 pizza order. If they take forever then they get little to no tip at all. Not their fault they were late? Too bad. I tip for service, not because it's customary.

>> No.3896389

I don't tip because I don't live in a third world country that has to be bribed to do the job they're already paid to do

>> No.3896392


>> No.3896391

there's so much turnover at pizza places i wouldn't worry about it

>> No.3896398

I tip the same way I would to someone waiting on me in a restaurant. If they do a good job I will tip better. If I'm short on cash and they did a horrible job I tip less or not at all. I usually like to tip the standard %10-15

>> No.3896431

why are you cheap faggots complaining about tipping people for doing a job that they are already paid to do? drivers get paid the same as or maybe less than anyone else in the store. and gas, tires and car maintenance aren't fucking free. don't be a shitstain, at least give them enough to cover transportation costs. if they remember everything and get there quickly then maybe you oughta tip a little bit more.

most drivers will haul ass to your place in hopes of getting a larger tip. once we find out that you are a shitbag and don't tip then we start doing little stops and detours on the way to your place. maybe we'll smoke some weed or drive thru starbucks on the way to your house. maybe go home and have a quick wank or run some errands. i mean why the hell not, since you aren't helping pay for the gas then i'll use my hard earned gasoline however i see fit.

>> No.3896449


>> No.3896450

If someone is careless and does a shit job like the pizza wasn't handled with care and the cheese is on the roof of the box, or they take forever to get there so the food is cold and have no valid excuses as to why, they're rude, I'm not going to tip as much. I think that's fair

>> No.3896656

aaaaaahhhhh, excuse me while I ahem....fap to a pizza delivery driver for the first time in my life. good stuff.

>> No.3896664

I usually tip based on how fast they are, their attitude when you open the door, and whether or not they handle the food decently.

Based on my area, most Pizza Hut deliveries get tipped ~$2 for the single pizza they usually deliver if it's done decently.

The Chinese Place across town, on the other hand, usually gets atleast $10 in a tip from me, because they say "45 minutes" and show up in 10, handle the food nicely, thank you for your order, and give a smile and good service.