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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 432x288, cast-iron-skillet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3893212 No.3893212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just bought a cast iron skillet and want to season it

I've herd of some people having bacon cooking marathons to get it seasoned really quick.

Bacon is not well received in my family as they see it as too fattening. I fucking love bacon, but to eat bacon in bulk would be me killing my heart.

Is it possible to cook just 2 packs of bacon and letting the grease simmer for a few hours and get the same result?

>> No.3893218

speaking from no experience, probably. Just a pack of bacon produces so much grease, you could just save it and use the grease to fry other, healthier foods.

>> No.3893227

Cooking something like bacon works well to season a skillet, but that's by no means the only way. All you need is enough fat to coat the skillet, it doesn't really matter what kind. You can use bacon grease, lard, beef tallow, vegetable oil, canola oil, peanut oil, etc, etc. As long as it is a food-safe fat it will work.

>> No.3893232

Shallow frying in it a few times with oil is the best way.

>> No.3893242

I season my skillets by thinly (thinly!) coating them in veg shortening, since we always have some around, then putting them face down in the BBQ at like 300-350 ish for an hour or so, repeating as necessary.

Its really not that hard, you basically just need to use them, they will season eventually. Also using them as a baking dish for a roast is a good way.

>> No.3893262


Here you go.

>> No.3893353


>> No.3893377

Bacon is a vegetable and is NOT too fattening. Load that bitch up with bacon and start cooking.

>> No.3893395

You can just buy lard in the markets especially Mexican ones.

>> No.3893421

Just slather it in Crisco and bake that puppy.

>> No.3893427

You guys know pretty much everything cast iron nowadays is seasoned in the factory right?

Lodge and most manufacturers have been doing this for years

your bacon marathon isn't doing anything

>> No.3893438

The seasoning that manufacturers put on is terrible.

>> No.3893471


OP use this, this is by far the best method.

>> No.3893476

>but to eat bacon in bulk would be me killing my heart.
Atkins dieters have proven there is no causal link between eating high cholesterol foods and high cholesterol in your bloodstream.

So eat an entire pig, yo.

>> No.3893494

>Atkins dieters have proven there is no causal link between eating high cholesterol foods and high cholesterol in your bloodstream.
lol nope

>> No.3893506

Bacon won't have any adverse affect on your cardiovascular system. That shit was never true.

>> No.3893509

next thing you'll be telling us is that egg yolks aren't horrible for you.

>> No.3893517

Well would you look at that, they aren't. The cholesterol in your blood is synthesized by your liver.

>> No.3893574

You do know that they don't sand down the cast iron like they used to, right? I dare you to make non-stick eggs with their out of the box seasoning. Doesn't matter if they add a thin layer of season if the surface is bumpy as hell. It's still gonna stick. You still need to add multiple seasonings to make the pan non-stick.

>> No.3893599
File: 1.01 MB, 1207x810, fathead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen someone so full of shit.

>> No.3893620
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Seriously though, this is the best thing you can possibly do for your cast iron.

>> No.3893623
File: 63 KB, 591x925, caring_for_cast_iron_cookware.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use linseed oil instead of bacon grease, fyi.

>> No.3893628

>surface is bumpy as hell.

What is up with that anyway? I do metal casting at home and it isn't difficult to get a smooth surface. Using oil-based green sand with very fine powdered sand will make for some really nice sandcasted stuff. If they are using reusable forms then perhaps the forms are not hot enough when they pour the iron into them or the iron they are pouring is too hot. It isn't rocket science.

But, yeah new skillets are usually as bumpy as fuck.

>> No.3893687


don't listen to this jackass unless you want burn spots and pitting in your cast iron. you want to THINLY coat it.

>> No.3893692

>buy pan
>have to devote your life to caring for it, ensuring you do not cook the wrong things in it, etc.

>> No.3893718

I could be wrong, but I think its to minimize surface contact. You will notice some teflon coated pans have bumps or indents for that reason.

>> No.3893722

>You will notice some teflon coated pans have bumps or indents


>> No.3893741


If seasoning it once and thinking before grabbing a pan and cooking things in it is too much for you then you are too lazy and and doing life wrong. You're probably missing something on TV so maybe you should get back to that.

>> No.3893755

>get pan
>devote life to caring for it
>can never cook anything acidic for the rest of your life

>> No.3893758

This thread reminds me of how much I need cast iron back in my life. I've moved into a house with an electric range and it sucks balls compared to a gas range. One huge issue is contact with the pan since the pan needs to be pressed against the element and all the cheapish steel and teflon pans here have a warped bottom or sit at an angle when there isn't any food in them to provide weight. A heavy, flat cast iron pan that holds heat would be perfect.

>> No.3893762

Yes? Not super common mind you.

>> No.3893763


Get more than one pan?

>> No.3893764

Uh, this is how life works with everything you buy.

You really need to get out of the throw-away society mentality. Consumerism has you by the balls, dude.

>> No.3893775
File: 33 KB, 832x738, 1342569265182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're probably missing something on TV so maybe you should get back to that.


>> No.3893778

That's not true. See >>3893733

>> No.3893777


alright, this is pretty fucking funny right here

>> No.3893782

>don't allow them to sit

Yeah, god forbid I simmer a sauce for a few hours like a normal person.

>> No.3893790

My fucking sides.

It's too fucking true

>> No.3893796

You can still do that if you know what you are doing. something tells me you are not very familiar with using cast iron skillets nor are knowledgeable with their seasoning.

>> No.3893805


and 90+% of the cholesterol in your body is manufactured in the liver from carbohydrates. You can't increase your cholesterol levels by eating a high cholesterol diet.

I'm pre-med student with some background in nutrition and fitness. I regularly come across people who bitch about how they went on statins because changing their diet didn't help their cholesterol levels. When I ask them what diet changes they made to improve their cholesterol levels ALL of them cut their protein/cholesterol intake and started eating shit tons of carbohydrates at every meal. We're talking oatmeal in the morning, and rice and whole wheat pasta or bread at every meal. When I tell them those diet changes substantially increase the production of cholesterol in the liver they freak the fuck out because all of a sudden they understand the shitty diet advise they were given was crap. Physicians have almost no education in nutrition. Most are lucky if they get a single day of nutrition education in medical school. They give horrible diet advise such as eat more carbs and less meat and cholesterol rich foods to people who need to lower their cholesterol levels. If they had proper nutritional education, they'd know that increases cholesterol rather than lower it.

With all of that said, cholesterol isn't the evil people say it is. Cholesterol is a component of every cell in your body. You need it to be healthy. The people who lower their cholesterol levels like crazy with crap like statins substantially increase the likelihood they will die from heart attacks and strokes and shit. It is far worse to have low cholesterol than high cholesterol and the studies and medical evidence keep proving this, but no one is willing to stop the anti-cholesterol train because it makes so much fucking money.

>> No.3893813

Don't put acidic food in your cast iron. I don't care what retard on the internet said you can.
There are better options.

>> No.3893822

>You can't increase your cholesterol levels by eating a high cholesterol diet.
So where does dietary cholesterol go when it's consumed?

>> No.3893827

>I'm pre-med student

>I'm an undergraduate student

lol look out guys

>> No.3893829

You piss it/shit it out. You can go on a non-cholesterol diet and still have your cholesterol levels sky rocket even though the food has little to no cholesterol in it.

>> No.3893833

There is evidence showing high cholesterol increase cancer risk

>> No.3893898
File: 53 KB, 345x323, con-artist1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3893805I'm pre-med student with some background in nutrition and fitness.

>parrots shit from every low carb message board and blog in existence word for word

Pre-med in internet medicine.