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3892564 No.3892564 [Reply] [Original]

So what do Asian folk typically eat for breakfast? I don't mean SUPER traditional like tea eggs and rice porridge but, well, what then? I'm really getting into Asian foods but when it comes to breakfast I'm at a bit of a loss.

>> No.3892568

Same thing they eat for lunch and dinner. Rice with something something. Sunday mornings, dim sum at the restaurants.

>> No.3892570

Yau ja gwai and a cup of coffee.

>> No.3892574

basically five things made of rice

rice, rice porridge, rice pasta, etc with tea and maybe a bread and meat dish, like a sweet bun with beef

tfw this thread made me want to visit my family again in Macau

>> No.3892579
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Depends on the country, the culture and whether the Asian in question is urban, suburban or rural.
For example, bacon and eggs is common in urban Philippines, though served with garlic-fried rice rather than with the more western toasts, biscuits, breads, muffins or scones. In rural Philippines, leftovers from the night before are typically eaten as breakfast the next day.
Country-wide in Burma, pic related is breakfast and it's delicious.

>> No.3892581

What is that?
Youtiao is pretty big in Shanghai

>> No.3892596


I, again I, ME, PERSONALLY do not differentiate meals based on time of day although I tend to stay away from spicy peppers around bed time so I can sleep better.

But yeah, the way I was raised (Chinese) was that whatever you eat for dinner could be breakfast, could be lunch, etc.

>> No.3892603

Sounds about right. Rice, congee, fun(rice noodles) and bao (bread made from rice flour).

The only time I have a real Chinese breakfast is the first day of Chinese New Years, but it's all vegetarian. So I can't say with authority what a typical Chinese breakfast would be served with the rice.

>> No.3892605

Asia doesn't really have foods that are traditionally only for breakfast. A lot of what they eat for breakfast wouldn't be considered breakfast food in the west. I guess if there's even anything close to being a traditionally breakfast food it would be fried rice. All over Asia it's a way to use up leftover rice from the night before and things and you see a lot of people eat the local version of fried rice with a fried egg. But sometimes it's shocking that it's quite normal to eat soup for breakfast or even a bowl of very spicy curry. Not messing around with cold bowls of cereal are they now...

>> No.3892736

It's a fish and chickpea soup with rice noodles and fried shallots. Also, pieces of savoury deep-fried dough; similar to a doughnut, but savory rather than sweet and stick or ball shaped rather than doughnut-shaped.

>> No.3892763

>what do Asian folk typically eat for breakfast?

Dog shit.

>> No.3892765

We usually eat sticky rice or pho in Vietnam. Balut is also a common dish.

>> No.3892769

well as an asian folk, my parents are from asia

i would like some mcdonalds in the morning, or timmies double double kicks butt

maybe sausages, eggs, i uno whats good

>> No.3892771

soo many different types of Asians. Good amount of chinese now a days actually eat bread/milk for the morning, since it's very fast.

>> No.3892787

eggs and toast

>> No.3892799

varies a lot. depending on the day of week. season. whether i am in hurry or have time to make something. if i have time then stir fry rice (using leftover rice) are my choice as i can put anything from leftover. and it's fast to make, probably take no more than 5 to 10 minutes.

>> No.3892809

there's an asian on my floor, she was cooking up all sorts of stir fry yesterday morning

she looked at my oatmeal with derision

well fuck you whore

>> No.3892814

u jelly or u mad?
why can't u into stir fry?

>> No.3892815

A fish and chips soup?
All of my money.

>> No.3892821

If they want to buy at the store: some kind of bao, a sandwich, danbing(crepe/pancake), rice porridge(congee for you pretentious fags) and fried dough, or HK style cafe with an assortment of foods served with toast w/o sweet butter and a coffee/milk tea.

If they want to go to a restaurant: noodles, dim sum, and tea.

If they cook at home: fish and rice, egg and some salted meat with rice, or leftovers from last night.

HK cafes are usually all day types of food. Anything you see from a street vendor that is quick and cheap is probably a good guess for breakfast.

>> No.3894129

My grandmother (Japanese) always used to make me rice balls for breakfast, nothing fancy but still delicious.

>> No.3894165
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Macaroni served with broth is a typical Hong Kong breakfast. Not even joking. http://www.brandeating.com/2010/05/whats-on-menu-mcdonalds-hong-kong.html

>> No.3894187


eww gross.

>> No.3894218

Asian here, been eating rice with almost everything all my life, doubt Ill ever stop.
Had fried eggs with dry chili pepper powder this morning with rice. Shits breakfast of the champs.

>> No.3894235

this is the first time I've thought about that. usually it's steamed rice with whatever meat is available. "whatever you can have for lunch/dinner"/leftovers is actually pretty accurate. though I guess traditionally rice porriage and even ramen would be it.

>> No.3894245

aren't like a lot of them lactose intolerant though? Maybe some, sure, but a lot of them seems unlikely

>> No.3894253

I don't think so. That being said there aren't that many cows in china so a lot of milk is imported, which is probably why it isn't included in a traditional breakfast.

>> No.3894272

dog cereal

>> No.3894294

My korean ex was eating Rice all the time.