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3891924 No.3891924 [Reply] [Original]

You must decide right fucking now.

>> No.3891932

As a person, Anthony. Cook, Gordon.

>> No.3891933

ramsay versus some fucking no mark?

ramsay, every time.

>> No.3891935
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A challenger appears...

>> No.3891938
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>> No.3891940

This isn't about other fucking bitches. Choose between Gordon and Anthony.

>> No.3891943

OP:"Hey guys, do you prefer apple or cherry pie?"
You: "Pumpkin pie also exists"

Good job.

>> No.3891946


>> No.3891948

Bourdain's chef skills are not even close. As a person. Bourdain is a fraud when representing himself in his media. Ramsey may be exaggerated, but at least on his non-Hell's Kitchen ( dramatic reality TV for Americans) shows, he is himself.

>> No.3891949
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You guys seem upset.

>> No.3891954

Bourdain anyday

>> No.3891967

the one that actually cooks and owns restaurants without running them into the ground

>> No.3891969

Ramsay, at least he's interesting to watch

>> No.3891974

Bourdain all the way.

>> No.3891990

Bourdain does his own thing and it works ramsay just tries to have 5 different shows about him yelling at people

>> No.3892005
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Definitely Ramsay just because I like it when he says "IT'S FUCKING RAW" and "USELESS"

>> No.3892009

is ramsay gay? he seems like a top but still gay

>> No.3892018
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>> No.3892020
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>> No.3892023
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>> No.3892029
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dont worry, he cant yell at you anymore

>> No.3892033

bourdains book was really just about him being angsty because hes not very good at his job
when ever he cooks on his show it never looks good

>> No.3892034

>Some dirty New Yorken vs an International Restauranteur

There's is no comparison. Ramsey is much more widespread and better.

>> No.3892039

Ramsay. I'd watch The F Word over No Reservations any day. No Reservations in good, but it gets boring after a few episodes.

>> No.3892047

Ramsey's shows just seem so set up. He's strayed too much into the entertainment business now, it's all show with him.

Bourdain has his faults but he's more honest in his shows. And he can't cook for shit outside of his mastered dishes(French only). If I were to decide on who would cook my dinner I'd go with Ramsey but when it comes to their shows, Bourdain is miles ahead.

>> No.3892087

for those who haven't, you should watch Ramsay's Great Escape, it's the GOAT tier Ramsay Show
season 1 he tours India, season 2 he tours SE Asia
he basically goes around each region and learns the ways of traditional foods there, while interacting with the locals and being an all-around awesome dude
at the end of each episode he applies what he's learned and cooks a meal for some local VIPs
it's great because he's just being himself and not trying to act outrageous for ratings, it's alot like what Bourdain does on his shows

>> No.3892096

bourdain you fuckers

>> No.3892103

What the FUCK. This is EXACTLY what Bourdain does. Ramsay fucking stole his show. I guess having 6 of his own wasn't enough.

>> No.3892116

You honestly think Bourdain was the first to do this kind of thing?

>> No.3892118

except Bourdain doesn't cook, he just eats and talks shit about tourists and American cuisine

>> No.3892148

Ramsey, hands down. He's an asshole with reason, not a writhing cunt with none.

>> No.3892156

Bourdain, no contest.

>> No.3892169

fuck you, tony is from new jersey, dont project that garbage on to us, hes even a phony about being a new yorker

>> No.3892174

I like watching Ramsay's quick cooking videos on youtube, so him.

>> No.3892178
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I was looking through my picture folder to find something that insinuated that I agree with you, and couldn't find anything, so I'll post this instead.

It's not a best chef ever debate, it's a who do you prefer between two people debate. Thinking outside the box won't get you a cookie here, it just makes you look like a faggot who posts off topic.

>> No.3892181


Bourdain is more honest? By putting on a pseudo-intellectual underground chef schtick? I don't think so, this is a cooking board and he is not a good chef

>> No.3892210
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He lived in NYC a LOT longer than he lived in Jersey. So fuck you.
Bourdain all the way.
And all night long...

>> No.3892214

that doesnt matter, a guy who immigrates to france isnt a frenchman, a guy who moves to new york is not a new yorker, hes a jersey boy and thats all there is to it

>> No.3892229

Bourdain. He has a better sense of humor and can carry a decent conversation.

>> No.3892279

easy, Bourdain. I like Ramsay too, but Bourdain over Ramsay.

>> No.3892306

Bourdain all the fucking way, he's just cooler. I would not want to meet Ramsey let alone hang out with him or patronize his restaurant, he's so fucking annoyingly mean, he's a jerk. Bourain, is cool, he's witty, he's the kind of guy I would go on a bender with any day.
If you immigrate to a country you can become a citizen, I think after you live in a place for a certain amount of time you can identify with it.

>> No.3892308
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Ramsay allday errday
captcha: servinn nts

>> No.3892313
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None of the above. I rather hang out with Chris Kimball.

>> No.3892342

unless things have changed im almost entirdly sure you cant become a french citizen as a foreigner unless you join the foreign legion

every country has different requirements

>> No.3892367
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In OP,Ramsay. You can't deny how much the man absolutely loves food. He has a real passion for it. All TV personality aside, he makes amazing food.

However, I'd go with pictured chef if I had to choose.

>> No.3892378

How stupid are you?

>> No.3892437

No, Bourdain is honest about what he does. He doesn't pretend to be a god of the kitchen like Ramsey does. In fact, Ramsey now is just an enterprise, it's no longer about cooking, especially with his new show about hotels(what the fuck does a chef know about hotels?). There was an article a couple of years ago that said something like 90% of the restaurants he helps on kitchen nightmares end up closed within a year. His shows are only there to make him and his restaurant empire look better in the eyes of the public. You gonna talk to me about either one of their integrity? At least Bourdain is willing to admit that he was a piece of shit coke head when he was younger, Ramsey is just milking his own tit.

This is pretty much the only good show he's ever made. It's just that Ramseys personality, he's built up this image of being a complete cunt of a person that's making it very hard to like him even in a good show.

>> No.3892440

The fact that the restaurants fail on Kitchen Nightmares isn't necessarily his fault. The staff are usually incompetent, lazy, cheap, untrained, etc. If there isn't somebody there to directly supervise what's going on, things might just go back to old, bad habits.

>> No.3892453

I understand that but the way pretty much every single episode ends where Ramsey is seen like some sort of reincarnation of Jesus saving the restaurant is all a sham. Even the restaurants where he goes back and the owners say everything is amazing end up failing. He's supposed to be there to help them but the failure rate is incredibly high. It's all tv magic, the guy is good at it, his PR is amazing.

>> No.3892456

Both seem like pretty cool people
Ramsey is a better Chef
Bourdain has better television shows

>> No.3892461

Any other Bourdain fans feel like he lost his touch when he started The Layover? I feel like it's all hipster pandering all the time in this new season of No Reservations, and I found the few episodes of The Layover I watched to veer into cringe-worthy territory very often.

>> No.3892467
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>> No.3892468

I just hope his abandoning ship for CNN works out ok. ;__;

>> No.3892469

I have a feeling that it's all down hill from here, man. It hurts. I used to fucking love that guy, but... he just doesn't seem quite the same.

>> No.3892472

As if I fucking care how his kilt haggis name is spelled...

>> No.3892475

I didn't like the Layover because it's not really made for your average viewer. A lot of the restaurants he goes to on that show are way too expensive for most people to just stop by when they're in town for a day.

But I have to disagree about his No Reservations episodes. The Penang episode was very well made, as was the one in Baja. KC episode was stupid but this happened earlier in the series as well.

>> No.3892484

He can he a resident of new york, doesn't make him a new yorker, you need to be born into that

>> No.3893845

Bourdain all day err day, son.

>> No.3893871

Ramsay edges out because his UK shows are just so fucking good. But I dig Bourdain's books and attitude also.

>> No.3893874

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.3893880

Ramsay's shows are better, but Bourdain is too smug. I choose neither.

>> No.3894016

Anthony. All day long.

I feel that a lot of Ramsay's recipes are just over fluffed with lot of unnecessary additions and/or steps. For example, look up his recipe for chicken curry, then look at an Indian's (doesn't matter who's as long as they have a fucking dot) recipe for chicken curry- you'll see what i mean.

>> No.3894028


>fucking stunning


>> No.3894029
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>hating on alton

>> No.3894032

Problem is Anthony doesn't have any kind of useful kitchen recipes, or skill. Watch his how to use a knife videos - fucking embarrassing.

>> No.3894036

a failure in his profession ranting about how its the broken industries fault that he cant keep a restaurant open?

>> No.3894043

I must say, I think the Bourdain peaked during seasons 2-5. I'd say my favorite two episodes are the Rajasthan one and the one in Sri Lanka with Skiz Fernando, the fucking man himself.

>> No.3894053

At least Anthony is literate, and can entertain without the need to yell and cause a scene like a huge ass pirate, rely on reality TV scripted drama, and the use of botox.

>> No.3894059

Have you only watched hell's kitchen and kitchen nightmares on American TV? Do you not realize Bourdain fucking lies to people on his shows, proclaims good local cuisines, then goes back to his hotel and eats fois gras while talking shit on the locals? He's a total douche and cooking noob compared to Ramsay. Ramsay is actually a great guy, but knows that drama will rake the dough in for him via the American audience. Bourdain would do that too if he was likable and had any skills whatsoever.

>> No.3894061
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Watch me eat a live tarantula with out chewing, and then stick this fried bull penis up my butt: On the next Bizarre Foods!

>> No.3894064

Ramsey straight up

>> No.3894075

Ramsay's recipes are not good, man.

^this. Ramsay's shit is just regular recipes that are over-hyped and over-worked to make the impression that they are "gourmet".

I can't say that I've found anything of his useful, and thought "damn this is completely revolutionary, great tasting, and new".

>> No.3894089

don't forget the added twist he does in EVERYTHING that makes you wtf.

>> No.3894090

I dont even know who the fuck the guy on the left is

>> No.3894099
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Alton Brown is a fucking faggot. That bitch makes Guy Fieri look like John Wayne.

Gordon all the way. Anthony is a stupid cunt who just chain smokes, drinks, and talks about shit he knows nothing about (i.e. movies). Plus he's boring. Ramsay might be a giant cunt, but he's entertaining and that's his job.

>> No.3894103


Oh my god I'm hearing him scream that in my head, and I'm loling all over the place.

>> No.3894120

Have you ever even used them? Have you ever had his food? I don't think you have. I don't think you know even what proper technique is.

I can think of at least three of the top of my had that I've had personally that were fucking fantastic:

Spaghetti of lobster
Seared Chicken with Morel Mushrooms
Sea Bass with Pepper Sauce

>> No.3894134

i usually hate pretentious people but it works for bourdain

that and i like seeing him getting fucked up on local liquor every episode

>> No.3894137

Seriously, fucking listen: Watch Ramseys english shows, especially Kitchen Nightmares.

It's the same shit as when he takes like, a resturant and turns it around but ten times more personal, funny and pleasant to watch. He comes of as way, way cooler too.

Fucking hell, the american version is so fucking shit. Forced drama everywhere, it's unbearable.



>> No.3894144


gtfo pleb

>> No.3894232
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Uh, yeah.


>> No.3894250


>> No.3894506

>mfw plebs can't handle based Bourdain

>> No.3894508


He basically calls himself a shit chef compared to most in his books.

He made an episode of him going back and working at Les Halles and basically showed what an old man and hasbeen he is.

>You in charge of not spewing shit

>> No.3894513

Gordon solely because of the fact that I enjoy watching him yell at people

>> No.3894539


you're right. I'm totally making false claims, and completely made all of that up. I've never cooked before, or eaten anything for that matter, but I post on this board. And I've never been to his restaurant in Hollywood when I was just there, or tried out his recipes....

fucking give me a break. this guy is over rated as fuck. why do fucking Brits get such a wet asshole and a hard cock over this botoxed douche?

>> No.3894551

I haven't read the thread and I'm doing a quick reply, so apologies if this was mentioned.

Ramsay is almost certainly a conservative, correct? I know Bourdain is a liberal.

I like Bourdain's book and television show when it focuses on the food. When it tries to be political, I have to fast forward.

On the other hand, I hate Ramsay's books and shows even when it does focus on the food. It's too pretentious -- look up the definition of the word if you think I mean "elitism" or something. People actually think this man never makes a mistake in a kitchen. I'll admit the BBC stuff is slightly better.

But damn if Ramsay doesn't make me laugh. Hard. People are immoral, disgusting, lazy...you have to love the guy for reminding us of it all.

Ramsay all the way. White, blond hair, blue eyes, conservative, family man, actually owns and runs restaurants instead of just running them. Master race confirmed.

>> No.3894556

Bourdain hands down.
Better tv personality.
Better first name (I have the same one).
Better tv show.

>> No.3894564

Also, it should be noted that ramsay lost an eating contest to fucking James May.
How pathetic can you get.

>> No.3894567

What kind of contest?

>> No.3894569

Eating fermented shark and bulls penis.

>> No.3894577

>How pathetic can you get.
Right, how "pathetic" can you get to lose a contest eating dick.

Ramsay FTW.

>> No.3894581

Never seen either on TV, but Ramsay's face looks like a cock.

>> No.3894590

I was being sarcastic.
Or maybe ironic.
No, more like an idiot.

>> No.3894594

Well, you're cool in my book for admitting it.

>> No.3894600

Bourdain, simply because I like his show more than all of Ramsay's shows combined. He shows more real character than most TV cooking celebrities combined. If I owned a restaurant, and I had to choose who would run it, I'd pick Ramsay, just because he's an ice cold motherfucker who gets shit done. But if I had to sit in a room with the guy for an hour, I'd probably strangle him with a shoelace...

>> No.3894784

What am I choosing for them to do?
If it's having a meal made by or teaching it'll be Ramsay.
However I like Bourdain more.

>> No.3894789

but gordon is a nice guy

>> No.3894808

General consensus so far:

Ramsay, better cook. Fucking horrible tv personality. Is funny as fuck to watch him yelling at cunts.
Bourdain, sub-par cook but enjoyable tv personality and all-round better dude.

Now can we get onto the fact that Good Eats is hands down the single greatest instructional cooking show in history of man?

>> No.3894810

>Now can we get onto the fact that Good Eats is hands down the single greatest instructional cooking show in history of man?


>want to cook something?
>spend, spend, spend!

>> No.3894822


>implying spending more money has an affect on how well he can teach someone how to cook

>> No.3894826


I will agree that he wants you to buy shit that makes no sense to have sometime. but he makes up for it in showing you how to make shit out of everyday items for next to nothing.

box fan + paper furnace filters + bungie cord = dehydrator
charcoal chimney = broiler
and a fuck ton of others

>> No.3894827


I'd actually rather not have Ramsay cook for me, he would probably cuss me out for how I eat my food.

I'd love for Brown to cook for me, with him and Bourdain enjoying the meal for me. Just shooting the shit and having a few drinks with those two would be awesome!

>> No.3894829

Didn't even know the guy on the right was a cook. I've only ever seen him trying to look cool on tv by smoking and drinking while talking about his drugged out days.

>> No.3894830


my parents have always watched this guy on test kitchen, he's pretty cool and i like the detailed stuff they do when i can catch it sometimes

>> No.3894835

Because cussing for ratings is for hacks.

>> No.3894837

Ramsay is a salty dog and broke his teeth working for the best in the world. The other guy just writes some snarky shit and acts like a faggot on a TV show.


>> No.3894879

If I could only kill one it would have to be that smug pretentious faggot on the right

>> No.3894930

I fucking love ATK and regularly listen to the radio show, but I think he'd be an insufferable cunt in person.