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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 695 KB, 2592x1552, rate1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3884442 No.3884442[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Rate time?

Please rate my dishes, /ck/


>> No.3884446

The crisps look like they're cooked well, but you really should've cleaned up the spit and semen on that plate.

>> No.3884444

looks like something you'd find on the floor behind a bar

>> No.3884453
File: 687 KB, 1552x2592, rate2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More pictures

>> No.3884457


Would love to hear opinions from professional chefs and trainees and not from haters...thanks

>> No.3884458

1/10 that looks unappetizing, for real. Looks exactly like spit, you can't deny that. The potato chips look decent, but they are potato chips.

>> No.3884460
File: 541 KB, 2592x1552, rate3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another pic of my creations.

Please, rate....thanks.

>> No.3884463
File: 697 KB, 2592x1552, rate4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running out of pictures here. :(

Don't have a whole lot of pictures on this phone.

>> No.3884461


>> No.3884467

I'm not even sure how anyone is suppose to eat this kind of pretentious shit.

>> No.3884468

>"What I have prepared for you today is a sampling of my rat turd and lettuce leaf salad. Then I went into the backyard and picked the greenest clovers for you and dropped them in a wine reduction dressing that you need not consume because you will only need a few drops to adequately dress the leaves. Enjoy :)"

>> No.3884470

Have to agree that the milk (?) spittle looks nasty. Rest of the dish looks nice to me.

>> No.3884471


m i chf yet/10

>> No.3884472

Yeah, I don't know what's just for decoration and what you're actually supposed to eat. Looks like you get 1-2 bites per plate too so I'm assuming you get many plates. The dishwasher is going to kill himself.

>> No.3884474
File: 80 KB, 600x450, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg stahp it

>> No.3884479

You just tried this on /b/, stop begging for positive feedback. Feedback is the opinion others have, negative and positive alike.

>> No.3884481

>Oh... I uh. I ate before I came over. Thanks though. It looks g- well, it looks uhh... Thanks though!

>> No.3884483
File: 134 KB, 810x497, sillyfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent. Taking piss out of contemporary three-star style food in the form of a troll post. I agree with OP.

>> No.3884484
File: 1.91 MB, 3264x1840, 069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have much to learn, op. take a lesson from the master himself.
pic related.

>> No.3884485

Can you give us a description of each dish? For all we know you might just be some stage taking credit for someone else's work.

>> No.3884499

well done.

>> No.3884501

Those cheerios are what complete the whole dish.

>> No.3884504

All of these dishes scream the cat puked on the rug.

>> No.3884506
File: 92 KB, 800x992, gram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks classic, rustic, vibrant.

>> No.3884524
File: 49 KB, 512x384, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure use your canvas sparingly. Big plates with spaced out tiny pieces and garnishes. This may be the fad right now, but you suck at it.

>> No.3884525

I would not eat that if you gave it to me for free. It looks absolutely vile.

>> No.3884526

OP will be crying himself to sleep tonight because his food looks like stuff you'd find on the floor of a public toilette

>> No.3884530

yum loogies with sperm covered sliced pears!!! i would tipe 50% for some of that meal. then i would hunt you down and do stuff to your ass

>> No.3884565

where's da food mate?


>> No.3884586

Everything so perfectly placed makes it seem like you put more thought into the plate than the dish itself.
Which is likely.

>> No.3884594
File: 1.06 MB, 3264x1952, firsttimetaco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time making tacos. how did I do?

>> No.3884597

looks really soggy

>> No.3884618

needs more napa cabbage

>> No.3884633

I personally think food is meant to be enjoyed based on
it's taste, not it's appearance. I should basically enjoy food as much as a blind person, and vice versa. If it

tastes good, good job OP, but if you just spent 20
minutes arranging food so it looks nice, I think you need
to rethink why you cook.

>> No.3884693

I love this board

>> No.3884695

Toilette? Lady's room?

>> No.3884814

I haven't laughed that hard at a picture in such a long time. Thanks, op. I think I was going for about 20 minutes looking at that.

>> No.3884815

I lol'd

>> No.3884837

>Sriracha in the background

>> No.3884900

umad, faggot assed nigger dick?

>> No.3885003

requesting the hamburger one

>> No.3885024

I saw OP on /b/ yesterday

>> No.3885029


>> No.3885047

the guy posted this shit on /ic/ asking for critique...

>> No.3885829
File: 258 KB, 1445x1585, 1347255977899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burning incense stick


>> No.3885831

Is that gurgled sperm, potato chips, and canned peaches?

>> No.3885833


I have a degree in Cullinary Arts and have worked in several michelin starred kitchens.

What the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.3885835

>Cullinary Arts

>> No.3885836


empty place is empty.

>> No.3885839

>Cullinary Arts

ermahgerd. he typoed and added an extra l, he is clearly lieing.

>> No.3885870

Oh, I get it. This is a parody thread.

>> No.3886581

Are people actually getting mad at this thread? I'm laughing my ass off

>> No.3886589

0/10 looks like a foamy shit at the bottom of a urinal

>> No.3886606

>arranging food artistically
This never made any sense to me. In a couple of minutes, it'll be all chewed up in my stomach, so why would I want it to look like a damned modern art sculpture?

Taste is king. Taste and taste alone. All this "plating" business is complete nonsense.

>> No.3886611

that plate is really unappealing

reminds me of a dishsoap holder in a bathroom

in fact, that looks like it came out of a bathroom.

why do you use huge ass plates. your food looks so lonely lmao

>> No.3886623

That plate looks like a toilet bowl that someone puked in.
I hope that is priced above $100

>> No.3886639

op, open a restaurant and call it "alaska: the restaurant" use ridiculously huge white plates and only put a couple of small lame items on it. convince people that it is authentic and that is what they regularly eat up there.

>> No.3886658
File: 829 KB, 2592x1552, 5reygeart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no OP

>> No.3886703

>Snot with potato chips


>> No.3886714

just reveal that you're OP