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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 265x265, 265px-Thai_jasmine_rice_uncooked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3883599 No.3883599 [Reply] [Original]

I'm an incompetent /ck/. I can't manage to get my rice to be "dry and fluffy" like they serve in restaurants. It always turns out kinda sticky and occasionally gloopy. I need idiot proof step by step directions on getting perfect white rice. I have a rice cooker, and all the appropriate things to make it on a range top as well. Help me out here guys.

>> No.3883620

Great OP
Now I want rice

>> No.3883627

>and all the appropriate things to make it on a range top as well

whoa, like a pot, and water?

>> No.3883628

try a different kind of rice.

>> No.3883631

Sup, OP. I don't know much about white rice (I don't like it much), but here's a good recipe for a pilaf-y thing.

>pan - medium heat.
>add olive oil - enough to coat the bottom of the pan.
>saute minced garlic and chopped onions - just until they soften a bit
>add rice, toast with aromatics until golden. don't burn it, motherfucker!
>add chicken stock. the general rule is 2:1 stock:rice. so one cup (dry measure) rice gets two cups (liquid measure) stock.
>reduce to medium-low/low heat, toss in a bay leaf and some sprigs of fresh thyme
>cover and simmer until liquid is soaked up
>fish out thyme stems and bay leaf
>add pads of butter
>fluff with a fork - use a gentle raking motion across the top and sides, then fold the rice over and repeat.

>> No.3883640

Ahhh fuck I forgot. Salt and pepper that bitch to taste - AFTER it's done.

>> No.3883643

What kind of rice is it? Do you rinse it before cooking?

>> No.3883651

Do it in the oven, get a pyrex pan and cook usual amount you would cook and use the same ratios as you would with cooking on the stove top. Cover the pyrex with tinfoil tightly and cook it in a 350 oven for 20 minuets or until the rice is done.

>> No.3883653

Really, it works with anything at all. Orso works particularly well for this (though, I guess it's technically a pasta).

NO DON'T RINSE IT!!! That washes off starch, which is important to the final texture and consistency. Just put it dry into the pan when you toast it.

>> No.3883664


How does having more starch make rice fluffier after it's cooked? Seems quite redundent, and rinsing rice is meant to wash off the dust and dirt.

>> No.3883689

>Ask for advice about cooking rice
>Get it
>Protest & Ignore

Baww, mah rice inna no good!

>> No.3883692

A bear works well for that? That's surprising. Is it slaughtered and butchered first or do I use a whole, live one?

>> No.3883700

How long referring only to the only part.

>> No.3883699

OP here, that wasn't me, I haven't responded ITT until now. Thanks for the help guys, I've never tried cooking it with oil first. That may be my missing step. About how long would you say it takes for a cup of rice?

>> No.3883702

Oil part* Sorry guys, been drinking.

>> No.3883711

Enjoy your globs of rice. He said he wanted fluffy rice .

>> No.3883786


Fool proof method:

Rinse rice (any amount) until the water runs clear.
Put it in a pan and add boiling water so it's well covered.
Bring it back to boil (should take seconds), then reduce heat to medium high. Don't cover.
After exactly 7 minutes, test a grain by squeezing it between finger and thumb - it should be soft with a tiny hard bit in the centre.
Sieve of the water and, well, that's it.

If you want it dry just leave it to cool completely at room temperature, then store in fridge / freeze if you want. You can also spread it on a baking tray and put it in the oven at a very low temp for a while.
If the rice is too squidgy after 7 mins, drain it and run it under cold water to stop it cooking, you may be able to save it.

Of course you'll lose a little flavour with this method but it is the easiest to control by far IMO.

>> No.3883787

Dry rice is shit rice

>> No.3883799

Bear da best.

Do you mean 'contradictory'? Regardless, it's neither. I don't know about white rice - I don't cook with it - but you don't wash orzo. The question of whether or not to wash white rice is debated within and across cultures. If I had to guess at the science of it:

>starch absorbs water
>less starch = less absorption
>more absorption = less liquid/more space between rice
>==fluffier rice

Just until the orzo is toasted - golden around the edges and starting to become clear in the middle, but not burnt.

>> No.3883816

In white rice, the extra starch makes the rice stickier/gummy so it's preferable to rinse it well before you cook if you want fluffy rice.

Orzo is actually pasta, not rice. There's a big difference.

>> No.3883824


>> No.3884395

Just thought I'd throw a random rice hint in:


>> No.3885840

1. Depends what rice you use.
2. The amount of water you put in with the rice after you rinse it is dependent on first step.

I use jasmine rice, since that's what I grew up with the past 20.5 years.

>> No.3885879

What you want is Uncle Ben's, OP.

Because "perfect white rice" is not fluffy.

>> No.3885912

How do I rinse rice?

>> No.3885966
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>> No.3886142
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>> No.3886144

my fucking sides

>> No.3886146
File: 1.12 MB, 1140x922, tsochicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton brown
brown rice
perfect rice every time


thank me later...

>> No.3886172

>bake for 1 hour

Enjoy waiting forever for your side dish. I'll pressure-cook my rice and have enough perfectly cooked for 4 people in 15 minutes.

>> No.3886173

>>it should be soft with a tiny hard bit in the centre.

What? Where the hell did you learn that?
I'm Chinese, and hard rice is undercooked rice.

OP's rice sometimes turns out gloopy in a rice cooker = too much water.
As for the stickiness, I'm unsure but it's like the same reason.
What is it with some people boiling rice with a shitload of water, then draining it all off and rinsing it?

>> No.3886202

perfect long grain white rice every time :

>rinse rice well
>1 part rice to 1.5 part water
>start cold and get to boil
>as soon as it boils bring to simmer for 12 minutes
>take out of the heat keeping the lid on and steam for 10 minutes, it will stay ready to serve for at least 2 hours.


>> No.3886207
File: 1.23 MB, 1600x1200, DSCF8650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let it sit forevr
then add ketchup

>> No.3886211

What's really creeping me out is the filename of this picture that indicates the poster originally took this photo. He is serious.

>> No.3886222
File: 528 KB, 1024x768, DSCF7084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wouldnt i be

>> No.3886224
File: 49 KB, 500x345, candyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy

>> No.3886238
File: 570 KB, 1024x768, DSCF7460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its better than you think
try it out

>> No.3886353

If this thread suddenly became about gay midgets fucking it still wouldn't be worse than it is right now.

>> No.3886455

that better be freshly ground pepper nigga

>> No.3886562


>ketchup with rice
nigga what?

>> No.3886577

don't even bother... its natural selection. He'll die of ketchuriceiosis soon.

>> No.3888367

god...DAMN you...

>> No.3888818
File: 43 KB, 814x609, omuraisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me there is indeed a japanese dish called Omuraisu which needs Ketchup. It's an Omelette filled with rice.