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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3880625 No.3880625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Gross food moments
I'll start.

>About 5, when my grandpa was still alive
>He didn't like to waste food
>Watch him go to the fridge and grab some cheese
>It's blue, smells like someone died
>Puts it on stale crackers
>Offers me some
>Try it
>It's not half bad, the cheese is kinda tangy

He also used to cut the green edges off bread and eat the non-moldy parts.

>> No.3880630

>at a wedding when i was 12
>food was seafood
>i was the "big kid"
>all the other kids looked up to me because i was trying all the foods
>came across oysters
>never had them but can't bitch out now
>try raw oyster
>the gooey boogery slime mixed with the vinegar tickle makes me instagag
>the other kids laugh as my eyes begin to turn red and swell with tears
>i swallow it down
>all is good
>until i throw up all over myself and over some of the shrimp cocktails
>this causes another child to puke all over himself and his brother

flash forward 11 years

>at a japanese restaurant with a friend
>only people in there
>not close to closing time, but the staff keeps asking us if we want to eat more food for free
>we say yes
>they cut up all these rolls and sashimi for us FO FREE
>it's chinky christmas for my tummy
>jap guy asks if we want oysters
>i begin to have PTSD-like flashbacks
>my mouth begins to salivate
>my stomach begins to oscillate
>i see my friend's glee as he exclaims oysters are one of his favorite foods
>i cannot say no.
>they bring out 20 of them
>i load as much hot sauce on the first one as possible
>we eat it
>i... don't puke.
>it's actually delicious
>i eat my 10

tl;dr fuck yeah oysters.

>> No.3881633


>> No.3881646

>be like 10 or 11
>dad eats sauerkraut regularly
>one time he forgets a jar of it in the back of the fridge
>it is beyond rancid
>tells me to take it outside and dump the contents of the jar into the compost pile in the backyard
>tells me to not open it in the house
>I go outside, walk over to the compost pile, open jar, stick my nose in mouth of jar and take a big whiff
>vomit instantly

I can't even smell 'fresh' sauerkraut to this day without gagging.

>> No.3881663

>7 or 8
>Take frosted flakes out of cupboard
>Realize box is open, im sure their still good
>Two bites in, realize its infested with mealworms
>Show my dad
>"Good protein"

>> No.3881672

Had a similar experience with rice krispies cereal.
>Open box and poured myself a bowl
>A couple bites in I watch in horror as a black bug crawls out from underneath the cereal

>> No.3881678

>Wendy's about 6 or 7 years ago
>spicy chicken sandwich with cheese fuck yeah
>about 3 or 4 bites into it
>hold sandwich slightly sideways
>what's that blue stuff
>blue mold all over the bottom side of the bottom bun
>I ate blue mold
>throw sandwich out window
>never go back to that Wendy's

>> No.3881691

i need more

>> No.3882055

>be about 17
>mom making wings, my favorite
>I have to work, she says she'll save me some
>come home, blazed as fuck, wings on top of stove
>eat 2 before realize they are raw
>WTF mom

>> No.3882064

>get really high
>eat a buiscuit and two chocolate chip cookies
>go to chinese restaurant and split a combination plate over white rice with boyfriend (pork, chicken, beef, shrimp, veggies, yummy sauce, you know the one)
>split giant bowl of dumpling egg noodle soup.
>still have the munchies
>buy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ben and Jerry's pint plus a pack of chocolate chip cookies at CVS
>eat two more cookies, some ice cream
>by this point by body can't take it anymore
>throw up everything

Never again.

>> No.3882068
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>in college
>go to friends apartment
>friend and his two roommates poor as fuck
>they somehow got ahold of a large quantity of Krab (imitation crab meat)
>MFW they were eating big plates of it by itself

>> No.3882074
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>work in tex-mex restaurant
>customer says salsa is too hot
>no we do not have anything milder
>customer asks for ketchup
>mixes ketchup into salsa, says it's the best salsa ever

>> No.3882075

op, did the cheese say 'stilton' on the packet?

>> No.3882079

>be 10 years old, in the mood for some yoghurt
>find a carton of it in the fridge
>pour it into a bowl and start eating
>notice the taste is slightly off, keeps eating anyway
>suddenly spot a few dark lumps in my yoghurt
>"fruit pieces, yummy!"
>was not fruit pices
>was mold
>turns out the carton had been in the fridge, opened, for 3 weeks
>threw up as i pour the yoghurt down the drain, noticing how it's full of mold.

>> No.3882087

>8 years old
>mom makes homemade pizza
>start eating my piece
>chip 3 teeth
>no one else had pea gravel in their pizza

>> No.3882090

>living with aunt
>she has one big oven, one small
>throws a New Years party
>accidently leave second dish of black eyed peas in small oven
>2 weeks later, go to use small oven
>pyrex dish of modly black eyed peas with hundreds of maggots/worms crawling around

>> No.3882305

>Be 10 years old
>find a coconut washed up at the beach
>omg I have to open it
>drop it repeatedly from the beach cabin balconey
>Hit it with a hammer until it finally breaks open
>oh god what died out here
>worst smell ever, immediately gag and throw coconut away
>juice leaked out onto my hands...wouldn't wash off for days

>> No.3882329

>Making scrambled eggs for 4 people after a big night of drinking, hungover as fuck.
>decide to go for 3 eggs each, I've cracked 11 eggs and think to myself hey this is enough I could use the other egg on my dinner tonight
>nah fuck it I'll just put it in with the others
>crack it, it's about 90% blood
>seeps over all the other eggs, nothing I can do to stop it
>go to McDonalds for breakfast

>> No.3882330

>Come back to college after Winter Holiday Break (approx 5 weeks).
> Go to get bowl of cereal because the food sucked.
> Milk won't come out of the dispenser.
> Think it just needs to be refilled.
> No, it's solidified.
> Nobody took the milk out over break...

And then they wondered why nobody ate anything from the cafeteria.

>> No.3882337

>last night
>cooking burgers on george foreman grill
>didn't realize I forgot to turn the heat from high to medium
>burgers are fully cooked on the outside and have the proper "give" when poked
>assumed to be done
>take a bite
>inside is still totally raw
>"well I've already eaten some. nothing I can do about it now"
>fuck it, ate the rest

Been about 36 hours. Still waiting to see if I get food poisoning.

>> No.3882338

>at buffet, probably 6-7 years old
>see beets by the salad bar
>I think they're cranberry sauce
>pile a bunch of them onto my plate without knowing
>mom makes me eat them all
>threw up at the table


>> No.3882358

what is pea gravel? Why is it in your pizza?

>> No.3882366
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Hahahaa my Opa was the same way. He grew up in Germany during WWII and was never allowed to waste anything. We'd be having steak and he'd ask everyone to scrape the grizzle off their plates onto his so he could eat it. He's scrape every last bit of sauce or jam off the plate too.

He crossed the line when we were having a barbecue one time. Dropped his ice cream sandwich in the grass. Picks it up, brushes a bit of the dust and dirt off, then continues to eat it. He also kept drinking his glass of wine when we were camping, even though it had a shitload of moths and flies landing in it.

>> No.3882371


It's gravel, but small like peas.

>> No.3882373

Well that answers half of my questions. How does gravel get in your pizza? Did your mom hate you?

>> No.3882375


I'm not that guy, but I assume his mom dropped the dough on the ground or something, and it picked up a bunch of rocks from people's shoes that they'd tracked into the house. She was dumb as fuck and probably kept kneading the dough, rocks and all.

Or she hates her children. Idk.

>> No.3882380

Ohh ok that makes sense!
I wasn't comprehending in the least how you would get those in.

>> No.3882386

No dude, raw beef doesn't mean you'll automatically get food poisoning.

>> No.3882396

funny thing is this is actually a legit method of cooking meat. It's called "blue roast" or something like that. Blue something. It's generally not used anymore in modern restaurants with all the request for well-done and medium rare.

>> No.3882400

I had something similar happen once.
>Come back to college after Winter Holiday Break (approx 5 weeks).
>3/4 of a gallon of milk on the counter
>Oh hey, my room mate must be back
>He's not
>That milk had been sitting at room temperature all goddamn break
>It's bulging
>I'm afraid it's going to explode as I throw it in the garbage can without opening it
That guy was a slob.

>> No.3882413

It's not as safe using hamburger meat though. In any case, he'll probably be fine.

>> No.3882420


My my, someones been reading the infographic.
Fresh steak does differ from questionable ground beef I would assume.

>> No.3882423

I've done this before. 95% chance you'll be fine, plus in my case I thought it tasted pretty good.

>> No.3882428 [DELETED] 

> be in middle school
> dad makes me a sandwich every day
> at lunch, take first bite
> tastes OMG AMAZING except that it is exceptionally chewy
> think it is the lettuce
> halfway through sandwhich realize deli paper is still on the cheese
> put sandwich down slowly and ask dad to never my me lunch again

>> No.3882453
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> be in middle school
> dad makes me a sandwich every day
> at lunch take first bite of sandwich
> tastes OMG AMAZING except that it is exceptionally chewy
> think it is the lettuce
> halfway through sandwich notice deli paper is still on the cheese
> realize paper was just eaten
> mfw

>> No.3882473
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>Be black guy in new dorms
>In African themed hall because reasons
>Almost everyone is black
>I let it slip that I have Kool-Aid
>Most people want a glass of Kool-Aid
>The one crazy white chick goes on and on about how good pickles and Kool-Aid are
>Decide to try it because it's college, why not
>It's disgusting
>MFW I just wasted perfectly good Kool-Aid

I think she dropped out and went to cooking school then dropped out of that too. Thank God she's not actually feeding people.

>> No.3882479

>get home after closing at work
>hardboiled eggs yum
>peel it and get some salt motherfucker
>bite into it
>why is this so crumbly why does it taste like pennies

>> No.3882490

How does that even fucking happen?

I'm scared to death of that happening.

>> No.3882503

Or, they use rocks to grind grain, which then gets put into dough. This is what happens when machines make your pizza.

>> No.3882585

>8 years old
>Friend's sister is making us eggs
>She sticks a bunch of eggs in microwave because we're fucking kids and don't know shit about cooking
>They explode
>We open it up
>Charred chicken fetus and blood everywhere
>We run out of the house screaming
>My friend is crying
>Spend the next two hours outside before her mom comes home

>> No.3882624

Sometimes when a chicken is sick or injured internally the eggs will be full of blood. This is usually found because they have a different weight but some eggs get through.
Fertile eggs that far develped are also a common reason. They usually occur when an egg is not gathered for a week or two for some reason.

>> No.3882661

and this is why you sift your fucking flour

>> No.3882663

Great OP
Now I want some cheese

>> No.3882688

>be 10
>don't finish all my milk at dinner
>my dad makes me sit there for 2 hours after dinner because I won't drink it
>milk is warm as fuck
>finally I drink it to get it over with
>throw up everywhere

He also use to do this when I used too much mustard on my plate. He would make me eat all the mustard I didn't use on my food....Fuck

>> No.3882691
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>Be 10
>At greek restaurant with my family
>I'm a bit sick, so I only want something sweet.
>Order a milkshake
>Drink it, and order another one
>I drink that one as well
>Wierd feeling in my tummy
>Puke all over my big sister
my sisters face when

>> No.3882736

>a few years ago in my first flat about 20yrs
>making eggs on toast
>no other food in the house
>eggs are perfect, timed the toast perfectly so it's hot and buttery when I put the eggs on
>serve, take a few bites
>...why does this taste like dirt?
>blue spots all over the toast
>moldy fucking toast

>> No.3882757

similar thing with my grandpa.
i don't remember it being that disgusting but he would always eat every tiny little bit of food from everyone's plate.

i think he stopped doing this already.

even if you cut away the visible part of mold the whole bread is still full with the mold as most of the mold can't be seen with the eyes.
if something has mold on it, throw it away.
your health will thank you

>> No.3883340

Well, ketchup is chiefly made from tomato, vinegar, salt, and sugar.

Tomato: Belongs in salsa anyway.
Vinegar: Not common in salsa, but lime juice and other acid flavorings LIKE TOMATO FOR INSTANCE are common.
Salt: Goes in every sauce.
Sugar: The only really salsa-unusual ingredient here, serving a vital purpose by cutting the heat.

I don't see the problem here.

>> No.3883351

>mum likes to buy tin fruit cups
>going through the fridge one day, find one left
>notice it's dented
>think someone just dropped it
>open it up
>most horrific smell imaginable immediately fills the air
>putrid pitch black mush sitting in the tin instead of fruit and syrup
>throw it out
>never eat a fruit cup again

>> No.3883400

If you haven't gotten sick yet, you're fine. It takes 24 hours for shit to fully digest, so you've already shat it out I assume.

>> No.3883600

>Walmart has coconuts in the fruit area
>Always wanted to try one
>Says don't drink directly from coconut
>Poke hole in top
>Start drinking
>Taste terrible
>Grab hatchet
>Break it open
>Chunky red meat inside
>Never again

>> No.3883821

>Last year just before christmas time
>Cook a huge leg of lamb and lamb chops
>friends bring over the sides
>Decide to crack open a bottle of 1999 Joseph Phelps Insignia that I'd laid down a few years back, because it's christmas so why the fuck not.
>Open it up
>So corked that the smell filled the entire room.

That shit wasn't cheap, either. And oh god the smell. I almost vomited. This wasn't normal vinegar smell, this smelled like rotting meat. To this day I have no fucking clue what happened to that bottle of wine. It was like satan jizzed in it.

We ended up drinking half my case of Prisoner like we had planned to anyway but man, that would have been a fucking awesome start to a meal.

>> No.3883893

>be at grandma's for christmas about 10 years ago
>everyone's in the kitchen drinking and talking and eating cheese and fruit and hors d'oeuvres kind of shit
>"hey Grandma, do we have any more water crackers?"
>"yeah, I think there's some pepper ones in the cabinet, lemme check,"
>"yeah, here, and here's some of that tiny cocktail bread, too. it might still be good."
>dump crackers on plate, aunt looks at tiny bread loaf thing.
>"Mom there's a hole bored straight back through the whole loaf."
>all gather around
>one perforated slice at a time we approach the heel
>dead mouse at back of bread tunnel
>brief shock followed by lulz

>> No.3883917

what a terrible death

>> No.3883954


>Chunky red meat inside


>> No.3883967

I once coughed up a huge piece of moss. Do not remember eating it at all.

>> No.3883986

This was last week
>friend moves into apartment with 3 flatmates
>one of them is very quiet, stays in his room most of the time
>he apparently cooked eggs at some point, because there was a dirty pan at the stove
>pan sits there for WEEKS, goes generally unnoticed
>be cooking in the kitchen one day
>holy shit it fucking reeks over here
>wondering what it is, notice the pan
>bastard never cleaned it
>attempt to move it and nearly vomit from the smell

If he does that shit again, it's going straight to the trash.

>> No.3884010
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>open box of really fucking old Trix
>pour bowl, not paying attention
>see just in the nick of time that there are fucking small dead bees all over it

>> No.3884024

I did this two days ago except the last egg was putrid.

and another time

>crack 2 eggs into pan
>third egg
>completely fucking green, like fucking green eggs and ham green.

No eggs for a few months.

>> No.3884053

Yeah there was red on the coconut meat

>> No.3884062 [DELETED] 

>Father makes scrambled eggs
>Eat some
>Breath smells and tastes like vomit for hours afterward.

This happened several times and put me off eggs for at least a year.

>> No.3884064 [DELETED] 


Also it was bad enough that I could smell my own burps.

>> No.3884068

>Father makes scrambled eggs
>When I eat some, I can smell my own breath and it reeks of vomit

This happened several times and it got to the point where I stopped eating eggs for over a year.

>> No.3884075
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At the family cabin
>find some small milkcholates
>start eating
>see were I've bitten there are holes
>proceed to see tiny white worms inside it

Be in poland (some "white-busses" shit (visiting concentration camps and so on))
>Tour leaders tries to make us taste some "traditonal polish food"
>I refuse since I don't like the smell of it
>Some of my friends agree
>Get told off by tour leaders
>"blah blah blah ungratfull blah blah respect foreign cultures"

pic related mfw exploding with laughter when other kids got food poisoning!

>> No.3884154

All questions aside, this is sad as fuck.

>> No.3884224

Sure I have a couple.

>Boyfriend's roomie is a disgusting cunt
>Bakes, cooks, uses everyone's food and supplies, doesn't share, leaves dirty dishes out
>One roomie leaves, can't take her unclean bullshit anymore
>She leaves double the dirty dishes around the kitchen, never wipes down messes, leaves open food in the fridge
>BF never cleans any of it either, pins all the blame on her
>I clean up their shit when i visit until I say enough is enough
>Shit festers for months
>Finally I say fuck it, slap BF across the face, make him take me to the store for cleaning supplies
>Threw out all the dirty dishes, threw out nearly everything in the fridge
>Open a plastic covered bowl, mold spores everywhere
>smell triggered gag reflex so bad, nearly spewed
>Sink clogged badly with old maggoty moldy food and HAIR
>Clean that fucking kitchen hard, take out ten bags full of trash and roll out a keg that had been sitting there for two years (full of beer still, holy fuck)
>Cunty bitch doesnt acknowledge it, just continues to use whatever cooking supplies are left and dirties it up more

give up caring after that, fuck it, i didnt live there. I just cant believe she didnt have the decency to just CLEAN. Her room was an ungodly mess....

>> No.3884227

>My roomie
>Also dirty as fuck, left used pads and tamps and shit on the floor, would occasionally step on them
>Gets a cup of milk one day before a break
>Puts it in fridge
>Come back after break, what's that smell?
>Finally realize oh god.
>She refuses to clean it, pins the blame on her boyfriend because it was his, wont touch it
>Forced to clean it up, tried draining chunky milk down the sink. Once again manage to hold lunch down...

multiple times i've had worms crawling on my pasta. they supposedly rise to the surface of boiled water, but when i was younger my mom or oma would serve the pasta and there'd be bugs all over it....i was told i had to eat it anyway. plenty of worms in my salads at college, and bugs in my drinks. once ate a piece of bread, almost finished when i realized i was eating black mold. Very sensitive to yeasty flavor now...

>> No.3884253

what the fucking fuck

>> No.3884270

if you are eating "organic" food stop it. If not just move to another country

>> No.3884280
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>Tidying up room
>Notice a soda can sitting in the very corner of my room
>Probably a few weeks old
>Pour it out in the sink
>It's a gelatinous blob

>> No.3884296

>10 years old, weekend, fuck yeah
>big ole heaping bowl of cereal, and ooh, some leftover chocolate milk!
>eat a few spoonfuls, something doesn't taste right
>chocolate milk tastes exactly like orange juice, keep trying until I've eaten half the bowl
>sit at the table for a few minutes trying to find out if I had gone colorblind or some shit because it tastes exactly like orange juice
>ask bro if I poured orange juice on my cereal

>> No.3884304

>run out of meal points sophomore year of college
>buy a meatball sub at insanely overpriced campus food store out of pocket
>drop $12 meatball sub on ground right in front of my dorm
>scrape that shit up and eat it anyway

>> No.3884320
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>older bro takes my remote control
>go to his disgusting room
>FUCK bro must fart 24/7 in here to get this kind of smell
>cover my nose, walk in the chamber of filth
>stench is unbearable
>dirty clothes thrown everywhere
>peep those shit stained underwear
>once empty gallons of water now filled halfway with piss
>bottles of olive oil that "mysteriously" disappeared are everywhere
>try to find my remote so I can get the fuck out
>see it on a plate on the floor
>the plate had crusty cheese wiz on it that was brown
>a butter knife with what i think was jelly but it was too moldy to really see
>a glass of what could have been soda with fucking yellowy gray mold growth
>some kind of meat, because there were maggots crawling all over my remote
>all over
>mfw I just starting locking my shit in a locker I got from IKEA

my bro is literally the king of filth and I think he is proud.

>> No.3884416

>drink Silk almond milk juice boxes
>don't finish it, about 1/3 of the container left
>leave it on desk for 2~ weeks
>okay time to clean it up
>go to pour in the sink
>it doesn't pour
>shake container a little bit
>dark green blob flops out along with mold dust
>scream, make mommy dispose of the horrific silk

oh gosh it was so awful.

>> No.3884425

>beef carpaccio
>proceed to vomit the same color you're explosively diarrhea for the next 8 hours
>do not pass go
>do not collect $200

the rest of dinner was good though

>> No.3884426

none of it was organic. just really unlucky with pests honestly. the pasta wasnt old, the veggies, well, school cooked....bread we thought was brand new! guess not

>> No.3884439
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>spend all day making lasagna for me and my brother and roommates
>buy best ground meat, slice veggies to perfection
>use old opened box of lasagna noodles from the cupboard that have been there for years, but I think "Noodles never go bad right"
>after an hours work, I put lasagna in the oven
>begin to clean up kitchen and plate the table
>as we're about to get together and eat, I throw away the now empty box of noodles
>brother picks it up from the trash and asks me "thats a joke right?"
>bottom of box is fucking filled with dead and halfdead maggots
>nobody wants to eat fuckin lasagna
>I eat a small peace, its actually delicious but I cant get the maggots out of my head
>throw away 15 Euro of lasagna

>> No.3884441

I thought I was the only one who masturbated wit olive oil!!!!

>> No.3884448


you are just as annoying and inconsiderate as my pig brother. so much lotion in the house and he wants to take the fucking olive oil.

>> No.3884452

Why would you slap your boyfriend across the face for someone else's mess?

captcha: bitch

>> No.3884456

I buy Aldi brand olive oil especially for masturbating though. You just don't understand.

>> No.3884459

>be 13 in 2001
>friend and I want pancakes
>"oh im pretty sure I have some bisquick in the pantry
>best by september 1987

>> No.3884473
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My fucking sides. I'm getting a six pack from laughing here, man!

>> No.3884495

>It was like Satan jizzed in it

You, sir, have a way with words.

>> No.3884528

Shit anon, are you me?

>date manchild ex who lived with a bunch of hardcore gamurr roommates
>pig disgusting fellows, practically lived in the living room with their computers and weeks-worth of trash, food, and containers littered all around
>not like they could sleep in their own rooms anyway, couldn't even open their own doors due to piles of shit, my ex's room was...okay but only because I nagged
>kitchen hadn't been mopped, cleaned, or swept since they had moved in over a year ago
>soda and beer bottles/cans littered everywhere
>maggots in everything, picked up a bag of potatoes that were swarming with them
>dishes backed up by five weeks, crusted food everywhere, kitchen sink clogged due to food shit and stagnant water, moldy/dead body smell
>stove unrecognizable because of grease spatters and burn marks, crumbs
>fridge had a literal puddle of chicken juice at the bottom, cram-packed with moldy food and expired shit
>found an unopened head of lettuce that was black and oozing, had to have been there for months

None of it was cleaned until I did it and got the bf to help me. Some things I wouldn't fucking touch, like their rice cooker that they purposely put a pizza paddle over and left for weeks just to see how moldy it would get.
But, you guessed it, hardly any gratitude when that mess was over with and it was back the same way it was in a matter of weeks.

>> No.3884532

Oh god, bloody eggs are an honest fear of mine. I'm really horrified of it happening.

Here's a couple of mine.
>Got really sick for about 3 weeks, on codeine the whole time (being a tiny girl on an adult dose = doped out of my mind for 3 weeks)
>Cleaning up room about a month later because it had become a disaster zone in that time
>Find mug of hot cocoa under bed (wut). Go to pour it out. It doesn't pour.
>Break the surface to hopefully facilitate pouring.
>Oh god the smell
>Leave it in sink upside down for mom to handle later

>Home alone for 4 days
>Dunno how to cook
>Oh hey yogurt
>Eat half of it before noticing the exp. date was about 2 weeks ago

>I fucking love melons
>Mom bought cantaloupe, fuck yeah
>Cantaloupe has weird taste, kinda mushy and grainy, smells off
>Barf all night. 10 years later the smell of cantaloupe makes me ill
>No longer love melons

Thankfully, now that I'm all growed up and on my own, the worst problems I've had are bugs in my rice/pasta.

>> No.3884541

>Fall, five years ago
>Mom going to the store
>Craving caramel apple, so ask for one
>She brings one back, happy days!
>Bite into it eagerly
>Take more bites
>Accidentally bite too deep and into the core
>Hole in the core and notice something squirming
>Realize there's a bunch of worms in the middle of apple
>You're 16 but who cares, you are now crying like a bitch
>Never eat a caramel apple again

>> No.3884542

fucking lol

>be 10 at las vegas
>at some buffet
>i see mashed potatoes
>take my plate and stack it 7 inches high with mashed potatoes
>i don't even get any gravy, i tell myself that i eventually will when i get my second plate of mashed potatoes
>throw up from eating half of what's on my plate

what the fuck was i thinking? and why the hell didn't my parents stop me from getting that much mashed potatoes? a seriously sad and wasted opportunity....

also, after i threw up, my parents forced me to try and finish my plate anyway.

>> No.3884547

>couple of years ago
>mom makes goat stew,good stuff
>take bite of meat
>feel an odd spherical structure in my mouth

at that exact moment the fucking thing bursts,unleashing the most disgusting greasy tasting shit I've ever had coating my mouth....must of been a pus filled cyst/pimple or something.


>> No.3884571

>Oh cool a tin of cocoa powder, I guess I'll make some hot choc- IT'S FUCKING CRAWLING WITH ANTS OH GOD

>> No.3884575

You had the room or it so why not.

>> No.3884576

Sauerkraut would not go bad in a fridge. It's fucking fermented.

>> No.3884585

>also, after i threw up, my parents forced me to try and finish my plate anyway.
That's why they let you do it. Probably something about learning a lesson that would stick when they weren't around.

>> No.3884591

meh ppl need to learn how to properly store wine, otherwise it loses pressure and just rots instead of fermentation

>> No.3884601
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Like my third time getting stoned.
Couldn't walk, couldn't talk to adults.
Just lying on a bed at a friend of a friend's house. Hungry as balls.
Host dude offers me some "blueberry bread".
Find out the next day it was Wonderbread so old it had molded.
MFW I realize just how old preservative-laden Wonderbread would have to be to generate that many blue spots.

>> No.3884611

>mfw hate a large jug of olive oil from Aldi and is debating whether or not to throw it away now

>> No.3884616

no it can go bad...you just dont understand how fermentation works

>> No.3884617

i have two
>be a few weeks ago
>making box mac and cheese
>pour pasta into the water
>see box has a bug at the top
>write it off "i'll check the next box"
>only saw the one, figure i am fine
>as i stir the pasta, all these shells of bugs and shit float up
>still gonna eat it, only bugs
>after about four i give up and started a fresh batch
>be 6 or so
>dad makes pancakes for breakfast
>"mmmmm, tasty pancakes"
>douse in syrup
>take bite
>notice kinda funny taste
>look down, ants in syrup
>being 6 i start scraping my tongue with the butter knife to get rid of taste
>younger brother laughs his ass off
>dad laughs, "extra protein"
>shoot him look of 6 yo death
>get fresh stack twice as big as my little brother
>we have a second bottle of syrup
>mfw bro already ate a plate without realizing and i get a double stack of fresh

>> No.3884619

>buy pic related
>open it
>take a sip
>realise that it's bad with lumps and mold
>puke everywhere

I've bought them like every day up until that point. I blieve someone in the store must've opened the cap because it wasn't over it's expiry date

>> No.3884620

>At wendys
>Sit down to eat
>Notice to the right of me a whole tray of food untouched besides the fucking Potato thing (i forget the name).
>No one ever sits down so I guess the guy left
>Look at the potato
>A cockroach climbs out of it
>I continue to finish my wendys

>> No.3884624

>Implying anyone believes you

>> No.3884629

implying a fuck is given

>> No.3884654
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yoghurt? It's yogurt, ya fuckin' hippie!

>> No.3884656

How did larvae get into a closed

>> No.3884658

>be like 12
>summer camp
>serving french toast for breakfast
>friend thinks it's french fries for some reason
>hfw we all put butter and syrup on our french fries
>hfw we got to our table and he had to eat french toast covered in ketchup

>> No.3884660

You stumbled onto the best way to eat burgers!

>> No.3884661

*you're, dumbass

>> No.3884662
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You're the asshole saying it's questionable and implying that it isn't fresh.

>> No.3884672

"and this is why you sift you are fucking flour"


>> No.3884752

I once got stoned, ate a whole bucket of KFC and side dishes and puked it all out half an hour later. I felt pretty retarded but I'm sure that happened because the host mixed the bud with tobacco and when taking bong hits I got way too much fucking nicotine and since I don't smoke coigarettes that hit me like a truck.

Dat feel of shame when you lay in the hallway totally stoned after removing the puke too afraid to come back because they might laugh at you.

I went back an hour later though and everyone was cool with it and they said that shit can happen

>> No.3884783
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>2002 at family beach house
>Decide to have Vegemite on toast for breakfast
>Fetch Vegemite jar from cupboard
>Best before July 1994
>Ate it anyway
>Not dead

>> No.3884809

>wake up from a nap
>go to pantry in the dark
>grab a slice of bread, bite down
>mouthful of mold

I now inspect and sniff every slice of bread I intend to eat.

>> No.3884838
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>Be a waitress at a hibachi/sushi restaurant.
>Woman sits at a grill with her two kids, a son and daughter.
>I bring them their drinks, take their order.
>While serving other tables, see daughter methodically pour soy sauce onto empty plate.
>Stare as she continues to pour until it covers about 1/8 of the plate.
>Girl picks up plate, licks soy sauce off of plate.
>Mother looks pointedly away.
>Girl repeats 5 more times.

>> No.3884840

my grandpa did the same thing with food, I watched him once sit at the table and scrape mold off of salami before making a sandwich with it. and you know what? thats what everybody should do, wasting food is not ok.

>> No.3884869

lol. it just scrapes the bloom off, you ass. there's an entire organism in the salami left over that is potentially hazardous to your health.

>> No.3884875


>an entire organism

You mean an entire colony. Mold is just waste matter.

But yea, scraping off the mold is like wiping down the pee before you eat out of the toilet.

>> No.3884883
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>>3880625 this isn't really a gross story, but, it's interesting.
>go see first MIB with my father
>get fuck huge bucket of popcorn b/c he likes it
>watching movie
>having a great time, then all of a sudden
>"I think I just bit a rock that was in my popcorn"
>Initially i laugh
>then he spits out tooth shards and blood
>........ "Lets get the manager"
>The guy looks at the "rock"
>"Yeah, it's a piece of our soda machine"
>*cue angry father bitchfit
>they talk and instead of lawsuit, they pay dental bills and we get free movie passes for about 3 years

>> No.3884897

pff, just gotta build up an immunity like a boss

>> No.3884921
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>be 8 or 9
>order tostada from mexican place, usually just get a burrito or taco
>halfway into it, I see green fuzzy shit underneath
>take another bite and chew for a bit, swallow
>instantly throw up

I've never ordered one of those things ever again, I still go to the same restaurant though.

>> No.3884924

>Go to mall restaurant with family
>Get chicken fingers and a bottle of ice tea
>Some kind of shit at bottom of bottle. Mold? Wouldn't it float?
>Mom talks to waiter
>Get new iced tea
>Dinner is free

>> No.3884926

My roomate just tried to make chocolate milk out of a packet of Atole powder.

You know how the instructions say "Mix in 1 cup cold milk, then stir into 1 quart boiling milk..."

She just decided to stop in the middle. Fuck the rules.
Took one sip and dumped it out.


>> No.3884929
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>drink coke put it on shelf next to old can I kept forgetting to put in bin
>pick up can, take a swig
>notice chunky quality to it, also warm adn flat
>realise cold can is still on shelf
>pour contents of old can into a cup
>my fucking face when it is THICK with ddead insects I can't identify, they've partially fallen to peices

>> No.3884940

That reminds me.

>set coke down while on computer
>reach over and take a sip
>ants covering mouth and face
This has happened countless times, I don't even drink coke anymore because of it.

>> No.3884955
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>be 16, drunk as fuck, at a party
>everybody's hungry, but also too lazy for cooking
>people pressure me and then-gf into kitchen
>revenge, motherfuckers
>make awesome sandwiches for use
>eat and have a good time
>now on to concocting smth for the others
>decide on pasta
>cook noodles way too long, oversalt and stuff
>put anything we find in fridge into sauce
>ketchup, onions, mustard, sugar, sour cream, garlic powder, a bit of mashed potatoes, ANYTHING
>serve to friends and watch snickering
>mfw they treat it like freaking ambrosia and praise us for weeks to come
>4 people asked for the recipe, couldn't give it
>don't drink and dine, folks

>> No.3885011

>Bite into fried chicken thigh
>Right where the ass is
>Grease spurts out in one huge, unholy stream

I was 15 at the time. That's pretty much the last time I ever ate fried chicken.

>have deathly fear of maggots
>stay with aunt who is allergic to cleaning
>smell something funky in the pantry
>there's a covered pot in the top shelf
>bring it down
>open it
>Someone's chicken soup
>what remains of the empty carcass contains a writhing mass of maggots
>scream, nearly fling the maggoty carcass onto myself in a desperate attempt to get away from the offending maggoty carcass

Who needs chicken anyway.

>> No.3885017

I hate this shit.

>eating your favorite thing
>tastes like dirt
>ruined for the rest of the month

>> No.3885022

>be 15
>playing video games late one night eating a gigantic box of goldfish crackers
>grabbing handfuls without looking
>look over at box
>about 100 ants are crawling around and in the box
>for some reason close box and put it in my dresser
>remember it a month later
>ants have made it their new home

>> No.3885028
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>have roomie who is an all around nice girl but has nasty habits
>not very keen on cleaning, eats junk food all day
>what do I care, she's nice and I don't mind
>one evening, girls talk time
>chitchat for a few hours
>great time is had
>sexual themes come up
>she mentions she like to masturbate with veggies
>jokingly suspect her of the sudden disappearing of zucchini from the fridge (thought it was the other roomie at the time)
>no no, she buys her own and throws them away
>ok then

fast forward two months
>rommie who I suspected of zucchini theft moves out
>zucchini still disappear whenever I buy more than two
>have idea, mark them with a little dot on the upper end and put back
>wait a few days
>forget about plan, make zucchini soup
>take one of them, notice it's kind of slippery
>also no dot on top
>go into roomies bedroom
>see one of my dotted zucchinis on her nightstand
>that instant, she walks in with one of my dotted ones in her hands
>mfw she used them for masturbation all the time and PUT THEM BACK

Sorry if something was unclear, I'm no native speaker and awfully high, I hope I got my point across. Just thought I'd share haha

>> No.3885125

>13 years old
>Obsessed with pepperoni
>Ask mom to buy more pepperoni so I can make sandwiches and shit
>Sister goes to get groceries instead
>Bitch gets generic brand snack garbage and diet soda
>At least she remembered the pepperoni
>1am the next day
>Open bag
>Hmm..this tastes weird
>Keep eating
>Next morning
>Oh what the fucking shit, it's dark yellow

I don't know why it was yellow and orange but every time my sister buys something I check the date and smell before even thinking about eating it.

>> No.3885126

.... That can't be fucking true.

>> No.3885131
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It sadly is. Not to mention this means I've been eating them for more than four months before finding out. I wouldn't mind bananas or smth (it's still kinda gross but i don't eat the peel lol), but yeah, maybe her pussy juices and not the spices I used were what made my zucchini dishes so special to visitors who tasted them. What. The. Fuck.

>> No.3885149
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that is so cute, i don't care if its untrue

>> No.3885153
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>> No.3885173

Something similar
>gf was roommate with another chick
>notice she constantly goes to the bathroom with "stomach aches", her bathroom always stinks
>gf notices their jar is missing
>goes to roommate's her room to ask her, she isn't there but the jar is
>notice something in it
>smells like shit
>cleans it
>jar goes missing again
>goes to her room again
>sees her throwing up in the jar
>she's bulimic

>> No.3885189

I have the weirdest boner right now.

>> No.3885194 [DELETED] 

>Buy the last bag of a particular brand of beef jerky in the entire store
>Open it up
>The beef jerky is covered in a thin layer of green-greyish mold.

>> No.3885196

>Buy the last bag of a particular brand of beef jerky in the entire store
>Open it up
>The beef jerky is covered in a thin layer of green-greyish mold.
>Realized why this was the last bag in the entire store.

>> No.3885231


oh god i am literally gagging at this egg shit, just remembered this one time when i was a kid my dad found a fetus in an egg, i think i repressed the memory until now

>> No.3885238

>be 12
>be at foody buffet party hosted by friends of the family
>love shrimp
>not know what raw shrimp look like
>find a huge bowl of raw shrimp right next to all the cooked food with the lid off
>eat like 10 raw, uncooked, translucent shrimp
>they were delicious
>I didn't get ill
>7/10 would eat again

>> No.3885240

>girlfriend makes my morning smoothie
>taste it
>what the fuck, this is disgusting
>hmmm milk and yogurt aren't expired....
>throw it out, go to work
>realize she replaced flax seed with a tablespoon of active yeast

>> No.3885882

It's actually your* you dumbfuck.

>> No.3885906

>be 6 years old
>go to Mc donalds
>ask for an ice cream cone
>bitch cant get the order right
>dads pissed
>get ice cream cone
>start to eat it its full of hair
>tell dad there is hair in my ice cream cone
>yells at me if i dont eat it my ass will be black and blue
>eat at least a comb fulls worth of thick black hair and ice cream

>> No.3885943

>Kinda drunk one day
>me and the girlfriend going home
>she's driving
>I have a dip in
>spitting into an Monster drink can
>20 minutes later I spit it all into the can
>she takes a swig while we are getting out of the car
>"Did you just drink from that? I was spitting in that, did you not notice?"
>She actually swallowed some and didn't vomit
>Says she feels sick
>I cook spaghetti for dinner, she eats a whole plate with lots of red pepper, a-ok
>we broke up almost exactly a year ago

What a trooper

>> No.3885951

>be in high school
>go to Sonic after school for half price soft drinks
>order medium Cherry Dr. Pepper and some cheese sticks
>mmm, tasty
>drive off, finish Dr. Pepper
>take lid off, fish the cherry out of the ice
>bite into cherry
>disgusting, what the fuck
>spit cherry out into hand to examine
>some fucker at Sonic had put a small cube of raw onion inside my cherry (in the hole that was left behind from when the cherry was pitted)

Holy shit did that ever make me angry. I was all the way across town though and I couldn't see going back just to bitch about something like that but I think it was a couple years before I ever went back to that Sonic.

>> No.3885957

I can't help but laughing about the idea of this dude... In my opinion this is a well thought-through joke and way better then some jerk just spitting or cumming in your food.

>> No.3885962

Oh no, I agree it was brilliant. Chances are that by the time someone's finished with their drink and ready to eat the cherry they'll have already left and won't be around to raise hell, but unlike just spitting in their food, they'll KNOW that you got them instead of being oblivious to it. Several kids from my high school worked there so I don't know if I pissed someone off and they had a vendetta against me or if they were just playing a random prank and I just happened to be the unlucky one who got the onion.

>> No.3886124


>> No.3886193

No, Possessive "your" as in, He owns the flour, not "You're" as in he is the flour. You sir, are a nigger.

>> No.3886201

Oh look, the troll finally got a response.

>> No.3886215

>Put a bag of potatoes in a cupboard
>ignore for a year
>open cupboard
>find pile of stinking black slime
>Smelled like tweak feet stew and rotting corpse

>> No.3886342

>about four years ago
>be otaku and wanna make curry like the anime characters do
>add WAY too much curry powder
>serve to my family
>make three extra plates and bring to bf and bf's dad
>eat third plate
>too spicy but eat anyway
>vomit in backyard
>feel bad for everyone I fed it to

>> No.3886365

no it's IÖGO

>> No.3886380

don't you mean "Nigger, You're a Nigger"

>> No.3886397

"You; However, Are a nigger."
But that's some high level grammar and shit.

>> No.3886493
File: 72 KB, 430x509, beh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in middle school
>Chicken ring day is best fucking day of the week
>New lunch lady, young and looks like she's there on community service
>Friend gets a false fingernail embedded in her chicken ring
>Chicken ring day ruined forever

>Mom is super thrifty when it comes to buying fruit, especially "organic"
>Lets blueberries shrivel up in the fridge.
>"It's cheaper than buying the dried ones at the health food store"
>Grow up watching her eat moldy raspberries and strawberries
>Mfw she served a mango pudding to guests with severely overripe mangoes. The skin was black on them.

>> No.3886506

no technically the correct answer is "nigga you be straight tripping with all that mamba jamba niggerin niggerisim that be popping out your mouth nigga

>> No.3886533
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>> No.3886551
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>> No.3886557

ITT: using semi-colons incorrectly

>> No.3886561
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>> No.3886595

i always wonder about what women do with the cucumbers they purchase

>> No.3886603

open can of soda take a drink. to tired from work and pass out for a 20 minute power nap wake up take drink from still cool soda....... why is my soda so chunky? fuckin baby roaches invaded my soda!!!! WTF!!!

>> No.3886607

I eat them, because my vagina isn't as freakishly loose as it would need to be to accommodate one of those fuckers.

>> No.3886610

when you have female roommates its a common rule that either person can only masterbate in the same room with one another just to avoid that type of situation

>> No.3886612

finally someone's talking some sense

>> No.3886614

yay i bet sexing you up dosent feel like sexing up a warm glass of water

>> No.3886618


>> No.3886619
File: 3 KB, 203x216, 1303006853298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 12
>at school eating a sandwich I bought from the lunchroom.
>halfway through the sandwich I notice something flaky and yellowish on the meat
>open top of sandwich and find a booger complete with a bit of what appeared to be nose hair
>choke down the bite I had already taken of the sandwich

I never bought school lunch my entire middle school year after that.

>> No.3886629

yup it also helps keep the size of dildos down or they use the external mini vibrators. see im a trooper and am willing to have to suffer though this trama just to help woman kind.

>> No.3886652

>it also helps keep the size of dildos down

Wait.. this is usually a problem?

>> No.3886669

>middle school
>currently wearing braces
>chicken faijtia day
>something get's stuck in braces
>try to get it out
>no luck
>continue trying
>last class of day
>finally get it out
>bone fragment
>don't eat chicken for a week

>> No.3886687

wel hey i dont want to start having penial inferiority complex!!! i dont have a big ol 15 inch horse cock thats fatter then a can of soda after all

>> No.3886694

underage detected.

>> No.3886698

whats worse is them throwing their big bloody horse cock dildo at your head just for their amusement

>> No.3886722

caling me underage is just you cleverly trying to deny that the masturbation thing is not a common thing among roommates

>> No.3886731

/ck/ isn't an underage board...

>> No.3886732

And by underage I meant 18+. Too tired.

>> No.3886756

Anyone less than 18 years of age isn't allowed on any board on 4chan. Global rule #2 -- http://www.4chan.org/rules#global

>> No.3886768

dont you get tiered of you assumptions being wrong?

>> No.3886771

actually nigga, one of the uses of a Semicolon is to clarify related sentences with a conjunctive adverb.

But I ain't mad you didn't know that.

>> No.3886789

Maybe you should put the bottle down and wait for the booze wears off before you write another response.

>> No.3886790

another use for Semicolon would be to describe what is left of a colon after eating some soapy ass partially raw funky cooking cooked by some one who knows all about cooking even though they never owned a pan before

>> No.3886872

Where's that one creigslist ad picture of some guy wanting some young man to come over to his house and trample on his kids train set like a big monster, then "help themselves" to some of the fake crab meat he had in his fridge?

>> No.3886876


You are disgusting

>> No.3886888

>clip fingernails
>put the trimmings in water bottle
>later get really thirsty
>pick up one of the empty water bottles on my desk and fill it up
>one of the last sips floods my mouth with fingernail trimmings
> roommate is here so I poker face to the bathroom and spit them out
>don't feel grossed out just empty inside

>> No.3886906


>> No.3886915

if your not sick in 6 hours you won't get food poisoning

>> No.3886917

Wait what? When you have a female roomate you can only masturbate when you're both in the room? What?

>Late night
>Decide to drink some milk
>Huh, why's it sour and chunky
>Realize it's gone bad right after I finish drinking

no stomach problems or throwing up too.

>> No.3886918


loled my ass off

>> No.3886920


It's probably higher than 6 hours, but nowhere close to 36, so yeah, OP seems safe.

>> No.3886921


Sounds like your patties are too thick.

>> No.3886944

at first yeah then we usually get comfortable enough with one another so that we can watch porn together and masturbate or just straight up saying hey please leave for an hour so i can think of someone and masturbate in piece and then we can masturbate in piece without fear of being disturbed also for guys it helps keep the wet dreams away. and watching someone masturbate builds up a trust. also its good for being always sexual ready but not being to slutty i can have a rager around anyone and still control my actions.

>> No.3886954
File: 770 KB, 250x241, 1339184525192.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had problems with rice.

1st time:
>mom makes rice
>i dump some into a soup
>have a couple spoonfuls
>look down at spoon
>mom says to just pick 'em out so i do
>dump it all

2nd time
>mom cooks rice
>leaves rice container off to the side
>i open it when hungry
>smells weird...
>eat a pinchful
>tastes fine...
>have it for lunch
>vomit and dry-heave for next three hours

thanks, mom.

>> No.3887012

You guys just made me check everything I consume in bright light. And never eat anything when drunk.

>> No.3887013

>Grandpa was a prankster
>Grandpa likes to drink buttermilk
>He brings me some milk and cookies one day
>"Eat up!"
>I dip the cookie in the milk and bite it. Tastes weird
>Take a big gulp of milk
>Oh god what is this
>Look up
>My grandpa has the biggest shit eating grin ever mustered

I miss him

>> No.3887020

>Work in a supermarket.
>Checking the eggs
>pick up what I thought was sealed plastic wrapped eggs
>A big heap of maggots falls out the bottom

I still haven't been able to eat eggs on their own since then.

>> No.3887023

Never had anything really disgusting happen to me.

> Be kid.
> Have fever.
> Love me some love vegetarian noodles.
> Eat.
> 10 minutes later
> Puke.
> The store owner gives me the face.
> 8 months later.
> Still enjoy the noodles (as takeaway).

> Long-ass fucking time ago.
> Be in Pizza Hut buffet section.
> Some kids at a table.
> They scrape off pizza topping and eating only that.
> Stacks of pizza dough left behind on plates.
> tfw They weren't chased out of the store.

>> No.3887040

One time when I was young I ate an orange and put the rest in the trash. My grandma hated food being wasted and dug it out and took out all the parts that I missed. She put it in a bowl for me to eat. I remember being grossed out by it then (I was young at the time). Now I can understand.
She would also get her hair in a lot of our dishes. She used to make pierogies and we nicked name them pit of hair. Her food was great but it was gross to find it in your borche.

>> No.3887058

i know who cooked those pizzas

>> No.3887074

>Scrape off the toppings
I used to do that.

>> No.3887077

>be me working at cereal factory
>monthly quality meeting, QA guy shows off weird stuff
>a customer returned a bag of cereal, still sealed up
>there's a fucking spinal disc in it
>not even the craziest thing I've seen

>> No.3887081

Can some one please archive this.

>> No.3887084

>>spinal disc

How does that even happen?

>> No.3887096

We think it came from an animal (like a raccoon or dog) that died in a vendor's product. Metal detectors didn't pick it up so it got packed and sent out.

>> No.3887106

>decide to make some chicken salad
>open bag of salad
>slimy disgusting rotten salad
>yell and throw it away
>decide to make a chicken sandwich instead
>few bites in, realize the chicken is weeks old
>throw out sandwich
>fuck this shit

>> No.3887110
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>> No.3887213

>few bites in, realize the chicken is weeks old

So, you cooked rotten meat and you didn't notice?

>> No.3887691

>Get drunk
>Use "empty" beer can as ashtray
Yeah, you know what I'm talking about...

>At friend's house
>He offers food
>Accept because polite and a little hungry
>Chicken and rice in some sort of strange, watery red sauce
>"What's this sauce?"
>"What sauce?"
>It's chicken blood

>At different friend's house
>Offers pizza
>Accept because pizza
>He "cooks" frozen pizza
>Crust is charcoal, middle is ice
Why am I friends with these people?

>Be 10
>In Spain with Grandparents
>Go to Grandad's old friend's house
>He serves slices of raw beef on tomato juice soaked bread
>I don't even like tomato (I love it nowadays)
>Me and the host are the only ones who eat it because he's Spanish and I'm a trooper

>> No.3887735

>little brother makes an experiment
>leaves cup of tea sitting in his room for two weeks in summer
>it's full of algae
>what did you expect?

>> No.3887785

I once ate 15 chicken burritos from Taco Bell, I ended up shitting my pants in Best Buy, well, it was more like I tried to fart but it was more like a scatter shot. It was like putting your thumb at the end of a hose. My runny shit tried to come out all at once. It seems like my watery shit was trying to push out all at once.
Long story short, I had to walk home wiping my ass with best buy fliers.

>> No.3887803

>be 20-21,living w/ parents
>mum buys a small handful of plums for the fruitbowl
>in evening, decide to grab a plum from the bowl
>take first bite,tastes great & fresh
> next bite,down to the kernel/seed/nut
>nut/kernel/seed had loosened from the rest
>seed/nut/kernel cavty was filled with mold

strangely,the plum looked completely normal on the outside, no traces of pests, worms or anything else that could have gotten in.

second one:
>about two years later
>has since moved out
>One night, decided tomake a nice steak for dinner, got some potatoes and some whiskey sauce mix along with it...
>prepare steak, boil potatoes
>Prepare the whiskey sauce mix as per instructions
>whiskey sauce smells strange... like used socks
>tastes even worse
>tried again to see if I fucked up(3or 4 baggies in one package)
>same result

nothing wrong with packagigng, hadn't exceeded "use by" date.
mfw that whiskey sauce normally tastes great...:(

>> No.3887829

>Go to Las Vegas for a week.
>Buy milk. Go Hotel.
>Unload groceries to room.
>Wheres the gallon of milk?
>"We didn't buy any."
>Going back home, about to put stuff into van.
>gallon of milk in trunk covered with clothes.

>> No.3887840

>eat roast beef sandwich with glass of milk
>go about day as usual
>suddenly, vomit
>vomit everywhere
>vomit in trash can
>spew liquid from both ends for a while
>can never bring myself to eat roast beef again.

>> No.3887889

>dad makes stakes because fuck yeah
>it always has this perfectly formed crust every time he makes it
>never learn what seasonings or whatever he puts on it is used

I've only been able to replicate his results partially- and even then just once.

>> No.3887922
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>Be at a girl friend's sweet 16 banquet
>Everyone is having a good time
>Food comes
>Mashed potatoes, Roast beef with gravy and other stuff
>Not that hungry but other people dig in immediately
>See some weird bits on the gravy
>mwf those bits are water roaches
>watch in horror how everyone keeps eating
>Can't tell anything cause it would spoil the party for the girl

>Why aren't you eating anon?
>I'm not that hungry...

>> No.3887986

>Be 10
>Eating peaches from Yaya's garden
>Get to the very last slice
>There's a huge grub in it
It looked okay from the outside and all of the other slices :-(

>> No.3888000

I just spit my food out

>> No.3888069

your dad makes you eat wood?

>> No.3888089

Family dinner at grandparents. It's nice, tennessee weather. Anyhow, i'm pre-teen. got a big plate of food, didn't want to eat most of it. end up mixing it on my plate, and they threaten to make me eat it.

>> No.3888119

Your dad made you eat his wood.

>> No.3888129

third one. is that an actual dish or something he just came up with?

>> No.3888134

I don't get it. They have a shared jar? What for?

>> No.3888135

yeah wtf is that all about


>> No.3888146

>Go to store
>see V8 energy drinks
>buy a 6 pack
>go home
>drink one
>Go back to store
>buy like 8 more packs
>next day
>drink one in mornin and one in afternoon
>leave on bedside table
>next day
>wake up nothing unusual throw away one can
>one month later
>wake up
>what th-
>clean room furiously
>still smells awful
>find can under bed
>pick it up
>snif tip
Just a lesson to you all. V8 energy drinks, never leave them open in your home empty.

>> No.3888156

all dese feels.
My ex was like this with his roomies.
I bought them groceries once because all of their shit was expired or just disgusting looking.

>> No.3888160

Don't you know? Every time people become roommates they receive 1 jar as a sort of recognition of their bond as roommates.

>> No.3888163

thx bro

>> No.3888172


>> No.3888188

>be 16
>eating at big boy or jack in the box, can't remember
>chicken sammich
>halfway through
>big rubbery vein
>no meat for years

>> No.3888428
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Two stories.

>>out for lunch with my parents at dairy queen
>>just a kid
>>having my favorite; a chili dog
>>just over halfway through it when i feel something hard in my teeth
>>i pull discreetly spit my food into a napkin and inspect it
>>a tiny tiny bone lodged in the meat
>>get sad and half-heartedly eat the rest of the chili-dog
>>dont tell parents
No more not-ice-cream from Dairy Queen for me.

>>in grade eight, on lunch break
>>buy strawberry milk from a vending machine
>>shake it and open the seal under the cap
>>strawberry milk SPURTS out at my fuckin' face, gets in my hair
>>"well thats fucked up"
>>take a sip of it
>>its bubbly, like soda, and extremely bitter
>>force it down and throw the rest of it out, go to wash it out of my hair
>>feel like im drugged out for the rest of the day

>> No.3888523
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>> No.3888564

That... might be a parasitic cyst man...

>> No.3888585

It's cool. He's an "omnivore".

>> No.3888620

>be 18
>never have any problems with eating out, or at home, ever, whether i'm cooking or someone else is

Sorry i'm not exciting, but i'm sure most of this fucked up shit, especially the eggs, are just lies

>> No.3888622


Pray that your belief in yellow eggs is never shattered, Anonymous. The alternatives are pretty horrifying.

>> No.3888628 [DELETED] 
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I just read almost this whole fucking thread...this is great and horrible at the same time! Anyway, Allow me to contribute now that I've read all that.

>10 years old or so
>eating ramen
>finished noodles, soup is left in bow
>get a straw and start drinking that sit
>lean forward, soup is coming out of my nose, and I am continuing to suck it up creating an endless flow
>don't know if epic or disgusting

>go to small Christian school, about 16 at the time
>Me and a few other high schoolers clean out the field trip van cus nothing else to do and done with our work
>Find a single serving bottle of apple juice under the very back seat
>Open it up, it had distilled into fucking vinegar

This one is probably the worst I have.

>15th birthday
>Eating with my mom, half sister and half brother at a Chinese buffet
>JUST sat down with a huge ass plate of sweet and sour chicken
>Before I can even dip one piece in the sauce my little bro gags, and then "burp vomits" blue shit all over his goddamn plate.
>I ate nothing for my birthday dinner

>> No.3888629

You didn't even sue? what the fuck am i reading??

>> No.3888636

It was left over chicken from dinner a few weeks back.

>> No.3888651 [DELETED] 

I am the poster of this, continueing with MOAR.

>same little bro throws up almost the exact same way, only it's grey
>I throw my fork down and stop eating.
>My little cousin about his age continues to eat like a fucking wolf while proclaiming "CARTER FREW UP!" (I didn't misspell that, it's how she said it)

>Girlfriend has stomach issues
>We're eating in a mall foodcourt, and she decides to eat a giant, greasy Stromboli
>I tell her she shouldn't get that with her stomach like it is.
>The fuck do I know? I'm her boyfriend, and boyfriends don't know jack shit.
>Our friend drops us off where I parked my truck
>She blows fucking chunks all over the ground as soon as she opened the truck door.
>It's on her shoes
>My truck smells like vomit and garlic all the way to her house
>Still can't eat strombolli

>> No.3888661

>not growing
>mum tells me to drink more milk
>hands me cup
>i drink 1 litre worth of milk
>go down stairs nek day
>see empty jug of milk
>it was overdue by a week

>> No.3888666 [DELETED] 

>Working at Bojangles (don't do it
>Marinating chicken in cajun seasoning
>forgot to lock the lid on the machine. It's a cylinder that you put the chicken in, followed by the seasoning, and it turns several times quite forcibly to distribute it)
>1 full turn and it all falls out on the floor
>Well damn, I guess we're just gonna have to waste some chicken. Shame.
>NOPE. 2 other workers pick up the the chicken, put it back in the marinator and threaten me not to tell.

>> No.3888671



this plate.

>> No.3888675 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3888686

>At grandmas house
>Eat hotdogs with ketchup
>"This ketchup is kind of tasteless"
>Expired 8 years ago
Can someone tell me why it didn't taste like death and why I wasn't food poisoned? I had eaten that expired ketchup for at least 8 years.

>> No.3888776

Ingredients- water, sugar, sugar, preservatives, sugar, preservatives, preservatives, flavoring, coloring, preservatives.

>> No.3888806

Another story from today at the cereal factory
>setup production to run 15000 lbs of Raisin Bran cereal (like a couple thousand boxes of cereal)
>Quality Assurance guy says Stop! I found some rat shit in the product
>He gets ahold of boss who has to call corporate
>They aren't available (it's late)
>Run it anyways and don't tell anyone

>> No.3888956

>7th or 8th grade
>Would buy school lunch most days
>Loved chicken patties
>Bite into one once
>Super hard cartilage or something
>Never again

The only chicken-patty like thing I ever had after that was the occasional Wendy's chicken sandwich.

>> No.3888985

>First time smoking a decent amount of weed
>Get the munchies
>No problem, I'm at a buffet
>Eat 8 full plates of food
>Every step is agony
>Unable to puke
>Can't eat or shit for 2 days
>Finally pass what felt like a granite hedgehog

>> No.3889188
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>be at mum's place
>she's buying into that fucking new age 'buy organic' shit
>she bought some fresh organic eggs from the nearby farmers' market
>go to make scrambled eggs for her
>crack open an egg
>egg has maggots squirming around inside, blood and black and blue mould, puff of spores release into the air
>throw it out and open another, it happens again
>mfw every egg in that 24 pack of eggs had maggots and mould
>not put off of eggs, just angry that she paid $10 for 24 horrible disgusting mouldy blood maggot bombs
>she buys some chickens a week later
>free eggs all the time

>> No.3889227
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Hehe, this most made me smile. I'm glad you were strong enough to actually try it again, despite your horrid experience. My husband had one bad cherry tomato as a kid and refuses to try them again, despite the fact that it was 20 years ago.

>I chop them up into small pieces and serve them to him. He has no clue and eats it all.

I'm proud of ya, anon! Good job and may you have many more oysters in your future! :D

>> No.3889249

Even though it's gross, that was 100% safe to do OP.

Green/blue fuzzy mold on food is completely safe to eat, although it doesn't taste good. Black spotty mold or white fuzzy mold however is NOT safe and both contain carcinogens. Removing the visible parts of mold do not remove the rhizoids deep inside of the bread or cheese.

>> No.3889252

To be fair, real organic eggs taste a lot better. The chickens we had just running around the yard and eating grass and bugs made delicious eggs, and now that I have to buy eggs from the store they taste bland and nasty to me.

>> No.3889339

i was literally eating the first bowl of a new box of raisin bran.
and in the trash it goes

>> No.3889361

I love raisin bran, but I hate raisins.
How does raisin bran taste different from other bran cereal?

>> No.3889411

I want /v/ to leave

>> No.3889517
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>> No.3889659

store wine on it's side, so the cork is constantly wet. Otherwise after a few years it'll be nasty as fuck

>> No.3889672

>begin cooking rice
>small black things floating on water
>these must be those rice husks I keep seeing in my meals
>rice husk attempting to swim
>rice husk has 6 legs
>bug only eats rice
>bug = rice
>leave bugs in rice

>> No.3889701

depends on which one you get. fiber one usually tastes pretty good, some brands taste like cardboard though

>> No.3890120

>helping bro clean house and move out
>his gf cut the power to snag deposit
>his fridge still had food in it
>open fridge
>a rainbow of mold
>watermelon with no green or red, only black
>smelled like death covered in dead fish
>gagging so much had to call mom to help

That was probably the grossest thing I've ever seen in my life. I can't stand mold now, If I'm throwing away slightly moldy bread, I have to hold it with two fingers from the top and wash my hands after

>> No.3890127

Oh come on, I work with molds everyday, they aren't gross at all.

>> No.3890132

I'm fine with stuff that's made with controlled spoilage, but uncontrolled? fuck that.

What do you do btw?

what do you do?

>> No.3890137

I feel the need to post some of my stories having read all these.

>Buy some whole wheat bread (Sarah Lee).
>Eat a few slices.
>Go back after about five days and find that the bread has molded.
>Find the sell by date and realize it was bought the day before the sell by day.
>This is a regular occurrence though I did get a coupon from Sarah Lee (for $4 no less).
>Fucking Wal-Mart

This seriously only happens with stuff I buy there, anyone else notice that?

Other things.
>Sweet tea sat in the fridge for a week and had mold in the pitcher.
>Found a box of quick mac and cheese that was six years out of date, was filled with moths.
>Did that with several other things my mom had stored.
>Found jelly in that had sat out all summer (in SC) that had this white mold on it.

My mom and my little brother aren't the smartest people when it comes to putting things away...

>> No.3890145


>sweet tea

How the fuck?

>> No.3890148

Um...I'm not really sure how to explain that one. You know if brewed tea sits to long that's what happens right? Or did you assume I bought like Arizona or something?

>> No.3890253

I did something like that.
>Cool teacher has a minifridge in his room
>Unplugs it over the summer
>Forgets to prop door open
>wall to wall and floor to ceiling shag carpeting
Thank God he didn't leave any food in it, but I still spent two or three free periods cleaning that thing. I got fridge privileges for the rest of senior year though, that was a perk.

>> No.3890260

>be 10
>really hungry
>open fridge
>look in the back
>see a pickle wrapped up in a paper towel
>take a bite
>tastes sort of like a pickle but a little off
>realize it was a cucumber
>vomit for 20 minutes

Can never eat a pickle again.

>> No.3890277

>be 5 or 6
>poor myself a bowl of raisin bran
>add milk
>eat a couple spoonfuls
>realize there are tiny insects floating in it

I really don't remember what happened then. I think I freaked and my mom took the bowl away. We always had our cereal in those tupperware containers afterwards.

>> No.3890289 [DELETED] 


>> No.3890293

>There is a bag of cherry chocolate chips in my grandparent's fridge
>It has been there since I was in preschool
>Fact that grandma refuses to get rid of it becomes a joke to my cousins and me
>My youngest cousin did not know this and actually tried to eat some of them
>Vomit, vomit everywhere

>> No.3890331

>Move apartments
>Take a case of fresca with me
>Never drink it
>Move again, 2 year later
>Fresca is still there
>There are holes in all the cans, fresca fucking every where

it was a mess to clean up, too

>> No.3890397

how insane must you be to not succumb to the deliciousness that is 'fresca'?

>> No.3890421

I could watch this for hours.
Hell, I'm just tipsy enough to do so.

>> No.3890482

fuck wendy's dude

I have been to wendy's 3 times in my life

i have gotten food poisoning TWO TIMES FROM EATING THERE



>> No.3890549

That man is so disgustingly ugly............ gross.

>> No.3890583

I am a PhD candidate in mycology. I work in a lab with thousands of petri dishes full of many, many different species of molds.

I don't like the smell of the volatiles produced by Penicillium and I avoid inhaling large amounts of spores, but seeing moldy food is cool.

It doesn't bother me at all... moldy food is somewhat boring (the spp. are pretty much what you expect), but it is still cool.

>> No.3890600

>Arrive home, high and drunk as fuck
>No fast food
>Start chopping peppers, garlic and onion.
>Add fresh tomato sauce.
>Boil 500g fresh pasta and add a couple teaspoons of half and half and the pomodoro sauce
>Eat the whole thing
>Wake up swimming in a pink goo with half digested spaghetti.
>Be disgusted at myself and move on.

>> No.3890601
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>first day at university
>feel pretty hungry, its lunchtime
>find a kebab place on campus
>shit looks tasty
>"chicken kebab with garlic and chilli sauce thanks"
>have a few bites
>pretty good
>look down at half-eaten kebab
>see live caterpillar on a strand of lettuce
>flick it off
>finish kebab
>don't complain

It's that easy, /ck/. Pic related, same colourings.

>> No.3890602

Obviously your body is not ready

>> No.3890609


I've eaten there a few hundred times at many different locations and have never had a problem.

>> No.3890971

I too know the horrors of a watermelon that has become something completely different. Something terrible and evil. A moldmelon.

>> No.3891019

>Grandparents go on their annual 4 month trip to Arizona
>Mom and I look in on their house every week or so
>Slight strange smell
>Smell gets worse over time
>Giant freezer stopped working
>My grandma is mad about saving food so it's full to the brim
>Multicolored mold everywhere
>Have to clean it all
Oh god the smell

>> No.3891265

> Be around 12 years old
> Mom takes frozen veggies from our freezer (mostly broccoli)
> Veggies are from our garden, even after being frozen for a month or so are still delicious
> She makes her delicious vegetable soup from them, fuck yeah
> As soon as I get my plate I dig in
> Oddly crunchy, but sooo good
> Suddenly my brother notices the soup has dozens of tiny bugs in it
> There was probably a nest inside one of the veggies and got frozen along with it
> Mom picks our plates, dumps all away, saying "Oh well, it happens"
> I bawl my eyes out because the soup was ruined. taken away and I was looking forward to it so much
> Didn't even care about that handful of bugs I ate

I remember almost asking mom to leave my plate, and let me pick all bugs out, before finishing eating it, but I rather didn't.

>> No.3891322

>life with roommates
>one guy goes from vegetarian, fit, cool guy in September to raging unhygienic hambeast by November
>stops washing dishes and only uses on plate and set of cutlery
>he mostly eats eggs and bacon
>mfw he has 6 day old egg crust, ketchup, grease, etc. on his plate and proceeds to eat pasta off it
>mfw he keeps the plate in the cupboard when we say it is disgusting and don't want to see that nasty fucking plate

haha good times

>> No.3891335

How do these people not get food poisoning every other day? For that matter, how are they alive?

>> No.3891344

their immune system gets jacked up

>> No.3891448

back when i used to live there, restaurants tried to call it "pittsburgh rare". something about steel workers cooking lunch on girders hot out of the foundry.

>> No.3891630

>be 14, last day of trip with mum, staying at BnB
>don't want to eat breakfast because upset stomach from fear of flying at noon
>mum makes me eat toast with honey
>honey looks somewhat weird/white-ish hard but whatever, not like honey goes bad right
>at airport waiting in huge ass line
>suddenly need to puke
>mum empties handbag and I puke into it
>no trashcans around, can't leave line or we miss our flight
>have to hold onto vomit-filled handbag until we get through
>get bottle of water for me afterwards but have to throw it out during safety check-through thing
>mum doesn't dare to tell service people I'm sick because she thinks they won't allow me to fly
>have to pretend I'm fine while continuing to throw up and overall feeling like I have food-poisoning

To this day I don't know what I had. I didn't just feel sick from throwing up, my skin was white as snow and I was icecold while feeling like I had a fever. I could barely stand up for longer than a few minutes.
Needless to say the flight was just wonderful for me