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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 397x400, Spaghetti kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3880588 No.3880588[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how to make spaghetti, but in a easier way...fucking love spaghetti

>> No.3880592

Order them at a restaurant?
There's literally nothing easier than cooking noodles. If you're too retarded to handle even that, you shouldn't be allowed contact with society.

>> No.3880609


So emotional and easily trolled.

>> No.3880635

Noodles have easy ingredients but the actual forming process is tedious as fuck if you don't have a pasta machine. The time I spend slicing folded pasta dough... my god.

OP. A bunch of flour. A little water. A pinch of salt. There's your noodles. Egg if that's your thing. In fact, egg is probably your thing if you're used to commercial pastas. Use eggs, OP. Like, one egg per cup of flour. Or whatever. Look, you clearly have internet so if you wanted a precise recipe you could just google it, I always eyeball it. Don't use too much water, the right amount always seems like too little until you've really kneaded it for a few minutes. Most recipes will have you use like one third as much water as flour. Less is probably better. Knead that shit to hell and back, it's noodles not bread. Beat the shit out of it. Then let it rest for an afternoon before you start cooking dinner. If you have a pasta maker, use that. Otherwise roll it really thin on a cold smooth surface dusted with flour. Get it really flat, and go for a rectangle instead of a circle. Dust it up with flour and fold it over to make slicing it easier. Transfer it to a cutting board and go crazy on that shit. Or just, you know, get that pasta maker. Man I need a pasta maker. If you're slicing by hand, your noodles probably look like shit. Hold them up and gently let them stretch a bit at the fat parts and if they stretch too long, just cut them into two noodles instead of one.

Boil them for like three minutes or less.

Pasta sauce? I ain't even gonna touch that one. Look up a recipe for what you want.

>> No.3880644
File: 108 KB, 397x400, ycyxvhfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3880661

throw the whole pot to the wall until it sticks

>> No.3880700

I make it in the microwave...

>> No.3880705

- put pasta, ketchup, some water and italian seasoning mix into bowl
- microwave for 15 minutes
- enjoy

>> No.3880727

When i do spaghetti, i like to use hole can tomato and chop one too


>> No.3881866

Why the fuck are you on /ck/.

>> No.3881874

why the fuck did you bump a shit thread 10 hours after its last post

>> No.3882357

The mom on Honey Boo Boo put like a pound of butter and some ketchup in a Tupperware and microwaved. Add to spaghetti.

>> No.3882674

Because fuck you.

>> No.3882699

Great OP
Now I want spaghetti

>> No.3882746

stop posting that shit everywhere.
i report you for spam everytime i seee that shit
this is not a meme and you are not forcing it.

>> No.3882754
File: 19 KB, 325x288, spaghettimitthunfischundzitrone_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with canned tuna

>> No.3884490
File: 12 KB, 199x300, dumb face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3884561

It's better to do everything from scratch, but here's something for those who don't want to make their own noodles/pasta sauce.

-Tomato Sauce
-Pasta Sauce
-Tomato Paste
-Pepper Flakes
-Tapatio or hot sauce like that Mexican chile habanero one
-Other herbs (usually oregano, parsley, etc) but it's best to keep your sauce simple
-Meat Balls
-Parmesan Cheese

>Cut tomatoes, garlic, and mushrooms
>Saute vegetables until translucent
> Pour in tomato sauce, pasta sauce and tomato paste. salt/pepper/hot sauce
>Simmer for about 30 minutes to an hour, occasionally stirring
>10-15 minutes before the sauce is done, add in whatever seasoning/cheese. Sir occasionally.


prepare your meatballs and pasta(Boil the pasta in salted water for flavor).

When draining your pasta, place a colander over a liquid measuring cup or bowl so when you dump your pasta into the colander, it'll catch the pasta water. Do not rinse pasta. When mixing the pasta with the sauce, pour about 1-3 tablespoons of that pasta water into the pot. This helps the sauce stick to the pasta.