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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3878900 No.3878900 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know how to make good homemade barbeque sauce? I'm curious because I'm trying to make wings with my own sauce instead of store bought bull shit.

>> No.3878915


3/4 cup molasses
1/4 brown sugar
2 tablespoons of salt
4 tablespoons of honey

Mix in pot on low heat for a few hours until mixture is smooth.

>> No.3878917

>instead of store bought bull shit
One day you'll grow up and realize that store-bought food is really no worse than what you can make at home.

Good luck with that "fresh, local, organic barbecue sauce."


>> No.3878921

>no ketchup
>no chili powder
>no granulated garlic and onion
>no cayenne

Nope out the door.

>> No.3878926

Generally you can mix:

Apple Cider vinegar
Brown sugar
Tomato sauce
Ground mustard
hot sauce or pureed chipotle in adobo

Put this in a saucepot and bring to a simmer. Keep tasting until you think it tastes amazing. Add a little flour and cook longer if you want it thicker.

>> No.3878928



hahahahaha oh wow maximum pleb-mode engaged.

>> No.3878935

You do realize most homemade barbecue sauces, especially ones passed down from grandparents, use ketchup as a base?

>> No.3878939

Southeastern U.S. barbecue uses ketchup as a base in a lot of its sauces. And if you're not from the south, you don't really get a say in making barbecue.

>> No.3878946


stupid redneck pleb sauce recipes are not what we strive for here on /ck/. take your down-home deep-fried country hick shit over to /k/.

>> No.3878947


You're an idiot.

>> No.3878948

>libtards actually believe this crap

"we're not racist. we love everyone and treat them equally...unless they're inbred rednecks!"

>> No.3878957
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Good to know you don't actually know anything about making barbecue sauces, then. I'm not from the south but even I know using ketchup in a sauce recipe isn't to be sneered at.

>> No.3878966
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>stupid redneck pleb sauce recipes are not what we strive for here on /ck/

>> No.3878968
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>> No.3878980

lol i trull u

>> No.3878984
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>> No.3878985

>Grandpa, how did the 2nd US Civil War begin?

Well you see Johnny, way back in September of '12 some massive yankee faggot insulted southern BBQ sauce and cuisine.

>> No.3878992

Who let /b/ out of their cage?

Anyway, my family's owned a barbecue restaurant for the past 50 years, we use a mix of molasses and dark amber honey plus grated caramelized onion to give the sauce a certain something. Other than that it's just the type of vinegar and ketchup (Hunt's, always Hunt's) you use. The spices are kind of a given.

>> No.3878994

Mind sharing the recipe?

>> No.3878995

>to give the sauce a certain something
leave and never come back

>> No.3879004
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>> No.3879008

Unfortunately I don't have the written version, it's at my granddad's house and he'd beat my ass if he ever found out I told anyone. I've given away most of it, you can figure out the measurements to taste on your own. Experiment a little, see what you like and what works for you.
What, you don't like onion? Sucks to be you then, we're still making money off that recipe.

>> No.3879014


I think he took exception to the way you phrased it, like some backwater rube crafting hillbilly swill in a bathtub.

>> No.3879018

I've never made a sauce before... do you just put all the ingredients together and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until it reaches a uniform consistency?

>> No.3879019


Yes, but you stir it with your penis.

>> No.3879021
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How does loving the taste of caramelized onions in barbecue sauce translate to "backwater rube"?

>> No.3879024

While the onions are cooking, stir all the wet ingredients plus spices (chili powder+salt+black pepper+cayenne) in a pot on medium heat. We use apple cider vinegar, it works the best. Once the onions are soft, stir into the sauce and turn it down to low, and let it cook for at least an hour (more if you like it thick).

>> No.3879025
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I'm not that guy, you'll have to ask him. I was merely guessing, because I personally found your phrasing to be somewhat unsettling.

>> No.3879036

Awesome, thanks anon. I'll do some experimenting tonight to see what I can come up with.

>> No.3879948

1/3 each of ketchup, hot sauce, and molasses. Then season with what you like of: onions, peppers, mustard, or anything else.

>> No.3880029


the specific brand of catsup might have raised his heckles, just make your own catsup...

>> No.3880079

Ginger BBQ glaze

I love this one

>> No.3880293

Weird. I just cooked up a batch of BBQ sauce on the fly. Here's how I made it:

1/3 cup small diced bacon
1/3 cup small diced red onion
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup catsup
3 tbsp molasses
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/3 cup cider vinegar
1 tbsp brown mustard
1 tbsp hot sauce
black pepper
granulated garlic

Rendered bacon, added, cooked down the onion. Dumped in the rest of the ingredients. Simmer for 15 minutes.
You're welcome, OP.

>> No.3880450

smoke tomatoes whole with chili peppers of choice and onion, and garlic (outside in a grill or pit with cover would be wise)

blend or food processor until smooth with salt, honey, sage, vinegar, and a bit of bourbon

may cook over low heat if taste is too biting, but depending on smoking method, not necessary

strain through cheesecloth