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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3876549 No.3876549 [Reply] [Original]

Everything I eat recently makes me ill. Are there any light easy to prepare meals that don't involve meat or vegetables? Speaking seriously, the meats are too tough to digest and vegetables are too coarse unless they are steamed to mush, in which case why even bother. I tried a salad too but the lettuce was too fibrous. I'm getting tired of eating peanut butter sandwiches and canned soup.

>> No.3876558

What's wrong with you? Do you have some fatal sickness?

>> No.3876556

Have you tried messing with eggs?

>> No.3876564

Also, try soup?

Lots of great different things you can do with soup and it requires little to no digestion.

>> No.3876567

nurse here

This does not sound normal, how long as this been going on? There are many worrisome things that could be causing this, so unless it's depression/anxiety related you should probably be seeking medical attention.

>> No.3876571

Eggs don't usually sit well with me to begin with.

I'm living off soup now. It's really boring.

Don't know what the problem is, it started 2 months ago when I moved into a new house. At first I thought it was the stress of moving, but that should have subsided by now.

>> No.3876572

We have a saying in our language that actually refers more to being content with what you have than with your situation, but the parallels work here:
If you can't have meat, be content with broth.
Why not start there?
Buy bone-in chicken breast and make broth from it.
Drink broth.
If that doesn't make you ill, then go to the next step: try to blitz the broth and the cooked chicken together into a baby-food-like consistency.
If that doesn't make you ill, try incorporating larger shreds of chicken in the broth. Etc etc etc.
If it /does/ make you ill, however (the chicken/broth purée), try making rice porridge with the broth.
If that makes you ill, too, then stick with plain broth for now and contact your doctor.
In fact, you should probably do that to begin with.

>> No.3876577

Well there's a million things that could cause things like this... There's a possibility that you've contracted something from the water in this new house, and there's also a chance of mold in the home which you're reacting to.

Is there pain involved? Nausea? Do you get a negative sensation whenever you attempt to eat certain things? (I mean as your are trying to put it in your mouth or chew)

>> No.3876581

Maybe there's something (mold?) inside your new house that's causing you to feel that way?

Juk or Korean, white rice porridge (with nothing extra added) heated up with some soy sauce to lightly flavor it is something that's good to eat whenever I have stomach flu and feel nauseous.


>> No.3876583

Just bowel pain and diarrhea. But last week I ate a pizza and was up until 3am with cramps that felt like a blockage, but it passed by the time I woke up, so I don't really think anything was blocked. I think I just ate too much in that case. I have no problem actually eating the food. I want to eat more, but if I do I know I'll get sick so I stop.

>> No.3876598

You should definitely see a doctor.

There could very well be blockage still there. If you press firmly into the general area under your ribs, do you feel any pain/discomfort? If no, eat something and try about 15 minutes later and see if you do. Perhaps look into Irritable Bowel Syndrome as well and see if you think it applies to you.

>> No.3876641

I second that

>> No.3876652
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Different anon here but I have the same thing
I've had it for about a year and a month or so now? 95% of what I eat/drink makes my stomach upset, sometimes immediately after and sometimes a good couple of hours later. I went to my GP and they said I might be lactose intolerant and I should stop consuming dairy for 2 weeks or so, I cut out the lactose for -2 months- and nothing got better.
I have a really limited diet anyway as I previously had an eating disorder and I haven't really been able to shake off my aversion to a lot of different foods (2 years later). So this is an absolute nightmare for me as I can't eat out much and during the day if I have an exam or need to concentrate then I have to not eat otherwise I will experience serious nausea until I use the bathroom which isn't always an option.

I haven't lost weight or my appetite so idk what's the matter with me
I just want to eat yummy foods without being ill

>> No.3876665

No, no pain if I press it. I am actually wondering if I might be a gluten allergy due to all that pizza dough I consumed. I've never been tested for one but I'm wondering now.

Hang in there bro, I don't know what's wrong with us but it's gotta get better right? I mean intestinal walls have to heal sometime. It just must be hard for them to when they are constantly used every day.

>> No.3876671

Does eating ginger/anything with ginger in it/gingerale help any of you guys with the nausea?

>> No.3876678

You too! I'm sure it will get better eventually

Never tried it! I'll pick some up on the way home tomorrow - I'll try anything at this point
Thanks anon

>> No.3876691

You might have candida or some other kind of fungus.

>> No.3876762
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I have pretty similar symptoms, except I was diagnosed with GERD, acid reflux. Pretty much anything acidic gives my stomach and throat a burning sensation.

But, there are other annoying symptoms which make eating anything very difficult. My throat always feels like it has undigested food scratching it, my stomach can become full and gassy from just eating one banana.

It really sucks, there are so many triggers and the medicine the doctors gave me barely seems to help. Lately, I've been drinking ginger tea, which seems to help a little.

>> No.3876789

maybe you all should try eating jizz more often. it seems it would not be gritty or anything

>> No.3876795

It couldn't be gallstones, could it? My mom had those, and would get pretty sick from them when she ate heavier foods.

>> No.3876830

The only detail besides compatible food is that you moved to a new house. Are you by yourself? Help us out here, otherwise you get anecdotes and nonsense.

If you are in a new place, I understand. I've been in a new place for several years and I have bad dreams every night, and the thing they all have in common is that the only relief I get is realizing I'm waking up somewhere familiar. Only problem is, a few minutes later as I'm waking up I have no idea where this "familiar place" is. Sometimes I think I'm in my old college apt, but rest of the time I think I'm @ my parents crib where I slept soundly for 19yrs. Such anxiety does no special favors for my appetite or digestion.

Give us some details, you are in knowing, capable hands. And all the eurofag trolls are asleep tight now, so this your chance. (Well, not really. Talk to your Dr. but we will keep you company until the office opens).