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File: 130 KB, 400x600, Coors_Light.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3872237 No.3872237 [Reply] [Original]

HEy people its Friday what are you drinking to get drunk pic very related

>> No.3872245

that would be me

>> No.3872243


are you the same dude that was drinking in the middle of the week with the same pic?

>> No.3872251

you srnt a drunk unless you sre getting frunk evryday.
fukns sonof a gburctch cptcha.

>> No.3872250

Friday is one of the only days that I don't drink.

>> No.3872254

i agree i dont drink erey day. but when i do its usually 6 coors light tall boys

>> No.3872257

also im eating wasabi peas. Its a delicious combo.

>> No.3872263

Unless you deink foxxy jack yoi have no ideeea whaat drunkkk is. fuckin ctchpa.

>> No.3872266

Coors Light sucks.

Anyway, I'm probably not getting drunk tonight, since I have to wake up fucking ridiculously early tomorrow to get to the airport.

>> No.3872271

i had a .32 bac in my day.

>> No.3872273

best of the cheap IMO

>> No.3872278

Eh, if I'm buying cheap beer, I usually go for High Life. Most drinkable to me.

>> No.3872280

That's what I had when I got arrested last year. At 8am!

>> No.3872283

B-but...I only drink on Saturday.

>> No.3872301
File: 64 KB, 200x200, GetImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm poor. :<

>> No.3872307


I was once poor as well and drank that shit more often then I'd like to admit but what I came to realize is that, this vile liquid was the causal factor in my ulcer.

>> No.3872316


How would beer contribute to an ulcer?

>> No.3872322

I'm too fat to enjoy beer. I quit a month ago and I already dropped down from 208 to 198. So, I'm drinking rum and coke zero.

The only bad thing about the switch is that inebriation sets on fast and hard. I've had two bouts of psychosis where I've taken my .45 caliber pistol out in public looking for someone who might attack me. I try to appear vulnerable so someone will attempt to rob me or physically assault me. I would then end his life.

Thank god that never occurred.

>> No.3872326

Read a book, junior. Alcohol damages the mucosal membrane of the stomach.

>> No.3872328

A whole case of yuengling

>> No.3872330


Ahhhhhh...alcohol is a irritant to mucus membranes and consuming large amounts of icehouse not only strips the lining of your stomach but it also increases acid production which leads to your body eating itself.

>> No.3872344

was it a 1911?

>> No.3872361

Although I do own a 1911 and a 1991A1, I carried a concealable G30.

>> No.3872364
File: 95 KB, 768x1024, 01_06_2009-012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, since I work Friday night through Monday night.

>> No.3872366

I really, really enjoy being drunk. I lost my wife and two daughters a number of years ago. I used to never drink. But now, I find the escape of alcohol intoxication to be wonderful. I have no doubt that I will one day drink myself to death. But who cares? I lost my entire family.

>> No.3872367

what do you do?

>> No.3872368

Funnily enough, back when I had a quite severe ulcer, drinking a beer was one of the only non-medication ways to get it to stop hurting. I don't remember why it helped (my doc explained it, but that's been so long ago now, I don't remember). But yes, it did work.
Now, at the slightest hint of trouble, I start a Prilosec regimen. Fuck ulcers. Worst pain ever. At its worst, I wound up in ER throwing up blood and the pain was so bad they had to give me morphine. Like being run through front to back with searing hot swords.

>> No.3872371

my brother has a g20 or 21 in 9mm . i have a .40 beretta 96 fs. If i could go back i would have saved up for a kimber .

>> No.3872374

Dawww, I remember you from last week. Do I need to post more kitteh hugs? I'm sending you a big hug right now, you just have to imagine it.
And, I don't blame you for wanting to be drunk, I would too.

>> No.3872377

The 92fs was the biggest piece of shit gun I've ever owned. It jammed all the time and was my duty gun when I was a cop in a pretty rough city.

>> No.3872378


OH GOD, I know this feel all too well. Yea the beer actually temporarily numbs the pain from the ulcer while it increases the size of the lesion....it's like the calm before the shitstorm.

>> No.3872381

I'd love an Irish Coffee.

probably drinking bud light

>> No.3872386

haven't had mine jamb i used to like the clunky piece of shit because it had a tac rail for a light ,was common and had an easy take down and the thumb safeties. But i ts not that comfortable to hold the kimbers feel much better in terms of grip.

>> No.3872388

I shouldn't bring that up. It's a pretty recognizable incident, isn't it? Thank you for being generous with your emotions. I'll stop posting about that on 4chan.

>> No.3872390

What happened? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.3872391

I owned and carried a 92fs for 12 years. I also toted one in combat. It never failed to fire and it never suffered a malfunction.

>> No.3872394

It was a very tragic incident which I'll keep to myself from now on. I don't feel better when folks feel sorry for me. When people feel sorry for me I feel ashamed - like I should be a lot tougher. I shouldn't be this weak.

>> No.3872396

it's okay to feel sad anon

i hope you feel better

i'll stop bothering you now tho

>> No.3872397

More booze should do the trick.
I'm also someone who is trying to kill myself with alcohol.

>> No.3872406 [DELETED] 

I genuinely hope you fail.

If you want a sympathetic ear, email me at 325trooper@gmail.com

You don't know me. I don't know you. You can send me a message telling me to fuck off or you can spill your guts. Think of me in any way you wish - an anger outlet, a diary, a friend, a mirrror, a source of hope - your choice.

>> No.3872410

Whatever man, that's not weakness... its part of being a human fucking being. I cant see how you would even equate what you describe feeling as weakness.

>> No.3872419

Whiskey and water is the perfect diet-drunk.

Go with what you prefer; I do Jameson and water... plus you taste your liquor more so its easier to dial it in if you're worried about getting too shithoused.

>> No.3872425

Thanks for caring enough to post a reply. I'm just a guy with a sad story. Forget about it.

>> No.3872837
File: 256 KB, 1312x514, Busch Beer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking Busch. Normally I drink tall boys, but I actually saw it in bottles so I decided to try it. It may be very slightly better, but it's still busch. Thanks.

>> No.3872889
File: 27 KB, 492x492, sam adams boston lager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sam Adams Boston Lager.

On a related note, any Ontariofags here know of any good beers available here worth trying?
The LCBO has a pretty limited selection as far as I've seen. Planning on hitting up The Beer Store tomorrow.

>> No.3872905

LCBO has a limited selection if you live in bumfuck nowhere, usually a larger (and cheaper) selection than the beer store.

Ontario's microbrew industry is fairly shitty unfortunately, one of the many advantages of moving to Alberta post education

>> No.3872930
File: 39 KB, 455x599, 455px-Knob_Creek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As for what I'm drinking, I picked up a bottle of Knob Creek last week and finally had time to enjoy some of it. Wanted to grab some Bulleit or Wild Turkey 100 but I only have a Sobeys liquor store near me so no dice.

Been a while since I've had anything but scotch so good times

>> No.3872936

lugtread, beaus, anything from hogsback brewery.

>> No.3873022

>hogsback brewer
>Ottawafag detected

Cross the bridge, go to brou-ha-ha and enjoy 300+ Quebec microbrews.

>> No.3873038

Never been there. You been to l'autre oeil?
I'm 819 not 613

>> No.3873050
File: 19 KB, 150x300, el lapino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever tried this one?

>> No.3873121
File: 83 KB, 255x237, ModeloEspecial_Bottles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to get drunk though, I'm finishing them and getting drunk tomorrow

>> No.3873154

Is it bad I'm so unfamiliar with Québec I had to google that?

Je ne parle pas bien français. So I didn't look for a job there

>> No.3873155
File: 271 KB, 800x480, 2012-09-07 20.32.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2012
> drinking light beer
> drinkng coors

here is the list of beers on tap alone at my local bar

Though tonight I am going to a late movie and maybe getting a beer from the nice selection at the thearter

>> No.3873161

Bought a 12 of Newcastle Vampire Red Ale...Ehh,I've had worse.

>> No.3873169

Sorry it was Werewolf Red ale...that memorable

>> No.3873181

This is what's happened since Wednesday evening: I got drunk, passed out, woke up, got drunk passed out, woke up, got drunk, passed out, woke up, prepped some beef ribs for a party on Saturday and now I'm getting drunk.

This is what retirement is like if you don't have much money.

>> No.3873185

bombay sapphire straight from the fucking bottle

>> No.3873203
File: 28 KB, 400x266, gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admire your taste, sir. I love Sapphire and tonic.

>> No.3873247
File: 86 KB, 400x400, 23390097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been chuggin vodka all night and so pretty soon i wont have to feel anything anymore.

>> No.3873290
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x1952, IMAG0323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of this.

>> No.3873293

I want to drink more, but I also don't want to fuck up my gains.

Thinking of going out and picking up a bomber of Southern Tier Pumking and drinking it tonight. Gotta wake up and run tomorrow before work, so I'm not sure that I should. Fuck, I wish alcohol and lifting went hand in hand.

>> No.3873295

hi hi

>> No.3873312

My fridge has a lock because the japanese girl I bought off it had a roommate who kept stealing drinks

>> No.3873391

im so fukked up right noww

>> No.3873394
