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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 583 KB, 651x1201, 1340324023423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3865480 No.3865480 [Reply] [Original]

Just had a really good awesome recipe thread in /b

Lets see if /ck can do better

>> No.3865483


Now back to /b/ with you.

>> No.3865485


Now fuck off back to /b/ and delete your thread.

>> No.3865488

Why all the hate /ck?

>> No.3865490


Go away.

>> No.3865495

>reddit comic

le epic troll bro, now fuck off

>> No.3865496

Seriously, why the hate? I'm asking a valid question here, and I dont leave til I get it....

>> No.3865498

You won't get it so enjoy your stay

>> No.3865502
File: 390 KB, 740x1525, 1340327066164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case I intend to.

>> No.3865508


You come here for good recipes and you post this? Ugh..

>> No.3865512

Well I get a shit response, I give shit back.
Simple Newtonion Physics

>> No.3865518
File: 413 KB, 576x4752, 1347326932662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ck/ now ready to be mature?

>> No.3865520

i don't care if this is a "troll" god dammit

>> No.3865523

No troll, an honest to goodness serious question. Why the hate?

>> No.3865534




>> No.3865540
File: 760 KB, 1928x2952, 1347327166759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how is asking a cooking question in /ck trolling.

Or is this retard faggot day?

>> No.3865547

I point you to my original post:

Just had a really good awesome recipe thread in /b

Lets see if /ck can do better

Wheres the troll? I dont see one. I see a question placed in the appropriate board.

>> No.3865556
File: 129 KB, 247x301, eastwoodupset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jelly beans in rice krispie treats

>> No.3865557

OP, why don't you dump your cooking folder?

>> No.3865558


Enjoy your explosion dumbshit.

>> No.3865564

Still waiting... wheres the troll? Seriously. Where?

Unless its some board ettiquette, at which point how the fuck am I supposed to know?

>> No.3865575
File: 730 KB, 1176x3272, 1340323990185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for the troll if someone wants to point it out

>> No.3865581
File: 293 KB, 625x3360, 1340324883322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the heads up. After all, obvious N00B cook looking for information.

>> No.3865587

So someone care to share why I was deemed a troll for asking a question. Seriously!

>> No.3865588

OP, you should know by now that none of the other boards take kindly to /b/astards invading their turf, even if a portion of /ck/ooks are also /b/ros.

Also, board is dead tonight.

inb4 raid

>> No.3865592

Well you also mentioned /b/. What do you expect?

>> No.3865590

No raid. No invade.
A valid question. Although thank you for answering why the hate party.

>> No.3865589

The first few.verticals posted (including your op picture) are considered garbage/troll in nature.

>> No.3865598

I hate when these turdburglars leak over from /b/ or wherever, begging for verticals or "how do I cook x" or "I have these ingredients wat do"

I will never answer any of the above questions. This board should serve cooking enthusiasts.

>> No.3865599

Also, one of the few boards where tits are not required by the femanons.

>> No.3865594

I see, thanks for the info.

The more you know!

>> No.3865597

The "troll" was not you asking a question.The "troll" is you mentioning that you're from /b/ and also not deleting your shitty goddamn thread even though we've directed you to the motherlode of cooking verticals. We've all seen these shitty stoner recipes time and time again and we got so sick of the threads that someone made a booru JUST TO GET RID OF THE FUCKING THREADS. You're being a disrespectful little shit and deliberately egging everyone on, as you've been extensively informed that these threads are not welcome here and yet persist in posting anyway.

>> No.3865601

ITT: /ck/ooks feeding the trolls.

>> No.3865603

Good point, however I thought the valid question would point out the fact this was a valid question.

I am a noob beyond noob at cooking and the vertical recipes are easy to follow. I figured /ck would have some good recipes. Although at this point I have now posted more in /ck than I ever have on /b lol

>> No.3865608

Most of the recipe images (we call them verticals) have been cross-posted to the booru linked above. Go browse and enjoy.

>> No.3865609

I seriously meant no disprespect. It was a valid question. The instant hate and being told to "Fuck off"... well I never responded well to that

>> No.3865612

And now you're bettre-informed about several things and know why you were wrong; rectify this shitty thread by deleting it.

>> No.3865610


>> No.3865619

I apologize. Would you please delete this thread? Thank you

>> No.3865621

Clearly OP, you need to lurk moar. Which most newfags learn on /b/ first.

>> No.3865617

As apology I will allow /ck to choose If they would like to know my one and only recipe (no vertical) that I have had any level of experience with. Its for a stew/soup that my friends and I call "stoup" and has a meaty or vegetarian option

>> No.3865623

No. This thread is irredeemable and needs to be deleted.

>> No.3865626

For your information, I have ADHD and am not a teenager. This is called actually apologising. LEARN IT. to every one else. sorry again

>> No.3865622

black text on dark background is impossible to read

>> No.3865627
File: 199 KB, 409x3218, soupbiscuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is autistic in here.

>> No.3865628

post it on /b/

>> No.3865631

Umm I would delete. If i knew how

>> No.3865636

Don't worry. Everyone makes mistakes. You woke up the local, angry, vocal members of the extended troll family. They'll eventually go away. Just lurk more to get a feel of the place, you'll be fine.

>> No.3865637

Fucking autist.

>> No.3865639

Good lord you're an idiot.

>> No.3865640

Thanks, my delicate ego really needed that. Try being helpful and telling me something useful maybe?