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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 342 KB, 946x672, 2012-09-06-084417_1440x900_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3863550 No.3863550 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw the supposed best restaurant in the world's signature dish is a fucking fried egg


>> No.3863577

That looks like fun

>> No.3863583

Oh that is fucking awesome. But yfw looks content and whimsical and it doesn't match your language OP.

>> No.3863586
File: 20 KB, 720x405, vlcsnap-2012-08-20-17h37m04s120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying several hundred euros or whatever to eat shit they picked out of the grass behind the restaurant

>> No.3863605

is it 2000 bucks worth of fun?

>> No.3863614


I don't think eating at Noma actually costs $2000

Also, I'm sure that dish is part of a multiple course tasting menu

>> No.3863621

"the guests are instructed to cook the egg themselves"

>> No.3863624

holy shit that yolk is huge

>> No.3863625

>You pay for the experience
>The experience of paying way too much for a fried egg

It's like I'm really rich.

>> No.3863628

The white looks like it would be undercooked. Unless that sauce he pours on is hot.

>> No.3863629

it's a dug egg yo

>> No.3863632

It looks fun. But the rest of the meal would have to be mindblowing for that price.

>> No.3863633 [DELETED] 



>> No.3863635


>> No.3863636

Hmmm....the fat duck looks more interesting.

>> No.3863639



>> No.3863641

>a single oyster
>burn yourself opening the lid
>get blasted in the face with hot steam
>mfw this guy is just fucking with people now


>> No.3863644


not sure how you derive content and whimsical from that

>> No.3863646

The sea: fucker puts rocks on a plate

>> No.3863649



oh god you aren't making it it

>> No.3863650

>old carrot
>sauce that tastes like cut grass

What the absolute fuck is this?


>> No.3863657

this isn't actually the best restaurant in the world... right guys? right?

>> No.3863658

I laughed at the asparagus video. Just massive bits of pine tree on the plate. I mean do you really need 3 huge bits of pine to remind you what's in the dish?

>> No.3863662

What is "hay oil"?

I've never head of it

>> No.3863664


It was voted best restaurant in the world three years in a row by Restaurant Magazine. However, to put that victory into perspective, prior to this winning, El Bulli won like two or three years in a row, so they won because the magazine clearly loves pretentious wank.

>> No.3863668

The high menu prices. Is that because they use more expensive ingredients? Or are you basically paying for the pirivilege of eating there. I'd be interesting to know what the profit in these places is like compared to somewhere else.

>> No.3863672
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, lol prance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know what's pretentious? Hillbilly shitheel truck drivers criticizing high art.

Take your smoked pork ribs and go watch pro wrestling or something, there are minds at work in this restaurant.

>> No.3863673

>You know what's pretentious?

Frozen sea water and rocks?

>> No.3863674

how much?

>> No.3863683

0:50 You'd be surprised at how many people have never cracked an egg before

What the fuck? How privileged are the people who go to this place that they've never had to crack a fucking egg in their lives?

>> No.3863685

I can crack eggs, but I still have not been able to master the one-hand crack.

>> No.3863701

>paying $10000 for a meal you have to cook yourself
Are you even trying yuropoors?

>> No.3863727

same here but I bet if I spent like 2 minutes on utube Icould find an instrucrtional vid

>> No.3863778

Looking at the website, a 12 course menu costs about 260$.

Don't really see what you guys are crying about. Sour grapes?

>> No.3863795

Is it any worse than the "$5000 burger"?

To be fair, it comes with a complementary rare bottle of wine, which, I shit you not, itself retails for about five grand.

Some people just have money to burn on frivolous shit.

Note: The burger was made with foie gras and truffles. Hardly worth 5 grand by itself.

>> No.3863806

>> Mfw the customers have never cracked an egg before.

It's like the easiest thing to cook short of salad or cereal.

Though to be honest, that egg looks tasty as fuck.

>> No.3863927

Because there is no food so rare as to be actually worth +$1000 for a single serving. Nothing legal anyway. I can see it now, super expensive illegal food for only the most hedonistic and super wealthy.
>California condor egg omelet with panda bacon served on a bed of the finest cocaine.

>> No.3863928

Why the fuck is my mouth watering?


>> No.3863957


It's just a gold brick on a plate. Bon appetit.

>> No.3863967
File: 42 KB, 490x357, rustled-my-jimmies-planet-of-the-apes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're thinking in terms of scarcity and exclusiveness. That sort of mindset is exactly why this nigger is picking his ingredients from the bush behind the restaurant. You see, good, interesting, creative, beautiful things sometimes don't have to be made from Congolese blood diamonds smuggled out of the country in the corpses of starved babies and then cut with the condensed misery of starving Chinese child laborers.

Seriously, the 5 grand burger is trashy, gaudy, cynical pornography banking on rich people ordering them "ironically". Modern Scandinavian cuisine is mostly what you can find within a walking distance from your home, as long as you're perceptive enough to look and open to experimentation. That's a large part of what people pay these guys for, for bringing them things they wouldn't be able to discover on their own.

>inb4 PRETENTIOUS HIPSTER times gorillion

>> No.3864012
File: 25 KB, 450x268, jackie-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best meal in the world
>you have to cook it yourself
>paying money to cook an egg yourself outside your home

this is why I fucking hate the melting pot. shit is over priced for cooking your own food.