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3863034 No.3863034[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tea thread!

>What are you drinking right now?
>What's your favorite tea?
>Best one you've ever tried?
>Do you order online or purchase local?

My personal favorite is from a place called David's Tea. It's a chai guaranara and tastes fan-fucking-tastic. It's so much easier on my stomache then coffee, but still gives me a great boost of energy.

Other then that, what I'm drinking right now is green tea with infused night blooming jasmine. Perfect strait up.

>> No.3863039

I straight up love iced Thai tea. As for hot teas, I drink Japanese green tea or Jasmine.

>> No.3863041
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right now I'm drinking Tulsi tea. It's my favorite for the moment, but I love having as many options for tea as possible. I have 23 different types of tea in my drawer atm

>> No.3863044

I am entirely too jelly. I only have two tins of tea in my cupboard. The Green Jasmine and Cream of Earl Grey...Curse this college student budget of mine!

>> No.3863048

I think my favorite tea is probably silver needles.
Subtle taste, really refreshing.


David's tea is a pretty good place to get tea blends. I love their earl grey. I usually drink it iced with lemon.

>> No.3863052


>Tea with lemon

When I lived in Russia they always insisted I have lemon in my fucking tea. Fuck that.

>> No.3863069

Earl Grey.

Not really tea, but I also enjoy hibiscus petals.

>> No.3863074

I've never understood that myself. At most I'll add some milk or some honey to my tea. At least I drink it strait.

>> No.3863077
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After seeing teas like Birthday Cake and Jellybean being rolled out, I've dropped David's like a hot potato, their tea is way too bizarre and sweet. Teaopia is also going along that same road, but they have a decent white tea called Bai Cui Mei which I am drinking right now. Last week, I ordered from Butiki Tea's and am still waiting for the package, I'm unusually excited.
Pic is my order.

>> No.3863079
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>> No.3863091

>After seeing teas like Birthday Cake and Jellybean being rolled out, I've dropped David's like a hot potato, their tea is way too bizarre and sweet.
>implying birthday cake tea doesn't sound fucking amazing

Also, how does them adding stranger tea affect their already good tea at all? It seems rather childish to "drop them" because of that. Almost a little hipster-esque.

>> No.3863094

What's the best place to buy tea?

>> No.3863095

I'm a big fan of all Bigelow Teas.

Mint being my favourite by far, with a little catnip thrown in.

And chamomile, if I need to get some good rest.
I made the mistake of waking up with a cup of chamomile tea once. I promptly went back to bed.

>> No.3863097
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The only answer to this thread is whatever type of tea we drink in England. Because we only have the one kind and it's fucking amazing.

Green tea is also acceptable.

>> No.3863098

Anyone visit Adagio's website? I'm getting a chocolate chai/coconut ceylon blend, hopefully it'll be delicious.

>> No.3863099

Too bad the birthday cake "tea" is rooibos.

Shit ain't even real tea. Rooibos is nasty.

>> No.3863107

Pardon me, I should have re-phrased that, I tried Birthday Cake and the Jellybean tea. They are disgusting, it's way too sweet, I nearly gagged.

>> No.3863110

Drinking ti kuan yin, favorite is king hsuan Formosa. it's incredibly flavorful. Both are from my local Asian market.

>> No.3863113

Rooibos is weird, I'll give you that. Almost like drinking a sweet fermented mushroom tea.

But I continue to drink it when my allergies get the better of me or when I'm generally feeling shitty, because I always feel so much better when I've had a cup.

>> No.3863115

Ok, so what? They're stocking a wider selection for a broader audience. They didn't stop selling their pure tea's or their traditional blends. They still sell some of the yummiest tea I've had in a long time.

I agree with the other anon, that sounds entirely too hipster-esque.

>> No.3863122

Isn't the traditional english tea just Orange Pekoe? I could be wrong, but that was always my assumption

>> No.3863125

As been mentioned in the thread, I get all mine from David's Tea. There's a whole lot of local places around my city (One at the mall I go through to do grocery shopping), but they also sell their teas online.


>> No.3863130

Anyone ever make chaga tea?

I have a few times and it was pretty decent.

>> No.3863131

Orange pekoe isn't a type/flavor of tea.

It's a grade of black tea. It basically just means they're full leaf.

I tried rooibos once. Took like two or three sips and couldn't do anymore.

It's just way too... Musky? I guess that's a good way to put it.

>> No.3863145

Never even heard of it actually.

>> No.3863154

They do have good pure teas, I do like their Earl Grey, but I'd like to see more of that with the seasonal releases, I would love it if they brought out another traditional oolong tea.

>> No.3863160

I wouldn't even call it hipster.

Hipsters would like the crazy teas.

>> No.3863175

Well you also have to remember, their "Good" teas (Pure teas, traditional blends, ect) are always there to stick around while the seasonal releases come and go. So it's a lot easier to throw out some weird, out there blend for a few months then drop it off after they get new people brought in (Since for the most part, new tea drinkers won't necessarily go for say "Organic Silk Dragon Jasmine", but will be more inclined to try "Strawberry Cheesecake"). Just my two cents.

>> No.3863179

Right now I'm drinking gyokuro, to celebrate the fact that it's already been over a month since moving into my new apartment. (And yesterday I had some of the really premium pu-erh that I got for my last birthday-- the whole weekend's been a celebration when it comes to my tea selections).

I have about a million teas that I love "the most," but these can generally be summed up as pu-erh and various Japanese greens (helloooo, genmaicha!), with lapsang souchong and a few tisanes thrown in there as well.

>> No.3863184

This reminds me. The only people I've ever seen working in a david's tea are hipster chicks. Not that I don't like them.

In comparison, in the place where I get my higher quality teas everyone look like a goddamn hippy.

>> No.3863193

The one I go to always has really friendly girls working there that will always strike up a conversation. I quite enjoy going to my closest one.

Just a question anon, do you live in Toronto? I'd be curious to know where you get your higher quality teas from.

>> No.3863220

Sadly, I live in Montréal not Toronto. I usually get my teas from camellia-sinensis, I think they ship anywere in Canada. But that's irrelevant because there are probably better places in Toronto.

>> No.3863257

I've been curious about that place ever since my sister bought a book written by people who work there. Also heard they have a 'course' about tea as well, thoughts?
I live in Toronto, some places to check out if you are ever in the area are Tealish on Queen St. West and Herbal Infusions on Adelaide St. West

>> No.3863260

i just recently discovered bubble tea as the new love of my life.
So far taro, red bean, and melon milk tea are my favorites...

its a little too hot to enjoy hot tea in my region, so i usually stick to iced, but in the winter i really like ginger peach black tea or jasmine oolong

>> No.3863267

I've heard of herbal infusions from my room mate and she says it's really great. I'll have to check out Tealish though.

>> No.3863275

Actually, they many courses from what I see. You learn about different teas, production methods, infusions, implements and other things related to tea culture. Along with tea tasting of course.

>> No.3863789

hot tea is great in the summer.

>> No.3863833

>Live in the Southern US.
>Order tea...only option SWEET.

I fucking love it.

>> No.3863838

You love only being able to drink sugary tea?

No wonder the south is full of dumb, diabetic, fat fucks.

>> No.3864288

Some high quality sencha + fresh orange zest = mouthgasm

>> No.3864291

Sweet tea is horse shit. Stay there please.

>> No.3864336
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I don't know what's in this tea but is straight-up CRACK. Never had better, and they might be discontinuing it, baww.

>> No.3864337
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>> No.3864345

Green Organic Earl Grey. Was skeptical about it being green tea but its actually really good.

>> No.3864375

Personal favorite is Blueberry Purple Kenyan tea from Butiki Teas. I generally go for tisanes and white and green tea blends. I only really ever add sweeteners to my tea if I'm making an iced tea out of a tisane. I'll add some good quality honey in for those.

Not entirely sure what I'm going to make for this morning, but I bet it'll be Butiki's Cantaloupe & Cream again. The creamy lightness of it just really makes it great for a morning tea.

I almost always order online, from a long list of retailers. When I buy local, there's a gourmet store here that has a decent tea selection of a few dozen. I picked up some Genmaicha and Earl Grey there the other day.

>> No.3864824

Looks like goji berries and pomegranate, chief.

>> No.3864837
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Currently drinking some lapsang souchong tea, a 2011 picking (has been a vacuum sealed pouch the whole time though), mid-grade stuff. Pretty nice to enjoy on a rare non-working Monday.

>> No.3864860
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-Earl Grey or a Peppermint infusion at home
at work however
its tons and tons of instant lyons with a crazy amount of sugar

>> No.3864891

I drink "Detox" Kusmi Tea.

It's green tea and maté with lemon and lemon grass. It's exquisite.

>> No.3864892

I only drink Kava tea.

>> No.3864923

can anyone recommend me a good brand of green tea?

I've been drinking it lately since I've been sick as a dog for the last couple of days and I'd like to start drinking it more often for the health benefits

I'm currently drinking some from yamamotoyama, but from what I've seen in previous tea threads, bagged tea is frowned upon

>> No.3864972

My favorite tea is the turkish tea

>> No.3864973

Now that I'm on my internship I drink the tea I can get at the hotel I work at. They have bags of Earl Grey, English breakfast, oolong and sencha. They're really good, especially the english breakfast with a bit of milk in it.

When I'm home I have either Kusmi brand chocolate and spice black tea or jasmine dragon pearls

>> No.3865099

It comes from a fungus called, "Inonotus obliquus". It looks like a big black burnt conk on paper birch, but is acutually a fungus.

I used to sell wild mushrooms at a farmer's market and was thinking about selling chaga. I sliced some fruiting bodies, dried them in a dehydrator, and ground them in a coffee grinder.

The resulting tea was nice - almost tasted like tea with all the tannins. Lots of research going into it right now.

>> No.3865147
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