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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3857481 No.3857481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Admit it, if you lived here like me you'd hate it. 和食 is just shit. It's all flavorless or weakly pickled bullshit. Japan is a volcanic island so they don't grow much of anything that has flavor. Every grocery store carries the same boring staples of carrots, daikon, cucumber, and seasonal eggplant. That's about it. If you want a bell pepper you pay like 2 USD for one the size of a baby's fist. Everything has sugar in it seemingly. And the only option I can find even at bakeries is white bread. No rye, no sourdough, no pumpernickel. No wonder Japanese people are scared of traveling abroad, they might have to experience more than 3 colors and flavors.

>> No.3857484

Grass is greener on the other side, OP...

>> No.3857489

Here's an idea if you're in Japan OP... Stop eating like a white person.

>> No.3857491
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such is the paradox of /ck/. they love Japanese food, which is known for mild and subtle flavors, yet they hate anything "bland".

>> No.3857502

And...eat white rice?

>> No.3857695

>japan is a volcanic island so they don't grow much of anything that has flavor
stopped reading

>> No.3857703

lel trolls gonna troll


>> No.3857708

Aside from a few weeaboos, most of /ck/ hates Japanese food.

>> No.3857717

I like sushi, but I will beat a motherfucker if he tries to tell me that I'm eating it "wrong". I'm not in goddamn tokyo. I'll eat the ginger with my sushi, asshole.

>> No.3857719

legit, non-instant ramen is the dankest shit
japan has some pretty great comfort/junk foods

>> No.3857744
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Japanese food comes in two styles:
Bland or Fermented, but all of it tastes like smokey fish.

>> No.3857750


>eating ginger with your sushi

Don't you fucking dare go there bro

>> No.3857759
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Weeaboo detected.

>> No.3857765


You must be new here.

>> No.3857772

>/ck, where a bit of raw fish and vinegar-fish is considered art, but a well made risotto is plebeian food.

>> No.3857773


Risotto tastes like shit every time I have had it.

Anyway, because you're THAT big of a retard, I was referencing to the great ginger on sushi debate from a thread from last night. It's still on the front page, even.

>> No.3857775


"Well I've had poor examples of a specific food a few times, must be shit tier"
>ck logic
>all of my rage

If you like fish, you don't need a million strong flavors to compliment it. Japanese fish/Sushi is good. But I grew up in a family of fishing, so I am biased. Also grilled meat on a stick, and tempura are tasty, but they aren't the first culture to cherish grilling and frying shit, and there are others that do it better frankly.

Japanese food away from sushi/sashimi is fucking whack. Period. (with the a fore mentioned exemptions)

>> No.3857776

I've never been impressed with actual food from Asian Countries. To my surprise/horror the only thing they actually do well is McDonalds where the food is much better there than the shit they serve in America.

And I say this as a person who is quite proud of their sushi skills.

>> No.3857777

That's why it was so easy to find kamikazi pilots during WWII. They didn't have anything to live for.

>> No.3857779

I agree mostly but I must admit, kimchi is pretty awesome.

>> No.3857780


Thai, chinese, and SE asia arn't interesting? China alone... how can you write china off? Arguably one of the most culturally rich cuisines...

>> No.3857781

china has all sorts of god tier food

>> No.3857782

Americanized chinese food bursts with flavor and originality. Actual chinese food is bland and typically sucks ass.

>> No.3857787


Now you are just trolling.

Sure regular shops/stalls etc. ok. But that is similar to putting McDonald's or Black Angus on the same level as Micheline star place or something.

Get the fuck out of here, pleb.

>> No.3857785
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>Americanized chinese food bursts with flavor and originality.

>> No.3857786

Ok I forgot how fucking good Peking Duck was in China. I wish I had spent more time there. But Japan, Worst Korea, and Philippines never really impressed me.

>> No.3857790
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Risotto sucks.

>> No.3857791
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The Westerners complain that Japanese food is too bland.

The Japanese complain that Western food is too sweet or too salty, or to greasy.

To each his own. Deal with it faggots.

>> No.3857793


practice more.

>> No.3857794
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>Trip to China to get easy credits for college
>The longest most unbearable flight I've ever had
>We get off and everyone is starving
>Go to lunch at fancy restaurant
>People order chicken and various other dishes
>The restaurant leaves the chicken head, as that's proof of how fresh it was
>Girl starts crying, some laugh, others start complaining about how it's gross
>The restaurant feels bad and gives us an order of French Fries hoping to please us Amerifats

Man back then it was funny, but now I just realize how annoying it must be to deal with American tourists.

>> No.3857801
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>> No.3857803

Listen, sport. I'm an American. I grew up in America. From the age of 17-21 I lived and travelled across China. I know precisely WTF I'm talking about. Chinese food sucks ass. Americanized Chinese food is 100 times better. Deal with it.

>> No.3857805

I just ordered that device in OP's pic. I just want to make Tuna Rolls. I fucking love Tuna Rolls

>> No.3857809

Was that one of those spend thousands of dollars for tours disguised as a class deals? My school had a Criminology program to go to Israel and see how their police function, with stops at every religious spot along the way. They wanted 5 grand, but my uncle talked me out of it as he had just got back and said as a quasi-Christian he felt so out of place with people crying for joy at these landmarks.

>> No.3857811

Smart move. Enjoy.

>> No.3857813
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Risotto is grits for rich people.

>> No.3857815

0/10 stay American

>> No.3857816

Yeah basically. I got several credits, was able to party all night drinking shitty alcohol, and made a few friends. Was worth it but damn everything they say about Americans is true.

I think it's because we treat Mexico like shit and Canada is pretty much America Jr. Just like how home schooled children don't learn how to socialize Americans don't bother to socialize with other countries.

>> No.3857823

Staying American is just about the smartest move an American can make. A world traveler like myself (during the 90s and 00's) will attest that food abraod is definitely an experience to enjoy - but the best foods are right here at home. The best experiences I've had was traveling the states. America is an oral orgasm.

>> No.3857826
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>girl cries at sight of chicken head on cooked chicken
>others complain about it being gross

Maybe it's because I grown up seeing stuff like this being an Asian, but is it really a big deal as an American to see the head of the animal you're eating? It seems kind of absurd to me, to cry over something like that. Nor is it gross, some people really like the head to eat.

>french fries as compensation for the "faux pas"
100% trolled by Chinese

>> No.3857832
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Americans experience a very big disconnect between their dinner tables and the animals they eat. As far as they're concerned, what munches on grass and what's packed in plastic in the meat section of the grocery store are two completely different things. Personally, I can't stand heads still attached to my meal.

>> No.3857856

if you like fat grease and salt, that is

>> No.3857868


>heads or eyeballs

that's a no for me too, something deep inside me wretches and screams that it's wrong

pork jowl bacon is delicious though

>> No.3857872

Not even close.

>> No.3857873

that's just...wrong

most every thread is about people putting too many condiments in food, or too many hfcs additives or msg and shit.

>> No.3857874
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Japanese here
i also hate jap food, "its good because its Japanese" shit is retarded. Americans took it literally, and weeaboos live by it. Japanese people are nationalistic fucks, and their "sayings" are not correct most of the time.

i prefer Korean food, or Thai

call the police

>> No.3857882


It's not like people don't understand what they're eating. They don't think beef comes from the beef dimension or anything. It's just less discomforting to not be faced with the grim fact that what you're eating was once conscious. How the fuck could you eat something that's looking right at you? You would have to lack pretty much any empathy for animals I guess that's why asians eat cats and dogs and shit.

Yeah it's probably hypocritical, but who fucking cares. We don't have to deal with that shit so why should we.

>> No.3857884

This is the fucking problem, Japanese tend to be completely ignorant of the world outside even their own neighborhood. All the time at school or work people TELL me all this shit about how America DEFINITELY is or how Americans DEFINITELY are when they do the same things or worse.

>Anon, you don't like soda? Aren't you American?
You can't walk out of sight of a vending machine in Tokyo
>Anon, you like pork more than beef? Aren't you American?
Bitches don't know about my southern bbq
>American food is so (fill in the blank)
Japanese fried chicken is way greasier, fattier, and gristlier than anything I ever had in the US. Whole milk is the norm it seems, all bread is sweetened, all drinks are sweetened. People put sugar in their milk. Everyone drinks juice constantly. All chicken breast comes with the skin and tendons.

Seriously every complaint they make describes the usual state of Japanese food.

>> No.3857887

>tempura are tasty, but they aren't the first culture to cherish grilling and frying shit, and there are others that do it better frankly.
Okay I'm genuinely curious, who on Earth makes better fried food than tempura? And yes I know tempura isn't originally from Japan, that's not the point. I love real tempura, where its light, flaky, not super greasy, and not made with shit ass vegetable oil. If there is something better I want to try it.

And for anyone who has never been to Japan, 90% of the tempura from restaurants sucks. They fry it in vegetable oil so it leaves an aftertaste and they don't prepare the batter properly (because that would take time and effort). Only the Tempura specialty restaurants do it justice (yes they have restaurants dedicated to tempura). My own recipe is pretty decent too.

>> No.3857894

>Americans experience a very big disconnect between their dinner tables and the animals they eat. As far as they're concerned, what munches on grass and what's packed in plastic in the meat section of the grocery store are two completely different things
That's an inaccurate generalization; many millions of Americans hunt and many times that number fish.

>> No.3857901

Japanese food is ridiculously overrated. Go to a nice restaurant in a coastal city in Australia or the US and you'll get far better seafood.

And if nasty overcooked vegetables is your thing (the only other thing they do) you'll love my Nan's sunday roast in England.

>> No.3857902

And you just reminded me. Australia is right there, Japan. New Zealand is right there. Why don't you eat lamb? Hell I even like mutton and goat. I want to see it on a menu more than at a shitty Indian place that gives me like 30g of meat in my curry.

>> No.3857917

>See this thread 3 days before I move to Japan

Well fuck me.

>> No.3857935

I never ate any Japanese food. I even live in Japan and I wont eat that crap. I go to restaurant I will get the closest thing that isnt what Americans call garbage and eat that. I will get the fried pork, chopped steak (which they call hamburg or some shit) or I will pop down to the KFC, Freshness Burger, MOS burger and buy food. I wont eat that their disgusting raw fish head soup crap. I also wont eat with sticks, I dont live in the fucking woods so I wont eat with sticks. If the restaurant doesnt have proper utensils I will get up and leave. Drives my wife nuts.

>inb4 trolling

I am not trolling, this is my feeling.

>> No.3857950

when you think about it japan and england have a lot in common

they both love tea and curry, and their indigenous food is completely devoid of spices

>> No.3857957

The English have the good sense to adopt other cultures food and have a thriving restaurant scene.

The Japanese just do Japanese.

>> No.3857959


True, but Japan focuses more on simplistic methods of food preparation that enhance the qualities of the ingredients. British people won't eat any meal that's not been by degrees baked, roasted, boiled and fried until the things that went into it can no longer be easily identified.

>> No.3857962

Actually, most steak over here is served rare to medium-rare and thankfully most places don't do weird sauces or garlic butter or any nonsense.

Plate of rump steak, some thick chips and onion rings with some salad, proper meal.

>> No.3857965

That and a good sunday roast.

Anyway, somethings need to be cooked over a long period of time; mutton for instance.

>> No.3857966
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also this whole thread is a troll thread
Come on guys
Japan only doesn't do super sweet bullshit, they make liquor, beer, have amazing pork dishes in all kinds of veriety, donburi is excellent and harty, not every meal has to be 和食, but I gaurentee you'll probably live longer if you have one once in a while, Japan is actually the only place I've ever been where I was served salad for breakfast and it was good, the greens tasted good, the tomatoes where amazing, sweet, and didn't taste slimy. the only complaint I had was the milk wasn't cold enough for me. (Japanese people don't really like cold drinks for some reason) Soba is amazing and varied, there's all kinds of veriety of soups, and all kinds of stews and gently cooked meals, Okonomiyaki, and other grilling savory meals are plentiful and easy to make, they definately have great fish. OP's idea that Japanese food is bad is clearly trolling because he has such as stereotypical view of what Japanese people always eat, like they have no veriety, and everything is bland. Clearly this guy has never had a flavored egg out of a piping hot bowl of tonkatsu or other noodle soups. Not only that, but their toppings and sauces go great on a ton of american food to boot.

>> No.3857971

Nori on a hotdog?


>> No.3857974

don't forget your mayonnaise and caramelized onion. I prefer bonito over nori though.

>> No.3857979


Pretty sure rare steak was brought to us by the French back when they were dominating the upper classes. But I could be wrong. Anyway, none of those things are something that I'd consider a component of traditional British cooking. If we're talking about things that are popular now then Chicken Tikka Masala would top the list, which is obviously heavily spiced.

>> No.3857984

Start bitching when all you have is northern european food to eat OP.

>> No.3858000

But how can you eat a steak in Britain if you can't have a knife to cut it?

>> No.3858010


I don't get it.

>> No.3858012


He's an Amerifat implying that firearms being banned in the UK is basically the same as the government not allowing us access to any items that could hurt ourselves or others. Because like knives, guns have hundreds of practical uses aside from killing things, like... uh...

>> No.3858013

>implying knives aren't banned in Britain

>> No.3858016


Are you talking about combat knives, butterfly knives, switchblades and the like? Knives specifically designed for killing people?

Oh I feel so oppressed. When will my government respect my right to violently attack others? I wish I lived in the US where their government doesn't worry about silly things like granting everyone the right to vote and instead focuses on the important stuff, making sure that everyone can easily access deadly weaponry.

>> No.3858023

>i dun knu how to googl
No, I am not.

>> No.3858027



Section: Illegal Knives

Don't worry about it, I personally enjoy educating people on 4chan.

>> No.3858034

since you apperantly do, why dont you shove a fucking corc in it? gun deaths hardly kill anyone, given how HUGE our country is and how many places to hide criminal activities, having guns is a good idea, if youre locked in a densely populated island, not so much, why don't you get over your provincialism retarded view of the world and come to realize nations can't adopt a universal strategy to dealing with problems and expect it to be universally effective.

>> No.3858051

>knives aren't allowed in public places
>"In this case, public place is meant as anywhere accessible to the public, so for example a private campsite, which members of the public must book to use, is a public place. Also, knives should only be carried to and from and used at the location where they are needed. For example, leaving a knife in a car for use when you go fishing would be illegal. It should be taken back into the house each time you use the car."
>this applies to all types of knives
>all types
>hurr durr combat switchblade murder knives durr

>> No.3858054

>In recent years, laws criminalising knife possession in the United Kingdom have been strictly interpreted and applied by police and prosecutors to citizens and foreigners alike of all ages and backgrounds, even where the evidence supporting the crime is in doubt. This development, combined with increasingly frequent application of such laws to marginal or inadvertent offenders by the police and the public prosecutor can easily result in an arrest and a criminal charge in the event a person carrying a folding knife, scissors, plastic knife, multi-tool, or bladed object is detained and searched, and the defendant may have to wait weeks or months for a trial or other disposition of his case by the public prosecutor.

Well at least it keeps you safe from murder

>Paradoxically, the acknowledged failure of previously-enacted anti-knife legislation in reducing the number of violent crimes involving a knife has led to demands for even stricter measures.
>By March 2007, up to 60,000 young people in England and Wales were being stabbed and injured each year in crimes of knife violence, the equivalent of more than 160 victims a day, despite increasingly severe laws against the carrying of knives, a stricter interpretation of those laws by public prosecutors, and numerous crackdown campaigns by the police, including the use of mass public searches using metal detectors.

Huh, apparently not.

>> No.3858056

>Hur Dur lets just make murder illegal, then criminals won't kill people because criminals are such law abiding citizens.

>> No.3858072

Yes. I've only had sushi once. I enjoyed it but only because of the novelty of having Japanese food.

>> No.3858073


This sorta falls down completely flat really.

If britain had easily accesible guns, gun crime would go up.

Since we dont, we have knife crime. You may argue that this means we might as well have guns anyway. Which is of course nonsense, because knives dont have an automatic setting.

Which is not to say we cant have guns either. I own nine. we merely have actual policing over it beyond 'yeah, that guy doesnt look like a fucking liberal. give him his gun'.

I also carry a pocket knife in public places and have never gotten any trouble for it. Ive even used it right in front of police officers for various reasons and surprise surprise - i havent been rugby tackled to the ground.

Fucks sake, we shouldnt even have to explain why our laws on weapons make more sense than yours.

>> No.3858074
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>beef comes from the beef dimension or anything

>> No.3858089
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>because knives dont have an automatic setting.

>> No.3858093

>Fucks sake, we shouldnt even have to explain why our laws on weapons make more sense than yours.

Like how OC spray is banned? Like how they had to call in a bomb squad to "disarm" a 22lr? And how a fixed blade is somehow determined less deadly than a folding blade?

>because knives dont have an automatic setting.
You're fucking stupid.

>> No.3858112
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>> No.3858118

>knife laws don't prevent or deter knife violence
>convinced gun laws would prevent or deter gun violence

>> No.3858125


Kindl piss off back to /k/.

>> No.3858199
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Your butthurt is showing.

>> No.3858201

If knife crime isnt effected by laws then gun laws will decrease gun crime
Therefore legislation is effective.

>> No.3858216
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>> No.3858221

Its >>3858118 just in the form of a valid argument.

>> No.3858237

>>Everything has sugar in it seemingly
My brother has been telling me this.
And the thing about vegetables being expensive isunderstandable, but I'd hate to have to live on pickles rather than fresh vegetables

>> No.3858254

As a foreigner in Japan, I have to agree with OP.

Sure, sushi is good...tempura is good...blah blah blah, there ARE good dishes. But in general, most foods and dishes are quite mild and simple. Nothing that really stimulates the palette. People who say otherwise are a) Japanese b) massive faggot weeaboos c) never lived in japan.

I'm not saying the food is terrible. But the food isn't wonderful (but Japanese people think their food is the best in the world, among other things). Being Mexican, I fucking LOVE spicy things. But chili-spice is impossible to come across here because even a jalapeño such little spice it tastes like a bellpepper would have them rolling on the floor screaming ITAAAAI ITAAAAAI!

>> No.3858258

Having sushi for the first time in my life in a few hours.

Anything I specific I should think about? Should I just experiment like crazy?

>> No.3858259

Just out of curiosity, what was the basic japanese meal? Basic chinese was white rice, dumplings, and bok choy and it was fucking awesome. (Needless to say the basic mexican meal is in a league of it's own)

>> No.3858267


I can't really say because I live on my own and don't speak japanese well enough to constant eat with japanese people at home.

But very common for breakfast is bread, jam and fruit or something......or rice, miso soup and fish/natto.

I guess basically the set up is plain white rice, some japanese veggies, and some meat, usually fish. And common flavors are soy sauce and miso paste.

>> No.3858275

I was in China for a few weeks, and I found it VERY bland/boring/meh-tier. Yeah, the Peking duck was fantastic, but their soups were water with a floating egg.

>> No.3858280

That could be said about any country to be honest if you don't know where to look. Every meal I had there, except for the breakfast, was delicious. Hot pots, lamb shanks, fat fried pigeons, peking duck, delicious curry, a bunch of street food, and other things. Because my relatives lived in Macau, we would bounce between there and mainland china trying to get to the best places to eat, as well as try more far-out stuff like duck's tongue, duck blood soup, pig's ears and such.

>> No.3858311

hmmm i wonder what city in the world has the most three-starred restaurants

>> No.3858339

do euros really believe most American gun owners are running around with automatic weapons?
so glad I never have to meet these faggots.

Regarding OP, I love many types of cuisine considered bland as well as spicy food(especially Thai curry). Variety is the spice of life, man.

>> No.3858345
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If knife crime isn't affected by knife legislation, maybe dropping gun regulation will reduce knife crime. It makes perfect sense!

>> No.3858355
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>we merely have actual policing over it beyond 'yeah, that guy doesnt look like a fucking liberal. give him his gun'.

This is exactly how it works in the U.S., dipshit. Grats on your generalization.

Isn't it tea time over there?

>> No.3858358

>anyone considering japanese seafood high tier
>not even mentioning baja godtier

>> No.3858538

I come from an Iranian background and one of our delicacies is goat head. You have it for breakfast after boiling it for a few hours. The cheek meat is just so tender and delicious. the eyeball want anything special, but the tongue is a separate dish on its own. Brain is too mushy and strong for me.

>> No.3858698
File: 25 KB, 459x335, Scottwhatareyoudoing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a hell of a thread, it's like /k/, /ck/ and /pol/ decided to all go here and start banging pots and pans together to make random noises.

>> No.3858704

the ammount of times i've been b& from /ck/ for posting "irrelevant bullshit" etc
and yet the mod lets this one run

fuck off

>> No.3858734

He is talking about food, to be fair. You were probably derailing threads into a circle jerk about yourself.

>> No.3859050

> valid argument
You don't know the meaning of the words. Knife laws don't effect knife crime, therefore gun laws won't effect gun crime. It's not a difficult concept to understand.

>This brings us to the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result

>> No.3859073

Rice, a tiny amount of fish or other meat if you are lucky, a few pickled vegetables, some fresh vegetables if you are lucky, and some other extra thing (like a dumpling, a fried dumpling, or a piece of tempura). Many tiny courses.

I bet the jews started this.