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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3853552 No.3853552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just woke up and was greeted with this. Tell me more about your roommates, /ck/.

>> No.3853554
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>> No.3853553
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>> No.3853557

That's a cool sink
living alone master race reporting

>> No.3853559

It has two taps.
I'll take a photo of it once I clean all this shit up.

>> No.3853560

>Leaving the milk out to go bad.
Holy fuck they should be shot.

>> No.3853565

How did they even Use all those dishes?
Also, it's funny that your sink has two taps when your roommate won't even use one.

>> No.3853566

I feel for you, OP. Have the exact same issue. Will post pics here soon.

>> No.3853570

He just texted me.
>i see your thread
>i used the ash tray to make a sandwich with the ham trim in the fridge

>> No.3853571

>He just texted me
>i see your thread

Then you (OP's roommate) should know that you're a giant faggot that should be castrated and have dicks stuffed in all holes, you fucking douchebag.

>> No.3853573

Oh, and you need to concentrate on your class, Nick.
Fucking ass.

>> No.3853575
File: 411 KB, 2048x1216, shit1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To show you're not the only one who has a shit-tier roommate, OP.

Fuck, I can't wait for mid-November.

>> No.3853578
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>> No.3853579

I'd rather have some dirty dishes in the morning that I assume will be cleaned up by my roommate later, than to be woken up by him washing up in the middle of the goddamn night.

>> No.3853580
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>> No.3853581

Wow, your shit is fucking mild. Try living with three girls. Everything is disgusting. How can any human being be so sloppy and disgusting?

>> No.3853584
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>> No.3853585
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>> No.3853591
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Fucking douchebag. I'm sorry that doing dishes for a half hour/day takes soooooo much out of your EQ2/reruns of "Murder, She Wrote"/only working 4 hours a day, 4 days a week...

>> No.3853592

Oh my god..

>> No.3853597

And the weirdest part is that you've always assumed women to be the cleaner gender.

>> No.3853595

Yeah. And I'm the only one who does ANYTHING. I stopped washing his dollar-store cutlery months ago. Nigger can't be bothered to rinse shit out after making his ramen...

>> No.3853601


I don't see any mold on anything you pussies.

>> No.3853602
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I see nothing wrong with any of these pictures.

Pic related, it's my microwave.

>> No.3853610

OP here, I went to my parent's house for the week about a month ago, and when I came back I saw some chocolate milk/etc just sitting in the glasses by the sink. Sure enough there was mould in them.
Sigh. I really, really don't understand what's so hard about cleaning dishes. I mean come on, it only take 10-20 minutes tops.

>> No.3853611
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>salad cream

>> No.3853620


Fuck me, most modern apartments and homes come stock with dishwashers. It's not even 20 minutes. It's 5 minutes to unload the clean dishes, load the dirty ones, drop in a soap caplet, close and lock the door, and switch it on.

If you're really nasty, you don't even need to worry about washing your hands afterwards, just wipe them on your shirt.

>> No.3853625
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>most modern apartments

Where the hell do you live?! Have you BEEN in an apartment lately?

>> No.3853632

I'm not
But I live in Texas, and every single apartment I've ever rented (which is about 5 now) has had a dishwasher. They're pretty standard.
All the homes/apartments my friends have rented or bought came with dishwashers, too.
Where do you live?

>> No.3853635

give him the dick

>> No.3853638


The guy you're responding to, here.

I'm actually currently sitting in my 4-year old complex, running a load of dishes in my dishwasher.

The three other complexes I've lived in, in Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas, also had dishwashers standard, and they ranged from being 15-year old complexes, to the newest, the 4-year old one I currently reside in in Georgia.

I'm not lying when i say I don't quite understand why you're laughing at me.

>> No.3853642


Oh, I feel it's also important to note that in the probably 50-80+ complexes I've looked at when considering the four different complexes I've lived in over the years, as well as looking around when time came to renew or end my lease, nevermind all the dozens of complexes my various friends have lived in, I have never, not one single time that I can recall, seen a complex that did NOT have a dishwasher standard with the apartment.

>> No.3853644

>the south

Dude, from a man in the midwest (Indiana here), a dishwasher in the apartment beefs up the rent like $200 because it's considered a luxury, and the niggers (and there's a lot of niggers up here) would tear it apart if they had one.

So, to me, having a dishwasher costs money. Money I don't have.

(On an off note, has anyone ever used one of those portable dishwashers with any luck?)

>> No.3853647


You do realize the South, particularly Georgia, are where the niggers came from, right?

What the hell kind of weirdass brand of niggers do you have that they're worse than even 'Dirty South' niggers?

>> No.3853650

>What the hell kind of weirdass brand of niggers do you have

The welfare kind.

>> No.3853653



I don't think you understand.

>> No.3853654


But, then again, I'm sure the <$400 a month shitholes don't have dishwashers, but around here, decently priced apartments/homes start at about $580 a month, and that's been about the average everywhere I've lived. They all have dishwashers.

Of course, I refuse to look at residences in an area where I'm genuinely worried I might come down in the morning to find my truck on blocks, or get held up when checking my mail.

>> No.3853656

I guess not, but here in Indiana (to get back on topic), a dishwasher = more $$$

>> No.3853655


Nope, not even once.

>> No.3853659

I've been told that the rent for an apartment should be about what you make in a week's worth of work. With my wife and I, we make around $450/wk, after taxes.

We've also been looking at renting a house too, since that'll be better for everything...

>> No.3853660


Eh, too, the cost of a rental is obviously going to increase based on how dense the population is in that given area.

I've always rented while in the military, and outside major bases, so I suppose it makes sense that most of the complexes have a pretty similar rate - BAH doesn't change much at all between postings, unless it's somewhere crazy like Miami, DC, LA, etc.

>> No.3853671

Hey OP, I notice you're an Ausfag. Whereabouts do you live?

>> No.3853688

I have those same glasses OP.
They are kind of big but they were free so why the fuck not.

>> No.3853689

i'm so happy that i live alone in a small studio apartment

no wait, i'm depressed and lonely

fuck you op

>> No.3853697

why on earth would you think that?
OP is English i can tell from the ASDA products

>> No.3853705

Stay out of this tripfag

>> No.3853707

He's clearly British....

>> No.3853747

Yeah, I'm just south of Birmingham. Also look at the flag on the milk.

>> No.3853750

I have a wife. She is 26 and i am 35. She cleans, I cook. Life is good. The end.

>> No.3853761

One of my roommates is incredibly neurotic but not exactly a neat freak, yet at the same time he is a germaphobe. He is allergic to a few different meats (hooved animals supposedly) but he takes this as an invitation to eat almost nothing but granola, rice and spinach and to drink chocolate soy milk. It's kind of disgusting really. He also feels better paying twice as much for smaller portion ingredients at trader joes, but I guess he's never really cooked a meal in his life anyway since everything he eats can simply be mixed or cooked in the microwave. He also chomps and smacks his lips a lot when he eats, it's very obnoxious.

He's a nice guy and all but those "habits" really really get on my nerves.

>> No.3853769

I could never live with somebody else. Their "habits" always end up getting on my nerves, even if they don't affect me.

>> No.3853771

yeah I prefer the solitary life, really, we shared a room last year and his habits nearly drove me to the brink. New apartment has separate rooms for all four of us this year so I can at least shut out the annoying habits when I close my door and play music

>> No.3853778

my roomates are my fiance and her twin sister.

we have it set up where

i cook and have trash duty
my fiance does the dishes and laundry
her sister takes care of the cats and floor.

works for us

>> No.3853780

also i get to see naked twins all the time.....win

>> No.3853786

>naked twins

2/10 You had me going there for a moment.

>> No.3853788

never at the same time but my fiance is obvious and her sister walks around naked all the time because she doesnt give a fuck and neither do we.

>> No.3853789

fat twins, right?

>> No.3853791


5'2 and 130lbs.
d cups and black hair.

brand new comp or i would post pics.

>> No.3853793

>brand new comp or i would post pics.

you have to. please?

>> No.3853794


is he twelve?

>> No.3853796

>brand new comp or i would post pics.

Demoted to 1/10. Now you're trying to cover.

>> No.3853803


That's not too bad. They're just a bunch of dishes. They're not moldy or covered in filth and flies; I'm not sure how long they've been out but it seems like a couple days.

I'll confess, when I don't feel like doing dishes I'll occasionally just let them soak in the sink overnight.
I don't see anything wrong with it.

Call me back when your stove is falling apart, your microwave is broken and the inside of your fridge is covered in old soy sauce.

>> No.3853807

amazonians confirmed

>> No.3853809

Pick one.

>> No.3853810

yeah I do the same, not a big deal

>> No.3853813

I can't stand my roommate either. He opens up loafs of bread, flips them over and considered them closed. Everything he does is fucking annoying.

>> No.3853816

But he DIDN'T soak them, I leave my super greasy dishes soaking overnight in water mixed with palmolive, or really caked on shit in warm water, but fuck, he couldn't make the fucking effort to fill the sink up with water at least?

>> No.3853849
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So I lived with my sister for a while last year and I'll admit that I rarely clean BUT I leave everything in a state where it won't grow mold, rot or attract vermin.
My sister however didn't understand this concept. She would leave bowls with cauliflower and cheese sauce sitting around the house for months at a time and then complain about the smell and the cockroaches. She'd call me dirty but bitch, I'm untidy, not dirty.

Worst thing I ever did was forget to scrape out the rice cooker before going out for a few days, it looks somewhat like a grey forest when I got back.

>> No.3853860

clearly them being 5'2" 130lbs is a lie

>> No.3853864
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>Mfw I'm 5' 9"

>5'2 and 130lbs
That sounds a bit overweight

>> No.3853944

Nah, man, that's just chubby enough to have a nice set of tits and ass and in general enough to grab onto and play with without it being gross. God damn I love me some slightly chubby girls.