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3853104 No.3853104[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Coffee or Tea?

>> No.3853105

Coffee, because I am a heterosexual male.

>> No.3853109


My hippy, liberal, NRA, commie roommates drink coffee though.
Horrible stuff, stains your teeth.

>> No.3853113

Tea. I like the smell of coffee, I like some sugary things with coffee in them, but if I'm drinking it I'd rather do a good cup of tea.

>> No.3853120

Coffee. But not instant, VIA is the only decent instant coffee.

>> No.3853126


I usually prefer black tea, but I can stomach pretty much anything as long as its not too bitter

>> No.3853138


Maybe I just haven't been exposed to how much variety coffee may have, but I know about the ridiculous variety of teas. I can have tea for any and every occasion and mood - floral tea, astringent tea, flavored tea of all kinds, naturally caffeine-free, tea made from coffee beans, etc. There's just so much to it.

>> No.3853139

Both. Typically iced coffee in the morning and hot tea in the afternoon.

>> No.3853143

>tea made from coffee beans

Sounds interesting. Care to explain?

>> No.3853149

Whats the best tea for someone who has never drank tea before? Im devoted to drinking espressos but would like to broaden my tastes to tea.

Ideally would like to try something that doesnt require milk and sugar. Suggestions?

>> No.3853150

PG tips yo.

>> No.3853152

Any quality orange pekoe tea would be a good place to start. It's not orange flavor, orange pekoe is just the grading for the tea. It's essentially simple black tea of good quality.

>> No.3853154

>Ideally would like to try something that doesnt require milk and sugar

the only tea that requires milk is masala chai.
seeing as you're so used to coffee, you might want to go for stronger black teas.
lapsang souchong has a nice smoky flavor to it, almost bacony.

>> No.3853155
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Ah, there's lots of tea blends with coffee beans in them. Usually blended with black tea, sometimes almonds. Here's one example of it: http://www.drinkteaves.com/java/

"Black tea blend, cocoa beans, barley, coffee beans, chicory."

>> No.3853158

You could always try the coffee flavored tea, as in >>3853155, to help transition.

>> No.3853159

woah. Surely yorkshire tea and the like requires milk. Only hipsters and faggots don't have milk in anything other than speciality teas

>> No.3853162

That sounds fucking delicious. Shame it's in the US.

>> No.3853163

>bagged tea
found your problem.
even then the only reason to put milk in it is to cool it down a little quicker.

>> No.3853169

Loose tea is just too weak. And let's be honest, teabags are an institution in the uk. Milk gives it a tad of creamyness anyway, especially if it's full fat or semi-skimmed.

>> No.3853177


Thanks for the suggestions.

Also, How big is the difference between loose leaf and tea bags? Between instant and coffee beans its huge, and to me it doesnt even seem to be the same drink.

And how to use loose leaf?

>> No.3853178

>loose tea

Something tells me you aren't doing things right. You can always add more loose tea and increase the steeping time if you want something stronger anyway.

>> No.3853180

bagged tea is weak. loose is the good stuff, man.
not saying creaminess is bad, but it's only /required/ in a masala chai or a thai iced tea.

>> No.3853185

It's just a big a difference as coffee beans/instant.

To use loose leaf, you'll need an infuser or a fancy teapot like Adagio's IngenuiTEA.

>> No.3853186

If you think teabags are weak you aren't buying the right shit bro. I'm gussing you're american?

>> No.3853193

you YOU think LOOSE LEAF is weak, YOU aren't buying the right shit.

>> No.3853194

As >>3853178, I never said anything about teabags being weak. I did say that loose leaf tea was not weak. That doesn't imply that teabags are then weak instead.

>> No.3853196

Aight, what stuff should I get? Bear in mind I drink my coffee black, I'd like a slightly bitter blend.

>> No.3853198

In the UK?

>> No.3853202


>> No.3853204

I'm partial to both, when it's heavily creamed and sugar filled coffee and lightly sweetened iced tea.

>> No.3853211

Ah darn, I mostly know US based sites. But here's a couple anyway:

"Imagine a fine dark chocolate melted down and infused with hibiscus. That is the aroma of this tea. It is so rich and fruity it even reminds us of a fine, light roasted coffee. The flavor is so full bodied it evokes the wafting smoke from the smoldering cedar wood embers of a long-extinguished fire. This mouthfeel is followed up by an engaging tart and warming quality. Clove and orange peel assert themselves with the woody cedar flavor. Later steepings yield to an unexpected savory flavor like thick-cut kettle chips and cayenne pepper. The potato flavor grows into a burdock root aftertaste."

"A bold but smooth, fruity taste with a lingering, mellow aftertaste"

>> No.3853217

Dayum. That first one especially sounds really good. I'll have to check if it's in shops here. Thanks anon.

>> No.3853222


Perhaps you could suggest something from whittard.co.uk for the English, theres quite a large selection on there.

>> No.3853223

Yeah, Verdant Tea hasn't let me down yet. Hope you find something that works for you!

>> No.3853232

yeh, whittards is great, don't know if it's available in the US but you should check out their hot chocolate range. White chocolate and raspberry is the best thing ever. Shame their on the verge of bankruptcy though.

>> No.3853234

I have no clue how their products taste though. Teas of the same name from different retailers are often vastly different in taste. Whittard in particular seems to get pretty low ratings on their unflavored teas.

The Sticky Toffee Pudding /sounds/ good though.

>> No.3853237

Ive only used Whittard for their coffee. Their Blue Mountain Jamaican is wonderful, albeit expensive. But in general, all very nice coffees.

Argh...there is so many things i wanna buy myself, but im shit poor right now.

>> No.3853249

I drink both regularly

>not also drinking mate

>> No.3853256

I'm gonna sell my old ass bmx and use the money to buy all my vice. Haven't had fine coffee at home since forever.

>> No.3853258


Do it. Student loan day is here on the 24th. 2k coming in. Time to indulge all my wants

>> No.3853262

Hell yeah. Coffee, weed, expensive fags, it'll be a good time for all.

>> No.3853835
File: 126 KB, 631x631, genmaicha_matcha_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bumping with my favorite aesthetically pleasing tea, genmaicha.

>> No.3853847

If you sweeten it /just right/, it tastes like Corn Pops.

>> No.3853855

I just made a cup of that myself. :)

>> No.3853858

I want to drink green tea to help my metabolism, but I don't like how it tastes. Adding sugar doesn't seem to help.

>> No.3853861

What sort of green tea are you trying? Can you pinpoint the tastes in it you don't like? Might be able to suggest something you'd like better.

>> No.3853867

I had some mate and guarana tea blend this morning but I like a good coffe too.
Because I smoke sometimes my teeth are a bit coloured anyway.
I can't start a good day without a good coffe but tea is something more recreational.

>> No.3853872
File: 2.96 MB, 1108x2144, wissotzky_tea_classic_chinese_green_tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3853878

Tea because it's not as brute as coffee. Also healthier. And more flavors, also more subtle ones.

>> No.3853880

>Loose tea is just too weak.


>> No.3853882

Have you tried any of the flavored green teas from Wissotzky? The Wild Berries & Passion Fruit and Lemongrass & Ginger ones sound quite good. The flavored versions would be much more responsive to sweetening as well, especially if you're going for iced.

>> No.3853892

Perfect example of why I don't discuss tea with /ck/. It's full of teabag fucktards or people who drink artificially flavored or sweetened crap.

>> No.3853910

Are you against sweetening entirely? Tea honey and crystal sugar can bring out a different side to many tisanes.

>> No.3853914

Against sweetening in tea at least, yeah.

>> No.3853924

Well that's kind of strange. I guess my fondness for blends keeps me from being too much of a purist, though most of the super tea snobs I know are still not against sweetening in herbal/fruit teas.

What sort of tea do you tend to drink?

>> No.3853945
File: 388 KB, 1632x1224, CameraZOOM-20120503210731400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year I've only tried a variety of Kagushima kabuse-cha (shincha) and I still have two packages of different sencha shincha from Yame and Shizuoka left but since it's so warm right now, I'm not drinking much of it.
I think once my shincha is depleted I'll try some Korean or Chinese green tea and see how it compares to Japanese one.

I've tried an oolong in the past but it really wasn't to my liking, maybe I should buy some higher quality and less oxidized one next time and see how that one goes.

And it's not like I "despise" flavored or sweetened stuff, it can be nice sometimes. I just don't prefer it because it doesn't really taste like "tea" but whatever else is in there to mask the taste.

This one in the picture was my first "proper" green tea, Sencha Enshu from Shizuoka.

>> No.3853956

How is Adagio tea? Good brand, or should I look for something better? I like earl grey (been drinking some british Columbia stuff and some brittish earl grey. I also like various green teas from adagio.
US by the way.

>> No.3853966

I don't really think tea stops being tea as soon as some blueberry pieces or chamomile are added, personally. If it gets to the point where it's masking the taste of the base tea (if there is one), I do think that's overdoing it/trashy. But generally the added bits of herbs or dried fruits are there to enhance certain aspects of the base tea's flavor - grassiness or tartness, maybe. I enjoy both unflavored and flavored.

>> No.3853973

> pretentious loose tea fag
no, you're the problem.

>> No.3853975

Adagio is one of the best entry points for loose leaf, and they do have some fine green teas. It's always worthwhile to look for something better as you go along though.

If you can ignore the fact that it comes from Reddit, here's their list of online retailers:


It's best to look for the retailers who do sample sizes and just taste around. Some of my favorites off there are Teavivre, Verdant Tea, Butiki Tea and Golden Moon Tea (who I'm fairly sure all have their own Earl Grey varieties, though I haven't tried them yet).

>> No.3853976

Silly peasant.

>> No.3853979

So everyone who's more interested or versed in a topic than you is a "pretentious fag"?

>> No.3854006

No, it's these idiots who think that you can't get good bagged tea or that all loose tea is automatically better. Believe me, I went through that phase, experimented with a lot of loose teas, but now mostly drink bagged teas that are 1) less expensive and 2) better tasting.

>> No.3854010
File: 87 KB, 700x468, Eight-Treasures-Yabao-XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a preference for unflavored teas doesn't necessarily mean you're more knowledgeable about tea in general. Nor does it necessarily mean you're more interested, since you'd be voluntarily excluding yourself from experiencing a very wide variety of quality teas.

Not the "pretentious fag" guy, but that's my two cents.

Here's one of my favorite blends, for some tea porn. Eight Treasures Yabao - Yunnan Green Jasmine, Silver Buds Yabao, Goji Berry, Marigold, Whole Vanilla Bean, Honeysuckle, Rose Petal, Elderberry.

>> No.3854015

>buying tea from China


>> No.3854016

Are you claiming that they're better tasting than the highest quality loose leaf, or just better quality for their price range?

>> No.3854017

Loose tea is definitely not automatically good but bagged tea is always garbage. I've tried "high quality" (as in the stuff that normally costs 1€+/2g) bagged tea from reputable vendors and it couldn't even reach near the quality that the "same" tea offers in the loose variant. Of course that one was better than the shit Walmart and co. sell but it was still nowhere near good tea.

>> No.3854018

He probably likes Lipton.

>> No.3854023

Buy from reputable vendors who order from reputable farmers whose plantations they've visited before.

>> No.3854080
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 84053.a.zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone collect/hoard coffee or tea and want to show of their collection?

>> No.3854103

no here as well. You honestly think that putting the same tea in a bag turns it into swill?

>> No.3854107

wait, wat. mine wasn't a yes or no question.

>> No.3854117
File: 242 KB, 1632x803, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You honestly think that putting the same tea in a bag turns it into swill?
They're not the same leaves, they're what's left over from the good stuff all mixed together and cut up. And if you buy that lipton or nestea shit it's probably no younger than 3 or 4 years.
You're highly delusional if you think bagged tea can compare to shincha quality tea or hell even tea from last years' harvest or the year before that.
Classic case of I'm too poor/ignorant/whatever else to try actual tea so I'll just sit here and rant about how "my stuff" is just as good without having compared it to any real tea.

Enough of this thread now for me, I'm out.

>> No.3854172

>They're not the same leaves, they're what's left over from the good stuff all mixed together and cut up.
"same tea" his words not mine you idiot. And, no, I don't drink Lipton or Tetley, but you keep thinking that if it helps keep your delusional sense of superiority afloat.

You're the epitome of the pretentious loose tea snob.

>> No.3854179

What sort of bagged tea do you drink? Are you still willing to drink teas even when they aren't available in bags, or do you tend to skip over those for alternate bag ones? Would you drink more loose leaf if money weren't an issue (as I noticed you listed cost as a factor)?

I'm not the sage-y guy, so I'm not going to go all haughty on you. I'm just curious.

>> No.3854215

Punjana, Typhoo. I have nothing against loose teas, I still drink them, and I have several french presses. I live in an area where it's easier to find bagged tea and loose teas have been sitting on shelves for a long time. To get anything good I have to order online, which is fine, but most of the time I opt for a bagged tea that I can pick up in store.

>> No.3854227

Tea for a hot drink, but cold brewed coffee is great. Cuts out the nasty bitterness.

>> No.3854229
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Tea here, 2 sugers + milk.

I use Tea bags, but would really love to get into using tea leaves.

>> No.3854231

>More than one sugar

Jesus. Anyway, I drink both but I have to give it to tea.

>> No.3854246

You drink flavored water, not tea, if you use teabags. It's so typical to call someone pretentious because they enjoys things that are apparently too out of reach for you.

>> No.3854259
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>hot tea
>cold coffee

Its like a fucking nightmare

>> No.3854263
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>not flavored water

>> No.3855256
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Hopeful bump for collections

>> No.3855273

My favorite tea is the turkish tea.

>> No.3855463
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>> No.3855475

both, just not at the same time.

>> No.3855503


>> No.3855508


>> No.3855554

Tea makes me feel better, calms me down tremendously. The high I get from drinking coffee comes fast and then tends to leave me depressed when it wears off. I feel different with tea and I'm able to drink it all day long. I don't know whether it's the lower caffeine content or what. It's probably the same reason why the experience of drinking hard liquor can be so different from drinking beer.

>> No.3855671

>someone who has never drank tea before?


>> No.3855768


Oh, hello ME.

>> No.3855770

>He thinks tea doesn't stain your teeth!

Why do you think the Brits have such horrid teeth?

>> No.3855772

>Implying both tea and coffee aren't flavored water chemically

you really are pretentious

>> No.3855784

Black tea does. White tea, herbal tea - not so much.

>> No.3855787

>Implying all foods aren't a collection of molecules

Why even bother cooking?

>> No.3855791

I hate the taste of coffee. I like Early Grey and English breakfast. I'm a tea pleb.

>> No.3855814


Brits have horrible teeth for other reasons, I drink tea multiple times a day and my teeth are fine, they aren't hollywood standard, but i've never needed a filling.

>> No.3855895

My favorite tea is the Turkish Tea.

>> No.3856568
File: 442 KB, 1167x869, butiki tea order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered these from Butiki. Thank you kind anon who mentioned this site a few days ago.

>> No.3856580

I make both coffee and tea in the most pretentious way possible, then I get two cups that I bought from crate and barrel (the cups were made by the last two surviving Adobamebo Indians of New Mexico) and pour each of the liquids into the separate cups. I get two straws that are the hollowed out bones of the white rhino (you probably dont have those type of straws) and drink both at once through the straws. Its quite good and the flavors blend SOOOOO well. You should try it sometime when you have the chance, IF you have the chance.

>> No.3856670

Not cold coffee, cold brewed. It's made by sticking grounds in room temperature water and leaving it for 24 hours.

>> No.3856708

You're welcome! I hope you end up enjoying them. I've been meaning to try out Good Morning Sunshine for a while.

>> No.3856723

Why limit yourself? Both are delicious and have lots of variety

>> No.3856754

Tea baby, but coffee when i must wake the fuck up

>> No.3856774

Coffee for mornings

Tea for nights