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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3852318 No.3852318 [Reply] [Original]

>Little brother: "I want a burger."
>Me: "Sure."
>make a burger
>give burger
>20 mins later
>I find the burger in the trash
>not a single bite taken from it
>I ask him why
>"I wanted mac & cheese instead"
>he's eating fucking cheerios

How do you feel when people waste food that you made?

>> No.3852324
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>pic related

>> No.3852333

Our culture is way too soft on these types of people.

>> No.3852334


you didn't beat him? or at least throw the cheerios away?

>> No.3852336


>> No.3852339
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>> No.3852341

I don't understand that logic. How old is your brother?

>> No.3852343

maybe you undercooked it and he's just being nice

>> No.3852347

Nobody wastes the food I make. They cherish it and beg for the recipe.

>> No.3852348


He's 8. I dunno, I guess he thought I'd magically translate Burger = Mac & Cheese? Or maybe he wanted a cheeseburger?

>> No.3852354


You should teach him a lesson. I don't know how but you better keep him from being so wasteful. The least he could have done was say something or put in the fridge.

>> No.3852355

So instead of teach him an actual lesson out of this... you just whine to 4chan?

You fucking suck.

>> No.3852367


Who said I didn't punish him? He lost his computer to me for several months and he has to do all my chores until he gets his computer back. Trust me, he's fucking addicted to that thing, time to watch some whining.

>> No.3852386

That's... A bit excessive for an 8 year old.

>> No.3852393

he wasted an entire burger, something homeless people would fight for

>> No.3852397

Kids are stupid as hell and probably don't understand the concept of wasting food.

That'd piss me off too but you're just being a dick.

>> No.3852403

>does my chores

Kid, get off 4chan and do your homework before your mommy gets angry.

>> No.3852429

Where's the mom? My mom would slap him for just throwing away food like that.

I figure you ought to make the brat eat at the table now because you sure as hell didn't do it this time. Whatever is to eat is at table. If he bitches tell him tough shit as it's that or go hungry. Let him call on it if he wants and not eat. But he can't eat anything else. I mean watch the fridge and shit. Nope. Not even till the next meal or breakfast. You save his plate and whatever the next meal is he has to eat that first. He'll stop his faggotry soon enough if you're actually consistent.

Now I get bitching about not cooked right or too hot or cold or whatever but kids need to damned learn young or they'll grow up to be fat and terrible people.

>> No.3852442


An 8 year old should understand by now that you're not supposed to throw away an uneaten burger. If you don't correct him now, what else is he going to throw in the trash?

>> No.3852484

>make home made spaghetti for everyone
>no one eats
>everyone stares at the plate like there is a monster in it.
>ask why no one wants to eat their responses are: "It's not prego!" "I like ragu better" "didn't this cost like 20 bucks to make?" "I don't like the type of spaghetti you used".

On top of that, because they wouldn't eat it I can't really improve on it if I don't know what the pro's and con's are from other peoples perspective.

>> No.3852508

This, being late to an important function, and me having to repeat myself are the three things in this world that make me go into full autist tardrage.

Your brother is lucky. I probably would've left him bleeding on the floor or at least forcefed him the trash burger until he turned blue.

>> No.3852517

ITT: People who can't cook

>> No.3852550

I don't say anything, I just don't cook for them ever again. Only happened once or twice though.

>> No.3852586

simple.they want food, they can feed themselves. Though most of the time the sort of people with this sort of ailment seem to be ones who can't cook for shit, so more power to me.

>> No.3852604
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good plan, mommy dearest.

>> No.3852608

I was taught to not waste food. I always clean my plate.

>> No.3852616

It pisses me off, and after it happens I won't cook for them anymore. I've had it happen at parties, and when it does then I don't make an effort to cook anymore. I just buy premade shit from the supermarket and serve that.

>> No.3852698

Your brother is going to grow up resenting you. Moderation is key, punishing a kid to this extent is just needless. You should reduce the punishment and apologize for how rash you were but be firm in keeping a punishment and talk with (with, not at) him about why.

If you're going to use punishments to be lazy and vindictive to your brother he's going to learn that's okay to do to others. And then you'll have a real problem on your hands.

Sage because unrelated to /ck/.

>> No.3852784

for real that was mommy dearest's exact method of punishment

>> No.3852785

that is good advice. as a parent I agree with you.

>> No.3852791

>>3852698 apologize for how rash you were

Yes, go ahead, undermine your own authority.

>> No.3853587

>Kids are stupid as hell and probably don't understand the concept of wasting food.

Only in America. Try doing that in a third-world country and you'd get your mouth beaten by your mom or dad for wasting food.

>> No.3853594

Next time, tell them to cook and don't eat as a sign of disrespect. Then they'd know how it feel that anyone wouldn't eat their food.

Or just call them out as pussies.

I'm lucky that everyone in my family can cook, and can take criticisms from each other.

>> No.3853606


It pisses me off, but it more hurts my feelings, because I know I made it good, and I know they'd enjoy it if they ate it.

My coworkers do this all the time. I'll tell them I'm making something a good three days out, and they all go, "OMG! That sounds amazing!! Bring me some!" I'm like, "Ok!"

Then I converse with them over the next few days, several times mentioning that I'm bringing food, and they several times reaffirming their desire for said food.

Then I bring it, bowls/plates, and utensils in and put it all in the break room, let them know, and they are decidedly unenthused. I come by later and see that they ran and got Burger King or ordered out or some shit, and I'm like, "Wtf?" And they're like, "Well, I just wasn't in the mood, and besides, you didn't give us any advance notice!"

Motherfucker, I told you like four times, and what's more, YOU DIDN'T EVEN BRING LUNCH! YOU WENT OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR SHIFT AND BOUGHT IT!

This happened again last night, and it really fucking hurt my feelings when i went by and saw them eating delivery Chinese, and that was the excuse I got. I'm done bringing food for anyone else....Except one guy who absolutely fails at cooking himself, and hardly ever eats because of it. Because he eats my food, and enjoys and appreciates it.

>> No.3853613



I had that happen once, too. I made spaghetti with meatballs and meat sauce, completely from scratch except for the noodles. It was fucking amazing.

Nobody fucking touched it. And goddammit, it was GOOD. I invited a few other friends over to dinner, and they fucking loved it. But the people who ASKED for it? Didn't fucking touch it.

Goddammit, is it really so fucking odd that a guy knows how to cook awesome shit?

>> No.3853664

where do you work?
what did you make?

>> No.3853674


I'm a police investigator, but I'm in a small town and I'm the only investigator who works night shift, except for another who covers the other half of the week. But there's still the patrols, many of whom spend several hours of the night in the station, processing offenders or doing paperwork, the 911 dispatchers, watch commander, and a pair of front desk clerks who also work in the same building.

This has happened on several occasions. Stuffed mushrooms. Stuffed bell peppers. Beef enchiladas. Loaded mashed potatoes. Beef stew. Deer stew. Beef roast.

To name a few.

I'll usually leave it and some guys from day shift will eat some of it, or just keep it there to feed myself for the next several nights.

The incident with the chinese food was the other night, and it was the loaded mashed potatoes. Everyone sounded so excited at the prospect, then i bring it, and nobody touches it. Not even like, "Oh, sure, i'll go try some." just flat out doesn't touch it. Then i walk by later and see they ordered Chinese and they give me that BS excuse...

Like I said, it really hurt my feelings, and I'm done doing it.

>> No.3853677
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>police investigator


>> No.3853679


>implying that something illegal you might happen to do on 4chan happens to be within my bumfucknowhere.jpg jurisdiction

Cyber crimes fall under the jurisdiction of the FBI, almost all the time.

>> No.3853680

OP you're a fucking idiot.
What you should have done is beat the shit out of him.
Don't get too hard on him, but yeah, make sure he won't be able to sit for a few weeks.
When I was younger my parents made me eat food even if I didn't like it.

>> No.3853709

I think that forcing kids to eat is a great way to give them an eating disorder.
Listen to this guy, OP! You may end up with an obese lardass, but he may go full ana on you like a svelte little minx.

>> No.3853725


Oh, I forgot to mention, there was also homemade fried chicken and homemade onion rings. Also fucking delicious.

>> No.3853737


<don't cook for them ever again>
<happened once, or twice.>

>> No.3854063

>Watching TV
>"How do I find a food that's good for my kid that he will eat?"
>Implying that you're at the mercy of your child
>Implying that you have to cater to their shitty ice-cream-every-meal tastes

I understand if you doubt your cooking or want to treat them sometimes but jesus christ if you don't command what they eat they'll walk all over you.

>> No.3854065

>make food for younger brother
>he gives me attitude
>spits out food once it hits his mouth
>"well isn't that a shame?"
>he walks away
>I finish my meal
>he comes back after about 20 minutes asking for something to eat
>"Well your food is still in the garbage but if you want to make something yourself, go right ahead."
>little brother looks inside fridge
>everything needs to be cooked to eat
>closes fridge and cries
>I sit and watch
>he actually picks out some of the food from the trash and eats it

And that was the last time he ever spit out food I made for him.

>> No.3854101

Man, i would lose my shit at the moment and force the wasted food on their fucking throats.

>> No.3854156

>How do you feel when people waste food that you made?

It doesn't happen more than once.

>> No.3854159

i imagine it was a different person. as in two different people did it

>> No.3854160

eh, it only bothers me when I give people food and they start piling condiments on top before even trying it.

>> No.3854162

that's why i started using 1) too much salt 2) too much spices.
they started tasting my food before adding anything beforehand.

>> No.3854197

>friend comes over
>wants something to drink
>offer water
>wants something else
>only other thing is OJ and i only have one glass left
>give her glass of OJ
>she leaves later on
>go to straighten out living room
>half finished glass of OJ on the table
>now i only use the small glasses when i have company

>> No.3854224

My mom never forced me to eat things I found "yucky". She just shrugged and told me to make my own food.

I survived on mostly microwaved hotdogs, instant mashed potatoes, and kraft for YEARS.

Then I got sick of it and learned to cook properly. It helps that I'm not a childish little shit now who still refuses to eat vegetables (like a lot of adults these days). I learned to cook the things I did not like in ways that made me like them.

I trained myself to like things I hated as a child so I'm not a picky fuck who everyone hates to eat with.

>> No.3854532

You're in the minority in people that would do that. Most people would probably continue that trend indefinitely.

>> No.3855077

Now that's a dick move on their part.

If I were you, don't invite them to any party ever.

>> No.3855095


Why not just drink the OJ she didn't drink?

>> No.3855111

why should he have to drink after someone else? gross

>> No.3855114

next day pan fried spaghetti is god tier, blessing in disguise

>> No.3855139


Unless the previous person was sick or something I'm not seeing what the big deal is.

>> No.3855151

I would have beaten him savagely.

>> No.3855160
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>have 2 friends over
>about to make food, ask them if they want me to make some
>they say no and that they will probably be gone by the time I'm done cooking anyways
>go ahead and start cooking just enough food for myself
>finish cooking and go upstairs to use the bathroom before I eat
>come back downstairs and my friends are eating the food
>tell them to leave
>they don't understand why I'm annoyed and kicking them out

>> No.3855161

My old job... I worked in the 'bakery' at a Sam's club... in the ghetto. All of my cowoekers and bosses were black, except for one chicken who was hawaiian, and a latino dude. I'm white, and try not to be racist, but I swear there were times I couldn't help it. Anyways, they'd have potlucks sometimes, and I was usually asked to bring dessert. Those fat bitches never touched them, not even when I stopped making delicious as fuck homemade stuff and started bringing in store-bought cheesecakes that they requested.

They also always had the hawaiian girl bring cups or drinks, so I think they just assumed that we couldn't cook without ever trying it. This was just one of many problems I had with that job.

Also, one time, my boss walked into the break room, looked at our potluck, and exclaimed 'Oh, laws, is day sum REAL KOOL-AID!!!' I do not try to be racist, but that man was a damn nigger.

>> No.3855163


she could have aids

>> No.3855165

>is day sum REAL KOOL-AID!!!

he makes it sound like it's a rare delicacy that needs to be imported or some shit

>> No.3855170

I know. The worst part is, it WASN'T real Kool-Aid, but rather the brand they sell in pre-chilled gallons. He also came in and ate from out potluck, but never brought food himself.

The rest of the potluck food was usually preety good, though standard, Southern bbq fare.

>> No.3855175
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You, sir, are a hero.

>> No.3855176

They pulled this potluck shit when i worked at albertson's, no one ever ate anything I brought and it wasn't even anything extremely ethnic.The most out there thing I ever brought was an enchilada casserole, and I ended up bringing the whole thing home at the end of my shift.

Easiest way to get out of this shit is to tell them "Am I required to do something as part of my duties for my position? If I am will I be reimbursed for spending my own money?", they'll just assume you are an asshole and walk away.

>> No.3855200

Well, I wound up getting a good free meal and a full tray of sweets out of it, so I dealt with it. It was one of very few pleasurable moments in that job.

>> No.3855447

>make chocolate chip cookies with the consistence of cake, that have a thin, crisp outer layer BY ACCIDENT
>made a shitload because I was in a bad mood and needed to burn it off cooking
>leave cookies in a huge sealed bowl, free for all to take as desired
>find them in the trash when I come home from work
>"oh, I needed the bowl for something else"

I have since mastered the art of making TWO blueberry muffins, THREE cinnamon rolls, ONE HALF DOZEN cookies, pink lady apple TARTS, and other bullshit-small portions of otherwise-huge recipes that stink up the house with delicious.

Had to go absurdly passive aggressive because I am heavily armed and fortified with guns. Can't yell at people for being dicks, lest they scream bloody murder.

>> No.3855476
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>Oh, laws, is day sum REAL KOOL-AID!!!'

>> No.3855496
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I kill for that attitude.

He's fucking 8, not 2! I cooked burgers for myself at that age.

>> No.3855563

You don't have tins around to store biscuits and cupcakes in? I just use the ones left over from store bought biscuits people give me.

Even if you don't, just throwing out a whole bowl of any food that you have no idea about is extremely rude. It's like time-for-an-intervention tier rude; set that fool straight.

>> No.3855564

>He's fucking 8, not 2! I cooked burgers for myself at that age.

No you didn't.

>> No.3855569
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>It pisses me off, but it more hurts my feelings, because I know I made it good, and I know they'd enjoy it if they ate it.
>I know I made it good, and I know they'd enjoy it if they ate it.

>> No.3855592

Grind meat with pepper and salt, fry and place between buns with splash of ketchup. What's hard for 8-yo?

>> No.3855593

she hot

>> No.3855612

Man, I can't recall a single time in my life when I asked someone "Can you make me an X" and they did. Even for a kid that seems demanding. I either just ate what was made at mealtime or got my own snacks.

>> No.3855623

I work for a small business. My coworkers order take out every goddamn day, while I usually bring lunch from home. These assholes eat less than half of what they order and let the rest rot in the fridge or let it sit out and spoil. It's disgusting, and we aren't talking mc donalds here.

>> No.3855631
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I used to cook for my fat fuck ex bf all the time.

Our anniversary I spent pretty much my whole weeks pay on ingredients/wines etc
Three course meal- Ham steak(he doesn't eat regular steak) my own seasoned spiced wedges, Cesar salad etc amazing desert

...He took a few bites of the steak, covered the wedges in sauce ate them and discarded the salad.
"why did you make this? I don't like salad"

He eats pretty much lettuce onions and not much else so I compromised by sticking to those while adding cheese, bacon and a really awesome dressing

Of the desert he only ate the vanilla ice cream.

We watched tv and he fell asleep,
Didn't even get laid.

>> No.3855635


That sounds delicious, he didn't deserve a homecooked meal. Doesn't like salad.. is he 4yrs old?

>> No.3855636


My parents did this to me when I was a kid because we were a poor as fuck family and groceries aren't cheap
and you know what? I will eat any meal another person has set in front of me because it's respectful and I'll most likely enjoy it
I honestly can't think of any food that I don't like, apart from mince meat, like if it's there I'll eat it but I wouldn't cook it for myself

>> No.3855642

I'd pull that burger out the trash, slap it on a plate and make him sit there til he took a bite. Ungrateful lil fuck.

>> No.3855650
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He preferred those obnoxiously orange colored 'flamegrilled' chicken steaks you get in the frozen section...
When I said I wouldn't make them because I'd made them for the past week he cried.

Another time I made something moderately healthy that he enjoyed I mentioned that it was healthy food too, he stopped eating, looked at it will the most pathetically depressed face and said

He was 21. ;_;
"Oh. I don't like it now."

>> No.3855663

Try not buying quick meals, OP, just ingredients.
Heh heh heh.

>> No.3855665

Where the fuck do you find people like that?

>> No.3855672

Like stabbing them in the fucking face..
I will beat the shit out of my children if they dare throw something edible into the trash or on the ground.
I already beat the shit out of my pleb bf for his lack of tastes. He'll start thanking me later when he's out of the morbidly obese weight range. He's already grateful for me forcing him to eat curry. But it's salads that he really has a hard time with, and I cringe for his health every single time I try to get him to eat one.

>> No.3855673

I almost know how you feel. My previous r9k-tier boyfriend's family were literally just middle-class white trash. Every time he'd come over to my house, I'd make all these fucking delicious things, the best things I knew how to make (I was only just learning how to cook) and every single time he'd just toss them out, go down the road, get one of those dinner boxes for four people from McDonalds and four litres of coke, sit in the corner of my loungeroom and eat it. He was pretty disgusting.
Eventually, he took my virginity by raping me, then constantly shaming me about it. When I broke up with him, all of his friends couldn't believe why I was mistreating such a sweet guy who did nothing wrong.
So then I fucked a chef, ran away with him to an expensive city near the sea and now we're two very happy people who like to cook for each other and have sex twice a day.

>> No.3855696

I wish someone would cook for me ;__;. All I eat everyday is fast food and shit.

>> No.3855699

Cook for yourself. It's not hard.

>> No.3855702

I've tried. Everything I've made taste like shit. I can't even make scrambled eggs correctly.

>> No.3855706

>Wake up, feel like cooking, decide on pancakes
>Ask parents if they'd like some
>"Sure, I'm starving! Make sure you close the box of pancake mix when you're done."
>"But I was going to make them from scratch."
>"Oh.. uhm.. okay.. that sounds weird. Only make us a couple then."
>Proceed to make pancakes
>They taste totally fine
>Parents each cut off a tiny sliver and eat it
>"I don't like non-Bisquick pancakes, these are weird... I'll put these in the fridge for later."
>Pancakes sit in fridge for 4 days, then they throw them away

>> No.3855707

You should've said you were making them with bisquick. They might've enjoyed them then.

>> No.3855710

i made my version of scotch broth soup. and if i do say so myself. i absolutely NAILED it. i went to go reheat the last of it, about a day later. and my friend say, hey grab me some too! so i did. i only had 1 bowl left. so i gave it to him. while i ate soggy chex cereal. he proceeded to eat about 1/3 of it. and not any more. and i didnt notice until i saw the bowl the next morning. needless to say. GOD DOMMOT

>> No.3855721

calling bullshit

>> No.3855743

Its annoying, but its more annoying when you cook lots of food, and they eat fucking everything leaving you none for a second serve.

>> No.3855745

West coast small towns

He had horrendous mother issues

>> No.3855782

I cooked meals when I was 6. Sorry for Amerifats do not know how to cook early.

>> No.3855783

>mah freedumz.

Stop this feminist shit here. >>>/soc/ is that way.

>> No.3855797

when my mom was away and I was incharge of the food, I'd force my sis to stay at the table until she at least hate a reasonable portion of the dishes. Sometime it took long but in the end she did it and after a few years she's not a picky eater anymore.
People should stop giving their kids choices at lunch. Eat what is in your plate. You are only allowed to ask for more once you finished.

>> No.3855816

American speaking.

They're correct. Due to family values being shot to hell in the US (as well as most countries now really), people simply don't teach their kids how to cook. However the current generation of parents in the U.S. dont know how to cook either so they can't.

The only people i know who actually know how to cook are the ethnic european side of my father's family. They all live in an ethnic area of montreal where they essentially haven't even left greece yet.

>> No.3855825

If you dont know how to cook down here in south Louisiana, you are basically a fucking pariah.

>> No.3856443


>> No.3856450

>Pancakes in the fridge
People do this?

>> No.3856691


Cold pancakes are actually quite delicious.

>> No.3856702

my nephew (second cousin? cousin's kid, whatever) was awful about this

his older sister was kind of a picky eater, but he takes the cake

>he didn't want to eat his dinner.
>sits there
>doesn't eat
>his mom makes him something else


>> No.3856710

So much sad...So I'm going to tell you a story of how food got me and my friends out of trouble.

I was 18, I was at my buddies house playing goldeneye at the time, we were stoned and it was about 3 in the morning. I get this awesome idea to make "3am breakfast" so i ran to the store and made potato pancakes with smoked salmon and sour cream, pancakes, sausage and scrambled eggs. it's now about 4am and we're having a blast and his dad wakes up and storms into the kitchen then stops in his tracks and says "dude...did you kids make me breakfast??" we say "yep! help yourself!!" so he sits and eats with us and we have a good time and he says "Best breakfast ive had in years guys. but keep it down. If you keep up breakfasts like this I'll be less pissed that you guys are smoking pot in my basement..."

From that moment on whenever we get stoned we made awesome breakfasts. He never once got mad.

>> No.3856724

>The only people who I know

You don't know very many people.

>> No.3856727

No you didn't.

>> No.3856730

I had something very similar happen to me

>> No.3856737
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>> No.3856744

cold pancakes are good, they get sort of thick and chewy

>> No.3856755

that post really un-rustled my jimmies

>> No.3856760

arent pancakes pretty much bread/cake like foods?

im pretty sure they keep well in the fridge. nothing wrong with bulk cooking.

>> No.3856784

I've never been in a situation where there were pancakes left over, so it just sounds odd.

>> No.3856812

I would had whipped his ass nice and good for that. That is incredibly ungrateful.