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3834983 No.3834983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Food Service stories

I liked the thread last night, thought I'd start another one.

>Be in London for first time, waiting for my train I decide to order a Burger King.
>Waiting in line I see the attendant looks a bit grumpy/arrogant.
>Get to front of line, "Can I get a large Whopper meal please?"
>At the word "please" his attitude changes and he genuinely looks happy.
>I pay for my meal and wait for it to be ready.
>Something goes wrong in the kitchen and I'm told I have to wait a bit longer for my meal. I reply "That's fine, no problem, thanks".
>Whilst waiting I watch other customers order, no pleases, no thank yous, no manners in general.
>Feel bad for the guy since I'm probably the first polite customer he's had all day

>> No.3834999
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>mfw european master race and nearly everyone shows basic courtesy and thanks even the simple burger jockey at fast food places

>> No.3835002

If you don't say please and thank you, fuck your mother. Not in the fun way.

>> No.3835010

... I'm European. I have to disagree with you. By far, the friendliest and most attentive service you're likely to get form so-called "burger jockeys" outside of Japan is most certainly in North America (US and Canada both).
From Goeteborg down to Naples, from Lisbon over to Ternopil and in the British Isles from Dublin to Glasgow to London, the service is generally brusk, bordering rude, and is most certainly inattentive.
After living in the US, I now realise how unfriendly we are to one another back in the Old World, particularly to those in the service industry (and they're even more unfriendly to their customers than we are to them).

Furthermore, didn't you happen to notice that OP's story happened in EU?

>> No.3835017

Nice Grados...

>> No.3835020


Seriosuly, who can't bother to say please or thank you when making a request or receiving something. Why are people such dicks?

>> No.3835022

>implying anyone from "those islands" is truly european

they are what mainly seeded the shithole known as murrrrrikka

>> No.3835030

> expecting manners or even basic human civility from the poms

Don't hold your breath waiting, OP.

>> No.3835033

That may be true. They almost seem to consider themselves something separate from the rest of us. They refer to us as "the continent," bizarre lot, they are.

>> No.3835037

OP here, I'm a "pom" myself, thanks.

>> No.3835086

>Working for Steak and Shake
>"Can I get a double steakburger meal?"
>No such thing exists, four different things she could be talking about
>"What exactly were you wanting, the [rattle off names of various combos]
>"I want the meal!"
>"I'm sorry, we don't have anything just called a 'meal', were you talking about the [bla bla names]?"
>"I... I just want a meal!"
>"We don't have any 'meals'."
>She drives away
What the flying fuck?

>> No.3835087
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considering how ingrained arbritrary pleasantries are into uk society...I'm shocked by how people from london forget them.. they must go out of their way to not say "thank you" etc.

I got mugged in bristol a couple of months ago
"give me your wallet please"
*produces knife*
*wallet handed over*
"and your fucking phone please too mate"
*hands over phone*
"thank you"
"you too"

true story

>> No.3835089

>thank you
>you too

How beta are you?

>> No.3835090

More tales from the drive-thru:
>Doing promotion thing for some charity or another, told to try and sell $1 donations
>Most people say no, a few do
>Ask for their names, a few either don't answer or tell me to leave it anonymous
>I write in the names of old horror movie villains
>Manager comes by, notices donation sticker made to out to Jason Voorhees
>"That guy called in to complain once"
>"Are you kidding me?"
>"No, why, do you know him?"
In other news, my manager never watched Friday the 13th.

>> No.3835091

its a surreal situation to be in ....i didn't know what to say...."you too" seamed appropriate

>> No.3835097

Same donation drive:
>Old as fuck woman comes through
>"Would you like to donate a dollar to the kindergartners with aids fund?"
>Bitch proceeds to rant for, and I timed this, six minutes straight about how she gives to some other charity and she's on fixed income and it's terrible that I'm pressuring her like this
>Nobody else in line so I just try not to laugh

>> No.3835105

I worked the same drive through window for two years in high school, I've got more stories.
>Two girls come through, massive nigger bitches
>Order milkshakes
>At the window one of them takes a drink of hers, then looks at me
>"Hey I change my mind, I don' want dis no more. Gimme a chawk-leet insted!"
>People are behind them, I'm not going to get a manager to override a transaction, guy working the shake station is a rules nazi and won't make one without a processed order
>"I'm sorry, I can't do that, you got what you ordered."
>"But I done won it no more!"
>Juggling talking to new customer with dealing with this cunt
>"I'm sorry, you got what you paid for. If you'd like to order another I can do that, just please pull around again."
>She throws milkshake at the window, I'm fast enough to close it in time.

>> No.3835106


I believe that if you've got money to blow on fast food then you have a dollar to donate to charity.

>> No.3835107


Keep em coming SnS guy. I loved SnS...

>> No.3835112

>Woman orders a combo meal, comes with soda. Ask what she wants.
>"What drink do you want?"
>"It comes with coke doesn't it?"
>"We have coke, we also have [every soda on the fountain]"
>"I... Just.... just give me coke
>Bitch didn't know there were sodas other than coke
>She pulls around, her car is literally filled with coca-cola bottles and cans. As in, I can't see the floor of her car through all the coke.
>"Why don't you just give people coke instead of hassling them about shit nobody wants!"
She was fat as hell too.

>> No.3835119

>be 17, stoned as fuck
>go with boyfriend to McDonald's drive through.
>order 1 double fudge & 1 double caramel sundae (in b4 fat americunts. fast metabolisms ftw!)
>pay at first window
>pull up to second window
"Hey, yo. We all outta choclat an caramel so I made yall too strawberry ice creems"
>wtf, drive away go to any one of the other eighty McD's within a 5-mile radius.

>> No.3835124

>12:20 on a work day
>Store is right on an incredibly busy road.
We were a tad busy.
>Guy comes through, orders twenty double steak burgers
>"Did you say TWENTY burgers?"
>"Yes, that's what I want."
>"Okay, what do you want on them?"
>"Can you put everything on the side?"
>"What do you mean?"
>"Can you give me all the toppings for the burgers, but just put them on the side so I can put them on later?"
>This fucker is catering out of my drive through
>Cooks have to run around putting all kinds of shit in styrofoam, line is so long I can see cars waiting in the windows on the opposite side of the store

>> No.3835126


Oh boy here we go.

>> No.3835129

I never knew I could
-customize the absolute shit out of a simple order (top bun toasted, mayo only between lettuce and cheese, small order of fries half salted, half plain)
-demand my money back if said order didn't meet my exact specifications
-be Personally insulted if my order was wrong in any way, even though I'd been on my cell throughout the entire process
-tip someone with a joint (or sweet)
-become irrationally angry when charged for ridiculous amounts of extras (extra cheese, extra meat, an extra bun, having a large drink split into two cups so that it's actually two regular drinks)
until I worked in the food industry and saw how black people order.

>> No.3835133

>Working night shift, which I normally never did but there was NO ONE to do it that night
>Dead of winter
>Sleet starts coming down
>Store is completely empty, haven't seen a car in over two hours
>1AM on a wednesday
>Everyone's just sitting in the dining room talking to each other.
>Don't remember why, but the guy doing bus/clean mentions he can breakdance.
>Everyone starts telling him to do it
>Get the radio the cooks listen to out of the kitchen, turn it to hip hop
>Push a few tables around to give him room
>Dude starts dancing like a motherfucker
I was hoping a customer would come in and see him. It was not to be.

>> No.3835135

The Point was, it's ridiculous to think a strawberry sundae could sub for either of those orders. It'd be like giving someone a chicken sandwich because they're "out of beef".
Btw, a KFC once told me they were out of chicken. At 7pm.

>> No.3835137

>newly opened hip and with-it café in still-black-but-gentrifying neighbourhood
>get coffee; it's complete swill
>decide I'm hungry and order a grilled cheese sandiwch (smoked cheddar; fuck yeah!)
>add tomato
>add avocado
>add ham
>20 minutes later
>no, really... 20 whole minutes
>receive pita with hummus and grilled vegetables (also chickpeas)
>not what I ordered
>clerk: we were out of cheese so I made you this instead
>me: not what I asked for
>clerk: that's what we had so that's what I made
>head hipster comes over and chides employee
>head hipster: no charge?

Took sandwich. Didn't pay for it. Nor for coffee. Worst café ever. Haven't been back.

>> No.3835139

Damn, I almost got pissed just imagining that. It was probably hot as fuck inside and out too. I take it you worked at a Steak n Shake? I did too in 2007 at a brand new store in Texas. Fat bitches always ordering thousand island dressing and/or extra mayo on everything. Made me sick just looking at it.
One of my favorite stories was when I delivered for Dominos and one nig kept ordering boneless wings to his hotel (where he lived apparently) and every time say "Naw, dis ain't what I waunt. Dis chicken nuggets, I waunt wings." I took the delivery one time, he did the same as expected, so I said "Ok, I guess you don't want it." So I started walking to my car and he chased me down and paid for it without saying a word.

>> No.3835141

Shit, I mean that was back in 2003, not 2007. I feel old now.

>> No.3835144

>Working New Years Eve
>10:00pm or so
>Drunks, drunks everywhere
>Manager, an insane Texan, comes running back to the kitchen holding a wet napkin like it's his baby son
>"Get a pen and some paper, quick!"
>I grab a spare bag and the cashier brings over the pen people sign credit card receipts with
>Dude attacks the bag, frantically copying what's on the napkin
>I look, it's a phone number with "The manager on New Years is cute"

>> No.3835145

oh lawd you do know the difference between a very fast metabolism and a slow one is about 200 calories burned/day right? no?

>mfw you're just a closet fatty

>> No.3835148

See, that's kind of funny, because 2007 is exactly when I was working there.

Also, no greentext here, but when the store was slow the cooks would take a 20 out of the register, one of them would drive to the Mexican grocery a block away, bring back ingredients, and make literally the best tacos I have ever eaten in my life on the grill.

The store should have put them on the menu, they'd have made a killing.

>> No.3835153

Not her, but I once tried to bulk up. I did the whole /fit/ diet thing, eating easily 3000-4000 calories per day, lifting 4 days a week. In two months I gained five pounds. I lost it in a single weekend where I just ate whatever and lounged around.

Genetics fucking matter.

>> No.3835154

>be night manager at a buffet
>one of the regulars comes in
>asks the hostess who seated her to get her coffee all night
>hostess happily obliges (everything is self-serve and she is not required to get anything for a customer, but does it anyway because she's a sweet girl)
>regular asks hostess to get her some shrimp sauce
>hostess says sure thing, but goes to seat some new customers first
>regular comes to me, complaining that the hostess is being "a huge bitch" by ignoring her and that she's not leaving a tip today because of it
>I do nothing but smile and nod, because I didn't agree
>regular then takes it upon herself to tell the hostess the same thing

I wanted to tell this lady off so bad, because I saw how much this girl went out of her way to help her and she got shit on for it. We need all the business we can get though, so there wasn't much I could do about it.

>> No.3835155

Also one day I was on shake detail, saw a group of wanna be cowboy douchebags I knew from school, I really couldn't stand them,so I squeezed the cleaning rag into their shakes. Called them "rag shakes". I looked out the little serving window to see their reaction, they didn't seem to even notice.

I also caught the shake mixer on fire. It shorted out on a busy-as-hell afternoon. When it started to slow down and get hot as shit, I told the shift manager maybe we shouldnt use this one...NO, KEEP USING IT!

ok, now it's on fire. I'm not lifting a finger to put it out, either. I just laughed until the manager flipped out and put out the fire. Shit was cash.

>> No.3835158

Hahaha! Jelly is only good as a dessert my friend. And even then, only in moderation because it still sucks.
I Don't know the caloric differential between slow, normal, and fast metabolisms you OCD rouge, you. Please tell me more. I really care. I mean it!

>> No.3835159

>Don't remember why, but this soccer mom is mad at me. I do remember that it was over absolutely nothing.
>"Do you have an attitude?"
>She looks at me with what I imagine she thought was a death glare
>"Do you have... an attitude?"
>"Well, steak and shake R&D isn't quite done with the drive-through robot, so yes, I do have an attitude."
>She gets pissy and drives around, bitching to the manager
I got complained about a lot.

>> No.3835161


Did this guy have a beard? If so was he from Epic Meal Time

>> No.3835164

>lettuce on side

nope, it aint him

>> No.3835166


>> No.3835167

>Paid for ice cream
>Drove away without getting ice cream or money back

And you think the drive through guys were stupid?

>> No.3835173

It was $2.75, I think. That money doesn't go directly in their pockets. McD still wasted two sundaes.
>gas to McDonald's: $0.50
>2 ice creams: $2.75
>our time: <$1
>the look on his face: priceless

>> No.3835177

>She thinks she actually showed them

McDonald's didn't waste two sundaes, you did. They got paid, two employees probably got sundaes, and you lost money.

>> No.3835187

>implying we even have SnS North of the border.

We only get the shitty global american franchises :(

>> No.3835193

Who gives a fuck? Bottom line is:
Shitty service.
Not how fast I burn calories or how much/little I spent on fast food ice cream when I was 17. C'Mon, Rain Man.

>> No.3835205

We refer you to the continent because you are on a continent, while we are on an island. You see? It makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

>> No.3835210

Not exactly on topic, but I've got to bitch about this. I don't usually go to buffets, but the people I was with really wanted to go this particular Asian buffet the other night. Nice one, actually, with a sushi bar, fresh noodle station, dim sum, and all sorts of hot and cold dishes. This place is known for all the seafood and fish it has. For example, I had sake clams, baked oysters, whole fried fish, salmon collar, etc. etc. Their Korean short ribs were really good too (especially with a big pile of kim chi, lol) Well, they also have snow crab legs. Of course, everyone likes those, but OH MY GOD. There was a table of white trash sitting behind us, 8 of them, and that was literally ALL they got. Just plate after plate of crab legs. I watched them make at least 5 or 6 trips a piece. Every time the kitchen would bring out a new container of crab legs, those fuckers in their sleeveless t shirts would go up and clean it out. Two plates at a time. Sure, I guess since they're paying for the buffet, they can eat what they like, but that's just disgusting, boorish, trashy behavior. Not to mention I heard them being rude to the waitstaff. Ugh. There's a reason why I rarely go to buffets.

>> No.3835216


>expecting logic from continentals

>> No.3835220

Bunch of fucking heathens. Too busy worshipping false profits, and idols, to think sensibly for a solitary minute.

>> No.3835227

Please tell me the story of how you got tipped with a joint

>> No.3835243

Workin' two mothafuckin' jobs, takin' care of a baby and a woman/man to please; you damn well better get my order right.

>> No.3835253
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>Britfag here, be working at Subway
>Big fat lady orders "Can I get garlic mayo?"
>"I'm sorry we don't do that, we have ranch which is similar" (I know it's not but it's all I could think of at the time)
>"What do you mean you don't have garlic mayo? The one in Rubery does"
>"Sorry madam but Subway only does these sauces"
>Manager sees the hastle, comes over "What seems to be the problem?"
>"Why don't you do garlic mayo when the one in Rubery does"
>"Sorry madam" He goes ahead and puts ranch on her sandwich, she goes over to the table to eat.
>Comes back over to me after "See, you do have garlic mayo, you need to learn how to do your job properly"

>> No.3835269
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>> No.3835315

You wouldn't believe how often that happens...
>deliver a pizza
>dude opens door with bong in hand
>"wanna hit this bro?"
>hit the bong also get five dollar tip and a joint
I had a buddy who was a dealer. he could get a large pizza and an order of bread sticks on a friday night at 6 pm delivered in twenty minutes because he always tipped the driver a gram of super dank. And you fucks thought tipping was a waste of money...

>> No.3835322

Sounds like a waste of weed just to get pizza in 20 minutes

>> No.3835329

I watched that guy throw hand fulls of gram baggies into a crowd at a festival. Free samples are a great advertisement.

>> No.3835334

Fuck, that sounds great. I never fucking give away weed, but when it comes to pills, I fucking hand them out like tic tacs. But, what is the mentality of getting someone high, that has to be driving the rest of the night

>> No.3835339

I had a friend that wasted weed like that...It's just so they can say they're a baller ja know

>> No.3835342

People in the drive through would always be smoking joints, rolling them, or had just got done getting high. One can see some pretty strange shit working the window: people with no pants, nasty cars, and one guy who handed me a debit card by the name Boy Of Wolf. I had to check ID on that one. Apparently his parent's abandoned him at the hospital, last name Wolf.

>> No.3835345

LOL not his problem i guess... also its not that hard to drive stoned

>> No.3835351


>> No.3835353

Guess this is kinda on topic: worked at a shitty grocery store...I just started and it was food stamp day (oh hell). Guy has a beat up rewards card, it wouldn't scan. "I cant scan this" says I. "bla bla bla you fucking idiot" says he " I told him to shut his cock sucker and get out... he lurked around the store a few times and kept giving me looks...nothing ever came of it. Wish he would have came at me...I'd have to mace the dude and beat his face to mush...

>> No.3835355

Delivering pizza in my suburban area I've only been offered weed a couple times, but probably 30% of all evening, weekend orders are to places so smoky you can smell it from outside.

>> No.3835379

I smoked out my pizza guy like 7 times, we became bros, then I moved and I was sad :(.

Came into the shop and he saw me and was like what up where you been?

Always a joint.

The first time, he was like I was about to pack a bowl in my car and hit it x)

>> No.3835391


I'm pretty sure there is such a thing as a fast metabolism, either that or I have some sort of disease/tape worm/no idea. I use CRON-O-Meter to track all of my nutritional intake every day and I average, usually, about 3000 calories.

I weigh 120 pounds at 5' 11"

>> No.3835449

Has it come to the point where, since it's so engrained into your daily routine, you've forgotten how much exercise you do?

>> No.3835505

With a weight and Height like that you are ill or something. You need to gain some muscle.

>> No.3835506

You are doing something completely wrong. I have gained at least 5 pounds of muscle this week. I run the whole gamut of weight lifting exercises though, not just simple ones.

>> No.3835513

If you consistently have enough food there is no reason for your body to store fat.

>> No.3835551

>If you'd like to order another I can do that, just please pull around again

>> No.3835567

6' 8" 180-185 lbs here. Whats up skinnybro

>> No.3835574

Are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.3835583
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>work at Domino's inside
>get a call
>"Can I have a taco pizza?"
>sorry ma'am, we don't have those.
>"Yes you do I'm looking at the ad now."
>well ma'am I don't know what to tell you, we just don't have them.
>"This is ridiculous! I'm looking at the ad!"
>are you sure it's a local Domino's ad? some items vary based on franchise
>"Of course I am! I can see right here it say..."

So glad I work at UPS now

>> No.3835595

if i ever forgot to order something, i just do it when i pay and have never been asked to pull around again

telling someone to do that is kind of a dick move

>> No.3835631

yes I'm sure you achieved a calorific deficit of 10000 calories in 2 days by doing nothing while eating

or maybe your scales are fucked or you're a liar.

>> No.3835662 [DELETED] 

i grow my own weed, and since its way more than i could smoke myself i just give what i dont smoke away to people
its not because i want to look baller
its because it's nice to do

>> No.3835676
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>reading thread
>brits and euros turning on each other instead of America

>> No.3835722

More of a drunk story but here it goes

>be playing poker with buddies
>everyone drinking
>passing the jack around
>lightweight sophomore friend brought is smashed
>some reason we decide to walk to mcdonalds
>get there at 1am
>have to play shitfaced babysitter
>sophomore who cant hold booze is making a scene
>we push him into the bathroom to calm him down
>wait outside for him
>he escapes through the mcdonalds window
>spend the next 20 minutes trying to get him under control
>everyone in the mcdonalds though it was funny as shit
>cashier lost it laughing so hard

>> No.3835760

>McD's dining room open at 1 AM

>> No.3835767

>fast metabolism
The thing is, there is no such thing. Unless your implying that your body can change the temperature that a food burns at, in which case you indeed would be burning more calorie for what activity you do.
What it boils down to is either your more active then you realize or you eat smaller portions then you realize as a whole. If you eat a lot over the course of the day you'll burn it faster than eating one massive meal a day.

However,, explain to me how a fast metabolism works? Id love to hear your logic. Feel free to look up the digestive system as research

>> No.3835772

YES!!!,Brotha Man gets it.I just cant do buffets for this reason,hell I am boarderline Pov-stricken and I wont act like that.

>> No.3835796

Bitches like that are the reason why I support the right of restaurants to turn away people on sight. And I say this as someone coming from the South where the reasons for turning away people are prejudiced. It's good to keep that right around for REAL trash.

>> No.3835803


>> No.3835824


Restaurants do have the right to refuse service to people, but it's generally a bad idea because keeping them happy means they won't give bad reviews and will be repeat customers.

>> No.3835826

softmore in highschool or college? This impacts the story a lot

>> No.3835851

That happens some times. The one near me ups its prices at 1 and keeps it open because so many drunks go in and want food.

>> No.3835853


>> No.3835864

>live in Williamsport (home of little league)
>be at the bar grabbin a quick sandwich and a beer or five
>guy sitting next to me drinking coors light (lel) gets his burger
>starts bitching about EVERYTHING
>my favorite: is the yella (egg yolk) s'posed to be runny like dis?
>calls his burger "awful" and keeps plowing through it
>bartender (huge black dude I know only as "T") is totally cool through it, gives me the "damn white people" headshake
another bartender from a local bar walks in, gets a beer, assures me that he recognizes the dude
>dude gets up to piss
>HOLY SHIT DUDE THAT'S [some motherfucker I was too drunk to process fully]
>tells me he's an announcer for Little League and used to announce for the NHL

Why are moderately rich/important people always such shitbag customers

>> No.3835937

>Just now
>Go to local BK to try out that chicken parmesan sandwich
>get to window
>ask about the sandwich and whats on it
>"uhhhhh...uh.. it... its chicken with parmesan.. no not wi- yeah with parmesan and mozzarella cheese and uhhhhh mariana sauce
>"Okay, Ill have that meal then please"
>"okay pull to the window"
>sit there for about 5 minutes, two cars behind me
>fat ass woman comes to the window
>"uhm itll be just a second on that chicken, can u just pull up and we'll bring it out to you?"
>pull up and wait
>15 fucking minutes later
>both cars have gone, plus 2 new cars have came and gone.
>she brings it out
>"sorry for the wait!"
>she waddles off
>i check the sandwich
>its a fucking grilled chicken sandwich
>too pissed off to go back and complain
>toss it out the window and drive home

So mad.

>> No.3835966

why are you getting fast food when you aren't hungry?

>> No.3835973

>too pissed off to go back and complain

Doin' it wrong.

>> No.3835974


I was hungry, I went to Braum's instead (local burger/ice cream chain)

>> No.3835980

This is why carrying guns should be legal.
If you had a Beretta under your coat, you could have reached in, making him think that you were going for your wallet, when in fact you produce a handgun and proceed to unload the entire magazine into the same spot in his shin.

>> No.3835988
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>In San Diego to go visit family
>At some "authentic" mexican food place
>All the workers seem to be some sort of hispanic
>We get the only Caucasian guy
>He is overly flamboyant and clearly gay
>Looks like Vince the shamwow guy
>MFW he gives us the bill and says "go go gadget arm!"

>> No.3835990


Thats actually pretty funny.

>> No.3835996

Not the guy you quoted, but as someone with a damn foul temper, sometimes you just know that there will be blood, so unless you really like jail you learn to not get into those situations.

>> No.3836017

I heard about this in the news, I think...

Guy orders something from a fast food place. They get it wrong.

He flips his shit and shoots up the place.

>> No.3836059


Then at least keep the messed up order* so you don't waste your money and time.

*Unless you legitimately can't eat it or something.

>> No.3836075

You don't understand the mind of an enraged individual. There is no logic, only rage.

>> No.3836103

>be 20
>riding around
>stoned as hell
>see McDonalds
>drive thru and order like 20 bucks worth of munchies
>pull to window
>cashier "that will be 20 bucks"
mfw we only have like 7 bucks
>nvm, pull around without food
>see bk across the street
>pull in, order the same 20 bucks of food
>pull around to pay
>shit, still only 7 bucks
>repeat probably ten times in 10 minutes
>pull into Mcd's the umpteenth time
>mfw cashier just gives us the food to be done with us
>no fucks are given
>free McD's stoned as hell

>> No.3836105

>Get off of work around 1 AM
>Stop at Wendy's on the way home so I can eat then pass out
>Order medium combo
>Employee says, "If you don't mind waiting a minute, I'll make a fresh batch of fries for you."
>She upgrades me to large fries and large drink for no extra charge

Another time, same Wendy's

>Pull up to drive through
>Order the usual
>"I'm sorry it'll take a little while, can you please pull up and wait?"
>"Sorry for the wait, I upgraded your fries for you."
>On the way home a train just finished passing by
>If I'd gotten my food on time I would have had to wait on a train

I fucking loved that Wendy's.

>> No.3836129

>tfw you order something at a restauraunt and you go home immediately without checking it then you come home and find out it's missing a dish or 2/it's something completely different

>> No.3836136


>stoned enough to forget how much money you have ten times back-to-back in the space of an hour

Wow, you're a faggot.

>> No.3836137

Because they believe that they are more important and entitled than you, the peasant folk, because they are rich and important.

>> No.3836142

Holy fuck Braums is amazing. And they have god-tier ice cream scoops (the spoodle style with the sharpened edge). My mother is still pissed at me for stealing hers. I think it's the only redeeming quality in OK.

>> No.3836144

Reminds me of my local taco bell. Everyone in there is friendly, but they constantly fuck up orders. I went once and they gave me the order for the car behind me. It happened to be a family of 5. I went inside and told them this was the wrong order, so they let me keep it and gave me my original order. I went home with at least 7 tacos and 5 burritos.

>> No.3836158

>Go to subway
>order a foot long meatball on honey oat
>guy behind the counter genuinely disinterested but goes about making my sandwich.
>ask for mayo and southwest sauce and jalapenos.
>"Mayo, southwest sauce and Jalapenos"
>"Oh, okay"
> Puts them on my sandwich and asks if I'd like a combo.
> I tell him I'll be right back real quick.
>Walk out.
>Get back in car.
>Drive off.
> Proceed to do this again twice a month for the next ten months.

THe subways in my area have a pretty quick turnaround time for new employees, I rarely ever see the same people twice, otherwise i'd probably have been banned from one by now.

>> No.3836167


>> No.3836168


The autism is strong in this one.

>> No.3836174


You know you give the employee a free sandwich when you do that, right? That's why you haven't been "banned," you fuckhead.

>> No.3836181

OK denizen here and fuck yes Braums! I absolutely LOVE their limeades!

>> No.3836182

I dont really know why. He didnt do anything to me, I have nothing against subway personally.

Maybe I am. I dont know what posessed me to do this but Its almost become a hobby of mine now.

>> No.3836183


Subway drone here, I can vouch for this. Thanks for the free meal, bro.

>> No.3836189


Well fuck, you're welcome then I guess. I kinda don't feel so bad about it now.

>> No.3836191

Make it ineddible and you can still feel bad about yourself.

>> No.3836195

If you arent lying, you need to go to a doctors asap.
It could be some from of thyroid problem.

>> No.3836198

If it's the same employee each time, she wants to fuck. Get her digit, bro!

>> No.3836209

American (Southern California) here. Not really food related, but it bugs the shit out of me when I'm standing in line at the gas station and the man/woman in front of me says "Yeah, gimme a pack of X cigarettes/ Y dollars on pump Z."

"Gimme" just sounds so rude. I always start a request with "May I please have...."

>> No.3836217

Agreed. Manners and etiquette are so simple, everyone should have no problems using it. Frankly, I think they should teach it in school, starting from a young age, and should be a required credit for graduation.
"Let me have"
"I want"
"Get me"
"I'll take"

All pig disgusting ways to ask for something.

>> No.3836456

>building burgers for the king one night
>hear an order come in from the drive through
>cashier says "thank you"
>customer says "your welcome"

>> No.3836468
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Reminds me of a story.

>Friend and I get $15 gift cards to subway
>Go to local place stoned at 3 AM
>I get in line
>"What would you like on your sandwich?"
>gives me a look for a few seconds
>"Uhhhh...I'm not sure..."
>"I'll pay extra"
>"Uhh, okay"
>Starts making this godawful looking sandwich
>Every meat, cheese and vegetable
>Every sauce
>With avacado, bacon and meatball and marinara
>"Extra banana peppers"
>I don't even like banana peppers
>Sandwich won't even close
>hfw I pull out a gift card
Friend's turn
>Doesn't order a sandwich
>Reveals his gift card
>"How many cookies can I get with this?"
>Cleans out the cookie shelf
>Still has money for chips

We sat there for about an hour. I couldn't eat my sandwich it looked and smelled disgusting. I ended up picking out little bits of meat and cheese. We didn't finish the cookies, either.

>> No.3836477

What fucking movie is that from, it's been bothering me for months

>> No.3836491
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Toy Story 3

>> No.3836511

And then he would've gotten 25 to life for defending himself.

>> No.3836528

>Some one only wants your wallet.
>Shoot them in 'self defense'

>> No.3836533

>Because no victims of robbery are ever killed after they hand over their stuff, right?

Enjoy bleeding out from a stab wound in an ally, faggot.

>> No.3836540

Compliance is the safest option dipshit.

>> No.3836578


say fucking NO next time, tell them you don't do burgers with toppings "on the side" because nowhere has ever done that in the history of fast food and that that's not how it works

>> No.3836586


>"an attitude"
>mfw people saying this expecting to be taken seriously

>> No.3836599

That's fucking disgusting and you should feel ashamed of yourself.

>> No.3836624


You mentioned Rubery, which is 5 minutes from where I live.

Anon, which Subway do you work at?

>> No.3836645

>"I want"
>"I'll take"
>"Let me have"
Oh come on, those aren't even rude, you're just listing them because someone said it in a tone you don't like.
Next thing you'll add "I would like" and "Could/May I have"

>> No.3836648


I don't work there any more but I worked in the Bromsgrove one when it opened.

God I hate Bromsgrove, I mean, I live in Redditch of all places and I still prefer it to Bromsgrove

>> No.3836693



>> No.3836696


>> No.3836707

>Visit London
>Go to KFC in a shopping centre on Oxford Street
>Paki at the till
>'Hey, can I have the boneless box please?"
>"The boneless box, please..."
>Have to physically walk behind the counter and point out what I want on the menu
>Mfw an employee in the capital city of England can't speak a single word of English
>Mfw I have no face

>> No.3836710

>Paki at the till.

Fuck off skinhead

>> No.3836715

It's actually from a Barbie animated short.

>> No.3836718

You fast food guys must have it pretty bad. I work at a movie theater, so I'd imagine it'd be worse (people paying 3x as much for food, and they're in twice the rush because they're trying to see a movie) but I've only had maybe a handful of customers that have made me angry. The other ones make me laugh with their dumb shit, because a lot of times it's really just a minor annoyance. Someone has to come in with a legit bad attitude (treating me condescendingly, being inconsiderate of others) to actually make me upset.

Only consistent things I can vouch for are what I call the "Pretzel/Icee" effects - Whenever one person orders a pretzel or an ICEE, everyone within a five-person radius wants one.

Absolute worse though is when people insist that popcorn that they literally watched me dump out of the popper "Isn't hot/fresh"

>> No.3836721

What else should he have called them? A gentleman from Pakistan?
Fuck off with your PC bullshit.

>> No.3836725

And let you get the word out on my activities? No, I'll feel alot safer if I give you a deadly concussion or slit your throat.

>> No.3836727

"Ask"? I'm PAYING you, you're not my fucking mother, this is business.

>> No.3836731

All these people telling stories of them delivering pizza to stoners and getting free weed. Where the hell do you guys live?

>> No.3836750

If this is who I think it is in the photo, no you are not a Yurop nor Harry Potter.

>> No.3836764

I work at a gas station and hear those phrases often, it doesn't bother me in the least. They're in a hurry, and I want them out of there as fast as possible.

What really rustles my jimmies are the men with bad attitudes and show little patience for ANYTHING. (Dear god DO NOT drop change on the floor by accident, YOU WILL BE LYNCHED.) Or the women with snippy attitudes and the 'I'm better than you because my husband makes five times your salary.' (Yeah, I've had them actually say that.)

Anyway, to make this response more thread appropriate, we make some of the best damned breakfast sandwiches around. I just wish people would stop under cooking them. Not only that, someone blew the whistle to the health department, our kitchen has been shut down til further notice.

>> No.3836766


I live in Catshill!

Hate the Bromsgrove subway, the fat lesbian woman always fucks up the orders.

>> No.3836773

Maybe you should explain it to us, since you've obviously went to college and received a doctorate in the subject. I'm relieved to have finally fond someone- on /ck/ of all places (take that, /fit/!) who can fully explain why some people, no matter how many gallons of Mountain Dew they drink or how many hours they sit around playing vidya and watching porn, can stay thin.
This is a true enigma that perplexed me for quite some time. In fact, I often stay up at night, laying awake in bed and wondering- how can it Be?
Please impart your vast wealth of knowledge upon us, kind sir. I just hope that my feeble brain is able to fully comprehend the words of a genius such as yourself.

>> No.3836787

>work at NJ diner
>working sunday breakfast
>closing time (noon) in 5 mins
>fairly regular couple walk in
>take order, nothing out of ordinary
>butter the woman's bread as we do for literally everybody
>calls me over a minute later and yells at me for putting too much butter on
>give her dry toast with a fat cup of butter on the side
>she puts the whole fucking cup on her toast

I will never understand people

>> No.3836795

~3800 calories per day guy here

I work at a lab (sit whole day), my only exercise is two ten minute walks through a park to and from work.

176 cm (5'9") stable at 68 kg (150 pounds)

>> No.3836871

Nutritional Scientist for Hostess here (yeah they fucking do hire people to make the food not actively lethal) and the explanation is really simple and I fucking hate these debates over metabolic rates. Variance among similar individuals is ~200-300 calories a day, and muscle mass is pretty much the only thing that actually makes one person burn more or less. The reason behind that kid you knew in college who ate domino's pizzas with stackers as "pepperoni slices", before washing it down with a red bull and a nap, is the rate at which you absorb nutrients and how long your digestive process takes. These numbers can vary wildly from nutrient to nutrient, resulting in people whose bodies actually horde fat, or even just pass it right out (greasy spotting wooo!). Depending on the length of your digestive tract, the kind of food you ate, how much water you have in your system, and your general level of activity during digestion, it is entirely possible to see people digest food from 3-24 hours which changes how much of the food actually makes it into you and not the toilet.
Glad we could clear that up.

>> No.3836889

Speaking of greasy spotting I guess I also have a food story of sorts, though in a lab not a restaurant. Seems a waste to just post off topic

>Corporate wants to look into a new preservative moistener
>Thats the wet oily shit on twinkies
>Slave over how to make it healthier and cheaper
>Finally think we got it
>Convince random lab tech to try new formula on a cupcake
>Eats it, says it's tasty and moist but less oily
>Next day lab tech is absent
>and the next
>Inquire what happened to him
>"He's got the shits something awful" according to fellow staff
>Suspect my twinkie juice
>Look into it more and realize we made a product that essentially coats your GI tract with an oily film causing the worst diarrhea ever
>Accidentally re-invent the weight loss drug Alli

Well that's why you never eat anything a guy in a labcoat dares you to eat I guess.

>> No.3836903

OT here, but when you say greasy spotting, what exactly do you mean?

I eat a lot too and I'm quite skinny, but my skin tends to get quite oily often. Does that mean the fat in food is literally coming out of my pores, or am I misinterpreting it?

>> No.3836919

It's not necessary to be so rude. The term 'Paki' is a slang term and often used as a racial slur. The formal term is 'Pakistani', which, incidentally, is not a result of political correctness but simply has always been the correct term to refer to those from Pakistan.

>> No.3836923


Put your panties back on, faggot, and take your political correctness out of here.

>> No.3836927

bowling green ohio... i'm guessing college towns in general you are more likely to get the stoners

>> No.3836949

And I guess yank is a racial slur instead of shortening a 4 syllable word down to 1?

You're the reason why your empire fucking blows and doesn't even have freedom of speech or the right to self defense.

>> No.3836994

Greasy spotting is the term used when you pass a large quantity of grease/fat/oil and it causes your feces to become slick and sloppy. The spotting comes from the fact that fat and oil will slip out of your ass whether you want it to or not, resulting in greasy spots in your underwear.

>> No.3837001

Hey 419 bro.

>> No.3837336


lol this has happened to me before at KFC. around the same time, too.

>i ask for popcorn chicken- "we outta dat"
>i ask for chicken strips- "we out"
>i ask for some chicken legs- "naw we out"
>i say "well what DO you have??"
>"we got two thighs das it"

fucking hell

>> No.3837361

Sorry mate, I just hate that term. It gets on my nerves as all of the people I've heard using it are extremely racist.

>> No.3837365

I hope you bought them thighs

>> No.3837397


no, i went to popeyes instead lol

>> No.3837661
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>> No.3837666
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I'm gonna just dump this

>> No.3837669
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>> No.3837671
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>> No.3837675
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>> No.3837676
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>> No.3837678
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>> No.3837681
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>> No.3837686
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>> No.3837688
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>> No.3837690
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>> No.3837691
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>> No.3837718
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Actually this one is most true (besides the yaoi shit) because I was an absolute loser peon in early high school and after my first waitressing job at 16 I was absolutely unable to give a single fucking shit about what anyone thought.

I remember the exact moment. It was a monday school day and this bitchy girl selena was going in on me about how my tits were fake and I was fake and I'm a stripper (when she found I waitressed and because I had a bunch of ones from tips) and all this in the middle of class. I'd justIt was the monday after a Sunday and Friday all day double along with a saturday night shifts. Normally a girl like her would make me wanna freak or just go quiet or some shit but at my level of fucks I just yawned and asked if she was just mad because no one would tip to see her mosquito bites. Typical hs OOOOOOHHHHH shit happened and I just couldn't give a shit.

>> No.3837737
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>> No.3837740
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>> No.3837741

I feel like I'm owed a blowjob after reading that.

>> No.3837742
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>> No.3837743
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>> No.3837747
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>> No.3837751
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>> No.3837752
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>> No.3837759
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well here's this

>> No.3837772
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I just posted this on /r9k/, but you all might appreciate it as well.

>be cashier at a football stadium
>work concessions, mostly ice cream
>one day we were understaffed, so I had to both scoop ice cream and work the cash, making the rush worse
>middle of the rush, woman with two kids comes up to me
>kids are wearing matching shirts
>oh fuck it's some youth group
>first she asks about allergies, I tell her that we're peanut free
>she makes me show her the ingredients on the ice cream drum to prove it, whatever
>orders 8 vanillas, 6 chocolates
>my coworker feels bad and helps out
>10 minutes of scooping later, put everything in a tray for her nicely, hoping for a big tip out of this at least
>that'll be $49
>she pulls out a credit card
>I tell her that we can't run credit cards, pointing to the big signs above and to the side of the cash register that say "NO CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS"
>she looks really shocked and nervous
>I say that there's an ATM across the corridor that she can use
>she mumbles something and walks away quickly with the kids
>walks right by the ATM
>never comes back

>> No.3837777

>work concession at a movie theater
>little things sort of bother me like "give me" or "get me" but I can let those go
>people having a fit over the prices is just white noise now
but then
>busy Saturday night rush
>white guy in his 40s with family, usually these are not a problem as the parental figure will force choices out of the kids or just make them (whereas moms will let them stare and decide)
>not this guy
>saying get me with everything
>popcorn is being bagged right behind me as it comes out of the popper
>grab him just bagged popcorn
>the next patch is letting off a few pops here and there
>he hears it
>"Nah, I want the fresh stuff"
>sir, this came out 5 minutes ago, the next batch won't be ready for 2 minutes.
>Well I want to have it my way (huge grin on his face, hopefully aiming for some sort of irony as we are not Burger King)
>okay if you wait ov-
>my movie is starting now, I'm not going anywhere
>eye twitch starting, there is only one other concessionist so he is holding up the line 50% longer
>popcorn comes out, put it down in front of him
>his youngest brat just knocks it over because he is his father's douchey son
>walks away, I get to clean up popcorn

I am a calm person but I was very close to an assault charge. I apologized for the wait to the elderly couple that came up to me and the man said it wasn't morons visit the establishment so that made me feel better.

>> No.3837784

>>dear internet journal
>>today I was disappointed that people didn't give me extra money for doing my shitty minimum wage ice cream scooping job

>> No.3837799

No reading comprehension huh? Schools starting soon kiddo

>> No.3837805

Dear yuropoor, We are too poor to tip people who make less than minimum wage by law. Better tip=better food, better ingredients, better quality, better care, better fucking service. Yuropoor=kings of shitty service and wonder why...

>> No.3837809


other movie guy here, do you have a Kid's Combo?

fuck Kid's Combos. They slow the line to a crawl and once one jerkwad sees we have them, every other jerkwad gets the same thing.

>> No.3837821

I dunno, don't sound like a bad gig, do you get any benefits? Like free movie tickets?

>> No.3837830


free movies, free popcorn+drinks, min wage

>> No.3837834

It's like you enjoy criminals mugging you

>> No.3837850

>get mugged
>thank you
>blast techno

>> No.3837897


It's like you enjoy taking the life of a human being who is asking for something so comparatively meaningless as money. What gives you the right to kill for it? Would you really murder someone for however much is in your wallet?

>> No.3837906

The mugger is already violating whatever social contract there is by threatening and using violence himself. By attacking me and putting me at risk of harm, he gives up his own right to be unharmed.Only a victim mentality would think otherwise.

>> No.3837905

First off, that criminal that was mugging you might just take your life, and then what?Also, nobody said anything about killing, just shooting in self defense.

>> No.3837911

>By attacking me and putting me at risk of harm

But he isn't attacking you. He's demanding your money. You're the one deliberately escalating the situation to violence for the sake of some money.

>> No.3837912

I bet your one of "those" people that support strict gun laws.

>> No.3837915

>First off, that guy who picked your pocket on the subway might just take your life, and then what?

Cool, in America I can gun down an underaged kid for pickpocketing on the Metro too then?

>> No.3837916

>He isn't attacking you
Do you think they just politely ask for your money?

>> No.3837919


How much do you have in your wallet right now? Go ahead, count it.

If someone offered you that much money to kill a person, would you?

Then why would you do it on the street, to a stranger, who isn't interested in hurting you?

>> No.3837920


Fast food guy here. I always cringe a little when I remember most movie guys have those loose-ass trash-bag looking gloves instead of regular vinyl ones.

>> No.3837922

The minute you pull out a gun, most pickpocketers would be gone anyway, keeping you from killing anyone.

>> No.3837925
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>> No.3837927

If they weren't intersted in hurting me, they wouldn't be mugging me.I still wouldn't kill them, but your missing the point.

>> No.3837932

>Thinks muggers mug people because they want to hurt them and not because they're desperate for cash.

If they wanted to hurt you, they'd just be murderers. It doesn't matter how much you think you deserve your money, you don't have the right to take the life of a person who could have lived if you just gave it up.

Shoot-the-mugger fetishists are the ones who fantasize about hurting people to get their jollies. Ask me who I'd rather have the firearm, the mugger or one of them.

>> No.3837934


fellow Hobbesian

>> No.3837935


you don't kill the guy because your chances of getting caught escalate exponentially, homicide is a whole lot different than a hold up as far as the effort the cops put into finding you

>> No.3837938

I hope this is a joke picture. Liberals align themselves with the government, and most "responsible" gun owners KNOW government is the entity that uses guns against its people. If a liberal has a gun, for protection or hobby, that's nearly a contradiction.

>> No.3837943
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>on the crazy train to /k/-town

>> No.3837945

What would happen if you said "no" to one of these "muggers".You think they would just go home and cry about it?No, they would most like;y attack you for your money.

>> No.3837952


Have you ever been mugged before? Most of the time it's just some dumb black kid who thinks that spineless suburban whitey will buckle at the sight of a darkie. Spoiler: this describes you pretty accurately.

Enjoy shirking in terror every time you see a negro clad in sports wear. Until you learn to say no to unarmed strangers who are just fucking with the paranoid newcomer, stay in your own neighborhoods and you won't have any trouble.

>> No.3837956


You can't initiate deadly violence on a person (and gunfire is deadly violence whether you "shoot to kill" or not, nevermind your ability to actually aim that well under pressure to make a "nonlethal shot) on the basis of "most likely". If you refuse them, that's the risk you take. If they then initiate violence, THEN you have a right to respond with proportionate force to prevent them from continuing because then you are defending yourself (and not just some money).

>> No.3837970

Nigga you were getting trolled

>> No.3837974

Fucking christ, can we forget about god damn guns and get back on topic

>> No.3838079

this is really cool!!!
is that the end?

>> No.3838084


>proud of this

>> No.3838104

I hate when cashiers ask if I want to donate. They should have a sign or something instead of asking because then if you say no it feels rude.

>> No.3838136

Reply to them with a question: "did you donate yet?"
No fucks will be given thereafter.

>> No.3838155

everybody says "not today"

>walking into kroger
>some group of kids ask if i want to donate to something
>"maybe when i come out"
>i pass them and get about 20ft away from them and they yell if i want to donate
>walk into my car

>> No.3838163

That's just being a dick.

>> No.3838165

>working in grocery store
>older man walks up with a small order
>I ring it up and bag it all, carry it to his cart
>his last item rings up for something like $3.99
>he insists it was 30 cents less
>check all the usual things, his reward card, so on
>eventually call for a price check
>stand there holding up the line
>holding it up
>and up
>and up
>coworker finally comes back, says that there is actually no sale on it and it is $3.99
>the guy totally loses it
>"if you can't honor this discount on my item, then your service is unsatisfactory! I don't want ANY of these other items from you!"
>"you... don't want any of the other items sir?"
>"I don't want to support a store with unsatisfactory service!"
>call the one manager on duty from the back of the store, the line is STILL HELD UP
>so she can just give him the 30 cents off
>instantly he turns cheery and prances out of there
>in short, customers are terrible people

>> No.3838166
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"because of people like you I get to live in a nice dorm with cable and a laptop for the rest of my life, cheers!"

>> No.3838167


>was 17
>still acting 15

Trying to read this thread but this idiot really ruined the first half. Holy shit.

>> No.3838170

yeah the gun faggot didn't help shit either

>> No.3838172


That's actually the point. They WANT you to be uncomfortable so you'll give in. But in all fairness it isn't up the cashiers, upper management decides it and if the cashiers don't do it they get punished.

Trust me, if it were up to us we wouldn't ask you a hundred different things in one short transaction. It never ends well for us. We get shit from customers for asking, and if we don't ask (or even if we just don't get enough donations/sign ups) then we get yelled at by our managers. It sucks.

>> No.3838173

I work at What-a-Burger. The company itself is fine, my managers aren't huge dicks or anything, but we get a lot of really shitty customers.

>huge white trash family comes in
>they all waddle their way up
>it's almost like they coordinated their mouthbreathing
>all landwhales
>order too much food
>huge sweaty father smirks like he has figured out the secret of life and tells me to add bacon and cheese to every burger (which would usually cost extra, people think because they've already paid I can't ring them up for extra shit)
>fatty smirk dies when I ring him up for extra add-ons
>they eat
>one child scooped some of her milkshake out with her hands, jesus h christ
>they're leaving
>they leave a small landfill
>fatty fat fatterson is walking out the door
>I point out his mess to him
>"oh. oh. uhhh. uhh. tha aine mine, I wasn't sittin' ovah there"

I - I just can't. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3838174

I don't understand how this works. It's a well known fact that 99% of customers don't want the new random item of week number 900, so why the hell are the poor cashiers forced to spout that bullshit, when, as stated above, 99% of customers don't care? Does that 1% spend like three times the amount of everyone else or something?

>> No.3838175


it's just that repetition
marketing isn't - and for a long time hasn't been - about saying something to someone and then going "omg that sounds like a great idea i'll go buy it"

marketing has been and is now all about using subtle and sometimes subconscious manipulation to silently persuade you to buy things.

marketing - arresting the human attention span and intelligence long enough to make profit from it

>> No.3838177


It's really really simple: corporate decides what new shit we spout each week and not a single one of them have worked a 45 hour work week spouting the exact same bullshit in the exact same perky voice to the exact same uninterested soccer mom that they asked the day before. They just don't understand that we get shit for it and there is really such a tiny gain that it isn't worth it. All they see is
>when we force our cashiers to say the same catchphrase over and over we get a miniscule increase in donations/sign ups/sales!
>profit is profit! Keep it up!

>> No.3838179

Oh yeah, stupid me. I forgot that corporate has never worked a damn day in it's life.

Seriously though, I firmly believe that to make corporate you must work a minimum of two days a week in a store, just to know what goes on.

Also, I really, really, want to open my own business just so that people don't have to deal with that crap.

>> No.3838180


I have a pitch I have to do at my job with every customer at the register; we do about 100-1200 customers a day depending on conditions. I don't even know what I say anymore, I just fit it into one breath. Had someone ask me to repeat it, I had to think about what the words actually meant.

>> No.3838181


I know that feel, try being an usher at a busy movie theater. I didn't realize people leave all their shit in their until I started working. How hard is it to take your trash with you? I am not the one who made you pay out the ass for your ticket, don't punish me. The worst is a tie between sunflower seed spitters and chew dippers who leave their spit bottles everywhere.

>> No.3838182

>customers walk in
>give the company i work for a lot of business and me job security
>everything they do upsets me
>i have to do my job
>i'm even more upset

kill yourself

>> No.3838185

Worse than not saying please or thank you is when people begin an order with

> "I need"

That one really rustled my jimmies when I worked in food service many years ago.

>> No.3838187


same guy as >>3838175
it's not that corporate doesn't know what they're making you do. they know what works and they make you do it, even if the prime directive isn't quite profit.

you know how in the military they'll make you do stupid shit that seems pointless but you do it anyway because you listen to authority? exactly.
they break you.

similar thing with corporate (just not as severe)

>> No.3838188

Fuck then, they owe you a pay raise then. And yeah, giving me the whole military authority thing does kinda help put it into perspective.

>> No.3838190

It can work depending on who does it. I work retail and when we check someone out were supposed to get their phone # and email. Our quota is like a 25% catch, most of my coworkers get about 10%. And me, I dont know why but I get over 90% every week and I say the same shit they all say. I also regularly make $1000 + sales in one transaction and I dont even try or give a fuck, im not making commision. I dont know what it is, my coworkers think I use hypmotism but I really dont try at all. I think I should get into real sales, I just look these rich folk straight in the eye and they say yes to anything.

>> No.3838191


pay raise what ????
though more money would be cool..



i just don't fucking get it
do some customers realize how terrible they are?
some of the nicest fucking people will come in and be rude or flip the fuck out over 20 cents

>> No.3838192

also kudos for the small business thing
definitely go with that and be one cool mufucka

trying to find a place for me right now as it is.. i hope a bakery.. ;(

>> No.3838194

No, I firmly think cashiers in general are not paid well enough. You people put up with some of the biggest bullshit in the world. I worked as a pizza maker in a grocery store for about a year before they shut it down (refused to hire a proper manager). Anyway, I only had a few customers who were actually normal, nice people, and they where, A. Mexican. B. former teachers who knew me on site (6'2, 280 is kinda hard to forget). Everyone else was either quick, if a bit rude, or just downright nasty. The nasty ones tended to be old. As for people flipping their shit, I think they do it to make themselves feel better that they aren't the ones doing that job.

Thanks man. Bit hard to get it going being 20 and all, and not having a way to get to the local SBDC but I'm doing my best along with a close friend. Doing a computer store, wanted a gun store but BATFE + 20 year old white male = not a good thing.

>> No.3838195


don't give up hope brah ;(

>> No.3838197

Trying not to man. I'm really not. Had plans go awry this week already. We had an appointment at the SBDC but our ride, my friends dad, ended up in the hospital Monday with extreme vomiting. Ended up with bad gallstones, getting his gallbladder out and one of the stones was blocking his pancreas. And my mom works crazy hours and just started a new job so I really don't have a way to go, ever, nor do I seem to have money for that matter.

>> No.3838216

Here's my story of shitty customers, at the frame shop I work at.

>Helping a lady and her friend choose what she wants
>They're just going back and forth between a few things, basically done
>Another customer is waiting, a regular and super nice
>I'm working alone obviously
>A third customer, a regular who's kind of annoying and cheap comes in
>Just as this is happening the lady I'm helping tells me to help others while she decides
>I ask guy walking in if he's picking up (not carrying any art etc) and he says yes
>Waiting customer says it's cool, I go to find guy's stuff
>Turns out it's not ready and wasn't due for another week and a half, he has no reason to think it's done
>He starts asking questions about why it's not done yet, it's just a mat it shouldn't take as long as a whole framed thing
>I explain that we do orders on a set schedule regardless of how complicated, and to the mat cutter every order is just a mat...
>I tell him if he wants to pay a rush I can have it early
>He just keeps asking like, "but why should it take as long as a frame"
>Finally waiting customer says, "Because it's not fair to the other customers who placed their orders first"
>Tears forming in eyes, I'm a girl but god I feel stupid
>Guy drops spaghetti and just goes
>mfw I never call him to let him know his shit is done
>coworker dated his son but kid was weird
>so now neither of us call him
>boss deals with it

Only other real complaint is people acting like I'm a retarded highschool kid when I'm now 25 and looking past me to ask my boss to come help them, and customers calling and asking for CUSTOM FRAMING QUOTES OVER THE PHONE? They don't know how big their shit is or what they want?? aaagh

>> No.3838222


I worked in a grocery store starbucks for three months and it was hell. A lot of the issue was the assistant manager of the story was a gorgon, but I literally had a customer once bitch at me for making her a grande when she ordered and paid for a tall.

>> No.3838224

Isn't the grande more than the tall? Also, I can't imagine that hell.

>> No.3838226

I want to know how you reacted to this one. Just to be sure, the grande is the larger size, right? Fucking Starbucks sizes.

>> No.3838227

Jesus, stop misusing meme arrows, you all sound retarded.

>> No.3838230

Too obvious, apply yourself.

>> No.3838251

That's not being beta, that's avoiding getting his balls cut off if he pisses off the up-to-this-point polite mugger.

>> No.3838416

I haven't been in since I left about 6 years ago. Is it still open? I kept hearing it wasn't doing very well.

>> No.3838417


He thanked his mugger for mugging him. It's like having someone come up and steal your candy bar, eat it in front of you, and saying, "Thanks, loser!", and then you say, "You too".

>> No.3838419

Dude I worked at Burger King in Amsterdam.
Believe me, there are plenty of rude fucks all over the globe.
That being said. Americans do have a large schism in their population. On one side there are normal (mostly younger) people who say please, thank you and are quite happy that I'm willing to help them in their native language. These are also the people who will claim to be canadian and then hope I don't hear the clear southern drawl they carry when they talk to their friends.
On the other side are midwestern 40+ cunts who will bitch about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING and demand refunds and threaten with lawsuits over the ammount of ice in a cup or the employees not speaking English. (yes, some will blame the Dutch for not speaking English IN THE MIDDLE OF AMSTERDAM).

As a final note. I don't really give a shit wether you say please and thank you. Our mutual contact has nothing to do with pleasantries or socializing. You are here for sloppy burgers and I'm here to give them to you in exchange for money.

>> No.3838442

> free the niggers they said
> it'll be great they said

>> No.3838560

Do you really treat Canadians better than Americans?

>> No.3838584


>> No.3838642

That feeling with I live in Texas and have the exact same problem everywhere because of all of the Mexicans and employers that are too stupid to at least have people that understand English. It also makes finding a job bullshit. Might need to move at some point.

>> No.3838646

You can call them Pakimon

>> No.3838665

>Better tip=better food, better ingredients, better quality, better care, better fucking service.

Tips come AFTER the food has been cooked, served, and eaten. How would the tip make it better?

>> No.3838672

Triple six, five, forked tongue
>Subatomic penetration rapid fire through your skull
>How I shot it on one taking it back to the days of tryin to lose control
>Swervin in a blaze of fire raging through my bones
>Oh shit I'm feeling it
>Hell yeah fuck yeah I feel like killin' it
>alright that's tight what it's like to experience

>> No.3838698

servers are very good at remembering the face of both good and shit tippers. when the server drops off the ticket in the kitchen the next time you go in the restaurant, they'll either say:
>i like this guy, he tipped me really well, make sure his food is cash
and it comes out faster and with more food on it
>this guy's a cunt, rub your nuts on the salad

>> No.3838776

>"thank you"
>"you too"
leave my sides alone

>> No.3838790

Do you really think the chef will work to make the food better just because the server gets more money?

>> No.3838858

>service industry plebs complaining as usual
>no talk about doing anything productive to get on with their lives and into a real job

Wellp, here are some of the things I like to do

>go to drive through
>accidentalyl drop drink handed to me every time
>drop change EVERYTIME (dont worry you plebs "wont" let me pick it up, so I get the change off my order, thanks for the discount

>order pizza for delivery
>never ever tip
>if they ever ask or say anything, prompt call to the owner to ask him why he can't pay his staff a normal wage
>inform him that if he can't afford to do it, or it's a corporate policy then he should train his drivers to realize not everyone is going to tip and that it's unprofessional to demand extras regardless if it is expected or not

>dumb highschool nerd gets order wrong
>remake my ENTIRE order, take the ENTIRE bag, the drink, everything. go get it right completely, dont come back until you hve
>proceed to blast my music, inspect my order thoroughly regardless of how many cars are behind me
>make sure to say "see that's not that hard of a job is it?"

>go out to eat
>lay down ground rules that waiter will recieve 30% tip if he does everything right
>let him know each time there is a 5% deduction due to him taking too long or fucking something up
>think this will motivate people into SIMPLY doing their job correctly
>they often are offended and childish bc ohhh nooo dollars of tip gone bc i failed to do what im required of!!!
>by the end of the meal the waiters are lucky to be at 5%

Deal with it nerds

>> No.3838861

>lay down ground rules that waiter will recieve 30% tip if he does everything right
I'm a cook and if a server told me someone actually said this you would be sitting on the toilet for the rest of the night.

>> No.3838863

i care, seriously i care, you've scared me into not acting like this anymore, ive changed my ways

[spoiler]you're gay

>> No.3838867

I might be gay but I don't have fecal matter in the food prepared for me.

>> No.3838877
File: 32 KB, 250x250, Cameron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remake my ENTIRE order, take the ENTIRE bag, the drink, everything. go get it right completely, dont come back until you have

So if they give you Fanta instead of Coke you expect them to remake the entire order?
You do realize that all they will do is change the thing that's wrong, fuck what you say.

>let him know each time there is a 5% deduction due to him taking too long or fucking something up

If I was your waiter and you said that to me, I wouldn't care about the tip and fuck everything up, just to piss you off. MFW.

>> No.3838882

you are a shithead and should be chemically sterilized so your retarded genes won't be passed on.

>> No.3838883

>think this will motivate people into SIMPLY doing their job correctly

Haha, you have no idea how normal people think. You treat waiters like shit, expect shit in your food.

>> No.3838884

I wish you did this, because it would be funny and people would avoid you, but alas it isn't true.

You avoid eye contact with most people (especially women), are a virgin (despite being in a dorm, which is a pretty amazing achievement), and have social anxiety around large groups of people and when you walk down a hallway.


>> No.3838886

and you'd be fired because i'd tell your manager exactly what happened

i've gotten 13 people fired this month

fuck the "shitty job market" i'll get people fired and let competent people who actually want to work take their places :O)

>> No.3838888

wrong about every assumption

>> No.3838891

You got 13 people "fired". As in, you were told they were fired when really you've been blacklisted for piss soup and cum mayo

>> No.3838899

As in I tell the manager the conversation is being recorded and if he is lying to me about said termination then I'll contact corporate to let them know the manager lied to me about the corretive action he took with a team member.

I go back to these places multiple times over the next week to see if the employee is still working, but after the corporate threat and exposing the managers likely lie, they are forced to fire the person to save their own ass

it's been a pretty fail safe system so far. and yes i do call corporate frequently to complain about hire ups who are just as dumb as their 16 year old belows

it's not a hard job you kiddos have, if you don't want to do the job, fucking quit, i expect perfection, if you can't deliver it, then go back to school, or acquire a trade or something, maybe go to college... oh wait if you had any amount of $ to begin with you'd prob have a higher education and wouldn't be stuck working a shit tier job

>> No.3838902
File: 930 KB, 200x133, Rockwell.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As in I tell the manager the conversation is being recorded and if he is lying to me about said termination then I'll contact corporate


>> No.3838903

To have to find a new job in order to give food poisoning to you would be worth it to me.

>> No.3838907

>I spend 40 hours a week making sure the 16 year olds I got fired are actually fired

Sure bro, sure.

You had a good story going, but you flew too close to the sun.

>> No.3838908

>implying if anything is wrong with my meal I eat it

I demand a full refund for my meal, and ask to be compensated with a gift card if they'd ever like to see me back at their establishment.

Often times I just order pick up because they don't know who it is and won't fuck with it.

>> No.3838913

>I spend 40 hours a week

>i put words into peoples mouths and then attempt to discredit them
autistic much?

I do this when I go out to eat, or out to get food, which is at least once a day. It's nice being wealthy and being able to afford $30 sushi lunch, $40 dinners each night.

>> No.3838920
File: 29 KB, 600x369, Pot_Meet_Kettle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic much?

Oh boy!

>> No.3838923

maybe if you weren't autistic and possesed communication skills you'd have a job other than ferrying dishes back and forth from point A to B

and you people can't even get something as simple as that right

pathetic when you think about it...

>> No.3838927

>eat out alone twice a day
>try to brag about being rich enough to afford eating at a restaurant on 4chan

lol it gets better all the time

>> No.3838929

What makes you think I'm a waiter?

>> No.3838930
File: 2.64 MB, 320x240, 1345786918336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


WOW! I sure feel showed! I sure am glad someone like you exists to put me in my place! Please, continue to do this!


>> No.3838935

>go to drive through
>order pizza for delivery
>remake my ENTIRE order, take the ENTIRE bag, the drink, everything. go get it right completely, dont come back until you hve

So you are a fat guy that eats a ton of fast food and these are your fantasies... win?

>> No.3838946

You are miserable human being, trying to justify your pathetic, lonely existence to the fact that you have 'higher standards.' You will die alone just like you lived. Congratulations on getting that teenager supporting her two younger siblings fired.

>> No.3838953

>You will die alone

everyone dies alone moron

>> No.3838960

>Congratulations on getting that teenager supporting her two younger siblings fired.

Next time tell her to leave her personal life bullshit at the door when entering her place of business. Next time maybe she'll learn that when she comes to work she's there to...oh god wait for it... WORK

oh god what a horrible concept a job where you go and actually perform the task that is requested of you

like i said poorfags who can't into higher education or motivation, if you don't like your jobs don't do it, but don't make my meal or service slack becuase you can't cope with how shitty your life is

>> No.3838966

He obviously is just trolling, relax.

His idea of "living the life" is eating fast food alone everyday. He eats it in his car in the parking lot and imagines himself confronting the people who got his order wrong.

And now he posts about his wonderful flights of fantasy on /ck/, so we can all know how badass he is.

>> No.3838984

omg u so le alpha lol XD

Seriously, when are you cunts going to realize that being a dick to everyone does not in any way make you more of a man and, in fact, makes you look like an enormous child? The only people who would condone this sort of behavior are people who've never had to work for a goddamn thing in their life.

>> No.3838999

that's where you're wrong, im ridiculously successful, i emulate success, i work for EVERYTHING I have.

I expect people to take their job, regardless of wage or duty, seriously. Service industry people are typically less educated, less intelligent than other professions. It's WHY they work these jobs to beginw ith, they are failures. Unmotivated, uneducated failures.

Ever heard someone say "I wish when I grow up that I could be a fast food lackey"

I don't give a fuck what you do for a living as long as you are QUALIFIED for your position. If you can't handle bringing something from point A to B you don't deserve for me to pay you.

>> No.3839002

also, there is a reason your boss doesn't just pay you a wage, and let's other people pay your wages in tips

it's because he knows you are all unmotivated failures who are inconsistent and utterly unreliable in the long term

so next time you complain about that tip, think about the job you've CHOSEN to take, knowing you are such a failure even your own employer pays you a slave wage, in hopes you might care just ENOUGH for ME to pay your wages.

>> No.3839003

You emulate success?


>> No.3839001

>go to drive through
>accidentalyl drop drink handed to me every time
>drop change EVERYTIME (dont worry you plebs "wont" let me pick it up, so I get the change off my order, thanks for the discount

I don't understand what this is accomplishing in your "I'M TRYING TO HELP THEM" mind. In this case they were doing their job properly and you decided to fuck them up for no reason.

>> No.3839006

maybe if they get fed the fuck up enough with having to refill a drink 10x as a job then tehy will consider changing their life around and getting a job of value that doesn't involve refilling some pricks drink 10x over

>> No.3839008


Nobody in food service actually wants to be in food service. Most people are there because they either want a little bit of disposable income (high school kids), or they need a job to hold them over (college students, people who got laid off for whatever).

>> No.3839014


But if there are no more waiters/waitresses, no more delivery guys, and no more drive through workers, how will you keep up your lavish lifestyle of eating out twice a day?

>> No.3839019

you do realize unemployment is 12% in the country?

let these failure teenagers get fired and let mexicans who actually work hard for whatever wage is given and they'll do all the work and twice as much twice as quick

>> No.3839022

Or you could just let them do their job without worrying over every little detail. Someone screws up your order? There's no need to be a dick. They will make it right at no cost to you other than a little time.

And the reason why people aren't paid full wages is because the employer expects that most people will tip to make up the difference.

If you truly have no empathy for someone making a simple mistake, I think you most likely are a sociopath. You seriously think you're helping them do their job better by intentionally making it harder? No, you're just getting a load of jizz in your Coke, sorry your efforts are all in vain.

>> No.3839023
File: 26 KB, 274x315, emma-watson-xnhgrk62k-114931-467-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh lawd

>> No.3839028

>without worrying over every little detail
I'm paying for something, it's not difficult to take an order, pay attention when the customer is talking, make sure their order is right before bringing it to them
>at no cost to you other than time
typical teenager response, time is money you massive faggot. i shouldn't have to wait on a mistake that wouldn't of happened had you taken your WORK time to make sure it was right

now that mistake getting fixed is eating into my WORK schedule you complete fool

this is why i treat you people like shit, you're all morons

>> No.3839035


You think people who can barely understand your language will do a better job then somebody who you're intentionally trying to fuck with?

>> No.3839037


>> No.3839042

>time is money you massive faggot
>Sits in the drive through dropping drinks and change for no reason
>Consistently goes back to restaurants to make sure people got fired
>Eats out twice a day

You seem to have an awful lot of time on your hands anyways.

>> No.3839045

if it's during my lunch i don't fuck around other than demanding perfect service

if it's on my free time i'll do as i please

it's all very situational really

>> No.3839046

This is actually pretty dang interesting. Thanks for explaining that. I had never even really thought about it before this thread.

>> No.3839124

Seconded. Does anyone know where this comic came from? This mirrors my own waitressing experience and I am in love.

>> No.3839126

>work weekends in local chip shop (UK of course)
>giant bald man comes in
>orders chips, fried rice and curry sauce
>proceed to put these three separate items in a tray designed for 3 items or less
>"why are you putting it in that one? I want a bigger tray"
>proceed to explain that this tray is for 3 items or less
>"right, and do you think that's enough for what I'm paying?"
>repeat explanation, slightly angrier this time
>this carries on, him laughing in disbelief because I won't do what he says, until I state that I'm just following the standard protocol
>"alright pal, don't let me tell you how to do your job"
>condescending prick
>boss comes in, turns out he's a regular and requires a double 'fatfuck' portion
>didn't have to be such a dick about it

>> No.3839132

Most of you guys are getting trolled hard but the dude is actually right. If you can't do your job properly, why do it in the first place?

I'm assuming most people here are too poor to go out so when they do, they try to make a night of it. Doesn't change the fact that the service industry is fucked up in America (on both ends).

>> No.3839137

or you could have just pleased the customer instead of arguing multiple times with him

you uneducated lackey fucks just don't get how this world works do you?

>> No.3839172

My friends were mugged, and when they tried to run/refused they were punhed in the face with brass knuckles and the muggers proceeded to chase them down in a car. They suspect one of them might have had a gun as well, or some blunt object

>> No.3839186

i was once jacked by three black dudes for a bag i was holding, it was a plastic bag with some juice in it and some bread

they were walking towards me, 2 am, chicago, dark alley

i sighed to myself totally seeing what was about to happen as they came near me, dude tried to be friendly hey man "boooom" punches me straight int he fucking face, breaks my nose

other 2 come up to kick me and shit on the ground, they run off for only like 30 fucking feet and continue casually walking down the alley with my bag in hand

i hear one of the dudes down the alley go "god damn thats some good juice"

i laughed heartily, waited a moment till they were out of view, then entered my apartment, which was right where i was mugged in front of

>> No.3839192

oh another time, this was years earlier my first year of college

i got so hammered at the bar, i was walking home i guess i was so unmagably drunk i feel behind or people left me or couldn't carry me or some bullshit

long story short i woke up in a bush with no pants or shoes (stolen) right on fullerton avenue, keeled over in a bush at 10am

at least 300-500 people passed me in this time going to morning classes and not one person that im aware of tried to help me


>> No.3839196

Never been mugged but I don't know if its worth it to run, if chance of car+gun. Or to try punching them in the throat or something and than running for help.

>> No.3839204
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>Emulate success
>Can't spell/punctuate/capitalize for shit
Have you ever worked in the food service industry, friend?

>> No.3839207

> to complain about hire ups who are just as dumb as their 16 year old belows
>complain about hire ups
>hire ups

>> No.3839217

>still getting trolled hours later by some faggot

>> No.3839221


>> No.3839230

first post was at 12:50

that was hours ago and he was trolling to begin with. learn to read a thread fag boy

>> No.3839236
File: 25 KB, 284x425, sad-puppy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying i've been sitting on /ck/ continuously refreshing every thread, just waiting for the perfect time to make that perfect response.
mfw i have.

>> No.3839238
File: 35 KB, 265x450, THIS FRUIT SALAD IS FUCKING HILARIOUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3839241

>fast food
>corporate chains

>> No.3839242

eh, 4/10, you got some people.
None of that shit would ever fly in the real world, and you'd eat so much fecal matter if it did.

>> No.3839245

> think about the job you've CHOSEN to take
You say that like many people have a choice for their first ob
>hmm I could be a real estate agent at 17
>or a pizza delivery guy
>I'll go with delivery

>> No.3839256

If I bought a house and ANYTHING was wrong with it- I mean ANYTHING from a burnt-out light bulb to a spider web in the basement window- I would call my real estate agent, the construction company, etc. and make them completely rebuild the home from the ground up.
Also, when dealing with my broker, I "accidentally" drop the last few hundred dollars. He simply "wont" let me transfer the money.
I also tell my boss that for each day he neglects to buy a high-end espresso machine for the break room, I will work 25% less. By the end of the week, I don't even have a job!

>> No.3839259

>I mean ANYTHING from a burnt-out light bulb to a spider web in the basement window- I would call my real estate agent, the construction company, etc. and make them completely rebuild the home from the ground up.
Congratulations, you have no reading comprhension

>> No.3839262

>has 5 hours to spend bitching on 4chan on a weekday afternoon

>> No.3839269

Huh? Can you type that in pictures for me, please?

>> No.3839300

thats why you read threads before posting, kiddo

>> No.3839567

Come on, /ck/, even /v/ doesn't get 8/10 trolled this easily!

Also, chefs and line workers should be tipped (deserve to be tipped) as much as a server does, since they do just as much work (if not more), and since a restaurant is MOSTLY about food, followed next by service.

>> No.3839623


Chefs get paid 2-3 times as much as the wait staff.

>> No.3839696

>this x 1,000,000

>> No.3839790

>"I need"
This is the one that really irks me

>> No.3839980

I am the beast I worship

>> No.3840180
File: 397 KB, 504x1576, waiter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you really think the chef will work to make the food better just because the server gets more money?

Well yeah, that actually will happen in places where everyone isn't bitter.

So if I go back into the kitchen and say "yeah, that couple of old folks are really cool and said they'd be a regular last week, I like 'em" and me and the cook being bro he'll make the food a bit better. Not just because of my tip but it'll also help the business to have such regulars. Which helps him.

I know we got a bunch of rage inducing shit but for the most part I really like where I work. It's a family owned bar and restaurant in a popular area of the city with fancy restaurants and stores to the left and bars and clubs to the right. I get about 20% tip usually and the meals are about 10 to 20 bucks so it's good money without the need for a lot of turnover. Everyone I work with is about nice and the manager/owners have less patience with customers than I do so it's fine if I have a dick customer because at some point the manager will ask if I need help or want him on the shit list. Which I never need really.

>> No.3840191

they do but on busy nights if I'm slipping on dishes and he's doing great I'll tip out the cook

>> No.3840197

Not true. It's basically atmosphere, service, food.

I've stopped going to places despite them having good food because it was such shit service.

And besides that atmosphere is pretty fucking crucial.

Food is good but if I'm really wanting some good food I'll look up the delicious recipe and make it at home. I pay to go eat out because of the experience. Good food is important but I know plenty of average food places that are popular because they're fun (for example Dicks)

>> No.3840593

Oh man, speaking of atmosphere, there is this one thai restaurant that I live by, great food, great service (They know me by name and they are really nice, food always comes on time, they make it really spicy just how I like it), and great atmosphere, whole place is just really nice.

>> No.3840675

>I emulate success
well that is certainly true

>> No.3841529

That's all she has posted and it sounds like there probably won't be any more, at least not for a while.
She also does this comic. Unrelated but enjoyable.

>> No.3841539
File: 27 KB, 400x350, mitchalltogether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's where those fuckers were!