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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3831883 No.3831883[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

starving college student here

no cash at all

should i order dominos on a parental credit card? what about tip? i always tip but should i order anyways if i can't?

>> No.3831889

Unless it's just have their credit card information you should buy $10 worth in groceries.

>> No.3831915


You could eat for a week if you shop smart on what it would cost for a decent ordered out pizza. That would be my suggestion. It may not be the best stuff, but a weeks worth of meals is better than one night.

>> No.3831927
File: 1.75 MB, 3708x2000, 1343286919702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.3834648

only betas tip. wait in the collection space at a drivethru then reverse up the lane while someone is paying and steal their food at the second window.

>> No.3834654
File: 915 KB, 1000x3400, ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, don't order take out, or eat at fast food. More smarter to cook at home. Trust me. Cheaper too.

Here, have this ramen guiode.

>> No.3834662

he's a college student
most likely living in a dorm
he doesnt have a kitchen

>> No.3834669

I'll bet you three internets he's living with his parents and ride sharing or bus riding to college.

>> No.3834671

you dont need a kitchen to order a pizza you dumbass. You can call from any room you like

>> No.3834679

no, you're the idiot
my comment was direct to the people suggesting him to cook food rather than order take out

>> No.3834687

>supporting tipping

lol ameridummies

>> No.3834774

What kind of shitty dorm doesn't have a kitchen.

>> No.3834776
File: 32 KB, 300x433, 1344678332707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3835116

Find a microwave, heat water, add ramen. Done.

>> No.3835509

Like fucking all of them.

>> No.3835538

Dominoes is a huge waste of money on a budget like yours. Seriously, it's not worth it at all. Buy 10 dollars worth of veggies or ramen or something. Eating veggies will make you feel fuller than if you eat shitty dominoes food, anyway.

Also, if you don't have some already, look into getting a pair of cargo shorts, and learn to shoplift. There's plenty of food at any supermarket that you can shoplift easily and feast with.

Deli meats and cheese. You can fit three (more depending on size of pockets, how much other food you are getting) 1/2 or 3/4 lb slabs of meat or cheese you would order from a deli (turkey, chicken, ham, salami, provolone, etc)
Going with the previous theme, you can also shoplift small condiment bottle (such as those jack daniels mustard things that come in small, square bottles), packets of sliced peporoni, things of this nature. When your pockets are full of these things, go to the bakery and buy one of the day-old bags of rolls (usually have 6 or more rolls for 2 or less dollars) and you've got 6 meals worth of delicious sandwiches for the price of the rolls.

Small bags of candy also work (tip: bit the bag a little and squeeze the air out for a better fit)

Chef Boyardee makes small microwave bowls of various pasta dishes that can easily fit in the pockets of cargo shorts, and are very filling.

Red bull cans can fit easily in cargo shorts pockets, which can save on coffee expenses if you're the type to need caffeine in the morning before class.

There's a whole world out there for you to steal, why not take advantage?

>> No.3835558

Even if OP doesn't have a kitchen he could get a fucking microwave, toaster oven, or hot plate (even though most dorms ban them but learn2hide shit).

>> No.3835568

>Also, if you don't have some already, look into getting a pair of cargo shorts, and learn to shoplift. There's plenty of food at any supermarket that you can shoplift easily and feast with.

I know you mean well, but as someone that works in a super market, I wish cancer upon all you love.

>> No.3835581

Don't tip. It's part of their job to bring you the food, there's already a delivery charge so why bother.

>> No.3835589

You're a piece of shit, I hope you know that.

>> No.3835609

I was never trying to imply I was a good person for stealing, but college (especially when you come from a poor family) is cripplingly expensive and it's cost alone is something that makes one unable to afford to live on their own while feeding themselves for decades of their early lives. When things are over priced, the people steal. I know the supermarkets have nothing to do with the debt incurred through other facets of life, but the people who work in them (I used to and probably will again soon now that my seasonal job is ending) only get minimum wage with shit hours anyway, so one's shoplifting doesn't affect the workers.

>> No.3835626

Get a fucking job then, loser. You can work and go to college. Stop being a little bitch and making supermarket worker's lives harder. And those guys aside, if you still from a mom & pop store you're just filth.

>> No.3835657


why do you give a shit about the profit margins of the corporation you work for? i really hope they pay you well. if you work for a small place i can relate, but if you work at safeway or something i can't really understand why you would care about your job that much.

i dont mean to endorse stealing or insult you, i just dont really understand why you care about this other kid ripping off safeway

>> No.3835672

Employees can get in deep shit if there's a large amount of shoplifting at their store. I worked for a small electronics chain for a while and one of our stores got shit stolen all the time, the employees had to jump through all sorts of stupid hoops and basically deal with a bunch of extra stuff because some dipships don't want to pay for their gadgets. Also if it's bad enough, the store can be closed down in favor of ones with better margins...