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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 365 KB, 1536x1024, boeuf-bourguignon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3831221 No.3831221 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck!
Anyone knows a good recipe for boeuf bourguignon?

>> No.3831228

The one on epicure's pretty good.

Made it before. Make sure you put the right amount of wine and you gotta cook out the wine's winy flavor or else it'll turn sour.

>> No.3831232

Isn't this one of Julia Child's signature dishes?

>> No.3831234


>> No.3831238

According to threes company a can of horse based dog food tastes just as good

>> No.3831243

I'm sure this... "threes company" is a pinnacle of culinary knowledge. I see in harm in you taking their word for it. I'll stick to bourguignon though. First thing I ever learned to cook.

>> No.3831247

Threes company is practically an encyclopedia of human interaction. Any awkward situation you can fins yourself in, those guys will teach you how to get out of it.

>> No.3831325

It's only Bourguignon if you make it with Burgundy wine. I call mine Beef merloignon or chiantignion.

>> No.3831327
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I hope you're serious.

>> No.3831330
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I never joke about beef

>> No.3831332

Actually I guess I should call it by the region but then people don't "see what I did there" if I do.

>> No.3831336


But if your logic is going to be that rigid, you have to use varietal name when making it with a new world wine, unless it's one of those weird ones like meritage.

>> No.3831344

I guess that's true. So Merloignon it is.

>> No.3831362

But merlot is a grape type, not a wine designation, you stupid fu-

-oh. 10/10, would flip my shits again.

>> No.3831429

bourguignon isn't just named after the wine.
Of course, it is, also, but it originated because people from Bourgogne had too much beef on their hand, and they made it simmer in wine to make it tender, because all they had were tough morsels.

>> No.3831448

my dad made this for my family once, really good but really fucking expensive :http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Beef-Stew-Burgundy-Style

>> No.3831455

I think its ultra stupid and super pretentious making this with burgundy wine if you live outside of France. Your country probably makes good wine. Being a muhrican, california makes excellent and affordable wine. Unless you live in one of those eastern European shitholes. In which case use imported wine.

I don't care if you use expensive wine. It's your money. Me, I'd rather drink good wine than dilute its flavor with beef.

Blind tastings have shown that California wine is just as good if not outright better than French wine.

>> No.3831464

>>3831455 Blind tastings have shown that California wine is just as good if not outright better than French wine.

You just invalidated your comment.

>> No.3831468


In both 1978 and 2006. Tell me how is your butthurt?

>> No.3831469

>I think its ultra stupid and super pretentious making this with burgundy wine if you live outside of France. Your country probably makes good wine.
>I don't care if you use expensive wine. It's your money. Me, I'd rather drink good wine than dilute its flavor with beef.
>Blind tastings have shown that California wine is just as good if not outright better than French wine.

Son, you should quit trying to think this fucking instant, because you're downright shit at it. Jesus F. Christ. Someone's going after authenticity and you think it's pretentious and stupid? And you think all Burgundy wines are expensive? You think bad wine and good wine bring the same cooking results? And then, finally, you pull out your biggest, smelliest turd of American mind-shit - blind tasting says Californian is better. You know wines aren't a fucking footrace? And mind you, I live in the north, so "local wines" do not exist simply due to the fact that grapes do not grow in this fucking climate.

Let me set this here thing down to you in easy, understandable sentences. Get the fuck out of the kitchen, and never come back. You're just holding people who have an actual existing chance to improve back. You are that stupid.

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.3831481

OP here, I've decided on a recipe (adapted with my means)
I'll post the result here tomorrow :D

and for this sir here, and the discussion about wine:
I'm French, and I think all this discussion is irrelevant. In France, just like any western country, you have wines ranging from expensive to cheap. Of course, if you have the money, your dish will be all the better because you've used quality wine.
I'm sure a quality californian red wine would bring more to the dish than the low-rate 4 euros bottle of burgundy I bought today. It's all a matter of budget.
(I dunno the price of wine in America, but here, you can get decent wine for 4-8 euros, not extra-good, but decent)

>> No.3831483


There are two things that instantly give away an ignorant person when it comes to wine. One is "I only drink pinot noir". The other is bringing up the judgment of paris at every opportunity.

I realize there must not be many well informed people to challenge your posts back on /b/, but on /ck/ you have to contend with a different standard of lurker. Welcome and I hope you learn a few things.

>> No.3831499

Refer to >>3831468
It's pretty famous. Most people who know about wine know about the judgment of paris. I clearly said I don't care if you use expensive wine. I know it produces better results. Not all burgundy wine is expensive. But if you live in the US, using expensive burgundy wine makes no sense besides petty experimentation. It's very naive to think the best results can only be produced with the original and everything else is inferior.

But I'm of the opinion that you should drink and cook with your own regional wine.

I know quite a bit about wine and have traveled but I'm also humble about it. Local wine will give you better quality for your money and if your buying vintage.

Everybody knows blind tests are biased, subjective and not scientific. The point of the judgement of paris is not that california wine is better, quite the opposite, it shows that french wine is not outright better.

I completely agree with this guy >>3831481 Because of shipping costs, you get better quality for your dollar, the closer the wine was bottled to you. So yes. French wine is excellent. Doesn't mean california isn't bad. I just don't think it makes economical or practical sense to buy burgundy wine if you live in california like I do.

Think how laughable it would be to drink California wine in Italy or France.

>> No.3831500

>Someone's going after authenticity and you think it's pretentious and stupid?
He knows it's pretentious and stupid, because it is. So do I.

>> No.3831505

Actually, I've never tried American wine, and I'm quite curious.

>> No.3831523

It's good. I'm not saying its better than old world wines because you can't really make an unbiased comparison. I simply argue it could well be just as good.

If you live in California and have $50 to spend on a nice a bottle of wine, you're much better off buying a $50 dollar Napa wine over an imported bottle of $50 Burgundy. Of course, it doesn't matter if you're buying a $300 vintage because both will be equally and incomparably good.

By all means read about california wines. California has good soil and good, grape-friendly weather and the varied climate allows for a variety of wine. The vineyards and cellars are operated by people who know what they're doing.

>> No.3831539

I guess I agree with that.

>> No.3831542

> good soil = good wine

If you're the same guy who brought up the judgment of paris earlier in the thread, you might want to read up on soil types and wine making. It doesn't work how you think it works.

>> No.3831548

You're nitpicking my very valid argument.

>> No.3831558

I pray to God that, if S/He exists, S/He will grant me the ability to shoot radioactive lightning made of hate and fists and sandpaper out of my ass at lethal speed and accuracy at any person on the planet whenever they use the word "pretentious". This I fucking swear.

>> No.3831565

Ugh. That's sooooooooooo kafkaesque.

>> No.3831573


You have forceful opinions. You'd be well advised to try to ensure that they're based in reality, whenever possible.

>> No.3831577

What do you mean? Are you saying that good soil is not one element in getting good grapes and in getting good wine from said grapes? Are you saying that you can make good wine from bad soil? Is that it? Huh? Is that it?

>> No.3831581

>thinks grape VINES grow in SOIL


>> No.3831582
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I'm not a "foodie." I love good food. When I travel, food is the primary objective. I never buy pre-made shit and make most things myself. I've taught myself about cooking and enjoying food and wine. A layman may accuse me of being pretentious because, I use San Marzano's instead of regular canned tomatoes. I do that because San Marzano's are outright better, not because it makes me feel good and fancy to use Italian tomatoes.

Using burgundy wine WHEN YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA is pretentious. We live in a wonderful wine region.

>Thinks plants grow in air.

>> No.3831585

>Using burgundy wine WHEN YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA is pretentious. We live in a wonderful wine region.

That is a retarded way of thinking.

>hurrrr seeking variety is stupid when you have good products grown at home durrrr

>> No.3831590

California wine is shit.

Just saying.

>inb4 jelly Yurofat, I live in Cali.

>> No.3831594

>>3831577 Are you saying that you can make good wine from bad soil?

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying.

>> No.3831596

>>3831582 San Marzano's are outright better

If your comments about wine didn't already give you away a long time ago, this kind of thinking betrays you as someone who cares and knows little about food.

>> No.3831606

Using Burgundy wine for a Burgundy dish is not pretentious regardless of location if done in search of authenticity. If done in search of impressed neighbours, then perhaps, but for the mercy of God, do not say it's all the same. You pig-like shitheels and your rancid preferrence of diluting and assimilating everything the world ever produces to match your degenerate little sensibilities fill me with such mounds of hate that my body feels like a clown car driven by wolverines on combat drugs. I can scarcely contain it. Please, just shut the fuck up.

>> No.3831619
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>Not diluting foreign food

>> No.3831673

Who gives a fuck seriously, the wine is going to be destroyed by the temperature of the cooker anyway. I'm french and mother usually bought the cheapest wine she could find when doing boeuf bourguignon.

>> No.3831727
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Pretty much this. It's peasant food to begin with, let's not get crazy.

>> No.3831732
File: 97 KB, 375x500, 4578424164_533c7a748d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3831673 I'm french and

That's because the cheapest bottle of wine you can find at the corner store is still drinkable.

Try that in the US and you'll end up with something like this.

>> No.3831740

We have 1€ wine labeled "SPANISH WINE" that comes into plastic bottles over here, which only the hobos dare touch. But if you think the quality, origin or price of your wine will matter after it's cooked you're a fucking mongoloid.

That being said, nothing prevents you from enjoying an actually good bottle of wine with your bourguignon

>> No.3831747


You don't know what you're talking about. Enjoy living in France.

>> No.3831758


why do you guys care so much about what kind of wine people use? not everyone has to do things your way. grow up.

>> No.3831806
File: 18 KB, 520x620, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some enormous faggot had to drop the P-word. Pretentious.

When someone brings the concept of "pretentious" into the subject of cooking, we find ourselves faced with a way of thinking that can absolutely not be permitted on the face of earth, the sort of evolutionary throwback who thinks going the extra mile is never worth it, and by whose intentions we wouldn't have even discovered fire yet, let alone cooking. It's an attempt to eliminate the entire board, and fence us in /fit/ like some unwholesome Auschwitz for people who partake of food beyond the most basic nutritional mean.

Also, authenticity. Of course we care, we wouldn't be on this board otherwise you cockvomited cuntdribble.

>> No.3831810


But we're not from Mongolia.

>> No.3831910


lol cockvomit. i like that one

no really though, it does seem pretty faggoty to start raging over some guy's choice of wine. sure, you might like authenticity, but your opinion isn't the whole board's, man.

(i'm not taking sides here, i'm just saying that getting pissed off over someone else's wine choice is pretty dumb)

>> No.3832896


>wine product