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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 400x400, white vinegar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3830767 No.3830767 [Reply] [Original]

>putting vinegar on anything, ever

Is there a more disgusting excuse for a "condiment" on earth?

Yeah yeah it's a preservative, people dipped their food in it so it wouldn't kill them

We've kind of moved past that now though haven't we, with our fancy refrigerators and tin cans?

Yet people still soak their shit in vinegar, BY CHOICE

This is madness of the highest order

>> No.3830770

what's it to you?

>> No.3830773

This just in: Different people have different opinions!

>> No.3830774

It's great to use as a rinse for fruits and vegetables to retard bacterial growth.
Perhaps OP has ulcers.

>> No.3830776 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 320x240, big_hard_cock_sucking-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's favorite condiment. straight from the bottle!

>> No.3830778

Funny how you didn't mention the OTHER vinegars. Mind-blowing, right? There are vinegars other than the one you're posting. Basalmic, white wine, red wine, sherry, apple cider.

I think you're just a retard who doesn't know anything about food trying to sound clever and edgy.

>> No.3830780

Acid is one of the four (five) basic taste sensations humans possess and vinegar is around 5% acetic acid.

Acetic acid is an organic acid, synthesized in the human body and, itself, used in the biosynthesis of other substances.

Why the hatred?

>> No.3830781

>Why the hatred?

Because it's disgusting!

That's why it works as a preservative, the bacteria find it disgusting to the point of DEATH

>> No.3830812
File: 1.67 MB, 2592x1936, pickles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's Jimmies
>are getting pickled

>> No.3830818

I remember once I was visiting my aunt and went to the fridge to get some water. Turns out she puts vinegar in her empty water bottles.

Been staying away from it ever since.

>> No.3830820
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 100year[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is not doing it right...

>> No.3830823
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Sarsons_Malt_Vinegar_250ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3830824


wake up to this, thank you anon

>> No.3830830
File: 24 KB, 300x300, vinegar-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Beijing this summer for 2 weeks and learned to love vinegar on everything. The Chinese use this stuff all the time.

>> No.3830834

Fuck you, OP.
I'm making chicken adobo tonight out of spite.

>> No.3830844

I prefer vinegar and a bit of hot sauce as dip for dumplings over soy sauce.

>> No.3830853

Every morning I got steamed dumplings and every place served vinegar and crushed pepper in oil. It was fucking amazing compared to soy sauce.

>> No.3830867

Fuck, thanks for reminding me how much i love salt and vinegar chips, i think i'll go get some.

>> No.3830887

But those are so disgusting.

>> No.3830889
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 133739691496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating malt vinegar on fish and chips
>I shiggy diggy

>> No.3830895


I wish the /b/tards would stay off this board.

>> No.3830905
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>mfw refrigerator pickles

>> No.3830933


Real pickles need to be fridged or they continue to ferment. Unless you like 'em full sour instead of half-sour or more fresh.

>> No.3830945

No they do not.

>> No.3830947


you can have your vinegar hot process gargabe pickles. I'll be over here with my far superior brine pickles

>> No.3830975

I like both and other than just using different ingredients, I can't tell too much of a difference between the two. My grandparents didn't have a fridge and my grandmother made pickles all the time just fine.

>> No.3830978

I'm talking about just sliced cucumber and onion soaked in vinegar (preferably cider) and put in the fridge for a couple hours before eating.

>> No.3830980

Why are you so butthurt about this, OP?

Did vinegar kill your wife or something?


>> No.3831029

Vinegar and soy sauce together. Try it.

>> No.3831110


.>>3830895 here. Not OP. Don't care about the issue of the thread. Just tired of /b/tards on /ck/.

>> No.3831124


Hi there, guy who has been shitposting about posts he doesn't like for the past 2 weeks. Welcome to /ck/, did you know that this board has been doing just fine without your wannabe mod antics, and would be much better without you?

>> No.3831141


Um, I've been doing it for over four years.

>> No.3831149

salt and vinegar potato chips are the bomb

>> No.3831157

>not recognizing fermentation as the be-all and end-all of culinary greatness, and nothing short of necessary to all the greatest cuisines, ingredients, beverages, and cultures in history
>not respecting fermentation in all its culinary forms

>> No.3831209

white vinegar isn't really embracing the nuances of a beautiful process, it is a cold, distilled, sterile cleaning product.

Lambics are awesome though.

>> No.3831212

try apple cider vinegar

the natural, cloudy kind.

delicious AND nutritious.

>> No.3831214
File: 151 KB, 400x300, stevebrule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a shot of this every day for my health.

>> No.3831218

My grandfather used to drink a glass of apple cider vinegar with a spoon of honey everyday.

When I hung out with him at the cottage for a month I would do the same thing.

I really doubt the health claims, but it was a cool thing to do with old gramps.

>> No.3831220

I don't think its a miracle cure by any means - probably just a placebo effect.
But hey, it tastes yummy, anyhow! :D

>> No.3831224

Seconding malt vinegar on fish and chips.

>> No.3831239

>eating lentil soup WITHOUT vinegar, ever

>> No.3831242

I'm not a big fan of the way vinegar tastes, white vinegar at least, and I think that's just because it's not something my family used often.

But I do like sliced cucumbers in a vinegar/sugar mix. They make tasty snacks. My grandmother likes to put them on her salads.

Salt and vinegar chips are okay in small amounts.

>> No.3831269


It's good for gall bladder health. I'm suffering from gall stones currently, and taking a shot of apple cider vinegar (mixed in apple juice) does wonders for the pain. It can knock out the agony of a gallbladder attack usually in 10-20 minutes. I won't swear by it, but I can't see whereas it wouldn't work as a preventative method.

>> No.3831280


That sounds like overkill and guaranteed ulcers. Are you sure he didn't water it down?

I keep a bottle of apple cider vinegar and brown sugar, which I use on pork chops and seafood.

>> No.3831282

You've got my sympathies anon. I had gall stones. The only thing that stopped my pain was vomiting, and a change in diet stopped them for good. That's a good tip. I'll remember that if they ever flare up again.

>> No.3831297

Vinegar chips?
Vinegar on french fries?
Kansas style BBQ sauce?
Fuck, vinegar is awesome in small amounts.

>> No.3832100

Nope, he/we drank it straight. The honey makes it more palatable, and maybe adds voodoo to it.

Google "apple cider vinegar and honey" and you'll be amazed at how many people drink it and the claims behind it.

I'm not sure why he drank it though, I should ask my parents.

>> No.3832142

vinegar is nice with fish and chips, also haddock is the best fish

however you only need a little bit of vinegar a dash if you will not swimming in it