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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 232 KB, 444x390, mcdonalds-Sausage-McMuffin-with-Egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3828476 No.3828476 [Reply] [Original]

What do you suppose one of these costs if you made it yourself? Anyone ever do the math?

>> No.3828478

... right, what am I looking at here?

>> No.3828480

$3 package of english muffins
$1.50 dozen eggs
$3 - 4 sausage
$2.50 American cheese
$3 butter or oil
Not to mention utility bill to cook and clean up

Over $9000

>> No.3828482

less than a dollar, but you can't just buy one egg, muffin, etc. It would cost more to gather the supplies, but you could make a bunch

>> No.3828485

ya, and like the above faggot said, cooking and cleanup which is a pain in the assholes.

>> No.3828490

.53 cents american.
What did I win?

>> No.3828491

why do americans call a hamburger patty a "sausage"?

>> No.3828493

It never tastes as good as the Mcdonalds ones anyways.

>> No.3828495

you win a goddamn tasty as fuck mcmuffin, made by your own hand, and you only need 50 cents to pay for it. enjoy.

>> No.3828496

Because your moms mouth is too full of american filthy uncut cock to pronounce anal gangbang thats why.

>> No.3828497

aren't you people supposed to be back at school by now?

>> No.3828498
File: 12 KB, 281x236, okayguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok , I am heading downstairs to collect my winnings.Will post results.

>> No.3828500
File: 117 KB, 648x646, cookiesy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jk, you win one of these!
aren't you excited now?
just go to the store and buy one of dem bitches.

>> No.3828513

> "English" muffin
$2 for six.
> egg
$1-2 for twelve.
> breakfast sausage
$2 for 8oz/250g.
> American cheese slice
$2 for sixteen.
> oil
$2 for a 48oz/1,4litres.

> for each sandwich
71-92¢, depending on whether half an ounce or a whole ounce of sausage is used and whether the eggs cost $1 or $2 per dozen, for raw material.

> labour costs
$7.15 - $8 per hour... takes about 5 minutes to put the sandwich together, so about 60-67¢.

> gas costs
Maybe 2¢, at most.

> total cost
At least $1.33 per sandwich up to $1.62.

And there you have it.

>> No.3828521

What about rent/mortgage? Or do you condone breaking into people's houses and using their kitchens?

>> No.3828536

Rent/mortgage you're already paying, no matter.
The labour costs are incentive over what it would cost you to pay yourself to do the work to make it over paying someone else to do the work to make it and you picking it from Mackers on your way to work. You can enjoy your home whether or not you make McMuffins, so rest/mortgage costs are irrelevent.
Your time can go to either making it yourself and cleaning up after (which would actually double the labour cost, now that I think about), getting some work done before going in to the office, finish some as-of-yet un-seen-to homework or just jerking off in the morning. You might want to spend 10 minutes spanking it rather than cooking and cleaning up after yourself, so I include the labour cost, especially when you can just pick up one of these sandwiches at little-to-no time expense on your way to wherever you're going.

It's not, strictly speaking, a hamburger. It's seasoned pork sausage removed from its casing and formed into a hamburger-like patty. Hamburgers are always beef and rarely so heavily and heavenly seasoned.

>> No.3828548


what about the maintenance of the vehicle you're using to get to the fast-food?

what if you use your own fucking legs to go there? what about the shoes that you consume?

why didn't you take in account all of these?

>> No.3828549

Again, you're using those things no matter and therefore, their costs are irrelevent.

>> No.3828553

Don't forget to factor in electricity used or gas used to cook the items. The cost of keep the lights on in your house while cooking and the opportunity cost or time cost of cooking them and cleaning up afterwards.

>> No.3828554

What about the food you need to eat for the energy to cook the macmuffins?

>> No.3828555

If your homemade egg "mcmuffin" doesn't taste better than McDonalds, then you are doing something very very wrong.

>> No.3828573
File: 77 KB, 640x384, Homemade Egg McMuffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one example of a superior product.

The thing about making them at home is also that you can use not only superior ingredients, but you can use different ingredients for a different taste or better outcome. Pic related. This one featured grilled german-style sausage, whole grain mustard, Dorset cheddar, and egg over-medium on fresh english muffins from a bakery down the street. And that's all stuff that I already had on hand at the time, and just decided to throw together. Fuck McDonalds.

>> No.3828574

Enlighten me with a recipe.

>> No.3828579

Aw sweet. Is this turning into a basement dweller "I can cook better food than Mcdonalds" thread?

>> No.3828585

Again, all these points are irrelevent except the cooking costs since they are things that are enjoyed independently of making or not making a McMuffin. I included the cooking cost (gas or electric) in the example above.
Furthermore, having the lights on in the kitchen in the morning... kinda pointless. Use natural light unless you live in Bumfuck Alaska, in which case, sucks to be you. Also, if you live in Bumfuck, Alaska, it would absolutely be cheaper to make it yourself v buying it.

>> No.3828589

Basement dweller my ass. If you can't cook better food than McDonalds, you are a failure at life.

>> No.3828590

What if you don't own any pots and pans and you need to buy one specifically to make one?

>> No.3828592
File: 289 KB, 1600x1200, 0824020912 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the muffin I won.
Some dipshit forgot the sausage but was nice enough to use sharp cheddar.

>> No.3828594


If you have to take a picture to prove you can cook better than mcdonalds, you are a failure at life.

>> No.3828598


Your food may taste better to *you*, but the vast majority of people would probably prefer McDonald's food to yours.

It's about your ego, not the food.

>> No.3828600

Some people are professionals, some are hobbyists, and some just like to take pictures. You sound like a fucking boring tool. Sorry you're not the slightest bit interesting.

>> No.3828602


Depends entirely on how many you make.

If just one or two, it's going to cost a lot more. If you want to eat them every day, it will lower the cost.

If you buy enough ingredients for more than 2 or so days, you will need to freeze the ingredients and thaw them every time you wish to make more.

>> No.3828603

The cost of the pan is not directly related to making a McMuffin since that pan can be used to make literally millions of other foods and is likely to last at least a decade. If you really need to divide $20 by 3652 days, with two or three meals made in that pan each day, it would be pitiable.

>> No.3828605


Only half a cent? That's pretty cheap.

>> No.3828608
File: 91 KB, 300x600, laughing owl Strix_varia_DM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd. Good catch.

>> No.3828609
File: 573 KB, 200x200, 1331087795283.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever helps you sleep at night. I've been a professional chef. I have no doubt that people like my food, even when it's slapped together, it's better than McDonalds. I've worked in many restaurants, had my own dessert catering service, and still make a regular habit of cooking for family, friends, and the occasional competition. You go ahead and eat your McDonalds garbage, we're all fine here.

>> No.3828606


How much does it cost to clean the pan every time you make one?

>> No.3828610

What's funny is that this thread is about recreating a McMuffin.

Apparently McDonald's created the breakfast sandwich and everyone else is trying to replicate it.

>> No.3828611


english muffin, cheese, bacon or sausage, egg

cook meat and egg, put in middle of english muffin with cheese and drop it in the oven/toaster oven till the cheese melts

have you never cooked before?

>> No.3828612

Roughly 2¢ soap and water costs and 13¢ labour.

>> No.3828613

Meh, I'll take a Breakfast Jack, or a Sausage Breakfast Jack. Tastes better, much cheaper, and available 24/7.

>> No.3828617

When I'm traveling, and there's nothing available for breakfast but fast food, I will order an Egg McMuffin. But, I always peel the damn disgusting plastic cheese off, and even after that, I ALWAYS get horrible heartburn after eating one. Fucking McDonalds. And, why do all McDonalds smell like barf inside??? Every single one I've ever been in, fuck....

>> No.3828619

I thought they had one you could order sans cheese... am I mistaken?

>> No.3828638

IDK really, I don't eat there that often. But I have tried to order one without cheese once, and they gave me one with cheese anyway, so now I just peel the shit off instead of trying to explain to the mouthbreather at the window.

>> No.3828649

>Hamburgers are always beef

Who the hell invented the name hamburger? :|

>> No.3828664


>> No.3828666

People from Hamburg, presumably.

>> No.3828674

Hamburg, Germany.

Wieners are named after Viennese, but they rarely contain dickmeat

>> No.3828728


If you say so.

>> No.3828742

>disgusting plastic cheese


If you want to be taken seriously, try to be original instead of repeating the same old meaninless catchphrases..

>> No.3828848

>meaningless catchphrases

Oh, you mean like the term "meaningless catchphrases"? You're not really saying anything, you fucktard. Lrn2languagelogic.

>> No.3828860

The first hamburger, sold as we know it, was actually in the NY State Fair, not Hamburg.

Common misconception of a common misconception.

>> No.3828909


Unsurprising response.

>> No.3830393

oddly enough, i had done the math previously. i make a breakfast sandwich of some sort for my wife every morning. they cost 76 cents, if none of the ingredients are on sale.
the mcd's she passes on her way to work is literally 50 yards out of her way, but the service quality is iffy.

>> No.3830400


Please provide the breakdown.

>> No.3830402


They don't. A hamburger patty and a sausage pattie are two very different things.

>> No.3830425
File: 265 KB, 600x600, 16133532_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thing is biscuit sausage is better, and cheaper, so if you bake your own biscuits you'll have an even better tasting breakfast sandwich, english muffins are better enjoyed by their lonesome with a bit of butter and maybe jam anyway.

>> No.3830446

Named after the Hamburg steak. (Salisbury steak)

>> No.3830450

Dude, the mark-up on food is absolutely insane!

>> No.3830507


eggs @ 1.39/doz
english muffins 2x 6 @ 1.47/
sausage patties 12 @ 2.50 (purchased frozen, 2/5.00)
american cheese 2.29 (16 slices? more than 12 in any case)
9.12/12 = .76

not factored:
+my labor (takes 5 minutes, but only because i can't run my toaster and microwave at the same time.)
+electricity for toast and nuker
+food release spray in egg cooking cup
+paper towel
+aluminum foil
-1/4 package cheese not used.

i suspect the bacon,sandwich steak and ham sandwiches, as well as the ones i make on bagels are slightly more expensive, but there was a good sale on those two weeks ago so i didn't buy them this week, and so don't have the receipt close to hand as i do this thursday's. if i were shopping this week costs would drop, as the english muffins are on sale for 1.29, and cheese is 2/4.00.

not really. mcdonalds runs pretty close to the national average for 'sandwich place' with 39% food costs, which surprised me - i'd have thought their vertical integration would make it much lower. so you would expect my sandwich to be around $1.95. how much is an egg mcmuffin with sausage?

>> No.3830521

No clue but for breakfast I usually make that with either regular bread, muffin, or bagel

It just makes no sense to get fast food breakfast when you can make it at home

>> No.3830522


2 for 3.50

>> No.3830531

ty. not too far off, and is probably a loss-leader. cut the entree to the bone or below cost, then sell 'em a hash brown and/or coffee (ESPECIALLY the coffee!) for a good profit.

>> No.3830534

where the fuck can you buy american cheese in australia

>> No.3830548

try Bega's "Burger Slices?"