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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 29 KB, 500x325, taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3826877 No.3826877 [Reply] [Original]

I'm from the UK and have never eaten a taco but what I want to know is why are these so big in Mexico and America?

I mean they break apart when you bite them and it must drip out the sides.

>> No.3826882

>never had a taco

I will pay for you to come to America and eat one.
You need to.

they are that good.

>> No.3826885

I think burritos are better than tacos for the fact that they don't break. It's just like a taco but wrapped in a jesus wrap.

>> No.3826890

>complaining about breaking
>implying taste is not more important

>> No.3826887

It's nothing special.

Just typical meat/veg/cheese/bread food that you've seen a thousand variations of with a slightly different flavor.

>> No.3826903

>Getting a taco
>Smother melted cheese on the sides
>Put the taco in a soft shell
>NOw you have a safe double layer cheesy taco

>> No.3826908
File: 237 KB, 500x322, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying those crunchy abominations are tacos

Take it from a Mexican we don't eat that Americanized pile of shit

>picture related and superior

>> No.3826909
File: 51 KB, 800x601, waitwhat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never eaten a taco

I've tried a lot of popular stuff from the UK that you can't readily get here in the States (especially in my boondocks town), including clotted cream, black pudding, haggis, and various takeaway Indian dishes. How in the everloving fuck have you never eaten a taco?

>> No.3826914

It's nothing special if you've had it before and know what it's like. If you've never tried one the taste/texture is definitely going to be unusual.

>> No.3826928

Tacos don't look so great in the pictures if they are made correctly. They just stuff it to the edges so you can the innards. When you make them yourselfs you use half that amount. Ideally when you squeeze the shell it wil either flex (from the beed grease saurating the bottom, or crack right along the bottom edge). Then you basically have a corn tortilla sandwich. With less toppings, they spread out just to the edge and don't fall off. It the whole shell disintigrates, then you have some shitty shells or you handled them wrong.

I truely bet you could make your own or at least a nice bowl of nachos with taco toppings. The key ingredients are corn tortilla or nachos (Doritos without the coating) and taco seasoning (for the ground beef, good a recipe, its important to get that part right, its the most important).

>> No.3826929

Far superior indeed.

>> No.3826937

If you want to make it at home, brown a pound or so of lean ground beef, drain the excess fat, mix in a cup of water, and add:

1 tbsp chili powder
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp cumin
1 tsp each of garlic powder, paprika, oregano, sugar, and salt
1 cup of chopped onion

It's not an authentic Mexican way of cooking it by any means, but it's similar to what you'll get in a Mexican restaurant or a taco truck. Usually this is mixed with oaxaca cheese (or monterey jack + cheddar if you don't have access to oaxaca) with various veggies like chopped tomatoes, lettuce, cilantro, and refried beans.

>> No.3826969


They're popular simply because the US and Mexico border one another, and there is some culture overlap - primarily in the south/south-west.

The popularized "crunchy" taco, doesn't exist in real Mexican cuisine. I'm not Mexican myself, but I've spent time living in Mexico and have eaten authentic tacos, and they're nothing like the Americanized junk sold at Taco Bell you're probably used to seeing. Authentic tacos aren't served with cheese, but I enjoy them that way from time to time.

A hot plate of tacos al pastor topped with some fresh chopped onions and cilantro on a warm corn tortilla can't be beaten. To save yourself the outrage, eat the Americanized version first, or you'll just be outraged if you try them after having the real thing.

>> No.3826977

>Wants to try a good taco

>Shows picture with ground beef as meat in taco

>nigga just went full autist

>> No.3827009
File: 40 KB, 475x356, ThreeTacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, i wouldn't make it if i couldn't eat tacos. texfag here and i eat em a few times a week. usually not the crunchy ones though, i like soft corn and sometimes flour tortillas. if i need some crunch then i'll just get tostadas or chalupas, they are easier and less messy.

imo they are superior to a sandwich because the tortilla is less filling than bread so its really more about the insides than getting full on carbs.

>> No.3827011

Looks like pork carnitas on my screen. Is that right? If so, sweet lord best thing on earth.

>> No.3827060
File: 66 KB, 272x200, weeping eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am legit sad that OP thinks his picture is a taco.

These are tacos OP

And I am sorry that you have never had one. When we free your country I will make sure to bring some tacos for you.

>> No.3827086

Hard shell tacos are pretty good, like if you actually fry some tortillas and get that shit right. Taco bell is all right too, its not that good but its better than fucking McDonald's. Mexico tacos are good too.

Seriously guys, chill the fuck out. They're fucking tacos.

>> No.3827089

>Taco Bell is alright
>Taco Bell

Get the fuck out of /ck/ and leave forever.

>> No.3827097

If you're desperate, OP, just buy an Old El Paso kit from Tesco or something. I've seen them about.

>> No.3827101

Pardon my ignorance but what are those?

>> No.3827113

These are tacos.

>> No.3827119
File: 49 KB, 500x333, tostada-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are mexican tacos. i'm not gonna argue and call them "real" tacos because i like american crunchy tacos too. but these are the kinds of tacos that are found in mexico. we eat them in the u.s. too but we also eat the crunchy ones like in OP's pic. its just personal preference and where you grew up, really.

also, check out this. its a tostada.

>> No.3827227
File: 174 KB, 500x375, carne asada tacos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are tacos, son

>> No.3827231

Are there no Bar Burritos near you OP? They do them there.

Also Manchester has a Taco Bell in the Arndale foot court, if you're THAT curious.

I go there anytime I get food in Manchester.

>> No.3827235

what is the deal with radishes and mexicans? i used to work with some mexican guys a a couple of them would eat 1-2 fresh radishes after lunch. i've seen other mexicans do it too. i didn't wanna ask them why because it might be as stupid as somebody asking us why we eat a pickle with a sandwich.

>> No.3827253

>it might be as stupid as somebody asking us why we eat a pickle with a sandwich

No, no, no it's not that simple at all and it's not a stupid question. Mexicans eat radishes with their food/standalone because Mexicans have a special deficiency of Vitamin Radish in their bodies, so in order to stay alive they have to eat more of them than a normal human being. In fact most Mexicans don't even like radishes, it's just in their blood that they have to eat them so much.

>> No.3827327


how do i hold all these cilantros?


>> No.3827329

Why wouldn't they eat radishes? Do you question why they eat so many jalapenos too? Or is just that you don't think radishes are a "mexican" food? Just what do you think "Mexican" food is? WTF DUDE, WTF.

>> No.3827332

shit tier genetics detected

cilantro can be eaten like lettuce because it's that good

>> No.3827346

i dunno, i mean i like radishes just fine. i just find it slightly odd that i've seen a number of mexicans eat fresh radishes after a meal and i've never seen white people do it.

i actually googled it because i was curious. from what i gathered mexicans will eat them after a particularly greasy meal to cut through the grease and to leave the mouth feeling fresh and peppery. i guess sort of how the white man might suck on a peppermint candy after dinner. i also read somewhere that it can help settle the stomach and prevent heartburn after eating something too spicy and greasy.

actually its pretty smart how they'll eat radishes after dinner. not only are there the benefits that i just listed but they are also damn good for you. i might start buying radishes more often and popping a couple after a good meal.

>> No.3827352
File: 101 KB, 822x796, 1345344372469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just chopped an entire bunch of cilantro and threw it on top of my slow cooking brisket. i'm not sure if you are supposed to cook cilantro but i do it all the time it cooks down and leaves that awesome flavor all over everything.

>> No.3827379

I've never really cooked with cilantro but I can only imagine that it tastes amazing

>> No.3827392

It tastes like soap without the chemical burn. You're not missing anything.

>> No.3827396

i love how everyone here is pretending they dont love the doritos taco at taco bell

>> No.3827404

oh ya, i add it to soups, stews, and i chop it and cook it with any kind of meats used for mexican food. it pretty much breaks down and disintegrates into this almost invisible flavor of awesomeness. you should try cooking it.

actually i love them. i may eat and cook alot of legit tacos but i'm not a proud motherfucker, i'll dig into some locos tacos. i think the whole concept of flavored and seasoned taco shells is pure genius, i eagerly await new flavors.

>> No.3828052

Shit genetics detected. Do the species a favor and don't breed.

>> No.3828056


That's because it does break down in the heat. If you are cooking using cilantro...add it at the end of the dish or even as garnish when it is cooked and it retains a lot more flavor and tastes amazing.

>> No.3828076

Crunchy American freedom clams are better than Mexican poor shit tacos, no authentic Mexican food tastes good, any Mexican style food that tastes good is only because of modern cooking techniques and money

>> No.3828089

>king taco

>> No.3828092
File: 37 KB, 468x305, man-wearing-a-mexican-hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

double bonus points

the majority of typical mexican food is shit. it's usually made from ground-up, grade d chicken/pork combined with whatever vegetable/starch they can get their hands on.

do you people know why real mexican food, (made by mexicans, for mexicans, in mexico, using mexican ingredients) tastes so good to mexicans?
Because they spend all day working in the shit-tier country of mexico doing labor heavy jobs just to come home to drug cartels, fat wives and dirty children.
They're tired and hungry. The one thing they have going for them are unique spices. They are able to season their mashed pig bowels just enough to be edible.
You know you have fucked up cuisine when texans can improve it.

>> No.3828125

Every time I eat Mexican food I feel like I need to take a shower right after. Weird I know.

>> No.3828214

I was always one of those guys that would go to a Taqueria in the barrio over what I thought was an Americanized place and I still love it. I thought I knew what authentic Mexican food was all about until I stayed in Mexico for a month visiting a friend.

Their food down there is fucking awful. It's bland and as you stated, the meat quality is terrible. The only thing I'll give them is they use a lot of goat cheese which I love.

>> No.3828220

There is a VERY good chance it was donkey cheese, not goat

>> No.3828230

Tacos don't break apart unless you use shitty store-bought taco shells for white people. The proper taco wrapper is a corn tortilla fried in oil. They hold the U shape if you bend them during cooking, and they're a little chewy with crunchier edges.

Then you throw some seasoned ground or shredded beef or chicken inside and top it with black olives, tomatoes, shredded cheese, some lettuce, and a blob of sour cream. Soft tacos are made with floppy flour tortillas and wrapped up entirely; I like them better with fish or chicken or carne asada than ground beef.

I grew up 2 hours from the mexican border and I love tortillas

>> No.3828235

That's strange you criticize white people but mention cheddar, olives, and sourcream as positives which are only there because white people out them there. Point stands, authentic Mexican food blows.

>> No.3828239

I don't give a fuck if it was dick cheese, it tasted good.

>> No.3828267


It's interesting that I said "cheese" and you read "cheddar". Good imagination

You also imagined that I was defending "authentic mexican food" instead of explaining how everyone I knew growing up in a heavily mexican area made tacos

>> No.3828334

mexican tacos usually come on a soft, small, corn tortilla. american tacos come in hard shells.
leave it to us americans to "improve" something with a deep fryer

>> No.3828336

Can I get the something similar to Oaxaca by mixing those?

>Mex in UK

Also, Where can I find tortillas (or masa at least)

>> No.3828341

oaxaca is basically jack cheese. you could even get away with cheddar and it would be ok.

also, is it rare to find tortillas in the uk? i never even thought about it.

>> No.3828346

I found some flour tortillas, they are passable pick the red brand, (forgot the name but the other brand is yellow).

As for real corn torillas, nope, haven't find any. There are some but they use yellow maize instead of white
>Sweet? In my tortillas? It's more likely than you think

>> No.3828349

you said shredded cheese, I mushed the words together. and you were bashing white people mexican which is exactly what you were describing, those ingredients were only available because white people made them available.

>> No.3828374

Holy shit tacos are awesome. All tacos, everywhere. Stop the fighting.

The exception being the time I was drunk and thought I could reheat a Jack In The Box taco in the microwave.

I love county fair season, I just hang out in the Mexican area and eat tacos and drink horchata all day.

>> No.3828378
File: 901 KB, 1728x2592, IMAG0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet Sweet horchata,

>> No.3828400
File: 92 KB, 400x407, 1338460166132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never had a taco

>> No.3828421


>maybe he used that pic because it comes up when you google taco
>maybe he used that pic because he doesn't know what a good taco looks like
>maybe he doesn't know what a (good) taco looks like because he never had one
>maybe he created this thread so he could ask for opinions on what makes a good taco
>maybe he's happy because people actually responded and explained the difference between mexican tacos and "americanized" tacos to him (i'm not saying one is better than the other)

>and maybe i got mad because there is always a retard like you with a fucking pointless post that nobody gives a fuck about, but you post it anyway, because you think knowing shit about tacos makes you superior


>> No.3828781

this nigga just went full autist

Cilantro taste fucking awesome

Why are people who don't know shit about real Mexican food talking last I checked you actually have to try something to talk shit on it......oh wait obese /ck/ trip fags talk shit on anything

>has taco bell once

>Mexican food sucks dick

>u wot m8?!