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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 10 KB, 253x199, tv dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3825469 No.3825469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do people start such shit threads on /ck/?

I mean look at this fucktard as an example:
He literally posts a dry wrap with a slice of turkey deli meat, prepackaged hummus, cheddar (doesn't even go), a little bit of corn from a can, and 3 baby spinach leaves, then tells everybody:

Herp derp this is what i am eating herp derp. Wot u eating?

I mean, you have to be a complete idiot to do that and a complete loser.
This loser actually supports him:

Let's be clear:
That thread started by that OP does not belong in /ck/
1. It is not cooking. Nothing "cooked" there.
2. It is prepackaged shit.
3. It is something my 5 year old can make and of no instructional value whatsoever.
4. Talking about what you are eating belongs in /soc/ since what you are really doing is socializing. I mean fuck, if you are going to talk about such a non-event like what you are eating, why not just talk about the weather, or what color socks you decided to put on today.

Again, these type of posts on /ck/ (I am eating _____) ruin this board. It never used to be like this with all you immature kids coming on here with cheezwhiz and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and ramen noodles and all this other garbage.


>> No.3825473

Well put. I'm sick of those absurd threads too. What happened to all the real cooks that used to come here. Just kids who don't even know how to do anything anymore. Sad.

>> No.3825483

What really riles me up is threads circle jerking over fast food joints like they're the holy grail.

Sage, because while I agree with this thread, it probably belongs in /q/.

>> No.3825487
File: 53 KB, 488x379, 1276339714367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u so mad

>> No.3825494

OP here. Yeah, me too. I agree with you on that as well. I mean, what does fast food have to do with cooking if you don't even cook it yourself to begin with. Might as well talk about where you get your motor oil changed. Completely retarded.

>> No.3825496
File: 344 KB, 1680x1050, philosoraptor wp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haters gotta eat

>> No.3825499
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you're full of shit, man. none of what you say holds any water. this board isn't called "cooking", it is called "food and cooking". some of us just like to discuss food and don't give two shits about cooking, man. take your elitist shite elsewhere. /ck/ is slow enough already, if there were no general food threads and only cooking threads then this place would be slower than /trv/.

so fuck off mate, food comes first and then cooking. also, this is fucking 4chan. if you don't wanna see shitty dinners and hear about fast food and ramen then i'd suggest you join a legit cooking board. i mean, how serious do you expect a fucking 4chan food board to be? sheesh.

>> No.3825501
File: 17 KB, 430x337, 547560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


First time on this board. So far the impression I've gotten is it's a bunch of uncivil retards who don't know proper cuisine arguing over nothing.

>> No.3825504
File: 104 KB, 490x490, crying-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you are completely correct.

You are also one of them.

>> No.3825510


OP, you've just proven that you're a giant faggot. The header says:
>/ck/ - Food & Cooking
>Food & Cooking

This doesn't all have to be about filet mignon and pate de fois gras. It's about ALL food, from $200-a-plate food all the way down to Spam and boxed macaroni and cheese. So you can get off your high horse and either ignore those threads (and stick to your own) or GTFO my /ck/.

>> No.3825517

well instead of bitching about shitty threads on this board why don't you contribute and start one with one of your own creations that is of merit?

Instead of complaining about what others are not doing why don't you do it yourself anon?

>> No.3825522
File: 49 KB, 396x382, 1343840308733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guise I have three packages of ramen, half a jug of chocolate milk, and a box of teddy grahams. What can I make for dinner (mom says I have to or I don't get to play video games) tonight with these items that will be delicious and nutritious? Also, does anyone have the instructions to make microwave brownies?

>> No.3825527

> /ck/ - Food & Cooking
> Food & Cooking
> Food
> Food
> Food
> Food

Ban the opie for life.

>> No.3825532

Secounded, meta-threads are the worst threads a board can have.
If you are really frustrated, re-make the thread in >>>/q/ where you may actually get something done about it.

>> No.3825535


Yeah, fuck off. You're the kind that probably responds to those threads this way. My advice: IGNORE IT. Or do you feel so supreme over all of 4chan that you need to post about it in every thread?

>> No.3825546

Actually, the board is called "Food & Cooking", not "Food. Period." It's "Food & Cooking" because you cook food. If the board were labelled "Cooking" it might have a completely different meaning, especially for all the meth heads.

The "Food" part was only added later to avoid ambiguity. When this board was created, that was clearly explained newfag.

Run along you idiot.

>> No.3825557

Sounds like a struck a nerve with an angsty 14 year old. Truth hurts, don't it, faggot?

>> No.3825558

I agree that if you are just posting a pic of your lunch or something you got from a drive-thru window, then you are just attempting to socialize and belong in /soc/.

There's not one thing elitist about that jackass. It's just putting things in the proper place. /soc/ often has threads about what people are eating. There's also /adv/ if you want advice on where to find a good burger, or /r/ if you need general advice.

I've also been here long enough to remember how many meth heds and other druggies would come here and post recipes for their cooking. The "food" part was only added because of this.

>> No.3825571

newfags detected

>> No.3825572


Not even close, son. Just tired of tards thinking that it's THEIR personal board, regardless if it's about shit-tier or expensive-tier foods.

>> No.3825579

Did it ever occur to you that you are bringing the quality of the board down with your kiddie shit, thus making a lot of cooks and people who are really interested in food (not what they bought for lunch or slapped together from mom's fridge) from starting any interesting thread around here.

It's full of you trolls these days and someone needs to excise your cancer.

>> No.3825588

wow OP. you sound completely irate. ever think that most people have a budget? that thing looks delicous, and it also looks pretty damn cheap. i personally hope you choke on a home-made crouton, ya dick.

>> No.3825591

hurr durr, /ck/ doesn't stand for cooking cuz i spellz food with "c" and "k" cuz i get from mCdonalds and burger King, hurr durr
me post my turkey sandwich, start thread, ask other basement dwellers what eat while other kids play outside and talk to girls
me giant on internetz

Just idiots. Can't spell. Can't talk to anyone in real life. Stuck to computer and so boring that they need to come on a cooking board (/CK/ stands for cooking; it's not /FC/ now is it?) and post their pure stupidity, clog up bandwidth, discourage all legitimate foodies and cooks from participating by lowering the caliber of the room to the least common denominator, then have the nerve to say "it's FOOD first".

Just imbeciles.

>> No.3825597

>quality of the board

Woah, there! I'm so sorry I messed up your perfect board about mature foods for mature audiences. I didn't realize 4chan was the place for pure professionals to discuss advanced cooking techniques and quality ingredients.

...or you could maybe consider what some of us are trying to do. Like EXPAND our cooking horizons? And rather than start with something complex, maybe we'd like to get meat loaf down first?

Or can I not talk about other places that make food, whether or not it comes from Ruth's Chris or McDonalds? I'm pretty sure McDonalds makes food too (albeit shitty food.)

>> No.3825598


> quality

You're delusional. This board has never consistently had anything approaching "quality."

Anyone with the brains/talent/motivation to share anything beyond microwave brownies only has to make the mistake of posting here once. Then they never bother again...with the exception of attention (closet) whores like progun and sceak.

4chan is first and foremost to host the asswipery on /b/. All the other boards that do not cater to whitetrash weaboo shut-ins are just the shit dribbling out of the leg of the overflowing diaper that /b/ is.

>> No.3825599

The title of this board of "Food & Cooking", not just "Cooking". Why rage when someone posts food?

>> No.3825600

>discourage all legitimate foodies and cooks from participating

i find it funny that you complain about other people scaring off people making threads of quality when you're the one doing just that. what do you think those people think when they see shit like this thread?

they see a closeminded ass hat that thinks hes too good for the majority of the community just because he claims he knows best.

then they leave, and you become the thing you yourself are fighting against.

absolute idiocy at its finest.

>> No.3825601

You sound really smart.
Take a math class or take class in personal financing maybe, or just ask your dad about budgeting and what to do with your allowance instead of buying candy and porn, then maybe you'll have a few bucks left over to buy some decent ingredients and go into the kitchen and actually COOK.

Btw, I note you are using the internet right now (>$50/month), using a computer (probably >$1,000), and seem to have lots of free time on your hands to post itt (you could get a job, but that would mean you'd actually have to get out of the basement or leave your dorm room and then you might encounter a girl or something, and that would be horrible).

No money. No brains. Bad at math. Bad at everything. Runs his mouth on the internet calling others "ya dick". You'll do well in life.

>> No.3825608

Wow. Did you not read any of the thread or are you just that stupid.

See what is posted by these chaps:


Then go back and read your post to see how stupid you sound.

>> No.3825613
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, seriously, go away. You've contributed absolutely nothing to /ck/. In fact, you've taken /ck/ a step lower with your shitposting and shitthread.

>> No.3825616


>discourage all legitimate foodies and cooks from participating

>i find it funny that you complain about other people scaring off people making threads of quality when you're the one doing just that. what do you think those people think when they see shit like this thread?

You are a special kind of retard aren't you? Your post doesn't even make logical sense. You apparently believe that creating a thread to stop the idiocy actually causes idiocy. So then if I talk to others about cancer, that actually causes cancer?

Oh, and by the way, there was a high tier chef here last night until he apparently got tired of the bs from you cancerfags. Some of us would have loved to have picked his brain more.
Thread still alive and one of the better ones I've seen in years on /ck/ here >>3823147

>> No.3825619

I did not read anything in this thread. Isn't the ampersand meant to mean this board is meant for both food and cooking, and not just food you've cooked? Calling it something like "Food you cooked" would be retarded and far too narrow of an interest for a board. You can just post food you've made in a thread if you want.

>> No.3825623

like i said. budget. ever think that the internet is essential for some people? bet you didn't, did you?

i pull in a reasonable amount of money, but hell, i dont feel the need to go balls deep and make a huge fucking dinner every single god damn night. i like to get some simple shit, slap it together and call it a night.

oh, and your little theory about my marital status is laughable. my wife lives with me and she does the same shit i do when it comes to cooking.

yeah, i'll admit that sometimes i like to spice things up a bit and make a really well thought out meal with all the trimmings and fixings, but not all the time.

by the way, the things you said about sitting here with enough time to post ITT, same goes to you buddy. granted, its pretty late right now, but i think i hear your mom calling. its bath time little guy. you wouldnt want to miss rub-a-dub fun with your little rubber duckies.

>> No.3825625

/ck/ - no food allowed

>> No.3825627

yes. posting about the cancer is cancer in itself. theres a report button for a reason. if the thread is off topic, like this one is since its not food/cooking related in the slightest, you are part of the problem you are trying to fix.

>> No.3825628


>> No.3825629 [DELETED] 
File: 114 KB, 500x500, Photo Mar 26, 3 09 58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, you're so dark and edgy. Let's be friends on Gaia. If you have online access, we can also hang out on Neopets, lulzers?

>> No.3825641

newfag detected
this board actually used to rock

>> No.3825644
File: 345 KB, 340x191, horrible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP shitposting about shitposting

Seriously. GTFO. You are a cancer on the ass of /ck/.

>> No.3825655


Yet you stay.

Stupid people who never find success in life always seem to have one thing in common. They never seem to be able to accept that EVERYTHING CHANGES and they drown in the rising tide complaining about it.

>> No.3825662

I wasn't going to post anything here because I do occasionally start threads about food or what I ate or whatever, but I have actually done some research and it turns out /ck/ is actually about cooking. Otherwise there would be an "f" in it. I also confirmed that the "food" part was only added to avoid problems.

Just use google. It'll show you.

Here's an example:
"A 4chan Directory - The 48 Forums on 4chan That Aren't /b/"

"Another personal favorite. Share recipes, kitchenware deals and cooking tips. There's something special about the faux-macho culture of 4chan when used in the context of cooking."


>> No.3825663

Let people discuss what they want. As long as it's food/cooking related I don't really see the problem. You do know that you can ignore threads you don't like, right?

>> No.3825668

mindless copypasta who never had an original thought detected

>> No.3825675

They don't get it. If you post about anything other than what they like you're wasting bandwidth/time/money/etc. Let them be who they are: snub-nosed hipsters.

>> No.3825676
File: 57 KB, 608x434, butthurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copypasta of what?
You sure are reeking of butthurt. You made a shit thread, about a shit topic and now you can't stand it that no one agrees with you. Go cry more.

>> No.3825682

Legit point in principle, but you miss the forest by focusing on the tree.
I suppose we can ignore jihadists too, right? What did that get us? That school of thought that you can ignore something that DOES affect the greater whole stopped being valid a long time ago. Ignoring something doesn't make it go away.

The rest of your post was answered here by this guy with perfect clarity >>3825616

>> No.3825686

I am not op fucktard.
and yeah, you are an infantile copypasta.

>> No.3825695

This >>3825662
Someone who admits to being one of the cancer cells actually tells the truth and has a revelation. Refreshing.
Too bad the rest of the assbleeding "here's what I have for lunch, 2 packets of ketchup, a bit of something that looks green, and a toothpick, and i make masterpiece. u like? wot u eatz?" don't get it.

>> No.3825697
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rage more, butthurt anon.

>> No.3825708
File: 2.05 MB, 500x391, 1338143809207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who regularly contributes OC and true helpful advice to this board, I can tell you right now with perfect clarity that I'm much, much, much more bothered by the constant flood of fast food threads than by people who want to post something, even a simple something, that they made themselves as a meal. How can you hypocrites sit there and type this shit without the slightest tinge of self loathing, knowing that there are much worse offenders on this board than the person OP decided to take his aggression out on this evening. Shame on you.

>> No.3825716

I agree with you.

>> No.3825721

For all the newfags:
/ck/ was created February 12, 2008 and was called cooking. It was created out of demand by cooks posting in other boards and those in other boards not wanting their board clogged up with something that was off topic. Yes, there was more traffic then. Yes, there were cooks coming on then. Yes, it was better then.

The "Food" part is only in reference to "Cooking". Hence, it is called, first and foremost /ck/--not /fc/. Did you get that?

Ok, so if you want your own board to discuss your bologna sandwiches or your favorite donut at dunkin donuts or whatever, you should get enough of you and petition just like the cooks did. But I have to tell you that there are multiple other boards where people discuss what they are eating: /soc/, /adv/, and /r/ just to name a few.

Kindly stop degrading this board with your threads about essentially nothing related to cooking.

>> No.3825727

Cooking... might as well post on /diy/ board.

See what I did there?

>> No.3825729

>>3825721 /ck/ was created February 12, 2008

Source on that date? I didn't really care enough to document anything at the time, but I'm fairly sure I was coming here before that.

>> No.3825739

OP here. I agree with you. I am more bothered by the flood of fast food stuff too. However, that topic has been covered and covered and covered. I personally believe that some fast food chains have people coming here to create hype. That's not what 4chan was ever intended for.

While your point is well taken (and has been covered more than a few times), how do you not just completely dismiss mine, but instead throw out a "shame on you"? You apparently didn't even take the time to digest my point and instead took the trolls nonsense posts to be the flavor of what was intended. My intent was clear. It is to point out that creating threads about nothing having to do with "cooking" is the problem. This encompasses the fast food threads AND those threads that have nothing about "cooking" in them other than to say "here is what I am eating". Precisely what does "here is what I am eating" have to do with cooking when the op never even says how it was prepared, why, etc. In fact, it's not even cooking at all. It's just "here is what I am eating".

So for you to suggest this thread was intended to discourage even novice cooks or discourage simple prep from simple ingredients, you are dead wrong. But three threads a day about taking a bag of Ramen noodles and a packet of salt and asking /ck/ what to do with it simply cannot be a request for help. It is just trolling and that's the part you don't seem to understand and it degrades the entire board to the lowest common poster just like it did chasing out the master chef who created a thread here last night.

>> No.3825742

fuck. can't you guys see that most posts here are from a samefagging troll? this isn't even worth arguing over, its quite evident somebody is making callous posts every 4-5 minutes and trying to stir people up. somebody is really getting some kicks and lols right now.

just be chill /ck/ like you always are. this is traditionally a friendly and helpful board, there is no reason for us to get upset. just carry on and ignore these instigators.

>> No.3825741

Here we are complaining about a thread featuring a prepared meal. 80% of the threads on page 1 feature either:

vegans vs. omnivores
fast food vs. haute cuisine
rare vs. well-done

OP's anger is completely misdirected. That being said, I have noticed a complete lack of creativity in posting lately.

>> No.3825749

You'd be wrong. Can't tell you sauce. I'd have to kill you. That would reveal too much about me. Let's just say though that op's issue has been well received by the powers that be and these types of complaints have increased. If you feel the same, don't lurk, let your voice be heard.

Props to op for having the sack to speak up and take a stand in what she believes in whether or not you agree with it, this needed to be said.

>> No.3825752

This >>3825721

>> No.3825753

Holy shit, OP is a complete and utter faggot, and I wish I could IP-block everything he posts henceforth. Honestly you are a worthless poster and /ck/ is about food and cooking. Honestly, go fucking die in a kitchen fire while you prepare your organic specialty shit.

Sincerely, /ck/

>> No.3825757


So you either made it up, or you googled it on one of those dodgy meta-sites.

Your angst is noted. I don't really care about op's constipation problems. I think they sell pills for that but I always found a strong cup of coffee and a cigarette takes care of business.

>> No.3825762


>> No.3825771

You must have weird hours. You are way off base in my experience here.
I also didn't read op's op as being directed to anything other than a generalization. He clearly said "as an example" when pointing to another thread and could've pointed to 20 other threads that were here at that time. It was just one example (and maybe not the best one) but you missed the whole point I think he was trying to make. His pic had a tv dinner (not cooked), he itemized the number "1" problem as "not cooking" and "nothing cooked there" then pointed out that if you are going to do this in a cooking board, maybe you should consider that you might be in the wrong place.

I too am sick of the "here's what I'm eating right now" threads and the "fast food" threads.

If you're not, or if (worse) your one of those that likes it, that's fine and I respect that even though with the latter group I agree they are just trolling and bringing down the entire board. However, to bash op is to kill the messenger and ignore the message and that makes you ignorant. Most who have bashed him clearly haven't read what has been posted in this thread.

It has always been clear that /ck/ is for cooking. Taking issue with the many, many threads on /ck/ that have nothing to do with cooking hardly makes someone a bad guy or a thread worthy of other than respect. The truth is that most of what op has pointed out is how bad things have gotten.

>> No.3825776

By the way, who is the goddamned idiot(s) saying /ck/ doesn't stand for food and cooking?

Is there a 'b' in random, how much significance does 'n' have for transportation, there isn't even a goddamned /d/ in what that board is, so before you use that as an example, please don't be so fucking stupid.

Fuck forgot to sage last post.

Please accept your failure or I will be forced to raid this shit with fast food. FOOD.

>> No.3825778

You are right, /ck/ needs more threads complaining about "the cancer"

>> No.3825782

This perfectly illustrates the cancer. Look at this completely incoherent post. What is expressed about cooking in there? Nothing. Just another troll.
>Holy shit, OP is a complete and utter faggot
>you are a worthless
>go fucking die

Super smart. Articulate. Meaningful or helpful post about cooking, if cooking=trolling.

Sincerely, /ck/

>> No.3825787

Incoherent? Sounds to me like my post was perfectly legible to you. By the way, this entire thread isn't about cooking or food, it's about OP whining.

And I'm not a troll, just raging, my apologies grammar-wiz for dropping a sentence beginning with and, just that I don't give a shit.

I AGREE we need less shit-posts but I just scroll by them, just like everyone scrolls by the ads at the top.

>> No.3825803

I hate it too OP but it's not really against the rules...

It would be like if I told someone on /k/ his post wasn't weapons related because he posted about the 15 dollar wal-mart knife he just bought. As much as I hate the thread and realize it is not really providing anything worthwhile to the board, it's not against the rules, so whatever.

Polite sage because while I agree with you, your thread is even LESS /ck/ related than the one you're complaining about.

>> No.3825820

newfag detected
most of the boards have the letters that precisely match the title of the boards
here, /ck/ is unambiguously for "cooking" hence no "f" in it
the "food" part was explained in the thread at least a couple times earlier and I will not repost that again because if you are unable to read or comprehend it there you are unlikely to be able to read or comprehend it here
the exceptions to where a board does not have letters that match the title of the board evolved for historical or programming reasons, but then being an obnoxious newfag (which I draw from the tone of your post), you wouldn't know that so I'll take the time to enlighten you with just one example:

/b/ actually evolved out of bronies
end of pt. 1

>> No.3825827
File: 129 KB, 625x833, bronies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag detected
pt. 2

/b/ actually evolved out of bronies

a brony is typically a male who is a fan outside the demographic of My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic produced by Studio B (note the "b")
bronies were those who would derail my little pony threads (trolls)
there was a civil war on 4chan long, long ago that involved the bronies taking over boards and the bronies won and had their own board created /b/
that's why you see so many my little ponies in /b/

>> No.3825832

hey retard what about /d/

I applaud you on your massive time wasting post

>> No.3825846

hey, you might want to be careful slinging the "retard" comments around
i think it's pretty clear who you are getting definitive dates of creation and various history lessons from
if you don't care about a permaban, keep throwing that lip

>> No.3825852


Trolling outside of /b/ violates one of the global rules.

>> No.3825863


>Images and discussion should relate to food and cooking.
>Recipes are welcome! Feel free to talk about your favorite dishes and discuss past cooking experiences.


>Created to get "rate me," meetup, report in, and camwhore threads out of /b/.

Just because you don't like the rules doesn't mean you get to redefine them. Moot > you