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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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3822848 No.3822848 [Reply] [Original]


Gotta say, at least they shut the plant down to investigate.

>> No.3822865

good thing I had an in n out burger today

>> No.3822868

That's why I go to 5 Guys

>> No.3822870


good thing they killed the cows anyway

>> No.3822882

If you don't like cruelty to cows, don't eat beef.

>> No.3822894

Hmmm, I've always thought they had their own beef processing plant. Didn't know they used other companies too. At least that's what they keeps saying in their interviews.


>> No.3822901

Treating an animal humanely until you kill ought'nt be difficult.

>> No.3823303


>the group alleged that the company used potentially diseased "downer cows"

Yeah, this goes beyond cruelty into dangerous negligence territory.

>> No.3823308
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Freeloader/looter mentality detected, the job creators don't exist to give you a free ride.

>> No.3823315

Ayn, are you off your meds again?

>> No.3823317

>Eating at fast food

say it with me now

>> No.3823325

What the heck IS that green gloop?

>> No.3823335


A perfectly ordinary infected abscess from a botched antibiotic spinal injection used to prevent cows raised in their own filth from getting infected. I mean the other kind of infected.

Don't worry it's the ok kind of infected. I know because science. If you know the least bit about meat you'll know that it's perfectly ok to eat once you squeeze out all that infected pus and rinse it away. Don't listen to the liberal fear mongering.

>> No.3823340


It's delicious meat sauce.

>> No.3823347

that's pork, but pretty much what this dude said is dead on

>> No.3823348

>egregious, inhumane handling and treatment of livestock
Well of course it's inhumane, they're cows for fucks sake, not humans.

>> No.3823374

But In n out doesn't have beef in their sandwiches. Just salt.

>> No.3823397

unfortunately these practices probably happen more often than you'd care to think about. it isn't just in n out, they were unlucky this time. i'm sure every processing plant that processes inexpensive beef has sunk to these lows many times, they just didn't get caught. i'm not saying what happened is alright and i'm not saying that it doesn't upset me, but it would be naive to focus on this one particular even and not realize that these thing happen all the time with nobody knowing about them.

>> No.3823408
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>tfw when vegetarian

>> No.3823517

This really upsets me. In-N-Out has always been my favorite food joint.

>> No.3823526

Durrrrr fast food is the best hurrrrrrr

just eat it fags don't be liberal fags and think about it durrrrrr

>> No.3823793

> Fucking hipster faggots always ruining everything with their bullshit animal ethics and etc.
Guess what?
In N' Out is one of my favorite restaurants: whenever me and my friends are hanging out and get hungry, we always go to In N' Out, probably the best-tasting burgers you could possibly get anywhere and for ridiculously low prices. A few cows that lead somewhat crappy lives is the natural result, but it's not like its our fault or even In N' Outs that things like this happen.
There is absolutely no difference in the meat in fast food joints and "grass fed, free range" cattle. If you believe otherwise you're just another liberal hipster goon/drone enjoying a prodigious amount of placebo.

> Can any one of you explain why we'd want the cattle to "live healthy lives" if we're just going to slaughter and eat them anyway, and if the only reason they're alive is to support us?
Thought so.
Animals aren't people and don't have souls or feelings, get over it.

>> No.3823826

Where do you get your pastured ground beef from?

>> No.3823835

>Thinks ground beef from other sources is any different.

>> No.3823850


It's amazing how many people believe that crap. Fact is, fast food restaurants, other restaurants, and grocery stores all get their beef from the same sources.

Also, it's funny how the guy making the fries is using a machine to cut them. I'm always told they're "hand-cut".

>> No.3824277


I feel bad for you if you cant taste the difference in a grass fed steak and a bulk value steak.

>> No.3824306

even a broken clock is right twice a day, you get one more victory and then back to the eternal shame of your life choice.

>> No.3824313
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Holy wow, you Americans are so morally bankrupt in your regard to business practices that it's hilarious. Next you'll probably be eating Mexicans because it's "cheap and federally approved".

>> No.3824319

>>3823793 > Can any one of you explain why we'd want the cattle to "live healthy lives" if we're just going to slaughter and eat them anyway, and if the only reason they're alive is to support us?
I can.
Animals (cows/pigs/chickens) that live active lives, out doors, in the sun, eating fresh grass type vegetation growing in the ground, have significantly higher amounts of omega-3s in them than animals raised in battery farming arrangements eating grain feeds.

>> No.3824320

only organic,free-range,grass-fed,christian scientist ones please

>> No.3824321


brb, heading to home depot, getting a day laborer for lunch

>> No.3824322

morals and ethics are for greek philosophers, not businesses.

>> No.3824335

So edgy.

>Animals [...] feelings, get over it.
Yeah they do. Quite sure that sufficiently advanced animals can feel pain and distress from maltreatment. But alright, I'm a 'liberal' 'hipster' (I don't think you know what that word means) goon/drone, and animals don't have feelings, evolution doesn't exist, Obama is a Nazi, and the free market will fix it.

>> No.3824341

and animal stress at the time of slaughter can ruin the quality of the meat.


>> No.3824581

A chain restaurant doing something disgusting? Say it ain't so! This certainly has never happened before. Oh my!

>> No.3824620

I don't care too much about the story. What really bothers me is that a lot of you are blaming this on In-And-Out. Did you not read they immediately cancelled the contract. And they're and not the only ones doing business with this plant.

>> No.3824638

I was just about to post something along the same lines as you. At best, In and Out could have regularly checked the standards of the places where they get their meat but it's not their job. People independent of In and Out are employed to ensure that regulation standards are met.

>> No.3824650

Probably because he eats nothing but processed trash composed of 95% sodium and water added

>> No.3824654

Humans don't have souls either.

Deal with it you deluded Christfag

>> No.3824656

So many many people confuse sentient thought and self-awareness with "feelings". It makes no sense.

>> No.3824683

Go and kick stray dogs to death and ignore their distressed behavior while you're doing it; after all, they have no souls, yeah?

>> No.3824692

>hurr im a close-minded insolent attention whore pls feed me

>> No.3824697

Who gives a fuck about stray dogs? They're overpopulated, they murder endangered species, they spread disease...

The only reason why we haven't started mass killing dogs is because you SURVIVAL OF THE CUTEST faggots won't allow it. They benefit NO ONE, they aren't particularly intelligent, and they just ruin every thing. And the saddest part is, it's OUR fault that they're everywhere. The fact that you cunts won't spay your dogs and then just let the resultant litters just go also contributes heavily to it.

I'm not even being edgy. Stray dogs are shit. Even if you take one to the shelter they'd end up getting euthanized. No one wants them, but no one has the balls besides vets to put them down.

At least focus on something that isn't terrible. How about the Kea parrot, which is both highly intelligent and endangered? How about corvids, which have been demonstrated to possess basic self-awareness and who's population has been on the decline thanks to West Nile Virus and overhunting. How about the hundreds of other species that are going extinct RIGHT NOW across Europe, Australia, and North America thanks to stray dogs, cats, and rabbits? The latter, by the way, got so bad during earlier decades that we had to unleash a fucking virus onto their population across the First World just to keep their numbers in any sort of a reasonable fashion. And, in typical Darwinian fashion, they're starting to rebound.

Stray pets get no respect from me. Wolfaboos are fucking pathetic.

>> No.3824699

>Wah my parents made me go to a secular school ;_;

>> No.3824710

Who gives a shit about the humane treatment of something that's just going to get eaten anyway. You think a bear would worry about you dying peacefully before he eats you? Fuck animals.

>> No.3824733

The only reason we do it is because a calm animal makes the meat less tough and chewy. Obviously an animal seized up in pain is going to have muscles that are tense as fuck.

Otherwise, no one cares besides PETA.

>> No.3824738

i don't like killing vegetables either but i gotta eat

>> No.3824742

Solution: Eat naturally dead humans.

Who are you hurting? They're already dead.

>> No.3824804

I make sure to slap my meat every time I'm cooking. If anything it tastes better afterwards

>> No.3824828

>they eat corn fed beef

oh god, why would you do that?

>> No.3824840


You could just admit that animals can indeed suffer at the hands of maltreatment and disease, and that sane humans want to minimize the amount of suffering of their fellow creature, but instead you have to make a fuss about "souls". If you relish in suffering, I've got news for you.

So fucking edgy.

>> No.3824855


prion disorders

you will go something like rabid

>> No.3824856

>mfw in n out is just school lunch burgers.
California confirmed for betaest of all time.

>> No.3824859


>blah blah being kind to food


likewise the terminally ill die, so why bother?

also you are either an edgy child or a sociopath, which are almost the same thing, and on the internet they are identical

>> No.3824874

>Compassion Over Killing

>> No.3824878

Some people believe that the suffering of non-human animals is morally reprehensible

Some people believe that the suffering of non-human animals is morally neutral

this is an irresolvable, axiological difference

>> No.3824882


Trolling, or just sphincter tickled?

>> No.3825025
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I am not bothered by downer cows one bit. Once we have people getting sick in droves perhaps I will raise and eyebrow.Till then I will have another burger and enjoy my place at the top of the food chain

>> No.3825046

Really don't have to worry about food-borne illness if you cook the food long enough. If you're really terrified, just boil or braise everything you eat.

I would be more concerned about pollution in the matter of the food (veggies and meat) that cannot be cooked out, plastics and whathaveyou that damage, in particular, the male endocrine system.

If you suffer from micropenis, infantilism, infertility, and omission of male secondary sexual characteristics, you may well have various pollutants in your body that you may very well never get rid of.

If you want to learn more, you may want to look up a documentary entitled "The Disappearing Male."

>> No.3825058

As long as In-n-out is still open i dont give a shit

in fact im going to get some after i get out from school

>> No.3825086
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Second. Except after work.

ITT: faggots complaining about bullshit that happens every fucking day so that you can eat.

>> No.3825091

isn't breeding animals just to slaughter them inhumane anyway?

>> No.3825141


>> No.3825427

The story reeks of an inside job by a competing meat company.

>> No.3825441

Is there really people who feel sympathetic twards animals (unless it your fucking pet or somthing?)... is this like an elaborate troll?

y-you better be nice to that cow before you use a railgun to explode it brain and eat its flesh... jesus fuck

>> No.3825442
File: 35 KB, 500x642, 1329299825185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm an East-coaster and have never savored an In-n-Out burger.

>> No.3825471

>mfw I'm an East-coaster and have never savored an In-n-Out burger.

MFW I moved to Las Vegas this year and had my first In-n-Out burger, after having heard about them forever. I dunno what the big deal is. They aren't any better than any other shitty fast-food burger. The fries are worse, flavorless and a little underdone. You're not missing anything.

Also, stop eating fast food.

>> No.3825492

Las Vegas was where I had my first Del-Taco. I don't know why I thought it would be any different from Taco Bell.

>Stop eating fast food

While I still eat it whilst on trips and long drives, I'm not exactly a connoisseur.

>> No.3825495

I remember when Sonic finally opened on the East coast, and it was fucking nothing.

>> No.3825498

OP, making threads like this is still shitposting.

Enjoy your next ban.

Please leave this board, as you've misunderstood it's purpose.

>> No.3825506

When I was in LA one summer, a friend took me to In-n-Out to try it. It's overrated, I didn't think it was that great. I thought Jack-in-the-Box was actually better, and that's not saying much.

>> No.3825509

i dont know why but i dont like the bread in sonics burgers/weiners
shit is just too damn tick, like a shitty russian bread or some shit

>> No.3825564
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I thought the same, but it apparently was all hype. One opened at a relatively high-traffic location in Jersey recently and you would not believe the amount of people it drew in. Dozens of cars lined up every day of the week, I think a police officer directing traffic was severely injured by a patron... All for a shitty burger. I'm no food connoisseur, but holy shit I know mediocrity when I taste it

>> No.3825685
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>>3825441 sympathetic towards animals

Yes, much like my aversion to shutting down government-funded TB clinics is due to my sympathy for homeless drug addicts.


>> No.3825751

>Animals aren't people and don't have souls or feelings, get over it.

lol nice pseudo-religious drivel bro

call me when you get at least a couple degrees

>> No.3825770
File: 79 KB, 676x723, 1332616660262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

☢ you piece of shit, how can you expect anyone to respect you after shitting on us with this garbage thread?

Six years is enough of you.GTFO

>> No.3825777


Haha, that was a great thread. I can't believe someone actually saved that.

>> No.3827865

Why dont you man up and clean this mess you shat on the floor asshole

>> No.3827883

whoaaa, wtf is this in this picture. it looks like hell incarnate. tell me the background and details.

>> No.3827915

I was actually paying respect to in and out, they investigated the issue... I mean they didn't really have a choice I guess in terms of PR but I'm not a vegan. I did a 3 year vegan stint but wasn't trying to make a controversial thread.

It sucks that there are so many posters that focus on politics and dietary choices here (especially now) its a fucking food board.

I post vegan recipies and pulled pork recipies, wtf... Food is food. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I'm on the IRC at night if you want to tear into me.

>> No.3827931

animals feel pain and distress

throw around as much rhetoric as you'd like, but this is still a concrete fact.

>> No.3827939

no no, federal investigators shut the plant down, not in-n-out

>> No.3827956


Not only physical pain, but emotional distress as well.

>> No.3827964

>not buying all of your meat at the local butcher, thus keeping cash in your small town area, and not having to worry about assholes because the meat is all raised by local farmers that still have ethics

>> No.3827968

Well, your meal will certainly be...

In-n-Out of your system quickly.

>> No.3827972
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>doesn't know about the chicken potpie sandwich