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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 174 KB, 640x427, guyfieri_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3821072 No.3821072 [Reply] [Original]

You get to kill one Food Network/Channel star.

Choose wisely, /ck/.

Pic has never been more related.

>> No.3821076

Giadda delorentes.
Death by arugula.

>> No.3821078
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all of my rage

>> No.3821081
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Fool, you could no more kill me than stop death itself.

>> No.3821086
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>> No.3821091
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I honestly would kill her just so her fucking boring as all hell shows stop plaguing my television.

>> No.3821090

i like triple d but he is a bit much i know

>> No.3821094
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>> No.3821096

That woman from Barefoot Contessa.

I don't know why

I just really don't like her.

>> No.3821120

i want guido ferry to drown in hair gel

>> No.3821124

andrew zimmern

>> No.3821131


I kinda want to do hookers and blow with him. I think he would be very fun to do hookers and blow with.

>> No.3821146

That's money!

>> No.3821154

I hate him most of the time, but on the actual show it works

I'd say that Tyler guy, dude gives new meaning to the word smarmy

>> No.3821166

That faggot cupcake guy, or nadia G.

Fuck his show and her fake persona.

>> No.3821171

I agree OP
Him or the judges of cupcake wars Or the judges from god can't remember the show. The one where you must use all the recipes (not grillmasters)

>> No.3821180
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>>3821076 ugly jealous female detected
can i get the cunt in my pic guy fieri and anne burell all in the same room with a grenade?

>> No.3821234

Anne Burell rules. She's half the reason Mario Batali has such a good ICA record.


>> No.3821243

Anne seems so damn egotistical to me.

>Yeah, I got my own show. Fuck you!
>Yeah I beat irvine on chopped. Fuck him and you!
>Can't you tell that I'm a master chef and my word is god? Get out of my face you pleb.

That's how I see her.

>> No.3821250

Why has no one mentioned Sandra Lee?! God that woman perpetually castrates the culinary world with her damn Betty Crocker cooking.

>> No.3821266

that makes her seem more awesome to me, actually. in terms of a Food Network personality, that abrasiveness amuses me.

"Fuck the world, don't ask me for shit. Cause everything you get you got to work hard for it." - Anne Burrell

>> No.3821275

But Nadia is funny.

>> No.3821277


Go to her site try the cinnamon rolls recipe. If you fuck it up (temperamental dough) its cause you suck. If you get it right you'll at least have a better option of her. The best recipe EVER!

>> No.3821292


I don't watch Cupcake Wars, but I've seen the host(???) on his own show. He does magic and he's actually pretty good at it.

Here's an episode he did on food-themed magic:


>> No.3821293
File: 132 KB, 600x473, 1308501241559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy Fieri in the conservatory with a lead pipe

>> No.3821308

Hoping on the Guy Fieri hatewagon.

>> No.3821305

Guy at least makes his show rather interesting by giving it some personality, that's better than some hosts who can only manage to put me to sleep.

>> No.3821312

It's not that he's not a good host, he's definitely good at what he does. But he's a gigantic fucking faggot ass douche in the process.

>> No.3821317

give aids
she dies

>> No.3821323

I can't stand Giada's personality, I mean, I really really can't abide it. But, she's a good cook. Her recipes are very simple, clean and streamlined, with simple, wholesome flavors. And she's easy on the eyes.

There must be others more deserving of death.

>> No.3821325

I just can't fucking stand the way she has to over pronounce EVERYTHING. And how much she moves that goddamn horse mouth of hers when she speaks.

>> No.3821350

yep it's her face and mouth

>> No.3821392

Guy's female doppleganger, whatsherface?

Its her hair. I hate her because of her hair.

The 90s called, that shit's old.

>> No.3821427
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>> No.3821430

Agree with OP. Be tempted to murderate Adam Richman though.

>> No.3821446
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What's so bad about Richman? I think he's perfectly fine for what his shows are.

Personally, I can't stand Conant. Egotistical dickhead who complains about raw onions.

>> No.3821471

Oh god, FUCK that guy, dude.

>> No.3821480


>> No.3821484

actually made me laugh out loud. Good call.

>> No.3821533

Is it just me or does Giada seem so fucking FAKE?

>> No.3821616

Could someone caption Rachel Ray's pic with "It's simple We kill the Batman"?

It's kinda necessary at this point.

>> No.3821725
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Ugh, this one. Incredibly arrogant when judging other people's food, incredibly whiny when cooking herself.

>> No.3821728
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>> No.3821740
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I hate her with a fiery passion.

>> No.3821742

All but Alton and the original cast of iron chef.

>> No.3821746

This. She'll completely trash somebody she doesn't like over minor details and when she does like someone she'll ignore glaring flaws.

>> No.3821749


>/ck/ can't take criticism

>> No.3821763


Can Ted Allen live?

I literally just spent a minute thinking of someone else to save and I couldn't. GG food network.

>> No.3821768 [DELETED] 


Alton, Ted and the beast /diy/ guys from that cupcake wars show. I hate the show but those guys in the plaid shirts are amazing.

>> No.3821772
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Nadia fuckin' G

>> No.3821779 [DELETED] 

Bobby Flay... His eyes bother me

>> No.3821785 [DELETED] 

>still hating on Guy Fieri for no legit reasons other than the way he looks and rumors than he is anti-homo

>> No.3821787 [DELETED] 

>not liking nadia G

Have you even made her food? It's fucking good.

>> No.3821930 [DELETED] 

well if i have to choose one.... hypateticaly i would choose
Per Morberg (swedish cooking program)

because he looks fucking evil which is probably the reason he played a major villan in a swedish sope opera..

I mean he just has one of those faces that make you not wanna turn your back on him...

he just looks like he eat babies in his spare time...
and fools blind women to walk in front of oncomming busses..

he is probably perfecly harmless... and kind to animals.. if they dont run away first...
and well he does hunt so just as well if they do run away...

>> No.3821951
File: 152 KB, 616x462, CCBKN111_Spaghetti-Puttanesca_s4x3_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nadia Giosia's simple and perhaps somewhat inaccurate version of pasta puttanesca is nonetheless planet Earth's finest. This accomplishment alone justifies her existence and fully pardons her for creating some very annoying shows.

That bitch can cook. Oh my god she can cook. Try some of her recipes.

Pic related, it's hers.

>> No.3821985
File: 23 KB, 624x548, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton Brown is the shit, his show was the best thing ever. Learned how to cook tasty stuff and it helped me fall asleep

>> No.3821995

Fucking nasty, disgusting, germridden pennies around your food is sickening.

>> No.3822017

All of them.
I'm not wasting this chance to rid the culinary world of the cancer that is FN

>> No.3822023

that looks amazing, why are you eating your food on a box of coins though?

>> No.3822026
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Anybody but this guy.
He is the shit!

>> No.3822033
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I think /ck/ can't take stupidity and inconsistency. She'll bitch for the whole show if a cook does something that isn't how she does things, and suck dick of the person with the biggest sob story.

Absolutely worthless of a judge, and a person.

>> No.3822037

no mention of bobby flay? god how /ck/ has fallen.

>> No.3822039

Is he even on the Food Network? Thought he stuck with Travel Channel.

>> No.3822043

you are correct sir, he's safe from execution

>> No.3822046
File: 177 KB, 480x360, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't anyone else even remotely rustled that this pseudo-trap doesn't even wear dressing on the show?

>> No.3822050

sandra lee, a million times I wish she's dead everytime I wake up for a new day

ps: alex has funny facial expressions. in fact, all of the arrogant annoying chopped judges are great because they sound like they think they're kings half the time. I would never hope they die. especially not aa~~r~r~ron

also guy-san is being ironic isn't he? it's an ongoing comedy bit for him to dress like that and say winner dinner chicken money and what have you

>> No.3822053


also brian boitano. that dude's fucking boring

>> No.3822054

Burrell has an abrasive, and kind of nasty personality. She tries to hide it by being bubbly sometimes but overall I think she's a cunt.

Alex whatever from Chopped is a picky bitch, she has the face of an ugly dog.

Aarrrrron Sanchez is this big 'I'm a Mexican etc beans beans queso fresco' bullshit. He was born in Texas, he needs to climb off his semi high burro.

Conant is a whiny turd. Oh no, raw onions. Even bigger oh no, raw RED onions. Man up dude, you eat some nasty shit from those baskets and raw onions make you cringe.

Alton needs to gain some weight. He's gotten really frighteningly hollow cheeked, his eyes are sunken and because of that, he scares me.

Steingarten has a whiny nasal voice, so he can go as well.

So I guess anyone from this list for now.

>> No.3822056

Everytime I see her smile with those huge fucking teeth and do that fucking claw motion EVERYTIME something is sweet or crunchy or tangy or whathave you, I think of a raptor. I think she's a raptor and wants to bite my dick off and eviscerate me and cook my innards with shit tier pesto

>> No.3822069
File: 246 KB, 480x360, citizenkaneclap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Most retarded show ever; Amerifat eats food while Americlaps clap and cheer him on…

>> No.3822077


Ok, so I hate to admit this but there is a disproportionate amount of unnecessary clapping in the show and some times...I clap too.

>> No.3822083

As an Americlap, the amount of forced clapping and cheering on that show makes me cringe hard.

>> No.3822084

Alton Brown. So I can absorb his powers.

>> No.3822098

ALL the chopped judges! ALL of my rage!

ctrl+f bobby flay
1 found

>> No.3822103

i covered a few shifts at tex wasabi (one of guy fieri's restaurants) when it first opened. i told him that every time he makes a steak sushi roll, a sushi chef cries

>> No.3822126


he only won because of a "salad"
>dats right nukka tossed alton's brown salad

one some shit, his bright red lips are unsettling.

>> No.3822146

So, here it goes:

-Giada: Over pronunciation of Italian foods. Thinks everything she does is authentic. Hate her fake ass smile. Doesn't let her guests add anything to their segment, constantly overrides everyone's opinions. Bobble head ass. ANNOYING AS FUCK.

-Sandra Lee: Disgusting recipes. Don't believe? Look at the comments left on the FN website under her recipes. Horrid 99cent table-scapes that as tacky as they are are still higher in quality than the "food" she produces. Alcoholic using FN money and time to get her drink on. Dat godawful facelift. Complete fail.

-Pioneer Woman: Why is this bitch even there? She just makes leftovers 99% of the time and constantly creams herself when mentioning her redneck husband and family. Isn't even from the country and plays it up. Isn't a fucking pioneer by any sense. Made a disgusting spaghetti, cheese and chicken casserole which looked like babby's first meal. Passionless delivery. Can't stand her.

-Sonny Anderson: Shitty show. Tries to be a cross between Rachel Ray and Paula Deen all while failing miserably. Constantly tries to pass off disgusting, burnt food off as normal. Was caught smoking weed and peeing in public during an after party for Hot 97. Stay classy nigress.


>> No.3822149

-Ina Garten (BareFAT Cuntessa): Uppity Hamptons snob. Constantly has to talk about "good" olive oil. Thinks her way is the best and only way, despite what her friends want. Makes typical American comfort foods with expensive ingredients to try to pass off as gourmet. Constantly talking about Jeffry, who is clearly cheating on her with her best friend Miguel. Her haircut is obnoxious.

-Emeril Legasse: Talks so much over his food that it has to be filled with spit. Completely disgusting. Thinks being a loud guido will make his food magically taste better.

-Guy Fieri: Do I really need to explain?

-The Nealys: Fucking sick and tired of their sexual cooking, baby this baby that. STFU.

-Rachel Ray: Her food has consistently gotten worse to the point where her "personality" doesn't cut it. Always has a cold or something because her voice sounds raspy as fuck every fucking time. I can always expect shit-tier food from this bitch.

-Cupcake wars: WHY THE FUCK IS THIS EVEN ON? It's always a display of fat hipster lesbian cunts, fags, or soccer moms. All of my hate.

I feel like I am missing some, but yeah.

>> No.3822152


why do you even watch so many cooking shows if you hate everyone?

>> No.3822159

If he didn't watch them then he'd have to find something else to bitch about.

>> No.3822160


I think Alton might have a condition.

It scares me that it might kill him. He's such a good cook and person.

>> No.3822165


Honestly, I didn't start hating them immediately. I gave all of these people a decent chance, (2 weeks roughly), but it became a pattern. From time to time flipping channels lands me on FN and one of these is on, rekindling muh hate. I only watch Chopped, Iron Chef and Restaurant Impossible now.

>Chopped judges tend to rustle my jimmies from time to time. I laugh at Ted Allen's desperate desire to be a judge on Chopped, has been adding his 2 cents more often when his opinion clearly doesn't count for shit. I would fuck Zakarian though, not even lying.

>> No.3822171


OMG this. Ted Allen is just a foodie wanting to get in on that tasting action. I get so mad when he tries to undermine the judges' opinions. I hate Alex, but I wish she would be a cunt to him for trying to judge.

>> No.3822177

HAHHAH Ina Garten makes me go apeshit, i hate her so much, but she cook's good food.


>good god, zakarian is a fucking silver fox, i also would rail him out

>> No.3822186


Ted Allen is the fucking host. He fulfills the role of host. He keeps perspective, and he offers information for the benefit of the viewer, or prompts the judges to give information instead to prevent the monotony of one person always lecturing on everything.

I swear to god /ck/ gets so fucking buttmad about the stupidest shit on tv.

>> No.3822188
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such a sexy man...

>> No.3822191


I understand he is the host. But the judges will explain their shit and yet he always has to say something.

> Judge: I thought they overcooked the steak
> TA: Maybe, b-but the plate size they u-used made it look p-pretty!

Fuck him.

>> No.3822201


That's the "keeps perspective" part. In the cartoonish scenario you described, they've addressed technique (which is part of the judging criteria), and he prompts them to address presentation (which is also part of the judging criteria).

He's a good host, and you're a dick, determined to hate.

>> No.3822207


>hurr i dun agree wif ur ururniurns!!!
>muh ted allen

yeah, i still think he sucks.

>> No.3822208

I dunno what show you're watching, but in Chopped, he actually comments rather seldom. He'll point out something about a contender that hasn't already been pointed out like once every five shows, if that.

On a related topic, they always prep four plates of each dish in Chopped, I always just assumed the fourth was for Ted, though no one is ever pictured on camera eating it.

>> No.3822211

It's for photographing while they eat (I presume), and for potentially putting under the lid.

>> No.3822212

it's for the chopped plate, the dish under the metal thing they lift up (can't remember what it's called) that reveals who is chopped is the fourth plate

>> No.3822213

Ah, damn, right.

How did I never realize that? Guess poor Teds sol then.

>> No.3822256

Ted's put on some weight since the start of the show. I think laying off the Chopped dished would do good for him.

>> No.3822277
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You fool! You missed your chance to terminate him!!!

>> No.3822284


Didn't he lose a bunch of weight over the last few years? Like, on purpose, not because of a condition or whatever.

>> No.3822337


he has the look of someone who starves themselves. When men do this you burn muscle incredibly quickly an get that hollow emaciated look.

bulking then cutting is the only way if your a dude. women can go fullanarexic but when men do it it looks fucking weird as shit.

>> No.3822357

gb2 /fit/